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Players join as members of either of the two main factions -- the
Galactic Republic and the
Sith Empire. Although each faction is led by a benevolent or malevolent leader, it is emphasized that an individual member may possess a morality at any
point along the light/dark spectrum.
The project's key focus is to differentiate between the player's faction and morality. For instance, a member with ties to the Galactic Republic may belong to the
Dark Side while attempting to achieve their own ends, which may be misaligned or dissimilar from the
Republic's vision.
Player advancement occurs by a combination of mission completion, exploration, and defeating enemies. New skills, unlocked by level, are taught by trainers and can be learned in game at a multitude of locations. Heroic missions exist that require the cooperation of multiple players to complete objectives, and can be repeated normally on a daily basis While each class in
The Old Republic favors a certain play style (ranged/melee damage, healing or support skills, or tanking), customization combined with companion characters allow for a class to be able to tackle many different situations, with or without the support of other player characters, and without requiring specific other classes in order to move forward. A view of the conversation wheel with a dark side response highlighted Players' choices permanently open or close storylines and affect players' non-player character (
NPC) companions. It is intended that the game should provide more context for characters' missions than any previous
MMORPG. Every character in the game, including the player character, features full voice dialog to enhance gameplay, and interactions feature a dialogue system similar to that used in the
Mass Effect series. Players are able to choose from a variety of
NPCs, although spending time with a single companion will help more in developing story and content than dividing time among several, and may even develop a love interest. It is possible for players to "blow it big time" if they fail to meet NPCs' expectations. Players also have access to several planets, including Korriban, Ord Mantell, Nal Hutta, Tython, Coruscant, Balmorra, Alderaan, Tatooine,
Dromund Kaas, Taris, Belsavis,
Voss, Hoth, Corellia, Ilum and Quesh, and the moon Nar Shaddaa.
- published: 02 Aug 2014
- views: 1349