A federal judge based in San Francisco, Calif. ruled last week two Starbucks customers may pursue a lawsuit accusing the coffee chain of cheating patrons by underselling lattes, Reuters reported.U.S.District JudgeSheltonHenderson said the California plaintiffs may seek damages from Starbucks in their proposed nationwide class action, including fraud and false advertising charges....
Ahead of the release of a new iPhone from Apple, there’s a good deal of speculation around exactly what form the new phone will take, along with both what features Apple will add and remove. Undeniably, one of the most speculated changes to the new iPhone 7 is the Apple’s decision to remove the dedicated headphone jack ... — BGR.com (@BGR) June 21, 2016 ... RELATED STORIES ON INQUISITR.. New iPhone 7 Release DateRumors....
A Pakistani man whose girlfriend threw acid on him when he spurned marrying her has died of his wounds at a local hospital, The Associated Press reported.Police official Bashir Ahmed says the man, Sadaqat Ali died at a government hospital located in the city of Multan, a central Punjab province early Tuesday ... She was arrested by police hours after the attack and has now been charged with murder in the incident....
WASHINGTON (AP) - Donald Trump acknowledged Tuesday that he was struggling to rally fellow Republicans after new reports show him badly lagging Hillary Clinton in campaign cash. Reports released Monday showed Trump's campaign started June with $1.3 million in the bank, compared with $42 million for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton ... "I'm not looking to spend a billion dollars ... I spent $55 million in the primaries ... __ ... ....
Generally speaking, there are two main types of funerals. Those where the corpse is buried in a coffin and placed underground, or those where the body is cremated and the ashes are buried, kept, or scattered. Although there are some less conventional ways of burying a lost one – including turning them into a tree – a small town southwest of Ottawa, Canada, has just opted for what is perhaps the most controversial ... ....
(Source... 06/21/2016 ... The senior Huckaby ended his coaching career at A-State with a record of 183-44-1 that includes a DivisionII record of 156-41 and a Division 1 mark of 27-3-1 ... His team successes include a Division II plate national championship in 2000, runner-up finishes in the Division II national championship in 2001, 2004 and 2006, and Elite Eight finalist every season except one (2005) in the National DivisionII Championship....
Anoka HennepinISD 11. Supervise technical support staff who are responsible for providing level I, level II, and level III support services from...Minneapolis ... ....
The maximum net proceeds from the Subscription and the Placing (after deducting related expenses) are estimated to be approximately HK$163,000,000 and the Company intends to use such proceeds as to (i) approximately 80% for funding the capital expenditure on environment projects of the Group in the PRC; and (ii) approximately 20% as general working capital of the Group....
(Source. ALPA - Air Line Pilots Association). Release #. 16.22. Date. June 21, 2016 ... The current recommendations provide guidance for Part 705 carriers to implement new flight- and duty-time regulations within one year after publication in GazetteII in the Fall of 2017. However, for other commercial air carriers classified in Parts 704 and 703, operators will have up to four years after publication in Gazette II for final implementation....
But it was Carter who led the first generation as "Wonder Woman", the Amazonian warrior princess that's on the side of right and might for the red-white-blue USA against evil forces that ranged from Nazis in World War II to modern-day terrorism, organized crime, and corporate greed ... ....
NAIROBI, Kenya — Religious leaders and humanitarian activists are urging the government to treat the mostly Muslim Somali migrants who are facing expulsion from the Dadaab refugee camp with dignity. The camp, one of the world’s largest, will be shut down this year, the government announced last month ... report that finds the number of displaced people around the world reached 65 million, the highest since World War II....