- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 6061
Aviva Community Fund 2011
Aviva Community Fund 2016
Naifu Community Fund Final Results
Northeast Community Fund Building Campaign
Tesco Community Fund - Bellurgan FC, Co.Louth
PCF (Philippine Community Fund) video
Killer Instinct Community Fund
The Aviva Community Fund in action
The Aviva Community Fund In Action
Aviva Community Fund Winners 2015
2011 marks year three of the Aviva Community Fund -- and we're offering another $1 million to lead, empower and support community initiatives across the country. Whether it's a project that will help get at-risk youth off the street and back into schools or other ways to extend a helping hand to those in need, the Aviva Community Fund enables all Canadians to not only submit a cause but also become actively involved in making change happen. ----- L'année 2011 marque la troisième édition du Fonds communautaire Aviva et, de nouveau, nous offrons 1 000 000 $ pour soutenir des initiatives communautaires au Canada. Qu'il s'agisse d'un projet qui contribuera à sortir des jeunes à risque de la rue et à les encourager à retourner aux études, ou d'autres façons de venir en aide aux gens dans le b...
I ran a stream a few weeks back to help Komorikiri get to EVO with a goal of 800 dollars. It was planned ot be a one day thing but we hit the goal in 17 minutes. So I decided to take any donations I got over the next 7 days to help others who were having issues getting to EVO and make the event even more hype! We reached just over 4000 dollars so we were able to help more players! Thanks to all who watched, shared and donated! Subscribe, comment and like!
The Northeast Community Fund provides multiple services to those in need in the Decatur community. From food baskets, to clothing, to financial and family services, the NECF has grown along with the need. They are looking to expand with a new building and have launched a Capital campaign to raise the funds necessary to accomplish the goal. This video is a glimpse into what NECF does.
For the players of Bellurgan FC in Dundalk, Co. Louth, their biggest rivals can be found off the pitch. Its members range in age from seven-years-old to their over 60s and the football club really relies on community support to help with their running costs. However, it is situated in a GAA stronghold and while Coach Neil Clynch feels that the local sporting competition really benefits the community, he admits that it’s difficult to raise money when there are so many competing worthy causes, so some innovative thinking was required. For regular income, the club started a local lotto draw to boost their coffers but other, bigger clubs had a similar idea. That was when one of their members asked if there was enough funding to advertise the local lotto so that passers-by could get involved. ...
It’s Tournament Season and we are Ultra excited to have Killer Instinct featured at EVO again this year! Killer Instinct would not be possible without your passion – you’re the fans and community that keep our game alive and growing. In order to make this tournament season as exciting as possible, the KI team has a special announcement to make: From the day Cinder launches at the end of April, for a period of 2 weeks, we will be donating 100% of all proceeds from KI to a Fighting Game Community Fund up to $100,000 USD. This Community Fund will go directly to enhancing tournament prizes for EVO and other Fighting Game Community events in 2015 - 2016.
Now in its second year, the Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for the causes close to your heart. Get involved at aviva.co.uk/community-fund
What would it take to make a real difference in your community? Visit http://bit.ly/1AuK3AF The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding to the causes close to your heart. Put forward a project idea that will improve your community and it could receive funding of up to £25,000. This inspiring film by Heidi Greensmith, shot entirely on a smartphone shows how three groups; Uist and Barra Junior Football Club, Battersea Summer Scheme and Lighthouse, have benefited from previous Aviva support and funding. To see the other films visit: Lighthouse charity, Belfast http://youtu.be/6v6QJy5A7dg Uist and Barra football team http://youtu.be/ddU0BpcqYms
Aviva Canada, one of the country’s leading providers of home, auto, leisure/lifestyle and business insurance, is pleased to announce the 15 grand prize winners of the $1,000,000 Aviva Community Fund.
The sixth in our series of videos from the 2016 Henry Awards brings you the presentation of the Colorado Theatre Guild's first Community Impact Award to the Denver Actors Fund, a nonprofit tha has made more than $55,000 available to local artists in situational medical need. Presenting the ward were Daniel Langhoff and Rebecca Joseph, parents of a newborn who received DAF assistance when Langhoff was diagnosed with cancer. Accepting is DAF President Will Barnette. The Henry Awards were held on July 18, 2016, at the PACE Center in Parker. Videos by John Moore for the DCPA NewsCenter.
Established in 2015, the Community Hostelling Fund expands awareness of and access to the transformative power of travel. The Community Hostelling Fund also connects HI USA more closely with the local community, inviting local participation with our organization and mission.
Please vote for our idea in the AVIVA Community Fund competition....Help us realize the dream of completing the Buffalo Park Centre and Regional Archives. www.avivacommunityfund.org. voting begins on October 11th and ends on October 28th.
The story of Jane Walker MBE and her charity the Purple Community Fund, previously the Philippine Community Fund.
An update on PCF, how the school and social enterprise programs are developing.
This year Cairn celebrated 25 years as an independent organisation. To celebrate we've made a short film showcasing just a few of the fantastic community projects we supported this year.
Some of the more outspoken members of the Killer Instinct community have gotten together to discuss the newly announced Killer Instinct community fund for tournaments. Follow My Live Streams http://www.twitch.tv/GamerLCD Follow Me on Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/CrazyLCD
Leicester City registered Charity - Bongabi CIG fund raising event football match organised on 6th August 2016 between four local community veterans clubs; Cameroon Veterans Association Leicester (CAVAL) FC, AmicalFC (Birmingham), Holy Moses FC (Birmingham) and Titanic FC (Birmingham). Watch the community spirit as these veterans play elegant football to raise money to support less privileged children in Africa (Cameroon) and young stars in deprived communities in the City of Leicester. The group current run an after school tuition classes around the new parks area in the city. These activities are highly dependent on public fundings. Your donations will make a massive difference in the lives of these young under privileged childre. A thanks you to the adminstration of Music for Sport for ...
Listen again to our launch call from 8th September 2016. Aviva hosts Tracie Nemeth and Karen Jackman talk through everything you need to know about the competition and entering your project this year.
The November 2014 B.E.E.R. luncheon featured Randy Shaver from KARE 11 speaking about the Randy Shaver Cancer Research & Community Fund. The Fund has raised almost $5,000,000 for cancer research and patient aid in Minnesota since it was formed in 2003. Randy’s focus on cancer research and the Minnesota cancer community became intensely personal when he was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s Disease. Now a Hodgkin’s survivor, Randy’s treatment and remission have made him even more passionate about finding a cure. Our B.E.E.R. program includes the Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield Chambers of Commerce.