Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tunnel. De har en grevling i taket. De synger og spiller og småkjekler om det meste. Alt er som det pleier for disse to bekymringsløse trubadurene, inntil en ung dame plutselig faller av toget – inne i deres tunnel!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin kommer på kino høsten 2015!
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til bl.a John Brungot, Hermann Sabado, Siri Nilsen, Frank Kjosås, Finn Schau, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Sondre Lerche, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Bjørn Sundquist, Marie Blokhus, Niklas Gundersen, Maj Britt Andersen og Eldar Vågan
Finn ut mer på Facebook:
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og Ludvigsen synger kanskje kommer kongen.
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen, vista desde mi casa, el día 8 de septiembre de 2006. Sestao Knutsen ship's launching, as seen from my home, on september 8...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer enn fotball" Vist på NRK i 1998
Foruten Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen & Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen deltar også:
Eldar Vågan - Gitar, Kor
Øystein Sunde - Gitar, Kor
Arnulf "Høggar'n" Paulsen - Kor
Kari Gjærum - Kor
Viggo Sandvik - Kor
Thor Andreassen - Trommer
Eigil Berg - Piano
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Fantastisk video med Knutsen & Ludvigsen som synger "Hallo Hallo". Innslaget ble vist på Halvsju i 1980.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Arild Knutsen, leder i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk og Pål-Ørjan Johansen, EmmaSofie-stiftelsen.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen er også styremedlem i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk.
Møtet ble ledet av Anniken Karlyme Wullum.
Filmet av Ole Magnus Kinapel.
Emma Sofia:
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Live from "Dugnad for Haiti" 24.Jan. - 2010 NRK 1
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som sprer seg i fra magen Sku' tro vi hadde spist igjen Nå skal drømmene få...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
PS: Denne filmen er dedikert til Gustav Lorentzen :)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "God Morgen, Norge" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Greving i taket fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
Opptak fra 1972.
Vist på NRK 04.12.2010
Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010.
For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigsen, sjekk ut CD/DVD-pakken Knutsen & Ludvigsens Beste!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tunnel. De har en grevling i taket. De synger og spiller og småkjekler om det meste. Alt er som det pleier for disse to bekymringsløse trubadurene, inntil en ung dame plutselig faller av toget – inne i deres tunnel!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin kommer på kino høsten 2015!
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til bl.a John Brungot, Hermann Sabado, Siri Nilsen, Frank Kjosås, Finn Schau, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Sondre Lerche, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Bjørn Sundquist, Marie Blokhus, Niklas Gundersen, Maj Britt Andersen og Eldar Vågan
Finn ut mer på Facebook:
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og Ludvigsen synger kanskje kommer kongen.
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen/Sestao Knutsen ship's launching
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen, vista desde mi casa, el día 8 de septiembre de 2006. Sestao Knutsen ship's launching, as seen from my home, on september 8...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer enn fotball" Vist på NRK i 1998
Foruten Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen & Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen deltar også:
Eldar Vågan - Gitar, Kor
Øystein Sunde - Gitar, Kor
Arnulf "Høggar'n" Paulsen - Kor
Kari Gjærum - Kor
Viggo Sandvik - Kor
Thor Andreassen - Trommer
Eigil Berg - Piano
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Fantastisk video med Knutsen & Ludvigsen som synger "Hallo Hallo". Innslaget ble vist på Halvsju i 1980.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Arild Knutsen, leder i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk og Pål-Ørjan Johansen, EmmaSofie-stiftelsen.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen er også styremedlem i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk.
Møtet ble ledet av Anniken Karlyme Wullum.
Filmet av Ole Magnus Kinapel.
Emma Sofia:
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Live from "Dugnad for Haiti" 24.Jan. - 2010 NRK 1
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som sprer seg i fra magen Sku' tro vi hadde spist igjen Nå skal drømmene få...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
PS: Denne filmen er dedikert til Gustav Lorentzen :)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "God Morgen, Norge" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Greving i taket fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
Opptak fra 1972.
Vist på NRK 04.12.2010
Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010.
For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigsen, sjekk ut CD/DVD-pakken Knutsen & Ludvigsens Beste!
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - God Morgen Norge
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - God Morgen Norge
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - God Morgen Norge
God Morgen Norge fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
KNUTSEN & LUDVIGSEN - Grevling I Taket - 1997
KNUTSEN & LUDVIGSEN - Grevling I Taket - 1997
KNUTSEN & LUDVIGSEN - Grevling I Taket - 1997
Rosenborg Studios 1997. Knutsen & Ludvigsen med Pete Knutsen, Øystein Sunde, Vazelina Bilopphøggers, Eigil Berg (New Jordal Swingers), Lasse Hafreager, Kari ...
Dum og deilig-knutsen og ludviksen
Dum og deilig-knutsen og ludviksen
Dum og deilig-knutsen og ludviksen
knutsen og ludviksen dum og deilig nice song :) hope you enjoy.
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Eventyret Om En Melodi
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Eventyret Om En Melodi
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Eventyret Om En Melodi
Eventyret om en melodi fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
Dagsrevyen: Ukens lørdagsgjest er Arild Knutsen
Dagsrevyen: Ukens lørdagsgjest er Arild Knutsen
Dagsrevyen: Ukens lørdagsgjest er Arild Knutsen
Arild Knutsen og Line Huldra intervjues om tilværelsen på behandlingsinstitusjon, for rusproblemer. Arild sprakk etter 17 år uten rusproblemer. NRK Dagsrevyen 03. januar 2015.
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Matpakkespisevise (1970)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Matpakkespisevise (1970)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Matpakkespisevise (1970)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen (Øystein Dolmen og Gustav Lorentzen) med Jan Tro anno 1970. Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010. For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigse...
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Kristiansunds Nasjonalsang
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Kristiansunds Nasjonalsang
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Kristiansunds Nasjonalsang
Kristiansunds Nasjonalsang fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
25. september inntar Knutsen & Ludvigsen kinolerretet!
25. september inntar Knutsen & Ludvigsen kinolerretet!
25. september inntar Knutsen & Ludvigsen kinolerretet!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» ser du på kino fra 25. september. Billetter:
Klipp og annen moro på
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Ku i Tunnelen
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Ku i Tunnelen
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Ku i Tunnelen
Ku i tunnelen fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tunnel. De har en grevling i taket. De synger og spiller og småkjekler om det meste. Alt er som det pleier for disse to bekymringsløse trubadurene, inntil en ung dame plutselig faller av toget – inne i deres tunnel!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin kommer på kino høsten 2015!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tunnel. De har en grevling i taket. De synger og spiller og småkjekler om det meste. Alt er som det pleier for disse to bekymringsløse trubadurene, inntil en ung dame plutselig faller av toget – inne i deres tunnel!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin kommer på kino høsten 2015!
published:04 Dec 2014
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til bl.a John Brungot, Hermann Sabado, Siri Nilsen, Frank Kjosås, Finn Schau, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Sondre Lerche, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Bjørn Sundquist, Marie Blokhus, Niklas Gundersen, Maj Britt Andersen og Eldar Vågan
Finn ut mer på Facebook:
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til bl.a John Brungot, Hermann Sabado, Siri Nilsen, Frank Kjosås, Finn Schau, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Sondre Lerche, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Bjørn Sundquist, Marie Blokhus, Niklas Gundersen, Maj Britt Andersen og Eldar Vågan
Finn ut mer på Facebook:
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen, vista desde mi casa, el día 8 de septiembre de 2006. Sestao Knutsen ship's launching, as seen from my home, on september 8...
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen, vista desde mi casa, el día 8 de septiembre de 2006. Sestao Knutsen ship's launching, as seen from my home, on september 8...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer enn fotball" Vist på NRK i 1998
Foruten Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen & Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen deltar også:
Eldar Vågan - Gitar, Kor
Øystein Sunde - Gitar, Kor
Arnulf "Høggar'n" Paulsen - Kor
Kari Gjærum - Kor
Viggo Sandvik - Kor
Thor Andreassen - Trommer
Eigil Berg - Piano
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer enn fotball" Vist på NRK i 1998
Foruten Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen & Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen deltar også:
Eldar Vågan - Gitar, Kor
Øystein Sunde - Gitar, Kor
Arnulf "Høggar'n" Paulsen - Kor
Kari Gjærum - Kor
Viggo Sandvik - Kor
Thor Andreassen - Trommer
Eigil Berg - Piano
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Arild Knutsen, leder i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk og Pål-Ørjan Johansen, EmmaSofie-stiftelsen.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen er også styremedlem i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk.
Møtet ble ledet av Anniken Karlyme Wullum.
Filmet av Ole Magnus Kinapel.
Emma Sofia:
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Arild Knutsen, leder i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk og Pål-Ørjan Johansen, EmmaSofie-stiftelsen.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen er også styremedlem i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk.
Møtet ble ledet av Anniken Karlyme Wullum.
Filmet av Ole Magnus Kinapel.
Emma Sofia:
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som sprer seg i fra magen Sku' tro vi hadde spist igjen Nå skal drømmene få...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som sprer seg i fra magen Sku' tro vi hadde spist igjen Nå skal drømmene få...
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
PS: Denne filmen er dedikert til Gustav Lorentzen :)
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
PS: Denne filmen er dedikert til Gustav Lorentzen :)
Opptak fra 1972.
Vist på NRK 04.12.2010
Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010.
For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigsen, sjekk ut CD/DVD-pakken Knutsen & Ludvigsens Beste!
Opptak fra 1972.
Vist på NRK 04.12.2010
Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010.
For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigsen, sjekk ut CD/DVD-pakken Knutsen & Ludvigsens Beste!
Rosenborg Studios 1997. Knutsen & Ludvigsen med Pete Knutsen, Øystein Sunde, Vazelina Bilopphøggers, Eigil Berg (New Jordal Swingers), Lasse Hafreager, Kari ...
Rosenborg Studios 1997. Knutsen & Ludvigsen med Pete Knutsen, Øystein Sunde, Vazelina Bilopphøggers, Eigil Berg (New Jordal Swingers), Lasse Hafreager, Kari ...
Arild Knutsen og Line Huldra intervjues om tilværelsen på behandlingsinstitusjon, for rusproblemer. Arild sprakk etter 17 år uten rusproblemer. NRK Dagsrevyen 03. januar 2015.
Arild Knutsen og Line Huldra intervjues om tilværelsen på behandlingsinstitusjon, for rusproblemer. Arild sprakk etter 17 år uten rusproblemer. NRK Dagsrevyen 03. januar 2015.
Knutsen & Ludvigsen (Øystein Dolmen og Gustav Lorentzen) med Jan Tro anno 1970. Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010. For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigse...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen (Øystein Dolmen og Gustav Lorentzen) med Jan Tro anno 1970. Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010. For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigse...
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» ser du på kino fra 25. september. Billetter:
Klipp og annen moro på
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» ser du på kino fra 25. september. Billetter:
Klipp og annen moro på
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
This interview was conducted by Video Productions and Media Studies student Mike Zmija during halftime of the PCC Championship game with the Athletic Director of Boone Grove High School Mr. Doug Knutsen
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
SBS reporter Brian Thomson sat down with Danish actress Sidse Babett Knudsen star of hit TV show Borgen.
Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
SAFETY4SEA interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Project Manager, Knutsen Technology at Posidonia 2014, June 2-6, Metropolitan Expo, Athens
Visit official website
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir - Interview de Sidse Babett Knudsen
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir - Interview de Sidse Babett Knudsen
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir - Interview de Sidse Babett Knudsen
Sidse Babett Knudsen alias Birgitte Nyborg dans "Borgen, une femme au pouvoir" évoque son travail avec Adam Price, ses personnages préférés et sa vision de l...
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
BBC NEWSNIGHT Borgen's Sidse Babett Knudsen on why the world fell in love with Danish politics
BBC NEWSNIGHT Borgen's Sidse Babett Knudsen on why the world fell in love with Danish politics
BBC NEWSNIGHT Borgen's Sidse Babett Knudsen on why the world fell in love with Danish politics
Actress who plays Birgitte Nyborg in the cult show talks to Kirsty Wark about how she reshaped the character and why her runaway husband was "a wuss".
Moddi - Interview
Moddi - Interview
Moddi - Interview
Pål Moddi Knutsen is interviewed by Melchior Huurdeman in Bimhuis Amsterdam for Vrije Geluiden
Chris Knutsen Gets a Brand from the Branding Guru Bruce Buffer
Chris Knutsen Gets a Brand from the Branding Guru Bruce Buffer
Chris Knutsen Gets a Brand from the Branding Guru Bruce Buffer
Chris Knutsen interview with Bruce Buffer. How to transition an existing Brand to a new endeavor. Bruce gives Chris an Outstanding intro as a Real Estate Inv...
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards Nancy Knutsen honored at the 2015 ASCAP Film & TV Music Awards in Los Angeles
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived in Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the big Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singin
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 3
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 3
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 3
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehears...
AGNETHA FALTSKOG On SKAVLAN SWEDISH TV Interview March 2013 (COMPLETE AGNETHA Interview ) Skavlan The former ABBA singer Agnetha Fältskog will Skavlan. There...
Bob Marley - Zimbabwe - live at Deeside + rare interview.
Bob Marley - Zimbabwe - live at Deeside + rare interview.
Bob Marley - Zimbabwe - live at Deeside + rare interview.
Bob Marley & The Wailers live at Deeside Leisure Centre, Wales. Performing: Zimbabwe. July 12, 1980. Bob was to play just six more concerts. Tourdates: http:...
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 1
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 1
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 1
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 2
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 2
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 2
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, September 16.
There exist video clips on youtube of Bob rehearsing earlier this very day. "Last rehearsal". Amongst many other songs, he sings "Bass is heavy" a song that never made it to the records.
Bob Marley collapsed while jogging in Central Park, New York. September 21. Just one week after this. Bob Marley had cancer.
At this radio program listeners call them on the phone and speak with Bob Marley himself.
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 3
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 3
Bob Marley interview Steve Gilbert part 3
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
Moddi Interview and songs for It's All Happening at Great Escape Festival 2011
Moddi Interview and songs for It's All Happening at Great Escape Festival 2011
Moddi Interview and songs for It's All Happening at Great Escape Festival 2011
Pål Moddi Knutsen AKA Moddi performs two songs and answers questions for It's All Happening zine on Brighton beach in front of the pier. Video was taken at The Great Escape Festival 2011.
Moddi - Kæm va du? (interview)
Moddi - Kæm va du? (interview)
Moddi - Kæm va du? (interview)
Pål Moddi Knutsen speaks about the lyrics on the upcoming album "Kæm va du?". Video made by Jørgen Nordby.
"Kæm va du?" is out in Norway on October 11th 2013.
Hans Knutsen from Volvo at CrossKnowledge Vision & Leadership Summit 2009
Hans Knutsen from Volvo at CrossKnowledge Vision & Leadership Summit 2009
Hans Knutsen from Volvo at CrossKnowledge Vision & Leadership Summit 2009
Interview of Hans Knutsen during the 1st Pan-European Vision & Leadership Summit organised by CrossKnowledge in Brussels on January 27th, 2009. Mr. Hans Knut...
human right to use LSD, interview with Teri Krebs (Huffington Post Live, 5 May 2015)
human right to use LSD, interview with Teri Krebs (Huffington Post Live, 5 May 2015)
human right to use LSD, interview with Teri Krebs (Huffington Post Live, 5 May 2015)
EmmaSofia co-founder Teri Krebs interviewed about psychedelics and human rights on Huffington Post Live. From 5 May 2015, same day as EmmaSofia was featured on the frontpage of the New York Times: "LSD is O.K."
Agnetha Fältskog Interview | ABBA | Skavlan
Agnetha Fältskog Interview | ABBA | Skavlan
Agnetha Fältskog Interview | ABBA | Skavlan
More Skavlan
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
This interview was conducted by Video Productions and Media Studies student Mike Zmija during halftime of the PCC Championship game with the Athletic Director of Boone Grove High School Mr. Doug Knutsen
This interview was conducted by Video Productions and Media Studies student Mike Zmija during halftime of the PCC Championship game with the Athletic Director of Boone Grove High School Mr. Doug Knutsen
SBS reporter Brian Thomson sat down with Danish actress Sidse Babett Knudsen star of hit TV show Borgen.
Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.
SBS reporter Brian Thomson sat down with Danish actress Sidse Babett Knudsen star of hit TV show Borgen.
Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.
published:01 Nov 2013
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
SAFETY4SEA interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Project Manager, Knutsen Technology at Posidonia 2014, June 2-6, Metropolitan Expo, Athens
Visit official website
SAFETY4SEA interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Project Manager, Knutsen Technology at Posidonia 2014, June 2-6, Metropolitan Expo, Athens
Visit official website
published:20 Jun 2014
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir - Interview de Sidse Babett Knudsen
Sidse Babett Knudsen alias Birgitte Nyborg dans "Borgen, une femme au pouvoir" évoque son travail avec Adam Price, ses personnages préférés et sa vision de l...
Sidse Babett Knudsen alias Birgitte Nyborg dans "Borgen, une femme au pouvoir" évoque son travail avec Adam Price, ses personnages préférés et sa vision de l...
Chris Knutsen interview with Bruce Buffer. How to transition an existing Brand to a new endeavor. Bruce gives Chris an Outstanding intro as a Real Estate Inv...
Chris Knutsen interview with Bruce Buffer. How to transition an existing Brand to a new endeavor. Bruce gives Chris an Outstanding intro as a Real Estate Inv...
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived in Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived in Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
published:06 Jan 2013
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the big Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the big Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
published:06 Jan 2013
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 3
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehears...
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehears...
AGNETHA FALTSKOG On SKAVLAN SWEDISH TV Interview March 2013 (COMPLETE AGNETHA Interview ) Skavlan The former ABBA singer Agnetha Fältskog will Skavlan. There...
AGNETHA FALTSKOG On SKAVLAN SWEDISH TV Interview March 2013 (COMPLETE AGNETHA Interview ) Skavlan The former ABBA singer Agnetha Fältskog will Skavlan. There...
Bob Marley & The Wailers live at Deeside Leisure Centre, Wales. Performing: Zimbabwe. July 12, 1980. Bob was to play just six more concerts. Tourdates: http:...
Bob Marley & The Wailers live at Deeside Leisure Centre, Wales. Performing: Zimbabwe. July 12, 1980. Bob was to play just six more concerts. Tourdates: http:...
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, September 16.
There exist video clips on youtube of Bob rehearsing earlier this very day. "Last rehearsal". Amongst many other songs, he sings "Bass is heavy" a song that never made it to the records.
Bob Marley collapsed while jogging in Central Park, New York. September 21. Just one week after this. Bob Marley had cancer.
At this radio program listeners call them on the phone and speak with Bob Marley himself.
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, September 16.
There exist video clips on youtube of Bob rehearsing earlier this very day. "Last rehearsal". Amongst many other songs, he sings "Bass is heavy" a song that never made it to the records.
Bob Marley collapsed while jogging in Central Park, New York. September 21. Just one week after this. Bob Marley had cancer.
At this radio program listeners call them on the phone and speak with Bob Marley himself.
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
This Bob Marley - interview is unique and rare. September 14. 1980. Bob is in Miami for a few days to rehearse before the Uprising tour, starting In Boston, ...
Pål Moddi Knutsen AKA Moddi performs two songs and answers questions for It's All Happening zine on Brighton beach in front of the pier. Video was taken at The Great Escape Festival 2011.
Pål Moddi Knutsen AKA Moddi performs two songs and answers questions for It's All Happening zine on Brighton beach in front of the pier. Video was taken at The Great Escape Festival 2011.
Pål Moddi Knutsen speaks about the lyrics on the upcoming album "Kæm va du?". Video made by Jørgen Nordby.
"Kæm va du?" is out in Norway on October 11th 2013.
Pål Moddi Knutsen speaks about the lyrics on the upcoming album "Kæm va du?". Video made by Jørgen Nordby.
"Kæm va du?" is out in Norway on October 11th 2013.
published:20 Aug 2013
Hans Knutsen from Volvo at CrossKnowledge Vision & Leadership Summit 2009
Interview of Hans Knutsen during the 1st Pan-European Vision & Leadership Summit organised by CrossKnowledge in Brussels on January 27th, 2009. Mr. Hans Knut...
Interview of Hans Knutsen during the 1st Pan-European Vision & Leadership Summit organised by CrossKnowledge in Brussels on January 27th, 2009. Mr. Hans Knut...
EmmaSofia co-founder Teri Krebs interviewed about psychedelics and human rights on Huffington Post Live. From 5 May 2015, same day as EmmaSofia was featured on the frontpage of the New York Times: "LSD is O.K."
EmmaSofia co-founder Teri Krebs interviewed about psychedelics and human rights on Huffington Post Live. From 5 May 2015, same day as EmmaSofia was featured on the frontpage of the New York Times: "LSD is O.K."
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tun...
published:04 Dec 2014
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin - Grevling i taket - teaser trailer - på kino høsten 2015
published:04 Dec 2014
Knutsen & Ludvigsen er to små fyrer som bor i en tunnel. De har en grevling i taket. De synger og spiller og småkjekler om det meste. Alt er som det pleier for disse to bekymringsløse trubadurene, inntil en ung dame plutselig faller av toget – inne i deres tunnel!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin kommer på kino høsten 2015!
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
published:12 Jan 2011
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
Entrada y Salida Altamira LNG Bilbao Knutsen,Harbor Pilot, Pilotos,Practicos
published:12 Jan 2011
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til...
published:27 May 2015
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
«Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» - på kino 25. september!
published:27 May 2015
25. september kommer «Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin» på kino!
Med stemmene til bl.a John Brungot, Hermann Sabado, Siri Nilsen, Frank Kjosås, Finn Schau, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Sondre Lerche, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Bjørn Sundquist, Marie Blokhus, Niklas Gundersen, Maj Britt Andersen og Eldar Vågan
Finn ut mer på Facebook:
Knutsen og ludvigen -Kanskje kommer Kongen
Knutsen og Ludvigsen synger kanskje kommer kongen....
Botadura del barco Sestao Knutsen, vista desde mi casa, el día 8 de septiembre de 2006. Sestao Knutsen ship's launching, as seen from my home, on september 8...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer e...
published:13 Feb 2009
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo
published:13 Feb 2009
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo, Tatt opp i Rosenborg studio.
Fra programmet "Rosenborg mer enn fotball" Vist på NRK i 1998
Foruten Øystein "Knutsen" Dolmen & Gustav "Ludvigsen" Lorentzen deltar også:
Eldar Vågan - Gitar, Kor
Øystein Sunde - Gitar, Kor
Arnulf "Høggar'n" Paulsen - Kor
Kari Gjærum - Kor
Viggo Sandvik - Kor
Thor Andreassen - Trommer
Eigil Berg - Piano
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Hallo Hallo (1980)
Fantastisk video med Knutsen & Ludvigsen som synger "Hallo Hallo". Innslaget ble vist på H...
Fantastisk video med Knutsen & Ludvigsen som synger "Hallo Hallo". Innslaget ble vist på Halvsju i 1980.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Ar...
published:22 Apr 2015
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
Pål-Ørjan Johansen og Arild Knutsen Narkotikapolitikk + psykedelika
published:22 Apr 2015
Trondheim Unge Venstre arrangerte 08. april et åpent møte om narkotikapolitikk. Der var Arild Knutsen, leder i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk og Pål-Ørjan Johansen, EmmaSofie-stiftelsen.
Pål-Ørjan Johansen er også styremedlem i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk.
Møtet ble ledet av Anniken Karlyme Wullum.
Filmet av Ole Magnus Kinapel.
Emma Sofia:
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Live from "Dugnad for Haiti" 24.Jan. - 2010 NRK 1...
published:18 Jan 2011
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Kanskje Kommer Kongen - Knutsen & Ludvigsen
published:18 Jan 2011
Live from "Dugnad for Haiti" 24.Jan. - 2010 NRK 1
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som spre...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Dum og Deilig (video) 1983 Kjenner at det er sånn kribleri, som sprer seg i fra magen Sku' tro vi hadde spist igjen Nå skal drømmene få...
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...b...
published:17 May 2010
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: Dum og Deilig
published:17 May 2010
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "Dum og Deilig" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
PS: Denne filmen er dedikert til Gustav Lorentzen :)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "God Morgen, Norge" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...
published:14 Apr 2010
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
Knutsen & Ludvigsen: God Morgen Norge!
published:14 Apr 2010
En morsom film med bilder som passer til sangen "God Morgen, Norge" av Knutsen & Ludvigsen...bare for moro :-D
Knutsen og Ludvigsen - Grevling i taket
Greving i taket fra Albumet "Knutsen Og Ludvigsens Beste"...
Opptak fra 1972.
Vist på NRK 04.12.2010
Sendt på NRK1 04.12.2010.
For mer god musikk og sprell med Knutsen & Ludvigsen, sjekk ut CD/DVD-pakken Knutsen & Ludvigsens Beste!
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
This interview was conducted by Video Productions and Media Studies student Mike Zmija dur...
published:26 Jan 2011
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
Halftime interview with Doug Knutsen - PCC Tourney
published:26 Jan 2011
This interview was conducted by Video Productions and Media Studies student Mike Zmija during halftime of the PCC Championship game with the Athletic Director of Boone Grove High School Mr. Doug Knutsen
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
SBS reporter Brian Thomson sat down with Danish actress Sidse Babett Knudsen star of hit T...
published:01 Nov 2013
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
Sidse Babett Knudsen interview
published:01 Nov 2013
SBS reporter Brian Thomson sat down with Danish actress Sidse Babett Knudsen star of hit TV show Borgen.
Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
SAFETY4SEA interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Project Manager, Knutsen Technology at...
published:20 Jun 2014
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
Interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Knutsen Technology
published:20 Jun 2014
SAFETY4SEA interview with Bernt Olav Bauer Nielsen, Project Manager, Knutsen Technology at Posidonia 2014, June 2-6, Metropolitan Expo, Athens
Visit official website
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir - Interview de Sidse Babett Knudsen
Sidse Babett Knudsen alias Birgitte Nyborg dans "Borgen, une femme au pouvoir" évoque son ...
Sidse Babett Knudsen alias Birgitte Nyborg dans "Borgen, une femme au pouvoir" évoque son travail avec Adam Price, ses personnages préférés et sa vision de l...
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
Day 2 of the BFI London Film Festival fun continues as Berberian Sound Studio director Pet...
published:10 Oct 2014
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
Peter Strickland, Sidse Babett Knudsen & Chiara D'Anna - The Duke of Burgundy - BFI LFF Interviews
Chris Knutsen interview with Bruce Buffer. How to transition an existing Brand to a new endeavor. Bruce gives Chris an Outstanding intro as a Real Estate Inv...
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards Nancy Knutsen honored at the 2015 ASCAP Film & TV Music Awards in Los...
published:20 Mar 2015
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards
Nancy Knutsen honored by John Williams at the ASCAP Film & TV Awards
published:20 Mar 2015
views:193 Nancy Knutsen honored at the 2015 ASCAP Film & TV Music Awards in Los Angeles
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davie...
published:06 Jan 2013
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 1
published:06 Jan 2013
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived in Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davie...
published:06 Jan 2013
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 2
published:06 Jan 2013
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehearsing. He was about to start the big Uprising tour in USA, the next day at The Hynes Auditorium. september 16.
Bob should have to cancel the tour after only four shows. He got ill September 21. and was diagosed with cancer.
Plenty themes come up in this interview. They speak about the upcoming tour, about bad sound at The Hynes Auditorium, about the spirit of community - Bob says: "The spirit of community is the greatest feeling of humanity, that's why harmony is so nice, when people singing harmony" , about his wife Rita, about his upbringing and about his children and their upbringing, about sending children to school, about when he started to play music, about his musical family, about his 9 months stay in America working at Chrysler, about seeing Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, about playing soccer -- exercise, about religious upbringing, about the album Uprising, about ska, calypso, jazz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and fire, Commodores, about the assassination against him, his opinion on politics, about African bands making versions of "Zimbabwe", about his stay in Zimbabwe, about Tuff Gong, about young artists like Nadine Sutherland and Junior Tucker and about Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru, Denzel Washington, linton kwesi Johnson, Meditations, about the atomic energy in "Redemption song", about Bob Dylans religious music, about travelling with a chef, about herb supply, about how he was treated by customs, about the show in Milan, about Europe, about black Americans being the last group to catch up with reggae, about "The harder they come", and about money: "There are many things me love and money can't buy them ting there".
Bob Marley Stephen Davis-interview Boston 1980 Part 3
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davie...
This Bob Marley-interview is from september 15. 1980. Bob was interviewed by Stephen Davies. Bob had just arrived Boston from Miami where he had been rehears...
AGNETHA FALTSKOG On SKAVLAN SWEDISH TV Interview March 2013 (COMPLETE AGNETHA Interview ) Skavlan The former ABBA singer Agnetha Fältskog will Skavlan. There...
Bob Marley - Zimbabwe - live at Deeside + rare interview.
Bob Marley & The Wailers live at Deeside Leisure Centre, Wales. Performing: Zimbabwe. July...
Bob Marley & The Wailers live at Deeside Leisure Centre, Wales. Performing: Zimbabwe. July 12, 1980. Bob was to play just six more concerts. Tourdates: http:...
Four Russian cruise missiles fired at Syria from the Caspian Sea landed on Iran, unnamed US officials say. It was unclear whether the missiles caused any damage, they said. Russia's defence ministry has declined to comment ...Nato is boosting its response forces to be able to deploy troops speedily. Share this story About sharing. Top Stories ... ....
JERUSALEM (AP) An Arab attacker stabbed four Israelis with a screwdriver on Thursday before a soldier shot and killed him amid fresh violence that prompted Israel's premier to bar Cabinet ministers and lawmakers from a sensitive Jerusalem holy site at the heart of the latest tensions. The attack in Tel Aviv was among three new stabbings on Thursday that left several people wounded ... The attacker's identity was not immediately known ... ....
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- The latest on the stabbing of a U.S. airman who helped stop a gunman on a French passenger train (all times local).. 11.05 a.m. Police in California's capital city say they are looking for two men in the stabbing of a U.S. airman hailed as a hero for helping thwart a gunman's attack on a French train in August ... --- ... Thursday ... ....
Syria's army announced Thursday a "vast offensive" to wrest back territory from armed opposition groups, as NATO voiced alarm at escalating Russian military activity in the war-torn country. Moscow has dramatically stepped up its nine-day-old air war against opponents of PresidentBashar al-Assad, with heavy bombing by warplanes and cruise missile strikes from the Caspian Sea... - 'Troubling escalation' -....
Article by correspondent DallasDarling. Before murdering his victims, Christopher Harper-Mercer, the 26-year-old gunman who killed nine people inside an Oregon college classroom, along with wounding seven more, told each one “it won’t hurt very long.”. To say the least, he was mistaken. Those he shot and killed suffered severe emotional and physical distress, some slowly dying in excruciating pain ...The U.S ... Neither is the U.S ... ....
(Source. Statoil ASA). The oil spill was discovered during the loading of oil from the Statfjord A platform to the tanker 'HildaKnutsen' via the OLS B loading buoy, which is located between Statfjord A and Statfjord B. Loading to the tanker has stopped and supply to the pipe and loading system from Statfjord A has been closed. Production at Statfjord A is operating normally. The leak is located in a flange in the loading hose ... (noodl....
“My babies are all I have left of him now,” she said ...Griffin graduated in 2005 and Mathias in 1996, McDonald said ... The U.S ... Gregg Knutsen, who told the Herald he graduated from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy with Mathias in 1996, called his missing friend a “great guy” who “was always smiling.” ... He was hardworking and really dedicated to his studies,” Knutsen, who lives in Alaska, said ... U.S ... ....
“My babies are all I have left of him now,” she said ...Griffin graduated in 2005 and Mathias in 1996, McDonald said ... The U.S ... Gregg Knutsen, who told the Herald he graduated from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy with Mathias in 1996, called his missing friend a “great guy” who “was always smiling.” ... He was hardworking and really dedicated to his studies,” Knutsen, who lives in Alaska, said ... U.S ... ....
The service is being provided by ChristianKnutsen, MD, a board certified physician in emergency medicine who works in Upstate's Emergency Department and who also serves as an EMS physician working with medics and paramedics ... 'There is a level of care that may not require the full complement of an Emergency Department, and the patient may desire to be treated at home for comfort and convenience,' Knutsen said....
(Source. ODFW - OregonDepartment of Fish And Wildlife). Sept. 3, 2015. SALEM, Ore. - Wild coho seasons on many coastal rivers and bays will open beginning Sept. 15 ... In addition, Tenmile, Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes will have wild coho seasons ... 'Our North Coast seasons are more conservative this year than 2013-2014, but we still have opportunity for harvest,' said ChrisKnutsen, ODFW fish biologist in Tillamook ... ###. distributed by ... (noodl....
MANAMA, Bahrain — The commander of the mine countermeasures ship USS Dextrous was relieved of command Thursday for alleged misconduct, the Navy said. Capt. Keith A. Knutsen, commodore of Mine Countermeasures Squadron Three, re-assigned Lt ... ....
ChristianKnutsen, who has worked in Upstate's ER for six years, will examine and treat patients at home for coughs, colds, ear infections, urinary tract infections, cuts and abrasions, sports injuries and other non-emergency conditions ... The hospital is launching the program on a trial basis in the eastern suburbs and will expand throughout Onondaga County if it works well, Knutsen said....
LAS VEGAS (AP) — The latest developments on the British Airways jet engine fire at Las Vegas' airport. All times local (PDT).. 1.30 p.m. Federal investigators say parts of an engine compressor were found on the Las Vegas airport runway where a British Airways jet aborted takeoff as its left engine burst into flames ... Aviation expert Don Knutsen in Kansas says that points to catastrophic compressor failure ... ....
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Federal investigators found pieces of a key engine part from a British Airways jet on a Las Vegas runway Thursday as they tried to figure out what caused it to erupt in flames as the plane accelerated for takeoff ... Henkey, 63, now says it's unlikely he'll make that flight ... Aviation expert Don Knutsen in Kansas said the parts found on the runway point to catastrophic compressor failure ... Airways for 23 years ... Tuesday ... --- ... ....