- published: 09 Feb 2009
- views: 688
Coordinates: 48°13′21″N 8°22′44″E / 48.22250°N 8.37889°E / 48.22250; 8.37889
Junghans Uhren GmbH is a german watch and clock manufacturer. Junghans had the largest watch and clock factory with over 3000 employees in the year 1903. The company is located in Schramberg, Baden-Württemberg.
On 15 April 1861 Erhard Junghans created the company "Junghans und Tobler" together with his brother-in-law Jakob Zeller-Tobler in Schramberg.
The company began to produce wristwatches in 1927. Beginning in the 1950s, the Bauhaus designer Max Bill created clocks and watches for Junghans and the relationship lasted many years. A remarkable example of his work is a wall clock he designed in 1956/57 that is in the collection of The Museum of Modern Art (New York). In 1962 Bill also created mechanical wristwatches for Junghans – impressive timepieces, not only for their aesthetic design, but also their precision.
In the late 1980s, Junghans introduced the first radio-controlled table clock on the world market. In 1990 the first radio-controlled wristwatch, called the MEGA 1, followed. In 1995 Junghans presented a solar powered watch with ceramic housing. Together with the Japanese clock maker Seiko, Junghans developed a globally oriented wristwatch that automatically sets the local time in respective time zones.
Günther or Gunther and variants, Günter or Gunter, are Germanic names derived from Gunthere, Gunthari, composed of *gunþiz "battle" (Old Norse gunnr) and heri, hari "army".
The name may refer to various persons, fictional characters and companies, including:
Leipzig Homicide (SOKO Leipzig) is one of Germany's most popular crime drama series. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF and more than 300 episodes have broadcast since. The series averages 5 million viewers per week. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part crossover between SOKO Leipzig and British police procedural The Bill was aired (Proof of Life), with the same version being shown on both ZDF and British television channel ITV1.
The series is about the investigative work of the Special Commission of the Leipzig police. The team, consisting of Hajo Trautzschke, Jan Maybach, Ina Zimmermann and Tom Kowalski, mostly investigate in capital crimes like murder or manslaughter. They are supported by team assistant Olivia Fareedi, coroner Prof. Dr. Sabine Rossi and Dr. Stein as well as laboratory assistant Lorenz Rettig and prosecutor Dr. Alexander Binz. In cases concerning sexual offenses, Dagmar Schnee is also in the team.
Interview des prominenten Schauspielers zu seinem Engagement beim Kinderhospiz Mitteldeutschland in Tambach-Dietharz
Gedicht by Günter Junghans from the album Jazz - Lyrik - Prosa II Released 2011-08-19 on Buschfunk Download on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/id452761377?uo=6&app;=itunes&at;=10ldAw&ct;=YTAT4021934909722 Download on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Various+Artists+Jazz+-+Lyrik+-+Prosa+II&c;=music&PAffiliateID;=100l3VM This is the continuation of the legendary event series with famous actors and singers such as Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Römer, Günter Junghans, Walfriede Schmitt, Uschi Brüning, Ruth Hohmann, Hermann Anders.... © Buschfunk 1999 ℗ Buschfunk 1999 . This is officially licensed content, not a copyright infringement. For any issues, please get in touch with finetunes first.
Spendenaufruf des Schauspielers.
Friedrich Lindemann, Sofies Opa, und Herr Böhm sind beste Freunde. Seit ihrer Schulzeit gehen sie gemeinsam durch dick und dünn. Soweit die Geschichte. Ganz anders die Darsteller Günter Junghans und Klaus Stiglmeier: Sie trafen sich an ihrem ersten Drehtag für dasbloghaus.tv das erste Mal. In unserem Interview sprechen sie über Freundschaft, ihre Arbeit am Set und ihre Erfahrungen mit Computer und Internet.
Im Jahr 2014 sind von uns gegangen: Ariel Sharon 85, Maximilian Schell 83, Shirley Temple 85, Ralph Waite 85, Mareike Carriere 59, Karl Walter Diess 86, Heinz Schenk 89, Karlheinz Böhm 86, Eduard Schewardnadse 86, Horst Bollmann 89, Dietmar Schönherr 88, James Garner 86, Günter Junghans 73, Robin Williams 63, Peter Scholl-Latour 90, Richard Attenborough 90, Joachim Fuchsberger 87, Peer Augustinki 74, Siegfried Lenz 88, Ralph Giordano 91, Udo Jürgens 80, Joe Cocker 70.
© 2002 ZDF Darsteller: Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Marco Girnth, Gabriel Merz, Melanie Marschke, Anke Schwiekowski, Rainer Winkelvoss, Theresa Scholze, Günter Junghans, Isa Jank, Ursula-Rosamaria Gottert, u.a. Buch: Claus Wilbrandt, Nicos Ligouris Schnitt: Michael Reysz Kamera: Christoph Dammast Regie: Michel Bielawa Producer: Jörg Winger Redaktion: Matthias Pfeifer Musik: Andreas Hoge Produktionsunternehmen: UFA Film- & Medienproduktion GmbH Leipzig Im Auftrag von: ZDF
Trailer zum DEFA-Film "Hut ab, wenn du küsst!" (1971) von Rolf Losansky. Regie: Rolf Losansky Drehbuch: Rolf Losansky Kamera: Wolfgang Braumann Schnitt: Christa Helwig Darsteller: Angelika Waller (Petra), Alexander Lang (Fred), Rolf Römer (Juan), Günter Junghans (Horst), Heide Kipp (Gabi), Peter Borgelt (Oskar), Ulrich Anschütz (Fritz), Helga Sasse (Moni), Carola Braunbock (Tante), Günther Grabbert (Onkel Valeraz) Kurzinhalt Der Ingenieur und Testfahrer Fred kann sich mit dem Beruf seiner Freundin Petra nicht abfinden. Sie ist Automechanikerin und er der Meinung, dies schade ihrer Weiblichkeit. Da Petra ihre Arbeit liebt und nicht bereit ist, sie gegen eine "weibliche" einzutauschen, kommt es ständig zu Streit - bis der Trubel der Leipziger Messe, auf die Petra unversehens gerät, der ana...
Trailer zum DEFA-Film "Eine Pyramide für mich" von Ralf Kirsten (1975). Regie: Ralf Kirsten Drehbuch: Karl-Heinz Jakobs, Ralf Kirsten Kamera: Hans-Jürgen Kruse Schnitt: Ursula Zweig Darsteller: Justus Fritzsche (Satie), Monika Hildebrand (Hanka), Günter Junghans (Trümpi), Rolf Ludwig (Balaschin), Karin Gregorek (Annie), Renate Krößner (Margot), Ulrich Anschütz (Petipa), Eckhard Becker (Warkowitzki), Michael Christian (Struller), Albrecht Goette (Grützner) Kurzinhalt Professor Paul Satie ist auf dem Weg zu einer Konferenz. Noch einmal soll über den Bau eines neuen Staudamms beraten werden, den Satie ablehnt. In Wolfsgrün verlässt er spontan den Zug, hier hat er von 1948 bis 1950 als Jugendbrigdier am Bau des alten Dammes mitgewirkt, der jetzt zu klein ist. Ein Denkmal hatten sich die Erba...
Trailer zum DEFA-Film "Geheimnis der 17" (1963) von Rolf Losansky. Regie: Rolf Losansky Drehbuch: Gerd Gericke, Rolf Losansky, Günter Mehnert Kamera: Karl Neugebauer Schnitt: Lotti Mehnert Musik: Gerhard Rosenfeld, Karl-Ernst Sasse (Lieder) Darsteller: Bruno Carstens (Lehrer Guthmann), Günter Naumann (Brigadier Rothe), Günter Ott (Bürgermeister Ehrlich), Detlef Brätz (Olaf), Rolf Kränek (Lothar), Horst Horbank (Bob), Günter Junghans (Otto), Peter Kiwitt (Apotheker Kugelblitz), Ingrid Barkmann (Frau Ehrlich) Lothar, Olaf, Bob und die anderen Pioniere haben die Aufgabe, die oberhalb der Stadt liegende Burg zu pflegen. Sie treiben aber vorwiegend Unsinn, weshalb die Stadtväter ihnen den Auftrag wieder entziehen und sie sogar von der bevorstehenden 800-Jahr-Feier ausschließen. Die Jungen hal...
2009 ZDF Darsteller: Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Marco Girnth, Melanie Marschke, Pablo Sprungala, Petra Zieser, Arnd Klawitter, Günter Junghans, Dietmar Huhn, Kai-Peter Gläser, Corinna. 2011 ZDF Darsteller: Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Marco Girnth, Melanie Marschke, Pablo Sprungala, Marie Gruber, Hans-Jörg Assmann, Gaby Gasser, Enno . 2009 ZDF Darsteller: Andreas Schmidt-Schaller. 2009 ZDF Darsteller: Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Marco Girnth, Melanie Marschke, Tyron Ricketts, Pablo Sprungala, Margrit Sartorius, Anna Stieblich, Caroline Scholze, Maximilian Klas, u.a..
DIE WELT DANACH Kurzspielfilm, 30 Min., Deutschland 2012 eine Koproduktion der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg mit BR, SWR und Arte Darsteller: Anne Ratte-Polle, Michael Rotschopf, Enno Hesse, Jürgen Tonkel, Günter Junghans Drehbuch: Julia C. Kaiser Regie: Jens Wischnewski Producer: Anja Goll, Christoph Arni Bildgestaltung/ Kamera: Dominik Berg Montage/ Schnitt: Falk Peplinski (BFS) Szenenbild: Karolin Leshel Filmmusik: Peter Gromer Originalton: Alexander Rubin Sounddesign: Namralata Strack Handlung: Die Strahlenschützerin Lisa arbeitet unter Hochdruck an den Bergungsarbeiten der 126.000 Atommüllfässer, die im maroden Salzbergwerk Asse II gelagert sind. Doch durch diese enorme berufliche Belastung steht ihre Ehe kurz vor dem Aus. Um ihre Familie zu retten, reicht sie ihre Kündigung ein....
GUNTER JUNGHANS ist ein begnadetet Künstler. Seit 4 Jahrzehnten sind wir befreundet. Es ist eine Wonne, mit ihm gemeinsam wieder in einem Raum malen zu können. Das heutige Kunstgespräch mit ihm will ich hier veröffentlichen. Wir sind übrigen OFFEN für interessierte Kunstliebhaber und freuen uns auf einen Besuch im ehemaligen Zollhaus von Burghausen, welches jetzt zum KUNSTHAUS wurde für die Künstlergruppe DIE BURG. Dort können wir wirksam werden.
Trailer zum DEFA-Film "Im Himmel ist doch Jahrmarkt" (1968) von Rolf Losansky. Regie: Rolf Losansky Drehbuch: Günter Mehnert, Ulrich Speitel Kamera: Felix Pawlowitsch Neimark, Helmut Grewald Schnitt: Erika Lehmphul Darsteller: Angelika Waller (Eva), Regina Beyer (Gitta), Christel Bodenstein (Isot), Heidrun Polack (Barbara), Gesine Rosenberg (Maria), Ingolf Gorges (Thomas), Siegfried Höchst (Hannes), Günter Junghans (Ede), Peter Pollatschek (Lutz), Klaus Bamberg (Adam) Kurzinhalt Amor spielt eine gewichtige Rolle in dieser Geschichte um fünf junge, hübsche Sportlerinnen, die vom Himmel fallen - sozusagen direkt in die Arme netter junger Männer. Dem Trainer der Fallschirmspringerinnen ist das gar nicht recht, da ein bevorstehender internationaler Leistungsvergleich die ganze Kraft seiner S...
Das Zeichen der vier Kreuze Ein Sherlock-Holmes Roman von Conan Doyle Dr. Watson: Günter Junghans Sherlock-Holmes: Michael Gwisdek Mrs. Hudson: Gertraut Last Mary Morstan: Barbara Schnitzler Individuum: Wolfgang Müller-Dhein Thaddäus Sholto: Hans Teuscher Mc Murdo: Holm Gärtner Mrs. Bernstone: Elvira Schuster Tobias Gregson: Jürgen Watzke Mrs. Smith: Ursula Staack Jacky: Andreas Dehler Wiggin: Ralf Schauer Jonathan Small: Ullrich Voß Bande: Kinder des Pionierhauses „German Titow", Berlin, vorbereitet von Sonja Mimra von Conan Doyle Schallplattenfassung und Regie: Andreas Scheinert Musik: Aus der Kadenz des Violinkonzertes von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, gespielt von Wolf-Dieter Batzdorf (Violine) Aus Raga Charu Keshi von Ravi Shanker (Sitar) Geräusche: Heinz Heppner dramaturgische Mit...
A highly requested and long overdue video! Today I compile a list of my top 10 automatic bargain (38mm or less in diameter) wrist watches for the smaller wrist. Over my many years of collecting and buying watches, I was always dismayed that many of the watches I liked were simply too big for my skinny wrists. However, it was just due to a lack of experience, and after many years of buying and selling, I have formulated this list to help my fellow watch fans with modest wrists find a great watch. Thankfully, what I have been saying over the past year seems to be catching on and the trend towards more understated traditional sizes is returning so I thought I would share my personal top 10 recommendations in this category. In this group you will find something for all budgets, even a few icon...
We get a number of emails with uploaded pictures that have the shaft issue described in this video, this video explains what the common problem is and how to resolve it so you can then identify the correct quartz movement.
Today I receive a package from Germany and shoot a surprise wristwatch unboxing. Stay tuned for the full review! Make sure you subscribe and click "Like" if you enjoyed the video. For business inquires email: theurbangentry@gmail.com
Today I share a haul of recently acquired British styled sartorial upgrades, including a very classic winter over coat, a new "urban" themed sports jacket, super soft herringbone scarf and special leather gloves James Bond himself would be proud of... Moss Bros London Slim Fit Red Jacket http://www.moss.co.uk/moss-london-slim-fit-red-check-jacket-965521614 Moss Bros Harringbone Slim Fit Blue Winter Overcoat http://www.moss.co.uk/moss-london-slim-fit-blue-herringbone-overcoat-965362956 Moss Bros Petrol Blue Herringbone Scarf http://www.moss.co.uk/moss-1851-petrol-blue-contrast-herringbone-stripe-scarf-965574091 Spectre Combat Security Anti Slash/Flame Resistant Leather Gloves http://www.ebay.com/itm/290875605007?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var;=590111174185&ssPageName;=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT...
Brand: Junghans Date: 1967 Condion: Excellent like brand new Specials: It's the first quartz clock that was every made for "normal" cutomers in 1967 by Junghans. It's operating with a 12.8kHz Quartz-Crystal-Tube and it's final frequency is 12.5Hz with which the movement is working on.
Check out MVMT Watches for great watches/sunglasses at an affordable price (about $100 bucks!) - Use "MVMTMAXX" for $15 off! http://www.mvmtwatches.com/maxx Watch Box- http://goo.gl/Yfe8lz Similar Citizen Watch-http://amzn.to/1V5hloh Similar Orient Watch- http://amzn.to/1V5hqbA Products I Love on Amazon- http://astore.amazon.com/you0d10-20 Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat @maxxchewning
Vintage Europa Travel Alarm Clock Collapsible
Welcome to another Episode of Properly Wound, here we have another talk from AJ & Jared, in Miami. The Website: https://properlywound.com The Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProperlyWound/ The Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/properlywound/ http://amzn.to/2ykvRUH - Properly Wound
http://www.realmenrealstyle.com/match-watch-to-outfit/ - Click here to read the detailed article! http://www.thefifthwatches.com/ - Click here to discover the 5th watches and peruse their collection of stylishly affordable watches. Want to explore the new range at the FifthWatches? http://www.thefifthwatches.com/blog/ - Click here! Rules to match your watch with your outfit? Sounds a little too much? Imagine a man in a tuxedo at a black-tie event. He has poise, style and a posture that grabs everyone's attention. He casually turns his wrist to check the time... a Casio calculator wristwatch with a rubber strap... FAIL!! This is the power of a wristwatch, gentlemen - it can either break or build an outfit! Since men wear limited jewelry, a watch is an expression of their person...
Today I do another mystery unboxing of a very unusual diver watch that packs some truly unique features I have never seen before from a brand I also am completely new to. A massive thank you to Marc at Long Island Watches for allowing me to sample and share this item on the channel. http://www.longislandwatch.com Make sure you subscribe and If you have any questions please email: theurbangentry@gmail.com
In this video I get a regular Quartz Wall Clock and open it up in order to better understand how it works. I go through every part of the mechanism and attempt to explain how it works. This is part of a blog post on the topic: http://wp.me/p1ycUS-az
In today's video, I share a sneak peek of the videos to come over the next few months, exclusively shot in Switzerland! I discuss my first impressions of the country, things I loved, and a few things I regret. I answer two big questions: 1. Has my perception of watches changed? 2. Which watch did I buy during my travels in the holy land of horology and watchmaking? For more information and to get your horological questions answered, join our UGWC community on the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1503241666636531/ To view my current watch collection I use Snupps: https://snupps.com/theurbangentry Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theurbangentrychannel/ TGV's Tumblr: http://tgv83.tumblr.com