- published: 10 Jan 2016
- views: 505
Alfred Ernst Christian Alexander Hugenberg (19 June 1865 – 12 March 1951) was an influential German businessman and politician. A leading figure in nationalist politics in Germany for the first few decades of the twentieth century, he became the country's leading media proprietor during the inter-war period. As leader of the German National People's Party he was instrumental in helping Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany and served in his first cabinet in 1933, hoping to control Hitler and use him as his "tool." Those plans backfired, and by the end of 1933 Hugenberg had been pushed to the sidelines, where he served as a "guest" member of the Reichstag until 1945, wielding no political influence.
Born in Hanover to Carl Hugenberg, a royal Hanoverian official who in 1867 entered the Prussian Landtag as a member of the National Liberal Party, he studied law in Göttingen, Heidelberg, and Berlin, as well as economics in Strassburg. In 1891, Hugenberg co-founded, along with Karl Peters, the ultra-nationalist General German League and in 1894 its successor movement the Pan-German League (Alldeutscher Verband). In 1900 Hugenberg married his second cousin, Gertrud Adickes (1868 - 1960). At the same time he was also involved in a scheme in the Province of Posen where the Prussian Settlement Commission bought up land from Poles in order to settle ethnic Germans there. Earlier in 1899 Hugenberg had called for "annihilation of Polish population".
Actors: Jürgen Tarrach (actor), Bernd Fischerauer (director), Hans-Michael Rehberg (actor), Mathieu Carrière (actor), Hannes Michael Schalle (composer), Bernd Fischerauer (writer), Osman Ragheb (actor), Serge Avedikian (actor), Bruno F. Apitz (actor), Gerald Alexander Held (actor), Rainer Basedow (actor), Bernd Fischerauer (actor), Marion Mitterhammer (actress), Adriana Altaras (actress), Katrin Pollitt (actress),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Rudolf Jugert (director), Hans W. Hamacher (actor), Kurt Heintel (actor), Friedrich Joloff (actor), Rudolf Schündler (actor), Jochen Brockmann (actor), Christian Rode (actor), Martin Brandt (actor), Kurt Ehrhardt (actor), Hans Fitze (actor), Hans Wiese (writer), Lilly-Ann Bork (actress), Jo Leistikow (actress),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Rudolf Jugert (director), Dieter Borsche (actor), Heinz Engelmann (actor), Hans W. Hamacher (actor), Friedrich Schoenfelder (actor), Erik von Loewis (actor), Ekkehard Fritsch (actor), Curt Ackermann (actor), Hans Fitze (actor), Hans Wiese (writer), Ernst Kuhr (actor),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Frederick Giermann (actor), Sam Harris (actor), Walter Fenner (actor), Stanley Andrews (actor), Ludwig Donath (actor), Alexander Granach (actor), Albert Dekker (actor), Walter Abel (actor), Egon Brecher (actor), Roy Brent (actor), Rudolph Anders (actor), James Carlisle (actor), Felix Basch (actor), Ray Collins (actor), Stuart Holmes (actor),
Plot: This movie shows us the rise of Adolf Hitler from a small radical political adventurer to the dictator of Germany in the way of a gangster film. Exept for some minor inaccuracies the historical facts are given in a correct way.
Keywords: 1920s, 1930s, anti-semitism, army, arrest, astrologer, berlin-germany, character-name-in-title, coup-d'état, dictator
Alfred Ernst Christian Alexander Hugenberg (June19, 1865 – March 12, 1951) was an influential German businessman and politician. Hugenberg, a leading figure within nationalist politics in Germany for the first few decades of the twentieth century, became the country's leading media proprietor within the inter-war period. As leader of the German National People's Party Hugenberg was instrumental in helping Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany and served in his first cabinet in 1933. Hugenberg had hoped to control Hitler and use him as his "tool" but ultimately he had little to no influence in the Third Reich. Born in Hanover to Carl Hugenberg, a royal Hanoverian official who in 1867 entered the Prussian Landtag as a member of the National Liberal Party, he studied law in Göttingen, He...
tyler hugenberg is a spaz
Dokumentation über die Geschichte der Weimarer Republik von der Ruhrbesetzung 1923 bis ca. 1931. - Ruhrbesetzung durch die Franzosen, Ruhrkampf und Inflation; - Gefährdung der Weimarer Republik durch Rechts- und Linksradikale - Wirtschaftliche Erholung in der "Phase der relativen Stabilisierung" 1924-1928; - Außenpolitik Stresemanns mit dem Ziel, durch Entgegenkommen und Diplomatie den Versailler Vertrag zu revidieren - Erfolge und Grenzen der Arbeit des Völkerbunds; - Ausbruch der Weltwirtschaftskrise 1929 - Profilierung und Radikalisierung der Parteien gegen Ende der Weimarer Republik; 0:10 20er Jahre, die goldenen Zwanziger, Charleston, Reparationszahlungen, Franzosen besetzen Zechen und Gruben, Ruhrkampf, Protest gegen Frankreichs Vorgehen an der Ruhr, Abzug der Amerikaner, Kohletran...
Full title reads: "Berlin. Critical Days in Germany. Hotheads of rival Parties clash with Police at newly elected Reichstag." Berlin, Germany. Exterior views of the Reichstag building. Group of brown shirts from the Nazi party walk in. The wear swastika armbands and raise their hands in salute as they walk past. They give a quick 'Heil Hitler'. Reich chancellor Dr Heinrich Bruning walks from his car into the building. Hermann Goering walks into the building (He has just been elected President of the Reichstag). Groups of young men are gathered shouting slogans. Police on foot and horseback clash with chanting protesters amongst the trees of a nearby park. (What few bits of commentary there are, are in German - mainly natural sound) N.B. The name of the German Ch...
Date: 1947 - 1964 Creators: Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent) From: Series: Moving Images Relating to Military Activities, 1947 1860 - 1964 1985 Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985 localIdentifier: 111-ADC-5357 naId: 19156 More at http://www.FLYKVNY.com
Date: 1947 - 1964 Creators: Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent) From: Series: Moving Images Relating to Military Activities, 1947 1860 - 1964 1985 Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985 localIdentifier: 111-ADC-5356 naId: 19155 More at http://www.FLYKVNY.com
DIE THEATER CHEMNITZ - SCHAUSPIEL LULU Von Frank Wedekind. In einer Bearbeitung von Nuran David Calis und Esther Holland-Merten Premiere: 8. Juni 2013 INSZENIERUNGSTEAM Regie Nuran David Calis Bühne Irina Schicketanz Kostüme Amelie von Bülow Musik Vivan Bhatti Dramaturgie Esther Holland-Merten BESETZUNG Lulu Runa Pernoda Schaefer Dr. Goll (später Puntschu) Matthias Hummitzsch Dr. Schön (später Magelone) Hartmut Neuber Alwa, sein Sohn Sebastian Tessenow Schwarz (später Heilmann) Tilo Krügel Prinz Escerny = Casti-Piani Michael Pempelforth Schigolch Wenzel Banneyer Alfred Hugenberg Niklas Wetzel (Theaterjugendclub) Gräfin Geschwitz Dirk Lange Jack, der Killer Alle Eine Video-Produktion von theater-tv.net
Jan Böhmermann bei "SWR3 Latenight"!
In this segment of Context, we discuss the recent controversy concerning Bernie Sanders' comments on the 1932 Election in Germany which allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to a position of power in Germany. The Nazi Party won a plurality in the German legislature, but was Hitler actually elected? The article discussed is available here: http://www.dw.com/en/fact-or-fiction-adolf-hitler-won-an-election-in-1932/a-18680673
Clara Zetkin (née Eissner; July 5, 1857 – June 20, 1933) was a German Marxist theorist, activist, and advocate for women's rights. In 1911, she organized the first International Women's Day. Until 1917, she was active in the Social Democratic Party of Germany, then she joined the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) and its far-left wing, the Spartacist League; this later became the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), which she represented in the Reichstag during the Weimar Republic from 1920 to 1933. The eldest of three children, Clara Zetkin was born Clara Eissner in Wiederau, a peasant village in Saxony, now part of the municipality Königshain-Wiederau. Her father, Gottfried Eissner, was a schoolmaster and church organist who was a devout Protestant, while her mother, Jos...
Hitler's first meeting with President Hindenburg in October 1931 went badly. Hitler didn't behave well and this merely confirmed Hindenburg's prejudice that the Nazis were not a 'reliable' nationalist party, unlike the more respectable German Nationalist Party, led by Alfred Hugenberg, who - although lacking the popularity of the Nazis - were ultimately more responsible and respectable.
Deutschnationale Volkspartei Die Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP) war eine nationalkonservative Partei in der Weimarer Republik, deren Programmatik Nationalismus, Nationalliberalismus, Antisemitismus, kaiserlich-monarchistischen Konservatismus sowie völkische Elemente enthielt.Nachdem sie anfänglich eindeutig republikfeindlich gesinnt war und beispielsweise den Kapp-Putsch von 1920 unterstützt hatte, beteiligte sie sich ab Mitte der 1920er Jahre zunehmend an Reichs- und Landesregierungen.Nach der Wahlniederlage von 1928 und der Wahl des Verlegers Alfred Hugenberg zum Parteivorsitzenden vertrat die Partei jedoch wieder extreme nationalistische Ansichten und Forderungen.Infolge der Kooperation mit der NSDAP verlor die DNVP ab 1930 zunehmend an Bedeutung. ------------Bild-Copyright-Inform...
DIE THEATER CHEMNITZ - SCHAUSPIEL LULU Von Frank Wedekind. In einer Bearbeitung von Nuran David Calis und Esther Holland-Merten Premiere: 8. Juni 2013 INSZENIERUNGSTEAM Regie Nuran David Calis Bühne Irina Schicketanz Kostüme Amelie von Bülow Musik Vivan Bhatti Dramaturgie Esther Holland-Merten BESETZUNG Lulu Runa Pernoda Schaefer Dr. Goll (später Puntschu) Matthias Hummitzsch Dr. Schön (später Magelone) Hartmut Neuber Alwa, sein Sohn Sebastian Tessenow Schwarz (später Heilmann) Tilo Krügel Prinz Escerny = Casti-Piani Michael Pempelforth Schigolch Wenzel Banneyer Alfred Hugenberg Niklas Wetzel (Theaterjugendclub) Gräfin Geschwitz Dirk Lange Jack, der Killer Alle Eine Video-Produktion von theater-tv.net
Get your free audio book: http://onix.space/e/B00J0EN79S On 30 January 1933, Alfred Hugenberg's conservative German National People's Party (dnvp) formed a coalition government with the Nazi Party, thus enabling Hitler to accede to the chancellorship. This book analyzes in detail the complicated relationship between Conservatives and Nazis and offers a re-interpretation of the Nazi seizure of power the decisive months between 30 January and 14 July 1933. The Machtergreifung is characterized here as a period of all-pervasive violence and lawlessness with incessant conflicts between Nazis and German Nationals and Nazi attacks on the conservative Bürgertum, a far cry from the traditional depiction of the takeover as a relatively bloodless, virtually sterile assumption of power by one vast im...
Listen to the full audiobook: http://easyget.us/mabk/30/en/B00J0EN79S/book On 30 January 1933, Alfred Hugenberg's conservative German National People's Party (dnvp) formed a coalition government with the Nazi Party, thus enabling Hitler to accede to the chancellorship. This book analyzes in detail the complicated relationship between Conservatives and Nazis and offers a re-interpretation of the Nazi seizure of power the decisive months between 30 January and 14 July 1933. The Machtergreifung is characterized here as a period of all-pervasive violence and lawlessness with incessant conflicts between Nazis and German Nationals and Nazi attacks on the conservative Bürgertum, a far cry from the traditional depiction of the takeover as a relatively bloodless, virtually sterile assumption of pow...
Die Büchse der Pandora Frank WEDEKIND (1864 - 1918) Die Büchse der Pandora ist eine Tragödie in drei Aufzügen von Frank Wedekind. Sie ist die Fortsetzung von Wedekinds Tragödie Erdgeist. Beide Stücke wurden von Wedekind später als Bühnenfassung in einem Stück mit dem Titel Lulu. Tragödie in 5 Aufzügen mit einem Prolog zusammengefasst. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia) Die Rollen: Prolog: Der normale Leser: Algy Pug Der rührige Verleger: Marty Kris Der verschämte Autor: Seepferdchen Der hohe Staatsanwalt: Herman Roskams Lulu: P. J. Morgan Alwa Schön: Patrick Wallace Rodrigo Quast: Wupperhippo Schigolch: Rapunzelina Alfred Hugenberg: Birgit Die Gräfin Geschwitz: Ramona Deininger-Schnabel Graf Casti-Piani: Nadine Eckert-Boulet Bankier Puntschu: Herman Roskams Journalist Heil...
LibriVox recording of Pandora's Box by Frank Wedekind, translated by Samuel Atkins Eliot, Jr. Pandora's Box (1904) (Die Büchse der Pandora) is a play by the German dramatist Frank Wedekind. It forms the second part of his pairing of 'Lulu' plays (the first is Earth Spirit [1895]), both of which depict a society "riven by the demands of lust and greed". G. W. Pabst directed a silent film version (Pandora's Box), which was loosely based on the play, in 1929. Both plays together also formed the basis for the opera Lulu by Alban Berg in 1935 (premiered posthumously in 1937). Following the events of Earth Spirit, Pandora's Box charts the downward spiral of Lulu and her companions. Lulu once again plays the role of unwitting temptress, a siren-like libertine who seals the destruction of her f...
Pandora's Box by Frank WEDEKIND (1864 - 1918) by Action & Adventure Fiction Audiobooks Pandora's Box Frank WEDEKIND (1864 - 1918) Pandora's Box (1904) (Die Büchse der Pandora) is a play by the German dramatist Frank Wedekind. It forms the second part of his pairing of 'Lulu' plays (the first is Earth Spirit [1895]), both of which depict a society "riven by the demands of lust and greed". G. W. Pabst directed a silent film version (Pandora's Box), which was loosely based on the play, in 1929. Both plays together also formed the basis for the opera Lulu by Alban Berg in 1935 (premiered posthumously in 1937). In the original manuscript, dating from 1894, the 'Lulu' drama was in five acts and subtitled 'A Monster Tragedy'. Wedekind subsequently divided the work into two plays: Earth Spirit...
Pandora's Box | Frank Wedekind | Plays | Audiobook full unabridged | English Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Pandora's Box (1904) (Die Büchse der Pandora) is a play by the German dramatist Frank Wedekind. It forms the second part of his pairing of 'Lulu' plays (the first is Earth Spirit [1895]), both of which depict a society "riven by the demands of lust and greed". G. W. Pabst directed a silent film version (Pandora's Box), which was loosely based on the play, in 1929. Both plays together also formed the basis for the opera Lulu by Alban Berg in 1935 (premiered posthumously in 1937). In the original manuscript, dating from 1894, the 'Lulu' drama was in five acts and subtitled 'A Monste...
TV-Dokumentation. Ein CHRONOS Film von 1983, ausgestrahlt in der ARD. Potsdam, Havel, Kanäle, Seen, Sumpfgebiet, Bombenangriff, 14.4.1944, Bauwesen, Plattenbau, DDR, Wende, Stadtbildpflege, Stadttor, Jägertor, Brandenburger Tor, Freiheitsbeschränkung, Frühjahrsparade, Lustgarten, 1912, Garderegiment, Blechköppe, Langenkerls, Lange Kerls, Altpreußisches Infanterieregiment No. 6, Paradefeld, Nikolai-Kirche, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, erste Landung eines Zeppelin in Potsdam, 1912, Hochzeit, 1913, Kaisertochter, Viktoria Louise, Herzog von Braunschweig, Hofkonditorei Rabien, Kaiser Wilhelm I, Kaiser Wilhelm der Erste, Preußen, Theodor Fontane, der preußische Adler, Karl Liebknecht, SPD, Militär, Paraden, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kaiser Wilhelm der Zweite, Neurotiker, Kinder in Uniform, Evangelische ...
Follow Vintage Brooks: Website: http://www.vintagebrooks.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/VintageBrooks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VintageBrooks Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Vintagebrooks LibriVox recording of Pandora's Box by Frank Wedekind, translated by Samuel Atkins Eliot, Jr. Pandora's Box (1904) (Die Büchse der Pandora) is a play by the German dramatist Frank Wedekind. It forms the second part of his pairing of 'Lulu' plays (the first is Earth Spirit [1895]), both of which depict a society "riven by the demands of lust and greed". G. W. Pabst directed a silent film version (Pandora's Box), which was loosely based on the play, in 1929. Both plays together also formed the basis for the opera Lulu by Alban Berg in 1935 (premiered posthumously in 1937). Following the ev...
Dokumentation über die Geschichte der Weimarer Republik von der Ruhrbesetzung 1923 bis ca. 1931. - Ruhrbesetzung durch die Franzosen, Ruhrkampf und Inflation; - Gefährdung der Weimarer Republik durch Rechts- und Linksradikale - Wirtschaftliche Erholung in der "Phase der relativen Stabilisierung" 1924-1928; - Außenpolitik Stresemanns mit dem Ziel, durch Entgegenkommen und Diplomatie den Versailler Vertrag zu revidieren - Erfolge und Grenzen der Arbeit des Völkerbunds; - Ausbruch der Weltwirtschaftskrise 1929 - Profilierung und Radikalisierung der Parteien gegen Ende der Weimarer Republik; 0:10 20er Jahre, die goldenen Zwanziger, Charleston, Reparationszahlungen, Franzosen besetzen Zechen und Gruben, Ruhrkampf, Protest gegen Frankreichs Vorgehen an der Ruhr, Abzug der Amerikaner, Kohletran...