Practice Notes: Baking & Un-Baking A Cake

Edit 21 Feb 2016
Every now and again I find myself in a Pali Canon groove -- greatly appreciating the teachings coming out of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. At their best, these teachings seem eminently practical ... Anyway .... "I hate that instruction!" ... But it's more than this ... Now Tibetan Chöd practice seems to me to be one example of utilizing a body-parts visualization in service of making the leap into a direct experience of emptiness....

Yale Journal of Music & Religion launched by Yale Institute of Sacred Music (Yale University)

Edit noodls 12 Feb 2015
(Source. Yale University). Yale Journal of Music & Religion (YJMR) - a new, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of interdisciplinary scholarship that will provide a forum for the study of sacred music in all of its ritual, artistic, and cultural context - debuted on Feb ... The first issue features such topics as meditative visualization and musical gesture in Tibetan "Chöd" liturgies; the reception history of J.S ... distributed by ... (noodl....