Европейската комисия е изпълнителният орган на Европейския съюз и защитава неговите общи интереси.

За контакти


Faster crisis response within the EU: new Emergency Assistance instrument proposedWeekly meeting02/03/2016

Faster crisis response within the EU: new Emergency Assistance instrument proposed

As the refugee crisis continues to put pressure on many countries the Commission proposes a faster way to respond to humanitarian crises within the EU.

Commission launches public consultation on Transparency RegisterNews01/03/2016

Commission launches public consultation on Transparency Register

During 12 weeks stakeholders, civil society and citizens are invited to introduce their ideas and suggestions in relation to the current regime for registration of interest representatives who seek to influence the work of the EU institutions.

European Commission presents EU-U.S. Privacy ShieldNews29/02/2016

European Commission presents EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

The European Commission today issued a Communication taking stock of its work to restore trust in transatlantic data flows since the 2013 surveillance revelations.

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