- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 2901
A godfather is a male godparent in many Christian traditions or a man arranged to be the legal guardian of a child in case the parents die before adulthood or the age of maturity.
Godfather may also refer to:
"Unchained Melody" is a 1955 song with music by Alex North and lyrics by Hy Zaret. North used the music as a theme for the little-known prison film Unchained, hence the name. Todd Duncan sang the vocals for the film soundtrack. It has since become one of the most recorded songs of the 20th century, most notably by the Righteous Brothers. According to the song's publishing administrator, over 1,500 recordings of "Unchained Melody" have been made by more than 670 artists in multiple languages.
In 1955, three versions of the song (Les Baxter, Al Hibbler, Roy Hamilton) charted in the Billboard Top 10 in the United States, and four versions (Al Hibbler, Les Baxter, Jimmy Young and Liberace) appeared in the Top 20 in the United Kingdom simultaneously, an unbeaten record for any song. It is also one of only two songs to reach number one by four different artists in the UK. Of the hundreds of recordings made, it was the July 1965 version by the Righteous Brothers, performed as a solo by Bobby Hatfield, that became a jukebox standard for the late 20th century. This version achieved a second round of great popularity when it was featured in the 1990 blockbuster film Ghost. In 2004 it finished at number 27 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs survey of top tunes in American cinema.
Zhang Ying may refer to:
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男神黃子華一向予人沉默得嚟又幽默嘅感覺,就算唔係靠樣搵食,齋講嘢都夠吸引,但你有冇見過呢個暖男樣嘅子華先?尋日蘇永康喺IG上載子華抱住Jazz(蘇永康兒子)嘅短片,片中子華流露出暖男一面,又表示見到bb仔好難忍住唔錫埋去,而作為「契爺」嘅子華更送咗塊連蘇永康自己都話未見過嘅富格林金幣,真係重手兼錫到燶呀! e+官網:http://eweekly.hk FB專頁:https://www.facebook.com/EMediaPlusHK/
MR T.A.K. & DJ Spyzitrix Present: ''The Real Deal''online mixtape Track 1. ''奇兵''Original Song by Godfather Don - Fame Lyrics By: Mista T@Dougievison Record By : Ghost Style@24Herbs Mixing By : Ghost Style,Dj Spyzitrix@24Herbs Design By: Arho Sunny Lyrics: Let me take u back to real 你當我講笑 Come on go get ur feel 技術性騷擾 你知道 我最討厭就係高調 你知道 我擺明就係要你高潮 諗咁多屎橋 好多偉論發表 無眼睇走去大美督放紙鷂 妖,我理得你真枊或假 痴咩野膠花 Xyz交叉嘩 依家咩年代仲咁老土 差到咁既質數直頭離嗮大普 唔好睇得太過高太過好 你副棺木都仲未到已經幫你祈定禱 邊個先係mc你依家咪知 M.to the I.s.t.a.t我知u wanna be me 遲d送你一隻我既cd 係free 等我話你聽乜野叫做質素 拿你未有咁既級數 Im a Rhyme killa 玩咩都瀟曬 一開聲你可以準備做定標靶 睇你點招架連條蕉你都未消化 你好痛呀?買d藥糕幫你荼 一堆白痴攞住一堆白紙亂數拍子,我無法子唔發指 做場法事 事不宜遲 我義不容辭用義筆去溶詞 用詞 去終止件事太容易 太多排泄物累積係公厠 要沖厠,我理得你鐘唔鐘意 依家就等我黎幫你標誌 D音樂係垃圾,又乜野風格 扮到明係犯法,強姦同恐嚇 我耳仔 好彩有抗體 撞鬼dough boy唔該幫我停 可唔可...
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William So CBCF Charity Press Conference 2017年5月5號 Friday May 5, 2017 Asylum at Hard Rock Casino Vancouver Video by Ragin Ronin Productions Inc.
黑幫,一個與陽剛之氣、男性情義密切相連的詞語,往往讓人覺得它是現實中的唯一的江湖,賦予了它太多的想像。與此同時,黑幫卻又因無惡不作而聲名狼藉;讓我們一窺能“成名”於世界並令人聞風喪膽的黑幫到底都是什麼樣。 NO1:美聯儲的幕後老闆:羅斯切爾德家族 知道美元是怎麼來的嗎?很多人都會說是美聯儲印的唄。但你知道美聯儲的幕後老闆嗎? 羅斯切爾德家族-歐洲唯一的強權也是全球最大最神秘的社團 倒霉美國前總統約翰.肯尼迪,做了件愚蠢的事,他想把羅斯切爾德家族給辦了,可是他低估了這個家族結果死在了車上。 當國際媒體成天炒作身家500億美元的比爾.蓋茨,蟬聯世界首富寶座的時候,如果你信以為真,你就上當了。人們耳熟能詳的所謂富豪排行榜上,你根本找不到"大道無形"的超級富豪們的身影,因為他們早已嚴密地控制了西方主要的媒體。 所謂"大隱,隱於朝",羅斯切爾德家族今天仍在經營著銀行業務,但是如果我們隨機在北京或上海的街頭問100個中國人,其中可能有99個知道美國花旗銀行,而不見得有1個知道羅斯切爾德銀行。 究竟誰是羅斯切爾德?如果一個從事金融行業的人,從來沒有聽說過"羅斯切爾德"(Rothschild)這個名字,就如同一個軍人不知道拿破崙,研究物理學的人不知道愛因斯坦一樣不可思議。奇怪卻並不意外的是,這個名字對絕大多數中國人來說是非常陌生的,但它對中國人民乃至世界人民的過去、現在和未來的影響力是如此的巨大,而其知名度卻是如此之低,其隱身能力讓人嘆為觀止。羅斯切爾德家族究竟擁有多少財富?這是一個世界之迷。保守的估計是30萬億美元! NO2: 人數世界第一黑幫:洪門 排名第二的當然是我們中國的洪門了,其人數超過了世界上任何一個社團。 據統計截至到2005年洪門在世界各地的幫眾超過了90多萬人 。洪門由明清時期的“天地會”演變而來現今以成立400多年,分支遍布美國,法國,南非,澳大利亞,...
CHESSMAN 棋人娛樂製作特別頻道【號外】每周為你送上藝人最新短片!
White X'mas 2008 Snowy scene with warm heart 雪景溫情愛在心 .. [ 人間有情 ].. Love 愛 .. 人生追求什麼 ? 是「愛」。 無論搵幾多錢, 吃得多飽, 住得多好, 要求多長壽, 保養得多麼健康..最後都是為了...「愛」。 [香港網壇教父金句] : 沒有「愛」的人, 他雖然活著, 只是行屍走肉, 其實他已經死了。
This is the part 3. This is a video clip accompanied by a mixture of songs of JAY CHOU. The remix of the song is based on my personal taste & style. I have try hard to find pics of JAY , so that those who still doesn't recognize him can know him by watching this remix. Any comment & opinion is welcomed. please rate this remix if u like. Thanks for watching & listening. ^^ Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuxZln1XVO0 Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoQLmGY0Lgs Pics from: http://images.google.com.my Sorry for any inconvenience.
Official Trailer For The New Studio Album "Sondia" by China Jazz Diva And Composer ZhangYing.爵士女神張盈2014同名原創爵士大碟Sondia宣傳片。 Zhang Ying(Sondia): Famous Jazz Singer-songwriter in China ;Composer ;Lecturer of Communication University of China;Master Degree of Central Conservatory of Music ; Celebrity Endorser of Ultra-slim USB keyboard,CME Xkey. Who is better known by her English name, Sondia, was honored as ‘Jazz goddess’and‘Talented Jazz Beauty’in China because of her versatility in music. She is known for her composing, singing and playing various instruments in her live shows. She graduated from Central Conservatory of Music, which is the top conservatory in China, and studied with the famous composer Guo wenjing. Now Sondia is teaching in t...
Watch the video and try to guess what song the dance routine belongs to! Submit your answer by clicking the link below. Submission Link: http://goo.gl/QglRs
Scroll down for "cheat" chords. Subscribe to my Piano Cheats channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/leshmye Piano Cheats Blog: http://www.PianoCheats.com My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pianocheats-by-Les-Hmye/127066640658081 This song is in C key. These are the "cheat" chords I played... Part 1a: C(add2) - G/B - Am7 - Am7/G Part 1b(i): F2 - C/E - Dm7 - F/G - G Part 1b(ii): F2 - C/E - Dm7 - E4 - E7/G# Part 2a: Am7 - Em7 - Am7 - Em7 Part 2b: F - F/G - F/A - G/B Part 3a: C(add2) - E4 - E7/G# - Am7 - Am7/G Part 3b: Dm7 - F/G - G - C(add2) Part 3c: E4 - E7/G# - Am7 - Am7/G - D7/F# Part 3d: Dm7 - F/G - G - C(add2) Ending: F/G - G - C(add2)
Live performance from the Gran Centurion Show in New Jersey
Jammin to some Jay-Z upon request. I do not own the rights to this song.
AFHD2013 畢業作品展將於 9/6 盛大舉行, 歡迎Walk in, 詳情請瀏灠Facebook 專頁 Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AFHD/558145590874856