Baby Wombat Orphans!
You would never expect it, but these baby
Wombats are some of the cutest animals alive!
We asked our associate editor
Harry what he thought about wombats, and he said, "An ugly animal—like a bat but dumber." Then we showed him this video and he was paralyzed in an alternating laugh/awwww/laugh/awwww stupor for three whole minutes. Then we really fucked with his emotional bearings by telling him that this little munchkin, named
Belle, is an orphan. Sadly, her mother was run over by a car, but when animal control arrived they checked her pouch and found Belle alive and well inside. (Unlike most marsupials, wombat patches open from the bottom, near their rumps, so that when they dig they don't sprinkle dirt all over their babies. Clever, eh?) After being rescued, Belle was taken to Healesvil