Avatar: The Last Airbender Is One Of The Great TV Shows

Edit Kotaku 30 Sep 2016
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking Bad or The Wire. I am here today to tell you that Avatar ... They’ll give me an odd look ... As much of a relief as it is to see Aang and Appa together again (and as profoundly fun as it is to watch Appa swat the head of the Dai Li into Lake Laogai), the reunion is ultimately possible because Zuko finally listened to his Uncle ... ....

Truth Gives Short Answers, Lies Go Round About (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 31 Aug 2016
Laogai Museum) ... As Harry Wu's long time friend and the European Representative of the Laogai Research Foundation (unpaid, Bürgerpflichtler), I am offended by Andrew Jacobs' article (NY Times 8/14/16) which consists of an indigestible mixture of mudslinging, slanted facts and information, fifth column tricks, cherchez la femme, Medea, pure envy and jealousy etc ... A Laogai Museum in Berlin and/or in Warszawa/Poland is my goal....

Some Catholics Are Deeply Disturbed That The Vatican Is Cozying Up To China’s Repressive Regime (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Aug 2016
(Source. Laogai Museum). After decades of being locked out of China, the Holy See seems to be on the path to a rapprochement with Beijing ... Catholics who refuse this arrangement have gone underground, at the risk of persecution and imprisonment ... A Party that doesn't know love ... 'Those are pretty damn major things ... Laogai Museum published this content on 29 August 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... (noodl....


Edit Public Technologies 23 Aug 2016
Laogai Museum) ... He also asked whether the Laogai Research Foundation would continue to sponsor jailed dissidents or their families. I replied that all of the application forms are still on Laogai's website with no changes, so I believe the Foundation would continue as it had when Mr ... I'd start before dawn and return to the laogai barracks after dark ... In 1992, the Laogai Research Foundation (LRF) was established....

The Contradictions of Harry Wu

Edit Asia Times 20 Aug 2016
The fund was to be administered by Harry Wu and his Laogai Research Foundation (LRF) ... Laogai Research Foundation. They founded Laogai Research Foundation to be based in Washington DC.Laogai” was Chinese terminology for reform through labor and was the term used in China for a particular kind of prison camps ... Wu charged that the project would benefit the laogai camps in Xinjiang....

Tribute to Harry Wu (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Aug 2016
(Source. Laogai Museum). Tribute to Harry Wu. By. Chen Duanzhao. Fifty-nine years ago since the 'Anti-Rightist Movement,' a commemoration was held in the United States. At that conference in 2007 I was reacquainted with Wu Hongda (Harry Wu) after an absence of thirty-eight years ... I am infinitely wistful ... I knew Harry Wu ... Laogai Museum published this content on 29 July 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... (noodl....

CECC Chairs Say Trials of Rights Advocates and Religious Leader a Mockery of Justice (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Aug 2016
(Source. Laogai Museum). CECC Chairs Say Trials of Rights Advocates and Religious Leader a Mockery of Justice. Urge U.S. Government to lead international effort ahead of the G-20 Summit to seek release of rights advocates and an end to coerced confessions. August 4, 2016 ... Laogai Museum published this content on 10 August 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... (noodl. 34901630) ....

With Socialism, Venezuela Repeats the World’s Mistakes (Americans for Prosperity)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Aug 2016
(Source. Americans for Prosperity). With Socialism, Venezuela Repeats the World's Mistakes Aug 4, 2016 by AFP. The Venezuela crisis at times reads like a 'greatest hits' list of the astounding failures facilitated by the world's socialist regimes. In Mao's China they called it 'laogai ' or 'reform through labor.' Individuals were forced to work not for themselves, their families, or their beliefs - but for the state ... (noodl. 34830548) ....

From Those Who Knew Harry Wu (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Jul 2016
Laogai Museum) ... While I lost many years to the laogai, some of that time was precious because of the people I met; for eight years, I was privileged to have known Harry Wu ... What was Harry to do? Harry is only a laogai prisoner ... His career achievements include the establishment of the Laogai Research Foundation ... Laogai Museum published this content on 29 July 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein....

My Time with Harry: A Memorial (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Jul 2016
Laogai Museum) ... I was imprisoned in a laogai clothing factory in Qinghe. Du Gao, Ba Hong and Liu Naiyuan were sent to the laogai clothing factory in Miche Lake in the province of Heilongjiang. Around May 1962, when the first famine happened in China, we were gathered and sent to Tuanhe laogai clothing factory in the southern suburbs of Beijing to continue our labor reform ... He was first sent to laogai clothing factory in Beiyuan....

The Story of Harry Wu (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Jun 2016
Laogai Museum) ... We cannot share our technology with them.' But why today do they share with the Chinese communists? They are still running the Laogai system and still put people in jail because they disagree with the communists ... LAOGAI RESEARCH FOUNDATION ... Our foundation is called Laogai Research Foundation. Many people still don't know about it, but actually 'laogai' has become a word in every dictionary, just like the Soviet gulag....

Dalai Lama Goes to Washington (Laogai Museum)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jun 2016
(Source. Laogai Museum). The Dalai Lama visits Washington D.C. this week. His Holiness spoke at length in both English and Tibetan on Monday at American University's Bender Arena on a Peaceful Mind in a Modern World ... He emphasized the importance of language and education ... A translator then summarized his remarks ... Laogai Museum published this content on 15 June 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... (noodl....


Edit Public Technologies 14 Jun 2016
Laogai Museum) ... Imagine a bright and intelligent 19-years old boy from a good prominent family of upscale Shanghai bankers who was torn from his life circle by the exceptionally cruel regime and confided into horrific Laogai, the Chinese 'improvement' of Gulag and Nazi camps, for 19 years of his life ... Harry told us that every single day in Laogai it was a miracle and a victory....