Cranes Over Hobart

State economy

THE record number of cranes dominating Hobart’s skyline is proof of renewed confidence in the Tasmanian economy, says the new Building and Con­struction Minister.

Stolen utes used in robbery attempt

Stolen utes used in robbery attempt
TWO utilities stolen from a Devonport car yard were used in an attempted ram-raid robbery in Latrobe, police say.

Tassie’s tech revolution

Tassie’s tech revolution
TASMANIA’S ICT sector must target high school students to help grow the industry if it is to claim the title of Australia’s technology capital.

Court backlog concerns

Court backlog concerns
TASMANIA’S  legal fraternity fears Family Court case lists will blow out if a new family law judge is not appointed to the North soon.

MLC claims false evidence sparked $50m hunt

MLC claims false evidence sparked $50m hunt
LEGISLATIVE Councillor Ivan Dean says he has proof the state’s controversial fox hunt was based on fabricated evidence.

Vineyards to reap reward of dry season

Vineyards to reap reward of dry season
THE hot, dry summer has been brutal for many Tasmanian farmers but a blessing for those growing grapes.

Tasmania fighting a war it must win

Tasmania fighting a war it must win
TASMANIA’S battle against unemployment is far from won as welfare dependency grows and others give up on finding a job.

Leap-year birthday at last

Leap-year birthday at last
ALTHOUGH they were born four years ago, “leaplings” Rose Thomas and Ava Hicks are about to celebrate their first birthday.

Industry riding on super oyster

Industry riding on super oyster
ABOUT  30,000 oysters bred to be genetically resistant to a devastating disease have been released into Tasmanian waters.

Students go AWOL

Students go AWOL
TASMANIAN  children skipped more than 267,000 school days with no explanation in a single year, the Department of Education’s most recent figures reveal.

‘My body just went numb’

‘My body just went numb’
A SPEEDING car. A split second. The crunch of metal on metal. And a man’s world collapses.

Bright ideas short-listed for top awards

Bright ideas short-listed for top awards
TASSIE designer Duncan Meerding is about to head to Germany where he will showcase his stunning pieces.

Tassie chases slice of defence cash

Tassie chases slice of defence cash
THE biggest defence forces in the world keep a close eye on this busy and innovative Tasmanian riverside industrial hub.

Peaceful street woken by gunfire

Peaceful street woken by gunfire
TWO people were woken by gunshots fired at their northern suburbs home on Friday night.

Greens taken to task on bus changes

Greens taken to task on bus changes
THE state’s public transport company has accused the Tasmanian Greens of political posturing.

Testing time for damaged ice ship

Testing time for damaged ice ship
THE stricken icebreaker Aurora Australis will be assessed for seaworthiness in coming days.

Uni out to level playing field

Uni out to level playing field
CHANGING demands have UTAS seeking to create a community that welcomes students from near and far, writes Duncan Abey

Taste of China here in Tassie

Taste of China here in Tassie
A CHINESE-OWNED vineyard at Richmond is planning to develop a cellar door featuring street food and Chinese gardens.

Peak-hour pain needs action plan

Peak-hour pain needs action plan
ALEX LUTTRELL looks at Hobart’s worsening traffic problems, what has transpired and what needs to be done.

Bridgewater Bridge reopens to traffic

Bridgewater Bridge reopens to traffic
THE Bridgewater Bridge has reopened to traffic after its lifting span was unstuck.

New push on dying wishes

New push on dying wishes
LAUNCESTON woman Helena Lettau says she has an option as a Swiss citizen to go back to her native country to die at a time of her choosing.

Cops probed disgraced ex-priest

Cops probed disgraced ex-priest
A FORMER Tasmanian priest has been linked to one of Australia’s most notorious and heart-wrenching missing persons cases — the disappearance of toddler William Tyrrell.

UTAS on Inca trail

UTAS on Inca trail
THERE’s a South American revolution brewing at the University of Tasmania, as it ­explores a new international market to secure its long-term future.

On balance, Tassie rocks

On balance, Tassie rocks
DAREDEVIL Ryan Robinson likes living life on the edge and in Tasmania, he found the ultimate challenge.

Controversial Senator standing firm

Controversial Senator standing firm
ERIC Abetz’s critics will be sorely disappointed if they believe the Liberal Party stalwart sidelined by the Prime Minister is ready to step out of the main arena, writes SALLY GLAETZER.

Warning about Wicked Campers

Warning about Wicked Campers
TASMANIA’S Anti-Discrimination Commissioner has warned people driving hire vans adorned with sexist sayings and artwork in Tasmania could be breaking the law.

Action plan to tackle traffic chaos

Action plan to tackle traffic chaos
AN immediate action plan to take on Hobart’s growing traffic nightmare has been unveiled by the State Government.

US to rescue Antarctic crew

US to rescue Antarctic crew
AN American aircraft will help shift expeditioners affected by the grounding of Australia’s icebreaker, the Antarctic Division said yesterday.

Higher smoking age rejected

Higher smoking age rejected
THREE out of four Tasmanians reject a proposal to increase Tasmania’s smoking age to 21 or 25, polling shows.

Let loose without notice

Let loose without notice
SOME of Tasmania’s most hardcore criminals, including an axe murderer and the killer of a Chinese student, were paroled without the public being told for more than six months.