Car-crash dad’s tears Thank you for saving my boys’ lives

FROM the moment the harrowing Sunday Night story began, the painful and emotional journey of the car-crash mum Sarah Paino and her family never let up.

‘Next Silicon Valley’ Tassie’s tech revolution

Tassie’s tech revolution

TASMANIA’S ICT sector must target high school students to help grow the industry if it is to claim the title of Australia’s technology capital.

Ram raid Stolen utes used in robbery attempt

Stolen utes used in robbery attempt

TWO utilities stolen from a Devonport car yard were used in an attempted ram-raid robbery in Latrobe, police say.

TasWeekend Indulge Restaurant Review

TasWeekend: Indulge Mexican movement spreads

HOBART is experiencing a minor Mexican wave with three new eateries opening within two months, writes Graeme Phillips.

State economy Confidence sky high, says new minister

Confidence sky high, says new minister

THE record number of cranes dominating Hobart’s skyline is proof of renewed confidence in the Tasmanian economy, says the new Building and Con­struction Minister.

Court backlog concerns

Court backlog concerns

TASMANIA’S  legal fraternity fears Family Court case lists will blow out if a new family law judge is not appointed to the North soon.

Fox controversy MLC claims false evidence sparked $50m hunt

MLC claims false evidence sparked $50m hunt

LEGISLATIVE Councillor Ivan Dean says he has proof the state’s controversial fox hunt was based on fabricated evidence.

Great for grapes Vineyards to reap reward of dry season

Vineyards to reap reward of dry season

THE hot, dry summer has been brutal for many Tasmanian farmers but a blessing for those growing grapes.

Battle against unemployment Tasmania fighting a war it must win

Tasmania fighting a war it must win

TASMANIA’S battle against unemployment is far from won as welfare dependency grows and others give up on finding a job.

Scales of justice Role in pub brawl leads to jail term

Role in pub brawl leads to jail term

A SOUTHERN Tasmanian man who helped a work colleague engage in a pub brawl in Devonport two years ago has been jailed.

Editorial Tech push smart but ...

THAT Tasmania’s peak body for ICT wants to target high school students to help the industry grow must be exciting news for teenagers.

Talking Point A devil hidden in the deep blue sea

FINDING the fault in the Basslink cable and in the legal liability for its failure are tough going, explains Nick Clark

From Around The Site

Home magazine Bright ideas short-listed for top awards

Bright ideas short-listed for top awards

TASSIE designer Duncan Meerding is about to head to Germany where he will showcase his stunning pieces.

Leap year You won’t get paid on Monday

You won’t get paid on Monday

GETTING out of bed for work is often hard. But this news will make the start of next week even more difficult.