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Scales Of Justice

Dopey speeder told next time it’s prison

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Scales Of Justice

Dopey speeder told next time it’s prison

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Hobart Magistrates Court building.

A stoned and unlicenced driver who tried to hide his car in parkland shrubbery after police spotted him driving at twice the speed limit has been warned he will go to jail if he offends again.

In the Hobart Magistrates Court, Raymond Leigh Silva, 27, pleaded guilty to exceeding the speed limit in a built-up area, evading police and driving an unregistered, uninsured motor vehicle while unlicensed.

The court heard that at 8.10pm on November 13 last year, Silva was spotted by police travelling at 100km/in a 50km/h zone in Lamprill Circle at Herdsmans Cove.

They followed Silva who exited Bentink Drive by driving along walking tracks in a nearby reserve.

The officers watched as he tried to conceal his car under shrubs in the reserve.

Silva was taken into custody where he tested positive for drugs.

The court heard claimed to have became paranoid when he saw the police because he had smoked three bongs earlier that day.

Silva’s lawyer Greg Meyer told the court that the 27-year-old single man lived with his mother and father.

He was on a disability pension because of his lack of literacy skills - which had so far prohibited him from gaining a licence.

He had paid $400 for the Camry and intended to repair it before on selling.

Mr Meyer said Silva has realised he can’t have a car until he gets a licence.

“I’m told this matter has scared him witless and he doesn’t smoke cannabis anymore,” Mr Meyer said.

Magistrate Glenn Hay told Silva “ you posed a risk just by the sheer speed by which you were driving.”

“You are going to escape a period of imprisonment on this occasion but this time will be the last time as far as I am concerned.”

Silva was fined a total of $1908, lost six points from a licence - if he gets one and was disqualified from driving for nine months.