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Leaplings finally get their first birthday

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Leaplings finally get their first birthday

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Rose Thomas, of South Hobart, left, and Ava Hicks, of Dynnyrne, were born on February 29 and are looking forward to their “first birthday". Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE

IN years to come, these little girls may cherish their eternal youth.

But at this stage, the significance of being born a “leapling” is lost on them.

Ava Hicks and Rose Thomas have only one sleep to go before they finally celebrate their first birthday.

Although these Hobart girls were born four years ago, in 2012, their birth date was February 29 — which rolls around only once every four years, in a leap year.

Rose’s mum Katy Thomas said her daughter wasn’t quite aware of the importance of tomorrow’s date, or the fact it was her first “real” birthday.

“This will be the most significant of all her leap year birthdays, but she doesn’t understand it yet,” Katy said.

The chances of being born on February 29 are only one in 1461.

And those lucky enough to enter the world on that day can claim a few privileges, suggested Ava’s mum Kate Hicks. “She can always claim eternal youth — but we can’t let her drink until she’s 72,” she said.

Ava was born on her due date but Rose achieved her rare birth date by arriving 10 days late.

“It was a surprise when it happened, and it actually does feel a little bit special,” Ms Thomas said.

The girls said they were looking forward to tomorrow.

“We’re having fish and chips for dinner, at Mures,” Ava said.