Why kids need to learn how to play nice

Edit The Oklahoman 20 Jun 2016
Parents, teaching your children to play nice with others and control their tempers should be a top priority, according to a new study by researchers from Harvard University ... The study found that an estimated one out of three toddlers, 80 million toddlers worldwide, failed to reach at least one of the developmental skills listed above ... According to Reuters, the child mortality rate has been quickly falling since the 2000s ... ....

No Development Tool More Effective Than Education Of Girls, And  Empowerment Of Women

Edit Modern Ghana 17 Jun 2016
Every child in Ghana has a right to be educated ... It is impossible for any nation to address poverty, gender equality, maternal and child mortality with this kind of statistics. The above figures if not checked, it will threatens the achievement of the main goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primarily education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, and reducing child mortality....

>No Development Tool More Effective Than Education Of Girls, And  Empowerment Of Women

Edit Modern Ghana 17 Jun 2016
Every child in Ghana has a right to be educated ... It is impossible for any nation to address poverty, gender equality, maternal and child mortality with this kind of statistics. The above figures if not checked, it will threatens the achievement of the main goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primarily education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, and reducing child mortality....

16 June, Day of the African Child (African Development Bank Group)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Jun 2016
Health and child mortality ... Reducing child mortality was the aim of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) No ... Child mortality has fallen sharply in Africa, and this decrease accelerated between 2000 and 2013 ... 'Angola, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger and Rwanda have experienced steep declines [in child mortality] in the two decades spanning 1990 to 2010,' reports UNICEF....

India is proof that healthcare miracles can save millions of children from death and disease

Edit Quartz 17 Jun 2016
When I first started working on child health, one in five children died before their fifth birthday ... Four decades on, child mortality in India has been cut to 1.2 million per year, eradication of diseases is no longer merely a theory....

Stanford physicians use innovation to protect children’s health in Guatemala (Stanford University)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Jun 2016
Stanford pediatrician Paul Wise stooped below the black tarp roof of a cinderblock house in Guatemala to offer his condolences to a mother who had just lost her child ... When local health promoters think a child may have a serious medical condition, they like to consult Wise during his visits to Guatemala.(Image credit ... When done well, nutrition surveillance is very effective at decreasing child mortality in poor countries....

Improving mother and child health in Burkina Faso (IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
After 18 months of implementation, the health district reported indicators that point to a decline in maternal and child mortality and morbidity in the 50 villages covered by the project ... and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the overarching goal of the project is to contribute to the decline in maternal and child mortality and morbidity in Mangodara....

68,361 children suffer from malnutrition in Shahjahanpur

Edit The Times of India 16 Jun 2016
Shahjahanpur. Following a survey by the state nutrition mission, under the integrated child development scheme (ICDS), that a shocking 68,361 children suffer from malnutrition in Shahjahanpur district, chief development officer (CDO) Pulkit Khare decided to take matters in his own hands ... "We provide 250gm of milk along with bananas and jaggery to malnourished children. We have recorded a decrease in child mortality rate, of late....

Day of the African Child 2016: Let’s eliminate conflict to improve the lives of children (AMREF USA)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16 every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organisation of African Unity, now the African Union ... In 2015, there were three million child deaths on the continent ... Despite some countries making notable improvements in child health in recent years, sub-Saharan Africa's average child mortality rate is still almost 12 times the average of high-income countries....

Let’s eliminate conflict to improve the lives of children (AMREF - African Medical & Research Foundation)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16 every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organisation of African Unity, now the African Union ... In 2015, there were three million child deaths on the continent ... Despite some countries making notable improvements in child health in recent years, sub-Saharan Africa's average child mortality rate is still almost 12 times the average of high-income countries....

My vision for Sierra Leone is to eradicate extreme poverty – says Yumkella

Edit Sierra Leone Telegraph 16 Jun 2016
Sierra Leone Telegraph. 16 June 2016. On Friday, 10th June 2016, Dr Kandeh Yumkella addressed over a thousand people at the University of Makeni ... “The need to reduce child mortality and post-natal deaths is critical. Strengthening our maternal and child health facilities is crucial. The current government has presided over the worst record in the world for maternal mortality deaths in the last five years.”. Dr ... ....

Dialogue @pharma.be: a call for Ambassadorship of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (pharmabe - Association Générale de l'Industrie du Médicament)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
(Source. pharmabe - Association Générale de l'Industrie du Médicament) 15/06/2016. Over 240 participants interested in development, healthcare and partnerships attended the Dialogue @pharma.be event in Brussels on June 3, 2016 ... Already today - researchers in Belgium have achieved remarkable results in reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and tackling HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases ... 1. Prof. dr ... 2. Fr ... 3 ... 4....

Nation building on Indigenous recognition needs a mature debate

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 16 Jun 2016
He is criticised for daring to agree that once constitutional recognition is achieved, a treaty might be in order ... So far, so obvious ... If invasion and treaty are considered dangerously emotive words to use, think of child mortality, domestic violence, illiteracy, incarceration, discrimination, the dangerously emotive realities of life for the most marginalised Australians..    ... ....