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Theory Of Computation 61 -- Examples of Regular expressions
REGEX Tutorial Regular Expressions
What are Regular Expressions and Languages?
1 - Convert Regular Expression to Finite-State Automaton
2 - Convert Regular Expression to Finite-State Automaton
Best of Fluent 2012: /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions - Episode 1 - Introduction
Let's Learn Python #23 - Regular Expressions
Using regular expressions in JavaScript
Automata Theory - Lecture 5 - 1 - Regular Expressions
Regular Expression to NFA
QTP Part 25 Regular Expression
Regex Howto : Dominate Your Code with Regular Expressions
Google Python Class Day 2 Part 1
Best Regular Expressions Book : Here I explain how Regular Expressions are used. I cover all of the codes and what they are used for. Th...
What are Regular Expressions and Languages? A very simple explanation of what Regular Expressions are. Explains how to construct regular expressions for a given language and vice versa. Learn the basics of Regular Expressions and their usage. More Videos in this series : Deterministic Finite Automata: Non-deterministic FInite Automata: Converting NFA to DFA: Follow us on Twitter : @theunacademy Like us on Facebook : Subscribe to the channel and support us make learning easier.
This video shows you how to convert a simple regular expression to a finite-state automaton (FSA). Finite-state automatons are also called finite-state machi...
The second in a series of videos about the relationship between regular expressions and finite-state automatons (or finite-state machines). This video goes o...
From Fluent 2012: Quick, what does this do: /(\/\*?\\/)|\/\/.*?(\r?\n|$)/g? If you're like many developers, you just averted your eyes, and your heart is now...
Welcome to the Software Carpentry lecture on regular expressions. In order to understand what regular expressions are for, let's have a look at the sort of c...
This week, I cover Regular Expressions in Python! Please leave me a comment or question below! Like and Subscribe to show your support! :D ======================================== LINK-A-SAURUS!! Editor = SUBLIME TEXT 2: RE Documentation: Python 2.7.x: Python 3.3.x: ========================================= Music by Juto: Link Coming Soon! ========================================= --- SUPER TUTORIAL LIST!!! --- LLP #25 - UI with PyQt & OpenGL - LLP #24 - UI with Python, PyQt & Qt Designer - LLP #23 - Regular Expressions - LLP #22 - Multithreading - LLP #21 - Min Max Algorithm - LLP #20 - A* Algorithm - LLP #19 - Finite-State Machines (FSM) - LLP #18 - Factory and @classmethod - LLP #17 - Type Class Creation, Metaclass - LLP #16 - Singletons - LLP #15 - Nesting Functions and Decorators - LLP #14 - *Args, **Kwargs - LLP #13 - UML - Unified Modeling Language - LLP #12 - Abstract Classes, Multiple Inheritance - OOP 3 of 3 - LLP #11 - Overriding & File Mng. - OOP 2 of 3 - LLP #10 - Inheritance - OOP 1 of 3 - LLP #9 - Creating Text Files - LLP #8 of 8 - Classes - LLP #7 of 8 - Files and User Input - LLP #6 of 8 - Functions - LLP #5 - Exception Handling - LLP #4 - Loops - LLP #3 - Conditionals, If, Else, Elif - LLP #2 - Strings, Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries - LLP #1 - Integers, Floats and Maths - PLAYLISTS BASICS - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING - SCRIPTING PLAYLIST - =========================================
Link for all dot net and sql server video tutorial playlists Link for slides, code samples and text version of the video What is a Regular Expression A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. Let us understand the use of regular expressions with an example. The following strings contain words and numbers. From the string we want to extract all the numbers. Bsically the program should work with any string. Mark-9 Tim-890 Sam-10 Sara-9902 Result : 9, 890, 10, 9902 908ABC12XYZ34 Result : 908, 12, 34 $1 $2 $901 ABC(100) Result : 1, 2, 901, 100 Here is what we want the page to do 1. User enters the string in the first textbox 2. When "Process String" button is clicked, the numbers should be extracted from the string and displayed in the text area element. It will be very complex and error prone if we have to achieve this without using regular expressions. [input type="text" id="txtBox" style="width:250px" /] [br /][br /] [input type="button" value="Process String" onclick="processString()" style="width:250px" /] [br /][br /] [textarea id="txtArea" rows="4" cols="30"][/textarea] [script type="text/javascript"] function processString() { // Clear the textarea element document.getElementById("txtArea").value = ""; // Retrieve the user intput from the textbox var inputString = document.getElementById("txtBox").value; // Regular expression should be in 2 forward slashes // // Letter g at the end of the regular expression performs a global match // match() method returns all substrings that match the given regular expression var result = inputString.match(/\d+/g); if (result != null) { // Add the retrieved numbers to the textarea element for (var i = 0; i [ result.length; i++) { document.getElementById("txtArea").value += result[i] + "\r\n"; } } } [/script]
Humans can convert a regular expression to a DFA fairly easily using just a few heuristic rules. But a computer needs an algorithm. There are two steps: 1. C...
Using Regular Expressions, changing window titles.
Regular Expressions rock. They are an ultra-powerful search pattern language that almost anyone can learn, whether you are into programming or not. || Add me...
Google Python Class Day 2 Part 1: Regular Expressions. By Nick Parlante. Support materials and exercises:
Theory of Computation by Prof.Kamala Krithivasan,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm...
Dr. Rob Edwards from San Diego State University discusses an introduction to using regular expressions in Perl
Done for a college assignment. Hope it helps!
For BYU CS252, Computational Theory. This is Dr. Michael Jones describing how to convert a DFA into a Regular Expression. Video was taken using google glass.
This video explains how to use Regular Expression in QTP to find the email count in your Gmail inbox. Also visit
An example to explain what to look for when converting a DFA to regular expression . Learn how to convert DFA to regular expression. More videos in the same ...
In computing, a regular expression provides a concise and flexible means to "match" (specify and recognize) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Common abbreviations for "regular expression" include regex and regexp. The concept of regular expressions was first popularized by utilities provided by Unix distributions, in particular the editor ed and the filter grep.[citation needed] A regular expression is written in a formal language that can be interpreted by a regular expression processor, which is a program that either serves as a parser generator or examines text and identifies parts that match the provided specification. Historically, the concept of regular expressions is associated with Kleene's formalism of regular sets, introduced in the 1950s.
The following are examples of specifications which can be expressed as a regular expression:
Regular expressions are used by many text editors, utilities, and programming languages to search and manipulate text based on patterns. Some of these languages, including Perl, Ruby, AWK, and Tcl, integrate regular expressions into the syntax of the core language itself. Other programming languages like .NET languages, Java, and Python instead provide regular expressions through standard libraries. For yet other languages, such as Object Pascal(Delphi) and C and C++, non-core libraries are available (however, version C++11 provides regular expressions in its Standard Libraries).