

As a small-business person myself I understand that you need a solution delivered on time and on budget. I will work in close collaboration with you and your team in order to to realise your vision.

I will scope out projects in advance so that you know where your money is going and so that what is built offers REAL VALUE.


I work in a multitude of technologies such as WordPress, Drupal and Ruby on Rails. Whether you're building a web-app or a content driven site, mobile or desktop I can build it.

If you're wanting to do a large project or have particular needs, I'm not afraid to put together a specialised team to get the job done.


Real Freedom means being able to move to get your stuff at anytime. All of the code that I write for you is stored in version control and can be downloaded in a snap.

I realise that sometimes the option that works now might be outgrown in the future. If thats the case I'll let you know and make sure that options are presented to you.

Service Oriented

With experience in graphics design, software development and server configuration and administration, you won't need to to rely on another party to build or look after your project and hosting and email and manage backups.