Citizen X is a made-for-TV film, released in 1995, which covers the investigation of the Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted in 1992 of killing 53 women and children between 1978 and 1990, and the efforts of detectives in the Soviet Union to capture him. The film is based on Robert Cullen's non-fiction book The Killer Department (1993).
A body is discovered on a collective farm during harvesting in 1982. A subsequent search of adjacent woods, authorized by newly installed official, Viktor Burakov, turns up seven more bodies in varying stages of decomposition. The film tells the story of the subsequent eight-year hunt by forensic specialist Burakov for the serial killer responsible for the mutilation and murder of over 50 people, 35 of them below the age of 18. Burakov is promoted to detective and eventually aided, covertly at first, by Col. Mikhail Fetisov, his commanding officer and the shrewd head of the provincial committee for crime, and, much later, by Dr. Alexandr Bukhanovsky, a psychiatrist.
Citizen X is a video game developed by Digital Pictures for the Sega CD.
A terrorist group with world domination plans has attacked the city with a lethal toxic gas. They're threatening to unleash more havoc unless their demands are met.
The main player have been scouted out by a government anti-terrorist unit to take them out, as the only person exposed to the toxin who has not died yet. The mission is to find the anti-toxin and stop the terrorists before they make good on their threats.
Descending into the city's sewer system, the player must trek through the various tunnels, uncover clues, find the anti-toxin and defeat the terrorists, all within a 15-minute time frame.
Departing from their previous style of 100% full-motion video games, Digital Pictures had designed this to be a 2-D side scrolling platform adventure, with short FMV cut-scenes mixed in to tell the story.
Critical reception to Citizen X was middling.
Actors: Malin Krastev (actor), Alexander Etimov (editor), Angel Apostolski (writer), Angel Apostolski (director), Oliver Dimitrov (composer),
Genres: Drama, Short,Citizen X is a made-for-TV film, released in 1995, which covers the investigation of the Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted in 1992 of killing 53 women and children between 1978 and 1990, and the efforts of detectives in the Soviet Union to capture him. The film is based on Robert Cullen's non-fiction book The Killer Department (1993).
A body is discovered on a collective farm during harvesting in 1982. A subsequent search of adjacent woods, authorized by newly installed official, Viktor Burakov, turns up seven more bodies in varying stages of decomposition. The film tells the story of the subsequent eight-year hunt by forensic specialist Burakov for the serial killer responsible for the mutilation and murder of over 50 people, 35 of them below the age of 18. Burakov is promoted to detective and eventually aided, covertly at first, by Col. Mikhail Fetisov, his commanding officer and the shrewd head of the provincial committee for crime, and, much later, by Dr. Alexandr Bukhanovsky, a psychiatrist.
Time Magazine | 12 Sep 2018
The Times Picayune | 13 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018