Police, laws should reflect the times: President

Kochi: President Pranab Mukherjee said that police in the country must become more inclusive and tolerant in its day-day-day functioning. He was delivering the inaugural speech at the valedictory function of the year-long celebrations of the 155th anniversary of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) organised by directorate of prosecution-Kerala, here on Friday evening.

"The police must go beyond its role of being merely a law-enforcing body... The founding fathers of the Constitution had conceived inclusiveness, tolerance, self-restraint, honesty, discipline, respect and protection of women, senior citizens and weaker sections as essential ingredients of our democracy," the president said.

Earlier in the day, inaugurating the bicentenary celebrations of CMS College - India's first arts and science college - in Kottayam, the president said though Kerala has been a pioneer in many fields and has achieved universal literacy and total primary education, it has not been matched by its achievements in higher education. The president also visited Guruvayur temple during his Kerala visit.

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