The Romeo Section Season Finale Preview: A String of Pearls

Romeo Section

The Romeo Section wraps up its freshman season Wednesday night with an episode that lays the groundwork if we’re going to get a second year. It’s also a very satisfying conclusion that gives us some closure on the arcs so far this season, even coming full circle — to a degree — on Wolfgang’s original quest.

There’s a tantalizing mix of deals sealed and truths revealed that pays off for the folks who’ve followed the journey. Da Vinci’s Inquest fans get a special treat with appearances from Donnelly Rhodes and Chris Britton. I adore Rhodes and loved seeing him again after he’s been away for a little bit. I’ve missed him. If he’d been onscreen with Ian Tracey, my heart couldn’t have handled it.

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Here’s what to expect from “A String of Pearls.”

  • Wolfgang takes off the kids gloves with Rufus in a terrifying confrontation that shows Rufus exactly how much power he doesn’t have over his own path.
  • Fergie helps Wolfgang set up that discussion.
  • Wolfgang and Lily clear the air about who they are and what they’re doing with each other, and then request significant favors.
  • The General makes new acquaintances and brokers a potential future deal.
  • Dee strong arms her lawyer and faces the police about Vince’s death.
  • Vince’s murder of Rick complicates things for Rufus and Dee.
  • Wing Lei negotiates with Tony.
  • Eva and Miguel come to an understanding, and he gambles with her loyalty in a last-ditch effort to save his own life.

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The Romeo Section airs at 9 e/p on The CBC. No word yet on a second season, but I really do hope there is one. Thank you so much for reading!




Photos and Videos Courtesy of The CBC.

About Heather M.

Heather M. is a longtime TV addict (she’s admitted the problem and has whittled herself down to a *reasonable* number of shows) and writer/editor. She pays the bills by writing marketing communications in the tech sector. She’s been writing about genre TV since Invisible Man and Dark Angel and loved Jensen Ackles before you did. You can read more of her TV writing at TV Goodness and follow her on Twitter @approximofnice.