The Romeo Section Preview: Five Spies

Romeo Section

[Warning: General spoilers ahead.]

We’re already at Episode 5 of The Romeo Section! Too soon!

When we pick up this week, Wing Lei and Vince’s crews are still trying to figure out how to get their container out of the shipping yard. While they’re toiling on that, Wolf works the angles with his new informant, and we are reminded how, if you pay very close attention, all roads in Chris Haddock’s universe beautifully intersect.

trs 1-5-2

Also look for:

  • Dee to settle into rehab fairly bump-free from a detox standpoint (which is curious to me).
  • Rufus to try to get a bead on who Wing Lei is and where he fits.
  • Lily to do a little reconnaissance of her own about Wolf.
  • Eva to re-evaluate getting closer to Miguel.
  • Al to take another meeting with the U.S. contingent any maybe agree to a little quid pro quo.

The Romeo Section airs at 9 e/p on the CBC. Here are a couple of sneak peeks of “Five Spies.”



Photo and Video Courtesy of CBC

About Heather M.

Heather M. is a longtime TV addict (she’s admitted the problem and has whittled herself down to a *reasonable* number of shows) and writer/editor. She pays the bills by writing marketing communications in the tech sector. She’s been writing about genre TV since Invisible Man and Dark Angel and loved Jensen Ackles before you did. You can read more of her TV writing at TV Goodness and follow her on Twitter @approximofnice.