- published: 30 Mar 2017
- views: 4369415
DGE or Dge may refer to:
Alejandro Ocana, better known by his stage name 2Mex, is a rapper from Los Angeles, California. He is a member of The Visionaries and Of Mexican Descent. He has collaborated with underground hip hop artists such as Jel, Omid, Thavius Beck, Factor, Radioinactive and Isaiah "Ikey" Owens. He is a member of the Project Blowed crew, and he is affiliated with Shape Shifters.
2Mex attended the Good Life Cafe open mic nights in 1993. Around that time, he founded Of Mexican Descent with Xololanxinxo.
In 1998, he released his first album with The Visionaries as well as the first Of Mexican Descent album, and he was featured on the OD (Omid) compilation album Beneath the Surface. In 1999, he was featured (with Xololanxinxo as Of Mexican Descent) on the Fat Jack compilation album Cater to the DJ, and he released his first solo album Fake It Till You Make It as The Mind Clouders with producer Mums the Word. In 2000, he was featured (as a member of the Afterlife Crew) on the Afterlife Records compilation Declaration of an Independent. He then released B-Boys in Occupied Mexico on Mean Street in 2001.Sweat Lodge Infinite was released on Temporary Whatever in 2003. The self-titled album, 2Mex, was released in 2004. He released My Fanbase Will Destroy You on Strange Famous Records in 2010. It features guest appearances from Murs, Prince Po, Busdriver and Nobody.
Albums of recorded music were developed in the early 20th century, first as books of individual 78rpm records, then from 1948 as vinyl LP records played at 33 1⁄3 rpm. Vinyl LPs are still issued, though in the 21st century albums sales have mostly focused on compact disc (CD) and MP3 formats. The audio cassette was a format used in the late 1970s through to the 1990s alongside vinyl.
An album may be recorded in a recording studio (fixed or mobile), in a concert venue, at home, in the field, or a mix of places. Recording may take a few hours to several years to complete, usually in several takes with different parts recorded separately, and then brought or "mixed" together. Recordings that are done in one take without overdubbing are termed "live", even when done in a studio. Studios are built to absorb sound, eliminating reverberation, so as to assist in mixing different takes; other locations, such as concert venues and some "live rooms", allow for reverberation, which creates a "live" sound. The majority of studio recordings contain an abundance of editing, sound effects, voice adjustments, etc. With modern recording technology, musicians can be recorded in separate rooms or at separate times while listening to the other parts using headphones; with each part recorded as a separate track.
Square Co., Ltd.'s role-playing video game Final Fantasy VI (released as Final Fantasy III in North America) features fourteen permanent player characters, the largest number of any game in the main Final Fantasy series, as well as a number of characters who are only briefly controlled by the player.
Final Fantasy VI was the first game of the series to feature character designers other than Yoshitaka Amano. While Amano drew most of the character artworks, monster designer and graphic director Tetsuya Nomura created the original designs and many story episodes for Shadow and Setzer Gabbiani, and field graphic designer Kaori Tanaka created the original designs of Edgar Roni Figaro and Sabin Rene Figaro. Co-director Kitase wanted to create as many characters that can stand up to be main characters and that the story did not revolve around one character, so each character can have something to bring to the table.
Heavy Mental is the debut album by rapper Killah Priest, an associate of hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan and a member of the group Sunz of Man. It was released on March 10, 1998, on Geffen Records.
The album is resplendent with references to Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology and theology, drawing parallels to the condition of Black people in the United States to that of the Jewish people during Exodus. A notable track on the CD is B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), which had already appeared on GZA's 1995 Liquid Swords album in a slightly different form. Another is the title track, which features Killah Priest rhyming in a style reminiscent of slam poetry and prominently features a didgeridoo. “One Step,” with its refrain of “Your arms too short to box with God,” reached #84 on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip Hop singles chart. Priest released the album through Geffen/MCA Records, which already had a relationship with Wu-Tang Clan. The album peaked at 24 on the Billboard top-200 and at 4 in the Top R&B/Hip Hop charts.
donGURALesko - O'Kruca feat. The Returners [STREET VIDEO]
donGURALesko - Apartament (prod. Amatowsky) TELEDYSK
donGURALesko - Umarli Poeci (prod. 2DK)
donGURALesko - Alphabet Challenge (prod. White House) [KONIECZNIE WŁĄCZ NAPISY!]
donGURALesko - Pięć feat. Sitek, Shellerini (prod. Tasty Beatz, scratch DJ CUBE)
donGURALesko - Trochę Czasu feat. DJ Cube (prod. Tasty Beatz)
donGURALesko - Na Plaży w Pourville feat. DJ KOSTEK (prod. Świerzba) TELEDYSK
DGE=J Song - edge, hedge, fudge, judge, lodge, dodge....
Więcej klipów od DGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ0e2Hs_71E&list;=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Kup MP3: iTunes/Apple Music - https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/okruca-single/id1221361240 Google Play Music - https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Donguralesko_The_Returners_O_kruca?id=Bxni32wi3q6aiguq44s3kp44nai Streamuj: http://www.soundline.biz/DonguraleskoTheReturnersO'kruca/ Nowa kolekcja EL POLAKO #BetonoweLasyMokną już w sprzedaży! Zobacz kulisy video w Follow The Rabbit TV: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=TdQqHPSILwI rap: donGURALesko produkcja i skrecze: The Returners video: Smoła Studio © 2017 SZPADYZOR RECORDS
Więcej teledysków: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Zobacz trailer filmu "Apartament": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oLVKG0N5pY Produkcja: TBA Group, Sopocka Wytwórnia Filmowa Realizacja: Przemysław Reichel Kierownik Produkcji: Anna Motyl Charakteryzacja: Agnieszka Kwiatkowska Kamera: Sławomir Witek Światło: Przemysław Kretkowski, Piotr Hauser, Bartosz Gorzelny Grip: Marcin Śmigielski, Aleksander Skrzypiec Fotosy: Anna Grunwald „Apartament” to najbardziej intymna opowieść o pontyfikacie Jana Pawła II. Niepublikowane dotąd filmy z prywatnych wyjazdów, które powstawały w czasie nieoficjalnych wyjazdów w góry w latach 1991-2004. Brało w nich udział zaledwie kilka osób i nigdy nie były relacjonowane przez media. O Janie Pawle II napisano i powiedziano już prawie...
Więcej teledysków od donGURALesko: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Making of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw5p5IEYTSU SZPADYZOR RECORDS i EL POLAKO prezentują kolejny teledysk promujący album MAGNUM IGNOTUM (preludium), najnowszego albumu DONGURALESKO. Wideoklip powstał na planie sesji zdjęciowej najnowszej kolekcji EL POLAKO - zobacz making of w Follow The Rabbit TV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw5p5IEYTSU oraz sesję zdjęciową - https://goo.gl/photos/tzw8Dk2kgjhMEtps5. Najnowszy, siódmy już, solowy album donGURALesko "MAGNUM IGNOTUM (preludium)" mnoży pytania unikając oczywistych odpowiedzi. Literatura, malarstwo, film czy teatr spotykają się we wspólnej przestrzeni tworząc tajemniczy konglomerat. MAGNUM IGNOTUM, po łacinie WIELKA NIEWIADOMA, może symbo...
Więcej klipów od DGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ0e2Hs_71E&list;=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 KONIECZNIE WŁĄCZ NAPISY! iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/alphabet-challenge/id1226970775?i=1226970776&l;=pl Tekst utworu dostępny także tutaj - https://genius.com/Donguralesko-alphabet-challenge-lyrics Nowa kolekcja EL POLAKO #BetonoweLasyMokną już w sprzedaży! rap: donGURALesko produkcja: White House video: Smoła Studio © 2017 SZPADYZOR RECORDS
Więcej teledysków od donGURALesko: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Zamów album donGURALesko - "Totem Leśnych Ludzi" w wersji cyfrowej: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/totem-lesnych-ludzi/id868019209 Muzodajnia: http://www1.plus.pl/muzodajnia/main/album.html?albumId=505442&artistId;=578069&t;=Donguralesko%2BTotem+Lesnych+Ludzi PlayTheMusic: http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/szukaj.html?query=Totem+Le%C5%9Bnych+Ludzi Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/7740266 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/6z9k9sviK3hrtQWk5ze7RD SZPADYZOR RECORDS prezentuje kolejny teledysk do utworu pochądzącego z najnowszej płyty donGURALesko zatytułowanej TOTEM LEŚNYCH LUDZI! BETONOWE LASY MOKNĄ nagrane zostały do bitu stworzonego przez Matheo, skrecze są autorstwa DJ-a KOSTKA, nato...
Zamów album donGURALesko - "Totem Leśnych Ludzi" w wersji fizycznej: el-polako.com: http://el-polako.com/muzyka/donguralesko-totem-lesnych-ludzi-gold-reedycja Zamów album donGURALesko - "Totem Leśnych Ludzi" w wersji cyfrowej: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/totem-lesnych-ludzi/id868019209 Muzodajnia: http://www1.plus.pl/muzodajnia/main/album.html?albumId=505442&artistId;=578069&t;=Donguralesko%2BTotem+Lesnych+Ludzi PlayTheMusic: http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/szukaj.html?query=Totem+Le%C5%9Bnych+Ludzi Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/7740266 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/6z9k9sviK3hrtQWk5ze7RD
Więcej teledysków od donGURALesko: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Zamów album donGURALesko - "Projekt: Jeden z Życia Moment (Deluxe)" w wersji cyfrowej (poszerzony o ekskluzywne remixy): iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/projekt-jeden-z-zycia-moment/id658877961 Muzodajnia: http://www1.plus.pl/muzodajnia/main/album.html?albumId=507717&artistId;=578069&t;=Donguralesko%2BProjekt+Jeden+Z+Zycia+Moment Music T-Mobile: http://szpadyzor.pl/go/pjzzmtmobile PlayTheMusic: http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/album.html?albumId=69202&artistId;=247618&t;=Donguralesko%2BProjekt+Jeden+Z+%C5%BBycia+Moment Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/6653961 WiMP: http://wimp.pl/album/20576772 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/378vxSWgQcKATso9YqLcOz Produkcja teledysku : SMOŁA STUDIO...
Więcej teledysków od donGURALesko: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Zamów album donGURALesko - "Projekt: Jeden z Życia Moment (Deluxe)" w wersji cyfrowej (poszerzony o ekskluzywne remixy): iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/projekt-jeden-z-zycia-moment/id658877961 Muzodajnia: http://www1.plus.pl/muzodajnia/main/album.html?albumId=507717&artistId;=578069&t;=Donguralesko%2BProjekt+Jeden+Z+Zycia+Moment Music T-Mobile: http://szpadyzor.pl/go/pjzzmtmobile PlayTheMusic: http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/album.html?albumId=69202&artistId;=247618&t;=Donguralesko%2BProjekt+Jeden+Z+%C5%BBycia+Moment Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/6653961 WiMP: http://wimp.pl/album/20576772 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/378vxSWgQcKATso9YqLcOz Szpadyzor Records prezentuje pierw...
Więcej teledysków od donGURALesko: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA484E0F2CAF90102 Teledysk do utworu inspirowanego obrazem "Plaża w Pourville" pędzla Claude'a Moneta, namalowanego w 1882, przedstawiający impresjonistyczną wizję plaży w miejscowości Pourville, oraz losami - w tym kradzieżą - tegoż płótna. Obraz można podziwiać w Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu. Piąty singiel z nadchodzącej płyty Gurala MAGNUM IGNOTUM (preludium). Premiera albumu 20 listopada; preorder z autografem już teraz możesz zamówić na www.donguralesko.pl! Scenariusz i reżyseria: Piotr Górny Zdjęcia i montaż: Filip Wendland Bit: Świerzba (https://www.facebook.com/Swierzba93) Rap: donGURALesko (https://facebook.com/DjDziadzior) Skrecz: DJ Kostek Teledysk wyprodukowany przez SMOŁA STUDIO dla SZPADYZOR RECORDS ...
http://www.letstartsmart.com for more free videos!
Love is just a game
Oooh ooh ooh ooh yeah yeah yeah (telling you)
You cant keep doing this shit...
Oh oh, love is just a game...
Oh, listen babe...
Quit playing around, like it's a game,
You tell me to go, you tell me to stay,
Living with you is emotional,
Roller coaster ride, like you're just gone and hide,
Crossing the T's, and dotting the I's,
Trying to make it work but you won't let me,
It's like you're fighting with your self,
But baby I can tell, that you really don't wanna leave,
Love is a game for you, I see, but it means a lot more to me,
To ride it out when the going gets rough,
Then she closed the first real love,
Can't keep playing around with me,
If you really don't want me to leave,
Cos if love is a game, then I don't wanna play,
Cos there's someone out there for me,
Love is just a game...
Heard you were on the phone just the other day,
Talking to your girls, telling you that I'm leaving,
If you didn't mean it then why did you say it,
Cos love it ain't a game to me,
I'm packing my bags here I go again,
Wanna kick me out, ok, well I'm leaving,
And with those shorties came, so baby tell me
What's it gonna be,
I'm tired of all the fussing, and the fighting
We can't keep, just going on this way
So tired babe and angry,
You hurting me over and over again,
You making me wanna leave,
U don't understand just what you're doing to me