• AMREF HQ (Nairobi)

    African Medical Research Foundation

    A complete overhaul of Treeline CMS and a redesign to drive a new fundraising strategy for long-standing clients AMREF.

    Plus monthly InSite reports with great advice and real-time statistics to ensure a great return on investment.

  • Global AgeWatch Index 2014

    Data and analysis on population ageing.

    The Index is the second overview of the wellbeing of older people around the world.

  • MAG International

    Mines Advisory Group

    MAG relaunch their site with a bold and confident reponsive design, featuring improved donations functions and a new content architecture, enhanced for Smartphones as well as desktop users.

  • Visit the Focus on Land in Africa (FOLA) case study page

    Focus on Land in Africa (USA)

    Focus on Land in Africa

    FOLA have launched their new responsive website, with a brand identity and logo designed by Treeline. This new site is enhanced for smartphones and has optimised content structute to simplify user journeys.

  • Helpage International

    Helping older people lead full and secure lives

    Multiple websites and campaigns in over 40 languages, social media integration, petitions, donations and much more.

  • AGRA (Nairobi)

    Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.

    AGRA is co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    Treeline gave them a solid and feature packed CMS and an exciting, new, professional design as well as advice on structuring content to get the most from their audience.

  • Sphere Project (Geneva)

    The Sphere Project in Geneva

    The Sphere Project is a voluntary initiative that brings a wide range of humanitarian agencies to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance.


  • AMREF HQ (Nairobi)

    African Medical Research Foundation

    A complete overhaul of Treeline CMS and a redesign to drive a new fundraising strategy for long-standing clients AMREF.

    Plus monthly InSite reports with great advice and real-time statistics to ensure a great return on investment.

  • Global AgeWatch Index 2014

    Data and analysis on population ageing.

    The Index is the second overview of the wellbeing of older people around the world.

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Treeline Web Agency

Treeline design and develop websites for charities and non-profits around the globe.

We do website design, web development, content management systems (CMS), web programming, online marketing, web strategy, communications, SEO, reporting, R&D, social media marketing and much more.

If you are a charity or non-profit we'd love to hear from you.

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