- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 3005113
Coordinates: 15°25′N 61°20′W / 15.417°N 61.333°W / 15.417; -61.333
Dominica (/ˌdɒmɪˈniːkə/ DOM-i-NEE-kə;French: Dominique; Island Carib: Wai‘tu kubuli), officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, is an island country in the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean Sea, south-southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique. Its area is 750 square kilometres (290 sq mi) and the highest point is Morne Diablotins, at 1,447 metres (4,747 ft) elevation. The population was 72,301 at the 2014 census. The capital is Roseau, located on the leeward side of the island.
The island was originally inhabited by the Kalinago/Arawak and later colonised by the Europeans, predominately by the French, who arrived at the island on Sunday, 3 November 1493 ("Sunday" = "Domenica" in Italian). Great Britain took it over in 1763 after the Seven Years' War and gradually established English as the official language. The island republic gained independence in 1978.
Its name is pronounced with emphasis on the third syllable, related to its former Dominique. Dominica has been nicknamed the "Nature Isle of the Caribbean" for its unspoiled natural beauty. It is the youngest island in the Lesser Antilles, still being formed by geothermal-volcanic activity, as evidenced by the world's second-largest hot spring, Boiling Lake. The island has lush mountainous rainforests, and is the home of many rare plants, animals, and bird species. There are xeric areas in some of the western coastal regions, but heavy rainfall occurs inland. The Sisserou parrot (also known as the imperial amazon), is found only on Dominica and is the island's national bird and features on the national flag. Dominica's economy depends on tourism and agriculture.
Also known as the Ave Maria (Latin) or Angelic Salutation, the Hail Mary is a traditional Christian prayer asking for the intervention of the Blessed Mother in the lives of individuals on Earth. In the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, a similar prayer is used in formal liturgies, both in Greek and in translations. It is also used by many other groups within the Catholic tradition of Christianity including Anglicans, Independent Catholics, and Old Catholics. Some Protestant denominations, such as Lutherans, also make use of a form of the prayer.
Based on the greeting of the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary in the Gospel of Luke, the prayer takes different forms in various traditions. It has often been set to music, although the most famous musical expression of the words Ave Maria — that by Franz Schubert — does not actually contain the Hail Mary prayer.
The prayer incorporates two passages from Saint Luke's Gospel: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee," and "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." In mid-13th-century Western Europe the prayer consisted only of these words with the single addition of the name "Mary" after the word "Hail," as is evident from the commentary of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the prayer.
Gloria Patri, also known as the Gloria, Glory Be to the Father or, colloquially, the Glory Be, is a doxology, a short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. It is also referred to as the Minor Doxology (Doxologia Minor) or Lesser Doxology, to distinguish it from the Greater Doxology, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
The earliest Christian doxologies are addressed to God the Father alone, or to Him "through" (διὰ) the Son, or to the Father and the Holy Spirit with( (μετά) the Son, or to the Son with (σύν) the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The Trinitarian doxology addressed in parallel fashion to all three persons of the Trinity, joined by and (καί), as in the form of baptism, Matthew 28:19, became universal in Nicaean Christianity, which became dominant with the Edict of Thessalonica of 380.
The Greek wording is as follows:
The second part is occasionally slightly modified and other verses are sometimes introduced between the two halves.
According to Worship Music: A Concise Dictionary, the lesser doxology is of Syrian origin.
The Lord's Prayer, also called the Our Father and the Pater Noster, is a venerated Christian prayer that, according to the New Testament, was taught by Jesus to his disciples. Two forms of it are recorded in the New Testament: a longer form in the Gospel of Matthew as part of the Sermon on the Mount, and a shorter form in the Gospel of Luke as a response by Jesus to a request by "one of his disciples" to teach them "to pray as John taught his disciples" concludes with "deliver us from evil" in Matthew, and with "lead us not into temptation" in Luke. The first three of the seven petitions in Matthew address God; the other four are related to human needs and concerns. The liturgical form is the Matthean. Some Christians, particularly Protestants, conclude the prayer with a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew.
The context of the prayer in Matthew is a discourse deploring people who pray ostentatiously.
In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a logion original to Q.
La mas completa biografìa acerca de Roberto Luti la encuentras en MIBAULMUSICAL (haz click en el siguiente link). http://mibaulmusical.wordpress.com/2008/10/16/roberto-lutti/ LETRA: tu me amas, te amo como nunca ame te amo siempre mas tu me extrañas, te extraño y te necesito yo vivo para ti amor el tiempo entretenido es hoy fuerte mas fuerte amor que siempre nos ha unido es hoy grande mas grande tu me amas, mucho que me hace daño amarte tanto asi tu me extrañas, te extraño tanto que no puedo con palabras explicar amor como no hay otro igual es hoy fuerte mas fuerte amor que nunca morira es hoy grande mas grande tu me amas si te amo como nunca ame te amo siempre mas tu me extrañas te extraño y te necesito yo vivo para ti
Rosarii Sancti cum Scriptura Anglicus-Mysteria Gaudii Dies Lunae, Dies Sabbatum, et Dies Dominica Adventus (Mondays, Saturdays and Advent Sundays) Rosarium Beatae Mariae Virginis Mysteria Gaudii Domine, labia mea aperies, R: Et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. Deus, in adiutorum meum intende R: Domine, ad aiuvandum me festina. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem cæli et terræ. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad cælos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo i...
Dom Toretto and Letty Ortiz. Por un beso- Aventura Is my first video so I know it isn't very good, but I tried to do my best! Hope you like it and thanks for watch it :) BRING BACK LETTY in Fast&Furious; 5! http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/BringBackLetty
Version restituée du Graduale novum. Ces enregistrements n'ont d'autre but que de permettre à des choristes d'apprendre les mélodies du répertoire grégorien. Ils n'ont aucune prétention esthétique.
Psalm 21 in Latin In finem, pro susceptione matutina. Psalmus David. Deus, Deus meus, respice in me: quare me dereliquisti? Longe a salute mea verba delictorum meorum. Deus meus, clamabo per diem, et non exaudies; et nocte, et non ad insipientiam mihi. Tu autem in sancto habitas, laus Israel. In te speraverunt patres nostri; speraverunt, et liberasti eos. Ad te clamaverunt, et salvi facti sunt; in te speraverunt, et non sunt confusi. Ego autem sum vermis, et non homo; opprobrium hominum, et abjectio plebis. Omnes videntes me deriserunt me; locuti sunt labiis, et moverunt caput. Speravit in Domino, eripiat eum: salvum faciat eum, quoniam vult eum. Quoniam tu es qui extraxisti me de ventre, spes mea ab uberibus matris meae. In te projectus sum ex utero; de ventre matris meae Deus meus es ...
Dominica Pentecostes, ad Laudes
“Usted no sabe con quién se está metiendo”: Mujer agrede a Tránsito En Medellín y el video se vuelve viral en redes sociales otro caso de la famosa frase “usted no sabe quién soy yo”, en esta oportunidad se trata de una joven que defiende al parecer a su padre, quien conducía un vehículo, según las autoridades, sin licencia y en estado de embriaguez. Los hechos ocurrieron en la calle San Juan con Palace. donde después de un incidente de tránsito, agentes atienden la situación. En las imágenes se ve como la joven se molesta, discute con palabra soeces e insiste que “nosotros no hemos hecho nada, él solo me ayudó a salvar el semestre”, también se evidencia como se arrodilla para pedir que no se lleven el vehículo y al no encontrar respuesta se monta en él, además quedó registrado cómo o...
Más noticias: http://bit.ly/YlMQP2 Visitamos la escuela a la que asistía la joven acosada por dos compañeras, arrestadas luego de que su víctima se quitara la vida. SUSCRIBETE!: http://bit.ly/10Tv8QF Noticiero Univision: María Elena Salinas y Jorge Ramos te informan de los principales acontecimientos en tu ciudad, en tu país y en el mundo. Síguenos en Twitter: http://bit.ly/16S7mpT Síguenos en Facebook: http://on.fb.me/11VpS1m Más noticias en: http://noticias.univision.com Más detalles sobre niña que se suicidó por 'Bullying' - Noticiero Univisión http://www.youtube.com/user/UnivisionNoticias
* Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi * in protectione Dei caeli commorabitur. * Dicet Domino susceptor meus es tu et refugium meum * Deus meus sperabo in eum. * Quoniam ipse liberabit me de laqueo venantium * et a verbo aspero. * Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi * et sub pinnis eius sperabis. * Scuto circumdabit te veritas eius * non timebis a timore nocturno. * A sagitta volante in die * a negotio perambulante in tenebris * ab incursu et daemonio meridiano. * Cadent a latere tuo mille * et decem milia a dextris tuis * ad te autem non adpropinquabit. * Verumtamen oculis tuis considerabis * et retributionem peccatorum videbis. * Quoniam tu es Domine spes mea * Altissimum posuisti refugium tuum. * Non acce dent ad te mala * et flagellum non adpropinquabit tabernaculo tuo. * Quoniam angelis su...
PRÆCONIVM PASCHALE SEV BENEDICTIO CEREI IN SABBATO SANCTO. Diaconus vadit ad pulpitum et ponit super eum librum et incensat. A dextris Diaconi stent Subdiaconus cum Cruce et Thuriferarius: a sinistris, duo Acolythi, ille qui tenet arundinem et alius tenens in vase quinque grana incensi benedicti figenda in Cereo. Tunc surgentibus omnibus et stantibus ut fit ad Evangelium, Diaconus cantat: Exultet iam angelica turba cælorum: Exultet divina mysteria: et pro tanti Regis victoria, tuba insonet salutaris. Gaudeat et tellus tantis irradiata fulgoribus: et aeterni Regis splendore illustrata, totius orbis se sentiat amisisse caliginem. Lætetur et Mater Ecclesia, tanti luminis adornata fulgoribus et magnis populorum vocibus hæc aula resultet. Quapropter adstantes vos, fratres carissimi, ad ta...
Dominica Travel Video Guide - Whether you're into trekking high into the mountaintops or exploring the watery world below, Dominica is the place to go for those who prefer hiking boots over high heels and are content with a nightlife where the only music is the murmur of the jungle. Dominica has surprisingly long drives for such a small island, so it's better to pick a spot or two and explore instead of bouncing around. If you can do it in the mountains (hiking, bird-watching, searching for hidden pools and waterfalls) or the water (diving, snorkeling, kayaking), you can do it in your Dominica Travel Adventure. Don't miss the ancient forests of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, home to the otherworldly Boiling Lake and the spectacular Trafalgar Falls.Ju Enjoy your Dominica Travel V...
Dominica: Country number 8 of 10 on my Caribbean island hop by plane. This time I fly into Dominica: the Nature Isle. I see the capital, Roseau, and then take a drive to the north, seeing some of the destruction caused by Hurricane Erica, a year on.
View all the new 'Sophisticated Lady' travel logs in one location here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL617uWVV3aozVq_RIxmyT863IfUn7ZXgN Now you can view 'Sophisticated Lady' BoatCam - updates live photo to website every 5 minutes during dayling hours at: http://www.AmbientRealLife.com/webcam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us on an adventure into the Garden of Eden, the undiscovered jewel of the Caribbean... DOMINICA! We arrive by sail and hike into the mountains of the lush tropical rainforests of Dominica and meet up with MOSES, a 60-year old Rasta that has lived off the land in the mountains his entire life. We were fortunate to get an interview with M...
Dominica in the Caribbean. Tips for travellers on things to do video tour on a day trip. Markets, Georgian Buildings, RIB Speedboat tour, snorkeling, visting "the Abyss" and where 90% of Pirates of the Caribbean II was flimed. Roseau is the capital. for more visit http://www.tipsfortravellers.com and follow me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/garybembridge
Visit Saint John Parish, Portsmouth, Dominica - Saint John Parish, Portsmouth, Dominica Tourism Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Portsmouth is the second largest town in Dominica, with 2,977 inhabitants. It lies on the Indian River on Dominica's northwest coast, in Saint John Parish. Cabrits National Park is located on a peninsula to the north of town. Portsmouth has its own sea port in Prince Rupert Bay. Portsmouth was initially chosen as the capital of Dominica, but only served in that capacity in 1760. After malaria broke out there the same year, the capital was moved to Roseau, where it remains. The Ross University School of Medicine, which has over 1,000 students mainly from the United States and Canada, is located ...
The most original vulcanis islands in the caribbean sea! Our Playlist for the Caribbean: https://goo.gl/QnJtGS Subscribe to our channel for more travels: https://goo.gl/tIk2Qc Follow wocomo on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wocomo/ St. Vincent belongs to the Windward-Islands and it is located in the north of Trinidad and Tobago. The volcanic island lies north of the small island Bequia, which is strongly influenced by whaling. Because of its diverse flora and fauna, the Caribbean Island Dominica is also known as the "nature island". Diseases are cured traditionally by herbs growing here. St Vincent and the Grenadines are in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. The natives are the descendants of the caribs, which immigrated from Venezuela. St. Vincent is a volcanic Island and forms with for...
Planning to visit Dominica? Check out our Dominica Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Dominica. Top Places to visit in Dominica: Boiling Lake, Morne Trois Pitons National Park, Titou Gorge, Cabrits National Park, Layou River, Trafalgar Falls, Morne Watt, The Dominica Museum, Middleham Falls, Glassy Trail, Old Market of Roseau Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SocialBubbleIn ...
http://www.informucate.com/fast-fact-videos/travel Informucate Travel Guides give you the fast facts on the world’s most visited countries, cities, and tourist attractions. Start planning you next trip today: http://www.informucate.com/fast-fact-videos/travel Is there a destination or attraction you want us to cover? Found a mistake? Send us a message on Facebook or Tweet us https://www.facebook.com/informucate https://twitter.com/informucate
Visit: http://apkreview.co/elvin-dominica Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXVMaZLuJ31EPoc9ESw6inA?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APKreview.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/APK_Review Google+: https://plus.google.com//110233720157716783778 Going to travel around Dominica Island? Wait! Our App will provides you the information where to go n what you can see. Dominica Island guide is designed to use on offline when you are in the so you can degrade expensive roaming charges.ATTRACTIONS!? Included all the available Attractions list and their Information along with photo• Info• Address of the Attraction• Geo Location on the Offline map• Route on the map• Driving directions along with InstructionsHOTELS!? Added Available hotels list and its Information along...
Keep up with me here: https://www.instagram.com/thevisualboard/ I'M BACK!!! A compilation of my time away in the Caribbean with family and close friends back home. Vlog style. Like if you like so I know you like it; init. Lol X
How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
I cannot change the way I am?
I don't know, I don't know.
I take a look at the world behind these eyes,
Every nook, every cranny reorganize,
Realize my face don't fit the way I feel.
What's real?
I need a mirror to check my face is in place,
Incase of upheaval, fundamental movement below,
What's really going on I want to know,
But yo, we don't show on the outside, so slide.
Just below my skin I'm screaming...
I need a mirror for my spirit,
Yeah, can you feel it?
When I get deep, want to hear myself sleep,
Not drowning, tumbling around and around in the voices
Like a crowd in my head so loud,
I wonder what it's like to be dead,
I hope it's quiet, noise in my head like a riot,
Any remedy you have for me I'll try it.
Just below my skin I'm screaming...
I'm going deep, so deep that I can't sleep,
The pills ain't cheep but the bills are steep,
So I ? with a booze and a spiff,
Try to snooze,
But who's dreaming, this is win or loose,
Put down the drink, try not to think,
Let it go, fundamental movement below,
And yo, reality is dreaming,