Biofuel from agri waste to benefit farmers: Pradhan

TNN | Feb 21, 2016, 08.45 AM IST
Bhubaneswar: Union oil and petroleum minister, Dharmendra Pradhan, on Saturday said farmers in the state can earn between Rs 500 crore and Rs 600 crore by producing biofuel from agricultural waste emphasising promotion of green energy.

Pradhan said the state has huge potential of producing bio fuel from agricultural waste while speaking at a review meeting by Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh at Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT).

"A survey in nine blocks of western Odisha revealed that the farmers get about Rs 65 crore from paddy waste from which they can get another Rs 10 crore by producing ethanol from it," said Pradhan.

"The state government should send a proposal to the Centre on biofuel production," Pradhan added.

Odisha produces around three to four million tonnes of paddy every year, which can further lead to production of around three crore litres of ethanol. Pradhan said the oil ministry will buy the ethanol to blend it in petrol.

Ethanol is a cost-efficient alcohol-based fuel that is added to petrol to reduce consumption of oil and decrease the impact of pollution on environment.

"We are buying biofuel in the form of second generation ethanol produced from molasses in some states like Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Farmers are also getting good returns from this," said Pradhan.

Inaugurating Paradip refinery earlier this month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that India has targeted to reduce 10% crude oil imports by 2022 by capitalising on biofuel and ethanol blending programmes.

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