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Measles outbreak: 51 people quarantined

A person who ignored quarantine requirements has potentially put hundreds of people at risk.

What's the 'ideal' man?

Graphic designers from 19 countries came up with their home's version of an attractive man.

Three vehicles in nose-to-tail crash

One car sandwiched in crash between three vehicles that has blocked Auckland's Harbour Bridge.

Boy barred from doctor

Seven-year-old refused doctor's appointment after dad falsely accused of stealing from surgery.

Peeing tourist: No big deal

They peed on the road, on themselves and the car at 100kmh, but didn't see a problem.

Kiwi 'winners and losers'

"Heartbreak" over as pathway to Aussie citizenship opens up - but not all Kiwi expats are happy.


Key to release Glucina text

PM will release text message relating to ponytail-pulling saga - but the details are already out.

Broncos do not want Manning back

If Peyton Manning decides to play another season, Denver wants nothing to do with him. Various reports have already come in saying the Broncos want to move on at the quarterback position.

Smartphone for $5 and it's not bad

New Indian company Ringing Bells introduces a $5 smartphone that, at least on paper, seems just fine.

Not-so-good news for Paleo fans

The caveman-style Paleo diet could actually make you gain weight and put you on the path to diabetes, research shows.

Keeping hens mite-free

Grow balm of Gilead to keep your chooks mite-free - plus other gardening jobs for the weekend.

The evolution of beer drinkers

OPINION: Beer is changing. Craft brewers are embracing it, large breweries are freaking out about it.

Universal Crossword

The original hit puzzle from Tim Parker sets the standard for all daily crosswords. Clues and themes are served up fresh daily in this classic puzzle.

EU blamed for dairy prices

Some say global subsidies are to blame for low dairy prices, others high production from countries like New Zealand.

Prince's 'game-changing' passport photo

Get your hair out of your eyes. Don't smile. Okay, smile with your eyes. Move closer. No, to the left, that's how mere mortals take passport photo. But not Prince.  

$4 fares snapped up

Air NZ's tickets that cost less than a cup of coffee sell out almost immediately.

Freedom camping 'a privilege'

Suggesting certified self-containment should be abolished for tourists to camp where they will, is beyond ridiculous.

Indonesia at flashpoint over gay rights

Bizarre anti-gay statements are just one sign of the moral panic now engulfing Indonesia.

Muriwai Beach from above

If you need some inspiration to make the most of what's left of summer, then this video will do the trick.

Toyota recalls 13,000 NZ cars

Almost 13,000 Toyota vehicles will be recalled in New Zealand for a rear seat belt issue.

McCullum belligerent to the end

Black Caps captain Brendon McCullum ponders his final test, and match for New Zealand

Black Caps considering earthquake gesture

The Black Caps are pondering how to mark the fifth anniversary of Canterbury's devastating quake