New Internationalist

Plan B for Europe

Plan B for Europe

Nick Dearden offers a vision of a more democratic European Union.
Why don’t they go and look?

Why don’t they go and look?

Forget number-crunching; development workers need to get out into the field to understand poverty, writes Maggie Black.
Former Kamlari slave girls pave the way for change

Former Kamlari slave girls pave the way for change

By speaking out about their experiences, survivors have helped change Nepalese society, reports Kevin Childs.
What happened to the ‘other’ Libyans?

What happened to the ‘other’ Libyans?

Five years after the war that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s Amazigh struggle, Karlos Zurutuza reports.
Vietnam’s autumn

Vietnam’s autumn

Capitalism and profiteering are allowed but democracy and freedom are noticeably absent, writes David Hutt.
Five years after Bahrain’s revolution, five new ways to protest

Five years after Bahrain’s revolution, five new ways to protest

Human rights defenders in the country continue to shine a light on the regime’s abuses, writes Erin Kilbride.

Top stories

A good moment to make a scene

Urgent cries for racial justice must not go unheard, writes Mark Engler.

Country profile: Djibouti

David Styan on life in continental Africa’s least-populated state.

What happened to the 'other' Libyans?

Five years after the war that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s Amazigh struggle to reshuffle. Karlos Zurutuza reports.

Letter from Bangui: The guardian

A sudden change in an employee’s health reveals hidden hardship to Ruby Diamonde.

Vietnam’s autumn

Capitalism and profiteering are allowed but democracy and freedom are noticeably absent, writes David Hutt.

Mixed Media: Music

This month’s music reviews.

Ether Street

Three young people are clustered round a Ouija board, their nervous faces lit by a solitary candle…


The Heathrow 13 are the only role models that count for my generation

Anna Wild, 20-years-old, explains what climate activists from Plane Stupid, the Heathrow 13, mean to her and why they have her support.

Plan B for Europe

Nick Dearden offers a vision of a more democratic European Union.

Why don’t they go and look?

Forget number-crunching; development workers need to get out into the field to understand poverty, writes Maggie Black

Full circle injustice

There’s a reign of terror in many parts of India, Mari Marcel Thekaekara writes.

Former Kamlari slave girls pave the way for change in Nepal

By speaking out about their experiences, survivors have helped change society, reports Kevin Childs.

David Ransom: a tribute

The former NI co-editor, who died this week, was a much-loved colleague, friend and mentor.

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    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

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    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

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    The World Atlas of Sport

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