The laity’s day, or night

Vatican II, together with the movement preceding and following it, destroyed all the laity’s major means of agency.

  1. It repudiated “integralism” the movement for the laity to demand doctrinal accountability from the clergy.  From now on, the priest may spew forth any heresy he likes from the pulpit, and parishioners can take it or leave.
  2. It inaugurated a new opaque style of discourse based on European continental philosophy whereby nobody can ever know exactly what Catholic doctrine is.  Not only are we to avoid privately interpreting the Bible; we cannot even privately interpret magisterial documents.  (Uppity laity confronting priests with creeds and encyclicals are called “Catholic fundamentalists”, and their behavior is regarded as a sign of immaturity.)  Indeed, the need for interpretive mediation never seems to end, so that doctrine never reaches the actual minds of the faithful, at least not to the extent that we could ever reason from it.  Our only virtue is docility to the post-conciliar clergy, who may proclaim any teaching or directive they like, its connection to the supposedly public deposit of revelation being forever unfathomable to us.
  3. It repudiated Catholic monarchists and conservative/reactionary political parties, the lay movements aimed at defending the Church from hostile forces and returning society to traditional Catholic prescriptions.
  4. It had nothing but scorn for lay Catholics resisting secularism even in voluntary, cultural arenas (e.g. the Legion of Decency).
  5. It undermined the authority of fathers, the spiritual heads of households.
  6. It continually works to undermine the sacrament of which the laity is the distinct custodian:  marriage.

Our opportunities to fight for God were taken away, and in exchange we were given indulgence to sin.  The pre-Vatican II Church considered all its members to be called to holiness.  The post-Vatican II Church repudiates this by calling into question whether we must obey the moral law’s demands.

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Does the post-Vatican II Church demand cultural genocide?

“He who thinks only of building walls and not bridges is not Christian.”

What an incredibly asinine thing to say.  I mean, I’ve heard open boarders arguments that sound intelligent, but only a complete imbecile talks like this.  It’s right up with “You can’t hug with nuclear arms.”

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Open thread: ask a relativist

Solving Einstein’s field equations is my day job, so I’m happy to take any questions about relativity, black holes, gravitational waves, or the like.

Regular posting will hopefully resume next week.

LIGO announcement tomorrow morning

The conquest of 2016: a prediction

2015:  the year the university ceded its authority, surrendering to the army of shrieking blacks.  But why was the conquest so easy?  And who has the conquering army put in power?

Two reasons the conquest was easy.

  1. Faculty and administrators are all Leftists and so couldn’t in good conscience defend their institutions against even the most unreasonable attacks from a designated victim group.
  2. Most faculty assume that they can work below the radar, that groveling to nonwhites and perverts (which they morally approve) won’t affect their serious work, because SJWs don’t care about things like STEM.

There are now two sources of status–and, therefore, at least potential legitimacy–in academia, what one may call “epistemic status” and “moral status”.  Epistemic status is what mathematics, physics, biology, electrical engineering, and the like have:  the presumption that they indisputably have delivered and will continue to deliver objective truths about the world.  Moral status belongs to those disciplines that have evolved into naked social justice advocacy, without even a pretense of objectivity.  (Note that, since I’m talking about status, we are dealing with perceptions rather than realities.  I, of course, don’t agree that imposing the evil ideology of Leftism is moral, and I’m willing to consider arguments that the objectivity and success of science is overstated.  However, there is certainly a consensus among those that matter that science gives us truth and that social justice advocacy is morally exemplary.)  Which source of status carries the ultimate weight in the university?  I don’t think this ambiguity will be allowed to stand much longer.

That the attack will come this year is just my guess and might be proved wrong by historical accidents.  There is no doubt if it does come which side will do the attacking, nor any doubt about which side will win.  By December, scientists will be figuratively curled up in a fetal position, crying and begging for mercy, having no idea what hit them.


  • The advocacy departments are strengthened by the way some prominent biologists and physicists have been shilling for Leftism.  One source of science’s authority is that its conclusions don’t depend on ideology; people of differing ideologies can all agree what an experiment’s results mean.  If, as so many scientists are eager to tell us, Leftism is Reason itself, is in fact a part of the scientific worldview, then the mastery of social justice over science is inescapable:  it holds both the crown of truth and the crown of morality.  Science is in no way ideologically bigger and has no claim to independence.  (Also, non-Leftists will have good reason to mistrust scientists.  I’m surprised they don’t see this.  So many scientists complain about conservatives not “trusting science” and don’t realize how more conservative scientists, especially in outreach roles, would help this.)
  • We are vulnerable.  Scientists give lip service to Leftism, but when money is on the line (grant awards, faculty hiring, tenure, promotion, postdoc appointments) “diversity” counts for little, so fields are dominated by white and Asian men.  Any survey of scientists discussed in textbooks or having laws or equations named after them would show a heavy weighting toward white men.  Most science majors are heterosexual, so the few women students in departments undoubtedly get more attention than they want.  Critics will easily make demands that would consume a large fraction of time and resources.
  • Most scientists have no idea what social opprobium is like.  They whine about the public not appreciating them properly, but I can tell you that the way society regards me as an astrophysicist and the way it regards me as a reactionary Catholic is like day and night.  Astronomers and physicists don’t appreciate at all the incredible good will we currently enjoy from the public, including that half of the public my colleagues routinely speak of with scorn.  Scientists like to think of how brave they are sticking it to powerless, low-status creationists.  They are not psychologically prepared for an attack from a powerful, high-status, ruthless adversary within academia.  Look at how little it takes to destroy Nobel prize-winning biologists.

Woe to the vanquished


I’ve predicted that the media will try to redirect anger over Muslim sexual violence into a backlash against conservative religious groups more generally, which could then be directed at Christians in particular.  Now that the refugees’ penchant for assaulting European women is getting hard to deny, I’ve been reading more and more about how this is all caused by those darn “conservative cultures” that don’t believe in women’s equality.  On the other hand, given the way the impeccably progressive Soviet conquering army treated German women, should we really be surprised by the behavior of the Syrian conquering army?

You know how you stop this sort of thing?  Don’t get conquered.

Leftist shamelessness and Christian hypocrisy

Our side sometimes speculates that Leftists are secretly energized by their own unacknowledged guilt or shame for their personal sins.  Conspicuous displays of righteous attitudes are a way to reassure themselves of their own goodness, scapegoat-hunting is driven by projected guilt, and so forth.  The idea is that synderesis in humans is strong enough to override ideological obfuscation, at least enough to cause an uneasy conscience.  I find such psychological explanations implausible because they ignore the basic sociological fact of Leftism being an established ideology.  Like any established ideology, it enjoys greater support from “the best”, those most able and motivated to achieve their society’s ideal.  The status quo usually has the best human material.  Thus I take things more at face value–people who appear utterly sure of their own righteousness really are utterly sure of their own righteousness.  And this is the most terrifying thing about Leftists:  their absolute and vindictive moral certainty, a product of their Manichean worldview that casts themselves as pure good and their opponents as pure evil.  They claim to be tolerant, but to those they really do disapprove they are pitiless.  It occurs to me that Leftists may have a very different personal experience with morality than Christians.  While Christians all to some extent fail to follow our own moral code, and are thus confronted with our own personal weakness and viciousness, Leftist morality, being a matter of attitudes, can be quite easy.  It’s not hard to avoid having negative thoughts about blacks, especially if your only exposure to them is The Cosby Show. Nor am I impressed with so-called “liberal guilt” which always seems to mean condemnation of one’s ancestors for failing to meet one’s own standards.  The fact that this is what passes for guilt with them just illustrates how different are their moral experiences.  For us, morality usually means confronting ourselves; for them, it mostly means confronting evil others.  What if many on the social justice warrior Left have never, or almost never, felt personal guilt or shame?  Wouldn’t their personalities be very different from those of ordinary mortals?

Most Christians are not hypocrites in the sense of pretending to a level of virtue we don’t enjoy.  On the other hand, when Leftists call us hypocrites they mean that we don’t privately live up to the moral code we publicly espouse, and that is certainly true.  I think hypocrisy gets a bum rap.  Of course, pure virtue is better, but there’s something admirable in not letting one’s vices dictate one’s beliefs.  Don’t we admire it when a man allows himself to be convinced of a truth that it is against his interest to acknowledge?  Don’t we usually trust testimony more when it is against the speaker’s own interest?  (Perhaps we shouldn’t.  It penalizes impartiality.)  Suppose a public figure takes a public stand against homosexuality.  Then suppose it turns out that he is a practicing homosexual.  Most people would call this a score for the gay side and mean that the man’s arguments against sodomy should be weighted less; clearly he himself isn’t convinced by them.  People think this way because with their easy morality they’ve never faced their own weakness, their own inability to persevere in sincerely held principles.  Perhaps we should weigh the actively gay man’s anti-homosexuality testimony more highly, because it is testimony against interest.

These generalizations are probably even more true today, when most culture war battles have to do with Leftist morality on race or Christian morality on sex.  More and more thorough purges of America’s white past don’t really cost Leftists anything.  On the other hand, I don’t know if it’s our higher testosterone or what, but I suspect conservatives really do have stronger sex drives than liberals.  “You conservatives are obsessed with sex!” is probably often true.  It is for me!  (For their own consistency, though, I think that liberals should be careful to avoid shaming language.  Who are they to judge conservatives for being sex-obsessed?)  This should count for us rather than against us in sex arguments.  Few things would do more to make my Earthly life pleasant than to be proved wrong about nonprocreative sexual release.  Being convinced by Catholic arguments has meant living with either sexual frustration or guilt most of my adult life.  I’m obviously not using Catholic doctrine to promote my (worldly) interests.  One of the advantages of focusing attention on nearly ubiquitous and generally approved sexual sins is this:  we establish that we are not just laying burdens on small groups like sodomites and divorcees; we’re recognizing burdens on ourselves.  We deserve the moral authority of being good hypocrites.


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