The Thinking 

Support a Media Outlaw

February 25, 2016

My annual fundraiser continues.

Blogs come and go. Support this one so it does not fade away. Thank you.


guns - doris day

An Interview with Jim Fetzer

February 25, 2016

JIM FETZER, author of a book on Sandy Hook (mysteriously banned by Amazon) who graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, has a Ph.D. from Indiana University and was Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota, is interviewed about the event by The Buzzsaw. It’s an  uncontrolled (and casual) interview, but the first fifteen minutes focus on Sandy Hook. Fetzer calls Obama a “fake president” because of his open defiance of the Constitution.

Paul Craig Roberts asks why the mainstream media does not respond to Sandy Hook skeptics. If these “conspiracy theorists” are trading in fantasies, it should be easy to debunk them. Why doesn’t the media demolish their claims? The answer: The media is controlled.



“White:” The Trigger Word

February 25, 2016


It triggers moral superiority and resentment in dangerously miseducated non-whites.


Keep this Blog Alive

February 25, 2016

Blogs come and go. Support this one so it does not fade away. Thank you.


Trump Voters Are White Supremacists

February 25, 2016


Average Trump Voters

Polls “prove” these are your Average Trump Voters.

EVEN when there are no polls to prove that Donald Trump’s supporters are hateful bigots, polls that show the opposite — that’s right, polls that show the opposite — are analyzed into revealing the white fascists in our midst.

From The New York Times′s recent report, “Measuring Donald Trump’s Supporters for Intolerance:”

(Mind you, is there any need to read the article since right off the bat we are told it shows “intolerance?” Is there any need to read the disclaimer, buried in the text, that at least one of these polling operations is so obviously a tool of the Democratic party that even The New York Times must acknowledge it?)

The P.P.P. poll asked voters if they thought whites were a superior race. Most Republican primary voters in South Carolina — 78 percent — disagreed with this idea (10 percent agreed and 11 percent weren’t sure). But among Mr. Trump’s supporters, only 69 percent disagreed. Mr. Carson’s voters were the most opposed to the notion (99 percent), followed by Mr. Kasich and Mr. Cruz’s supporters at 92 and 89 percent. Mr. Rubio’s backers were close to the average level of disagreement (76 percent).

How is 69 percent an “only?” The headline, based on these figures, should be: “Trump Supporters Overwhelmingly Reject White Supremacy.” But the show must go on. Even when the numbers do not add up. Notice there no figures of those in the Trump camp who are undecided. Those figures might suggest that the idea was confusing to many of Trump’s supporters, and the number who actually do believe in expressing the idea of the superiority of the white race, an extremely loaded and ambiguous concept, is small.

A shocking 38 percent of Trump voters in South Carolina wish the South won the Civil War!! Do you believe it? A small fraction of the South Carolina population wishes their ancestors had not been conquered in a devastating war and had broken away from the federal leviathan! Translation: Trump supporters want to bring back slavery!! They do. 

Nationally, further analyses of the YouGov data show a similar trend: Nearly 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters disagreed with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the Southern states during the Civil War. Only 5 percent of Mr. Rubio’s voters share this view.

Mr. Trump’s popularity with white, working-class voters who are more likely than other Republicans to believe that whites are a supreme race and who long for the Confederacy may make him unpopular among leaders in his party. But it’s worth noting that he isn’t persuading voters to hold these beliefs. The beliefs were there — and have been for some time.

You see?! Trump supporters are pro-slavery. It’s been there all along. This is their America:


Those evil white supremacists are so evil they probably even reject the wonderful world of black moral liberation:


Innocent naifs in the Northeast who have never stepped south of the Mason-Dixon line, except perhaps to visit Florida or golf resorts, actually believe this horse manure about Southerners, which is shoveled by the truckload into their Yankee minds from a very tender age at the concentration camps known as schools. They do. The truth is, Southerners have superior, more civilized relations with blacks than the bigots in the North, whose money values, sense of life as an intense meritocracy, “let-them-eat-pornography” noblesse oblige and destruction of dignified manual labor have made blacks too often incapable of independent survival and helped turn them, with the aid of the Commie grievance artistes at places like The New York Times, into snarling radicals whose expectations for what whites owe them can never possibly be fulfilled.


Fundraising Continues

February 24, 2016

I HAVE MORE slices to sell. (Scroll down the home page for more details.)



An Example of Southern Racial Unity

February 24, 2016


PAUL C. writes:

Here is a sample of how some black Americans support the police.  It is a tough video by a white captain in the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana backed by black people.  St. Landry is located in Cajun country about 120 miles west of New Orleans.  It is particularly encouraging because a Louisiana black man was indicted (and appears in the link) on February 23, 2016, for burning alive this pretty twenty-seven-year-old white woman in rural Courtland, Mississippi on December 14, 2014:


Many people don’t realize there are a lot of black people in the South who support law enforcement.  There is a conservative black radio personality in “hateful” Jackson, Mississippi.  He begins his show on Friday evening telling all how the gunfire in the black community will begin shortly.  (Maybe he uses sound effects, if I recall.)  My friend lives in a new mixed subdivision (about 1200-1900 square foot homes on average), which is in a suburb (Brandon) adjacent to Jackson.  The blacks and whites are leaving Jackson because of the crime.  The touching (but exaggerated) movie The Help set in Jackson did not attempt to presage what was going to happen in Jackson.  White Southerners knew.


From a Baptist Supporter

February 24, 2016


Madonna Surrounded by Six Sants, Sano di Pietro

Madonna Surrounded by Six Saints, Sano di Pietro

D.H. sends a donation and writes:

Thanks to you, Laura Wood, for all the work you do. A Southern Baptist upraising for me and yet your Catholic views are always clearly stated and because of the clarity more easily understood. You are never uninteresting. I wish you much success in your public life on the ‘net. Read More »


The Unfeminine Women’s Vote

February 24, 2016

JOHN C. WRIGHT offers a Southern gentleman’s view of the women’s vote:

[W]omen are naturally less suited for war and conflict than men. If the vote were restricted solely to men, perhaps the public debate over public laws would make fighting wars and fighting crime its primary, or even its only, order of business. Perhaps all these other things, housecleaning the environment, mothering the poor, schoolmarming the schools, would be done privately, not by the government.

Perhaps if women did not vote, they could see to the environment, the schools, and the poor through the institutions of the Church, which are better suited to charitable activity and feminine compassion than the hard and harsh swords and balances of townhall.

The Nanny State only exists in nations where all the Nannies were given a vote.

Men, left to their own unaided reason, cannot handle the vote either. That’s why the Church was appointed by God as the moral guardian over society.


Trump’s Insults, cont.

February 24, 2016

A FEMALE commenter writes:

I totally disagree with the previous commenter [who defended Trump’s mocking of a disabled reporter.] What Trump did was tasteless, offensive, and crass, like much of what he does. His politics might be sound on many counts, but he is humiliating conservatives everywhere, including me, with his disgusting tactics and display. It’s obvious that he wants attention and wasn’t raised with strong morals.

My husband is disabled (and yes, physical disabilities ‘count’ as disabilities; usually they are accompanied by medical issues as well), and while he is gainfully employed, he has had to deal with many setbacks (financially and medically) because of it. Clearly the commenter doesn’t know much about disability or the lived reality of it.

Bottom line, if Trump doesn’t have the intelligence and class to satirize what someone said and instead has to stoop to mocking their appearance or medical condition like a schoolyard bully, he’s not a man I can respect. Certainly not one I’d want leading my nation. Read More »


A Unique Pizza Opportunity

February 24, 2016


AS PART of my latest effort to keep this time-consuming and difficult blogging enterprise alive, I am offering a special opportunity to readers of this site.

For just $10, you can buy a virtual slice of this tempting Hot-Dog-Stuffed-Crust Pizza, which will arrive as a lovely photo attachment in your inbox. This marketing offer is geared to those observing Lent. Not only will any slice you buy be a form of fasting (the pizza is inedible — though not anywhere near as inedible as the real thing), it could also qualify as Lenten almsgiving.

Buy three or four! Feed the whole family, or just yourself! I am offering an entire pie, which includes eight slices, for a mere $50. I am hoping to sell 100 slices by the end of the day. Hurry, these miracles of pizza ingenuity will be flying off the shelf!

Those who are vegetarian or prefer a meatless dish can buy slices of my Fried-Tofu-Stuffed-Crust Pizza for the same price. (It will, however, arrive in your inbox looking like the hot dog variety. I assure you, it is meatless.) The tofu is a specially engineered product from high-level laboratories in the Pizza Industrial Complex. It is made with soy and recycled tires.

This is just one of many things offered by this website that you will be hard-pressed to find anywhere else! Go here to take advantage of this offer while supplies last!



America vs. Russia

February 23, 2016


CPT. Sarah Cudd from Public Health Command in the last few seconds of the 12 Foot March at Fort Dix, N.J. on April 27, 2015.


Russian pop singer Oleg Gazamov singing his latest hit Forward, Russia!

Read More »



February 23, 2016


The Little Beggar, Charles Henry Barnes

The Little Beggar, Charles Henry Barnes

MY fundraiser continues. Thank you to those who have given. Please donate here.


The ACLU’s Girl Warrior

February 23, 2016


THE Jewish-run and Jewish-funded ACLU, whose mission it is to de-Christianize America under the camouflage of “separation of church and state,” has no qualms about using the young and confused as proxy warriors to obtain its own form of theocratic rule.

A case in point is that of Taylor Victor, 16, a Manteca, California high school student who “came out” as a lesbian at the tender age of 15. Victor came to school one day last August wearing a T-shirt that said, “Nobody knows I’m a lesbian.” Both a teacher and an assistant principle took offense and told her to go home and change.

The ACLU filed suit on Victor’s behalf, converting her instantly into one of its most effective weapons — a tender adolescent who may be psychologically scarred if not given free expression. Those authorities — parents, teachers, principals — who try to defend the moral law, they are the real target of this suit. They must be disempowered. The project of preparing the young for a life of serfdom by enchaining them to their passions is otherwise not assured.

The case was quickly settled out of court. The school has agreed to change its dress code so that it no longer discriminates against those who express their perversion “orientation.” It also will pay $63,000 to the ACLU in attorney’s fees and other legal costs, and provide regular training in censorship “free expression” to  high school administrators. What’s most shocking is the absence of any backlash at all from parents in Manteca. If there was one speck of decency left in that town there would be a riot and those ACLU hotshots would be arrested and charged with corruption of minors.

In a few years, the ACLU will have forgotten Victor, I mean, Taylor. She will be left to pick up the pieces of her life, a veteran of a war that she didn’t even remotely understand.

I feel very sorry for this girl. Read More »


Laughing at Lear

February 23, 2016

STEVE KOGAN was one of those people I have been fortunate enough to have struck up an acquaintance with in my years of blogging, but never personally met. An English literature professor for more than 30 years, an accomplished writer who also contributed to View from the Right (under the name “Murray”) and Brussels Journal, Steve was a gracious and warm man.

Sadly, Steve died last August of pancreatic cancer. I am sorry he is no longer with us and wish he could have sent many more essays. May he rest in peace and may his wife, Carol, find consolation in his memory. A collection of Steve’s essays, Against the Grainis now available at Amazon.

Here is a 2011 essay by Steve that was posted here before, a meditation on a performance of Shakespeare’s King Lear in Brooklyn. During the famous and harrowing tragedy, the audience frequently burst into laughter:

If I had had a counter in my hand, I could have pressed it forty times for every laugh I heard. Many came in response to sharp exchanges of conflicting points of view, as though the audience were being treated to witty repartee, while others followed sadistic comments during the blinding of Gloucester and even scenes of murder, as when Regan collapses – “Sick, O, sick” – after being poisoned by her elder sister, Goneril, who retorts in an aside, “If not, I’ll ne’er trust medicine.”



William Dyce, King Lear and the Fool in the Storm (c. 1851)

 King Lear in New York

– by Steve Kogan –

I HAD A strange and disconcerting night at the theater this spring, when my wife and I saw Derek Jacobi in the title role of Shakespeare’s King Lear at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. On our subway ride back home, my feelings ran so high that we began to quarrel over their intensity, and it was only after we apologized to each either in the morning that I was able to express exactly why my emotions had been roiled. What follows grew out of what I said to her and what I later discovered when I read a review of the production in the New York Times.

In my last two years of college, I took a one-year course on Shakespeare and a senior semester on Lear, which we read scene by scene and line by line. There was a time in my life when I went to the theater to see whatever works of his and his fellow dramatists were being performed in the city, and I developed a way of turning even mediocre acting to advantage by supplying my own imaginary performance as I let the familiar words sink in. When the acting was good, my absorption was complete. Read More »


Scalia’s Kosher Credentials

February 23, 2016



Scalia with Talmud scholar, Adin Steinsaltz

WHILE Catholics claim Antonin Scalia as one of their own, the Jewish press comes close to doing the same thing, reports Call Me JorgeScalia, after all, was a longtime student of the Talmud and was among the justices who ruled that the rabidly supremacist and anti-Christian Chabad-Lubavitch could put their towering menorah on government property near the White House without violating the Establishment Clause. The decision cleared the way for menorahs on government property throughout the country.

“When there was no Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, I considered myself the Jewish justice,” Scalia once said.

From Haaretz:

Scalia’s death prompted pundits to highlight his now-famous relationship with Jewish liberal justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Despite their radically differing political philosophies, they remained close friends throughout their years on the court. They would attend operas together and their families would vacation together. Their off-the-bench friendship was so similar to a Romeo-Juliette bond that they even inspired an opera.

Read More »


The Prophet Jonas and Illegal Immigration

February 22, 2016

“POPE” Francis radically distorted the Gospel according to St. Matthew to justify his support for open borders in his recent comments about Donald Trump.


Help the Alternative Press

February 22, 2016

IT’S BEEN over a year since my last fundraiser. Please consider supporting this advertising-free website during this Lenten season.

Your kind generosity will help keep one small outlet for contrary views alive. Bear in mind that feminism is supported by all the big honchos. Without that big-money, institutional support, it would have fizzled away. Anti-feminism is truly a grass-roots movement. It depends upon you.

Thank you.

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Laura Wood — 2/21/2016