

Latest Crisis For The Treason Lobby—Crackdown On Immigration Fraud From Yemen

The Obama Regime is full of bloody foreign policy disasters, and Yemen is near the top of the list. After the San Bernardino terrorist attacks, you would think a crackdown on fraudulent immigration from a nation in the grip of Islamic terrorism would be a top priority. Unfortunately, the Obama Regime is only reluctantly trying to stop Yemenis from illegally entering the country. Even so, the Regime’s half-hearted efforts are drawing squeals of outrage from a Treason Lobby fanatically dedicated to importing as many Third World immigrants as possible, no matter how many Americans they kill.

Yemeni immigrants often use a variation of immigration fraud based on impersonating applicants for immigration visas. A Yemeni immigrant, with the help of a cooperating American citizen, obtains an immigrant visa for a sibling or non-infant child. The immigrant visa is then sold or given to another person. The Yemeni who obtains it, usually (though not always) a cousin or distant relative, then has documentation to show “legal status” and the eventual ability to sponsor more family based immigrants in the future.

This is not an original scheme. In the 1990s Read more >>

Starving on the Prosciutto-and-Brie Poverty Diet

Heed the cry of an entitled young American hipster: Woe is me, me, me, me, me!

Talia Jane, a 25-year-old melodramatic millennial, made social media waves last week with her "open letter" to the CEO of crowd-sourced review website Yelp. The indigent English major in smart glasses lamented her Read more >>

The Jessica Chambers Murder: Mississippi Authorities Have a Suspect!

[See also: Was Jessica Chambers a Hate Crime Victim?]

There’s good news and bad news, regarding the Jessica Chambers murder case. The good news: the authorities have a suspect! The bad news: because they don’t have enough evidence to make a case stick in court, they haven’t arrested him.

On December 6th, 2014, white 19-year-old, Jessica Chambers was murdered in one of the most horrific ways known to man: Someone burned her alive, as she sat in her car on a rural road in Panola County, Mississippi. Ninety-eight percent of her body suffered second and third-degree burns. As her father, Ben Chambers Sr. said, the killer or killers burned everything but the soles of her feet. She was medevacked to hospital, but nothing could be done and she died at 2:37 a.m. on December 7. Editor Peter Brimelow sicced me on the story, and I burned up the telephone lines between New York City’s Rockaways and Panola County, but no one knew anything.

This was not the Knoxville Horror, where local authorities knew plenty, but stonewalled me for months on end, while misrepresenting the atrocity as having nothing to do with race. In Panola County, the authorities—local, county, state and federal—really seemed to have nothing. In recent months they’ve been saying that there’s not even any street chatter, or at least nothing credible, about the Chambers murder. And this in a rural area where everybody, black and white alike, knows each other.

Despite its sensational nature, the Jessica Chambers case has been plagued by national Main Stream Media silence. Clearly, the MSM were afraid that the Chambers murder would be another one of those “non-existent” black-on-white hate crimes.

And yet, the story grew legs. A grassroots movement spread word of the short, unhappy life of Jessica Chambers, via Facebook,, The Last Refuge, and others.

peopleThen, after more than a year, People Magazine devoted its January 4, 2016 issue to the case, putting Chambers’ photo on the cover where it was seen by millions of people across the country. People’s team of three included crack crime reporter Christine Pelisek [ Who Killed Jessica? [teaser] By Sandra Sobieraj Westfall, Alexandra Rockey Fleming, and Christine Pelisek, People, January 4, 2015.]

People still follows the anti-social practice of not putting its content online for free (unlike—donate here!) so I had to buy the treezine. The most notable aspects Read more >>

Nationalism and Populism Propel Trump–Despite GOP Elites Delusional Flailing

As the returns came in from South Carolina Saturday night, showing Donald Trump winning a decisive victory, a note of nervous desperation crept into the commentary.

Political analysts pointed out repeatedly that if all of the votes for Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson were added up, they far exceeded the Trump vote.

Why this sudden interest in arithmetic?trumpinblufftonsc

If the field can be winnowed, we were told, if Carson and Kasich can be persuaded to follow Bush and get out, if Cruz can be sidelined, if we can get a one-on-one Rubio-Trump race, Trump can be stopped.

Behind the thought is the wish. Behind the wish is the hope, the prayer that all the non-Trump voters are anti-Trump voters.

But is this true? Or are the media deluding themselves?

Watching these anchors, commentators,

Derb’s Canceled Williams College Hate Address—”The National Question: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity In the...

[ As reported here last week, I was scheduled to speak to a student group at Williams College in Massachusetts on Monday, February 22nd.  However, the President of Williams College, Adam Falk [Email him] , banned me from his campus on the grounds that I am a speaker of "hate speech."

I had already, at that point, prepared an address.  Feeling that it would be a shame to waste my efforts, and loth to pass up an opportunity to spread some hatred in the world, I asked the editors at if I might post my address here, suitably formatted as an article and decorated with hyperlinks.  The editors very kindly agreed.   (REMEMBER, TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS TO VDARE.COM CAN BE EARMARKED FOR ME!)

Here then, for connoisseurs of "hate speech," is the address I would have given at Williams.]

The National Question: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity In the 21st Century  

Introduction.  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for inviting me to speak here today.

My name is John Derbyshire.  I am a freelance writer. My principal outlet nowadays is the online web magazine (which is why it such a worthy cause), though I do occasional reviews for print publications. hosts my weekly podcast, Radio Derb. mainly concerns itself with what we call the National Question, which we approach from a conservative position.

What is the National Question, and how does one approach it from a conservative position?  Let me take those in turn.

9780684866697_l[1]The National Question.  What is the National Question?  I have a handy answer to that here: a book written in 2004 by the late Professor Samuel Huntington of Harvard.  Title of the book: Who Are We?—The Challenges to America’s National Identity.  That is the National Question:  Who are we?

The answer is of course that we are Americans.  But what does that mean?  That’s the National Question re-phrased: What does it mean to be an American?

The conservative approach.  How about a conservative approach to the National Question?  What does that mean?

Let me come at my answer indirectly by stating the un-conservative approach.

This un-conservative approach says:  We, Americans, are a proposition nation.  That is to say, we are a nation by virtue of our agreement on a set of propositions about the place of individuals in society, the relationship of the individual to government, and the proper scope of governmental powers.

It’s rather easy to mock this concept of a proposition nation.  Suppose I were to trek up into the highlands of Ethiopia, get myself invited into the hut Read more >>

Visegrad Four vs. Merkel—Europe In The Balance

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Across the pond in Europe, the National Question is getting really prominent. Anti-national universalism in the last century threw up two great supranational projects: the Soviet Union and the European Union. The Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago. I don't think it's too much to hope that the EU is now collapsing as we watch.

Key players here, not very surprisingly, are the East European nations who experienced the U.S.S.R. at first hand. Among those nations are four who call themselves the Visegrad Group: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.

It so happens that the Visegrad group celebrated its 25th birthday last Monday, February 15. The Group was formed in 1991 to, quote from their mission statement, "work together in a number of fields of common interest within the all-European integration."

Back then, at the time the group
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