Monday, October 27, 2008

Portland, We're Home!

Just so you all know, we made it to Portland on Monday the 20th. We've been busy occasionally having fun and working hard on getting settled. I'm enjoying my new/old job. They were going to re-orient me, but have pretty much thrown me into the mix and have me out on my own most of the time. We were on the last Indian World on Thursday for a little bit and are going to work on starting up a new show.

It is beautiful here, and I took the time to take some photos which I will probably share after we get internet at home which should be 11-3.

Life is good here, back in P-Town!

The U.S. has bombed Syria. Gotta kill more women and children for the wealthy. The more innocents they kill, the more enemies the elite of this nation create, the more WARBUCKS that can be made. Fuck the U.S. elite. May all their shit come back and bite them on the ass a thousand fold and then some. And soon! For the health of the world!

PS We ate at SushiLand on 9th and Davis yesterday and were entertained by the PDX Zombie Walk. That was fun...for a while...then got kind of we went back to eating MORE SUSHI!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What Does It All Mean?

Coos Bay is not without it's Beauty. There are these photos and so many more that I have taken down here of the natural beauty that is Coos Bay. But this area is not for us.

We came here with certain ideals of how we wanted to fit into the world. We wanted to move to the Rogue. Here in Coos Bay we were between our peoples worlds. The Umpqua and Alsea to the North, the Tututni to the South. We were also coming to help Shusli's daughter, Rachel, and now we are taking her North to Portland with us. How our ideas have changed.

We've met some wonderful people here, as well, and you will be seeing more photos of them as time goes on and I actually sit through all of the pictures I took.

Portland, even the civlilzed city parts, has a beauty that Shusli and I will be enjoying again here soon.
Not only will these three wonderful folks be there (Eli, Rachel, and Shusli), but Felicia will be, too (not pictured, but look forward to many more in the future).
There is wonderful food in Portland. Come, eat with us!

Great places to buy books as well as natural beauty within the boundaries of downtown Portland. It is so amazing in the fall.
Great places with quirkiness and great deserts (Pix Patisserie on Williams).
I Love the quirkiness of this city. The creativity. The Beauty.


Since we moved here, things were not as we imagined they would be.

One of the things we looked forward to was less noise. On Terry St., we had busses, Harley's, compression engine cars, loud pedestrians (not so bad, really), making all sorts of noise all day long. Sometimes, Shusli and I would not even be able to hear each other talk at six feet apart.

Our first house in Coos Bay that we thought would be quiet was plagued by a neighbor dog that barked night and day. This poor dog was severely neglected and depressed. They had not interest in training the dog, but just having it for "protection." Shusli had many discussions with the dog owner next door to NO avail. She was working nocs and had to sleep during the day. Not only did we have barky dog, we had asshole neighbor.

Then, just across the street, we had "The Screamer." The woman would scream at her children all day long. When I say scream...I MEAN SCREAM!

As well, Shusli has been sick quite a bit of the time. It is not unusual for nurses to be sick as they work around sick people, but it has been more frequent than when we lived in Portland.

Shusli is also sensitive to mold. Our Coos Bay house also had mold. So...Let's move to the country.

We chose a nice little trailer park north of Hauser. Since we are across from the dunes, every sunny day we get SCREAMING ATV's! Plus there is some mysterious toxic smell in our bedroom which prompted us to move our bed into the office. Even though Shusli is more sensitive to it than I, there have been times, especially as we move stuff around, that the smell has actually burned my nose.

Must be signs. Shusli, sicker than usual, the noise level not quite as bad as Terry St., but aggrivating none the less. Mostly cloudy weather. More jacked up trucks with men in baseball caps per acre than any place else in the nation (assumed). Hardly a damned thing to do on any given day.

But wait, there's more.

When I first moved here, a month after Shusli, I started my CNA class. During the first week of class, I experienced one of the worst pains I ever had in my life. Since I had never been constipated, I assumed it was constipation. With pain so bad I could barely hold my head up, I finally believed that it was something else.

I drove myself to the emergency room where my urine was as dark as weak coffee. I found out I had a kidney stone.

Shusli tells me she has friends that are mothers and have had kidney stones. They say the kidney stone pain is worse. I would not really know, but I guarantee, IT HURTS!

My body did battle with this thing SIX times. Three times in the hospital emergency room. This last time, Sunday, was the worst pain. For six or seven hours I went through 10 pain on the pain scale of 1-10. It was the worst of the six bouts.

I received a shot of morphine, my second time ever. The first time I felt like I was being shoved through a knot hole for two minutes before the pain stopped. This time, it was about a minute of my bones burning until finally ashen about a minute later, then no pain. No glorious feelings of euphoria that I always assumed came with this narcotic, just no pain.

It's almost out, they told me.

Friday was my last day at work, and I'll talk about that another time. Shusli and I talked about how that thing still hadn't come out 5 days later. I laughed and made a wish that it would come out before I started work. (I was actually starting to worry that the sucker would stay in there a while longer and another bout would occur). This morning I felt a burning sensation I was told would happen when it goes through the urethra, and "PLOP," right into the screen it was. 3mm of hell. Hard to believe such a tiny thing could cause such severe pain.

Odd, that almost the whole time I was down here, this little beasty was in my body, now that we are leaving, so has my stone.


When I first got down here, I put my passport in a place where I feared I would forget it, but figured I would remember. What do you know...I DIDN'T REMEMBER! I Lost my passport. I figured with the move from Coos Bay to North Bend I would have found it, but didn't. I figured that if I didn't find it this move, I'd put in for a lost passport and go through the motions and fees again.

Today, I was packing up my clothes. I felt something in the pocket of one of my wool coats which I haven't worn yet this season. Whaddya know, there's my passport and a mysterious ziploc bag of tobacco. I don't remember, even after this finding, putting that thing in that coat pocket. I cannot fathom what made me think that was a good idea to begin with.

So, I lost my passport when I first got here, and have now found it now that we are leaving.

I don't know. What do you all think? Signs of leaving? Good Signs?

Shusli and I both feel that even though we didn't do what we came here to do, we did what we needed to and maybe the reasons we came here were to make sure we did. Now that we have accomplished our mission, it is time to leave. The mission we have accomplished was not the one we came here to do.

"Rarely do things turn out the way we expect them to, but they always turn out."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Terrorist?! We Don't Need No Stinking Terrorist!"

To the U.S. government, this is the face of terrorism. Max Specktor, a cultural student, is being tried under terrorism charges using Minnesota's Patriot Act law. Number of people slaughtered by this young man through his decisions, actions, or otherwise..."0". Number of people who are suffering from the decisions made by this young man?..."0"... Yet the U.S. government and the state of Minnesota consider this man a "terrorist."

To the rest of the world, these are the faces of terrorism.
co-King George
King Dick
King Dick and co-King George have made decisions that have slaughtered hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings so their wealthy buddies can have more wealth (thus the $950 billion giveaway to their wealthy banking buddies). Their decisions have also made untold millions suffer ALL OVER THE WORLD! Yet, these men who love murdering other peoples babies, mothers, fathers, elders, etc., to force other nations to give up their wealth to the evil empire, are NOT considered terrorists.

So, pretty much, when you hear the U.S. declare someone to be a "terrorist," they are usually talking about someone like Max. Someone who hasn't killed or created suffering but has tried to impede the progress of the evil empire through protest and activism. The people of the evil empire, which, like I said, is willing to kill babies, mothers, fathers, etc., in order to fill the pockets of their wealthy owners, are NOT considered terrorists.

So, when the U.S. uses the word "terrorist," it is usually someone who is imepding the progress of the evil empire. Those that slaughter and kill and create suffering FOR the evil empire are considered "patriots." The wealthy owners of the U.S. government are considered gods above the law.

The word "terrorist," my friends, has been turned into a bunch of meaningless bullshit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Playing With the Cam During Moving Time

Elvis Lives

The Flowers Progress
Sunset on the Pavement (B&W)
Pussy in a Box (in memory of George Carlin)

Uneasy Peace
Sitting Bull Poster

Photos of Eli and Shusli on our Previous Trip to Portland

Eli amidst KBOO's vast record library
Shusli making a donation to KBOO for "Radio Free Ireland"
Shusli and Eli kicking back at the BOO
Messin' around with some pics of Eli and his studio

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I haven't really been speaking up too much lately. Shusli and I are in the midst of another transition. I already told you Obama is gonna win the election, but not for all those wonderful ideals folks like to tout about town. He'll win because there is legislation that the wealthy need to get passed that just won't fly as smoothly with a Republican in office. With a democrat, there will be less of a call for Revolt than their would be with a Republican. Then, of course, it will be blamed on the Democrats and there will be more excuse for us at the bottom to fight amongst each other instead of organize and take our country back, abolish the U.S. government, and create something that does crazy things like HONOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS, instead of do things like CREATE CAPITAL FOR THE WEALTHY FEW AT THE EXPENSE OF ALL OTHER HUMAN BEINGS.

Yesterday during one of my breaks at work, the new cook asked what I was reading. I showed him my book: ""They Take Our Jobs:" and 20 Other Myths About Immigration." And this is how he started his response. "Now I'm not racist..." Most people who state this usually are, and he was. He starts telling everyone how we are all immigrants, even Indians. (No one asks the Indians if they are immigrants. We are told. If you read about the alleged science called archaeology in "Red Earth, White Lies," by Vine Deloria, Jr., you will learn that this alleged science is really a bunch of bullshit, just like the immigration issue). Then he stated he has nothing against immigration, he is against "illegal immigration." Now if your read that book by Aviva Chomsky, you will realize that indeed, the whole immigration policy IS RACIST and based on the idea of the law makers that this is a nation of white folks.

My repeated response to this fella well versed in idiocy; "OK." I didn't feel like arguing and you really can't change the mind of someone who is "beligerently anti-intellectual." You just can't. They are that way because they already have all knowledge and there is no room in their minds for any more. This man was also saying this shit in front of two women who immigrated to this nation.

On the flip side, many people that I work with that I thought would have a similar mindset are actually pretty open minded about such issues. This from all the diverse races that work at the care facility where I am employed.

The book taught me that Mexicans were white until 1930. Indians were nothing until 1940. Blacks are considered a deeply inferior race according to SUPREME COURT DECISIONS to the white race. Most folks in the other category (not black or white) were not considered citizens until 1956? Guantanamo was a concentration camp for Cubans and Haitians that tried to immigrate to the U.S. via the ocean. That the U.S. is DEEPLY ROOTED IN RACISM far beyond the imaginings I had (and my imaginings are pretty strong).

But like I said, there has only been this one fella at my work who responded like an all knowing idiot to my book, where as everyone else has responded with some rather amazing and insightful views on the issue. Compassionate and humane. Human! And they have responded so to many of the issues I brought up at work. Not always, but most of the time, folks whom I figured had little or no thought on issues that effect their fellow human beings are rather thoughtful about them.

What does this mean? Maybe we are closer to a Revolution than I thought.

With a $700,000,000,000 GIVEAWAY to the wealthy that, according to the stock markets, has done nothing thus far to help the economy (and yes, the stock market will eventually be felt by us at the bottom). We're in a war in Iraq that has cost more than $3,000,000,000,000 (all of this in credit, not actual money, in financial terms). Not to mention the cost of the war in Afghanistan, and the costs thus far of the impending wars with Iran and Russia (it costs money for the build up to war as well).

Many folks, even the anti-intellectual types, are understanding that the U.S. government is "of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy."

Yesterday, Shusli found this little tidbit in the "rants and raves" section of "Portland Craig's List." This fella touts for a REVOLUTION NOW! just like I have been. Many of you out there reading this want a world where people take care of each other and honor each other instead of kill each other and steal each others wealth to give to the wealthy. Good chance an economic collapse will help that happen in a less violent manner, but more than likely, we will have to fight for it as the U.S. government has brought home a brigade to protect the wealthy from us at the bottom who have a reason to take everything back. The U.S. government is willing to slaughter U.S. citizens in order to protect the wealthy. Why don't you take a listen to "The Guns of Brixton" by the Clash as well. Here's the lyrics so you can have an idea:

When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, Guns of Brixton

The money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell

You see, he feels like Ivan
BORN under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin'
At the end of the harder they come

You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh-the guns of Brixton

When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
And even shoot us
But oh- the guns of Brixton

Shot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game was survivin'
As in heaven as in hell

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton

Friday, October 10, 2008

How Can I Forget!

Otto and Anita's is a cute little hole in the wall restaurant in Multnomah Village.

Shusli, Eli, and I stopped there for lunch while waiting for an appointment to see an apartment in the area. When the waitress brought out our Brautwurst and Sauerkraut, she told us that their butcher was having fun with the sausage machine this morning and made them kind of small, which is why we had four little brautwurst's on our plates. The sausage was made that morning, by a butcher, a real live butcher.

Go their and eat to your heart's content and the world comes to an end, of course.

It is on the corner of Canby and Capital Highway in Multnomah village, right across the street from the Multnomah Art Center.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 20

Shusli, Rachel, and I will be moving to the Sellwood area on October 20.

Shusli and I are going to work on a proposal for a radio program at KBOO to insure Native Programming continues. We hope to get more folks involved, such as Shusli's son, Eli.

I will miss the folks at my work, employees and residents. I will be pulled out of the alzheimer's unit for the remainder of my stay there. Although that move makes me sad, it makes sense to get my replacement back there as soon as possible. Alzheimer's folks like consistency. It will give me a chance to reaquaint myself with the long term folks and say my good-byes. I will continue to visit my Alzheimer's folks until I leave. If we come back to the area for a visit, I plan on visiting them as well.

While looking for our apartment in Portland m-w, we reaquainted ourselves with the great food of the area. We ate some Thai food at a place in St. Johns, amazing. We ate at Hoda's and Sushi Land. We made a stop by Flavour on Lombard for some amazing waffle wraps. Hoda's, of course, was fantastic.

We dropped by Powell's, Trader Joe's, William Temple House Thrift Store, Wal-Mart, and a few other places.

We visited Maire at KBOO while she did "Radio Free Ireland." DON'T FORGET TO MAKE YOUR DONATION.

We went to Anna Bananna's on 21st in NW.


We saw a bear on the way home and were attacked by flying pieces of drywall from a pick-up in front of us on I-5. We and the car were not injured.

I was hoping to post a few pictures, but the computer just isn't doing it at the moment.

Seez you all soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Guantamo Bay Concentration Camp

I wonder if back in the good old days of the 60's 70's and 80's, if Guantamo Bay Concentration Camp looked something like this? You see, back then, Guantamo Bay Concentration Camp was for Haitians and Cubans. Although it was ran up into the early 90's, Bush 1 closed the camp.

Then in one of those "at least he's a democrat" moments, Bill "the Killer" Clinton reopened it so we wouldn't have any nig...I mean Haitians coming into this country. Then, in August of '94, Bill "The Killer" with a stroke of a pen opened Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp to Cubans, whom he deemed as the equivalent of nig...I mean Haitians. Guantanamo, during these "good old days" housed up to 50,000 human beings of Haitian and Cuban status (21,000 Haitians).

In September of '94, the Clinton administration militarily occupied Haiti and those Haitians that didn't "volunteer" to go back to Haiti were forced to go back to Haiti, about three quarters of the Haitians housed in the Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp.

In May of '95, the Clinton administration opened the doors to the Cubans and over 20,000 were brought into the folds of the robes of Lady Liberty.

Meanwhile, this is what happened to what was left of the Haitians:

[From page 71 of "The Take Our Jobs: and 20 Other Myths About Immigration," by Aviva Chomsky]"Only a few hundred Haitians were still in Guantanamo: most were unaccompanied children who had relatives or sponsors in the United States, pleading for them ot be allowed in. Right as the doors were opened for Guantanamo's Cuban detainees, the repatriation of the Haitian children began. "Many of the children sent back to Haiti have been left to fend for themselves in squalid and dangerous conditions. Some are destitute and living in the street."[quote from Bob Herbert, "In America, Suffering the Children," New York Times, May 27, 1995]"

What were the crimes these Haitians and Cubans committed that they were forced into the U.S. concentration camp at Guantamo Bay? They tried to immigrate to this nation via boat. "Give us your poor, your weak, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." MY ASS!

And here we are with Guantamo today. Beautiful isn't it?

By now, anyone who isn't "beligerently anti-intellectual" knows that pretty much all of these folks are innocent, at least of terrorism. So many articles have been written about that you can look them up yourself.

People are tortured, beaten, sometimes even killed, all in the name of the capital that owns our government. You see, it is the owning classes that create these things. It is we "beasts" that enact it. Further race hate, further genocide, further crimes against humanity, further religious hatred, etc.

Meanwhile, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the corporate owned U.S. military is killing Iraqi's and Afghani's; military, civilian, women, children, men, elderly, all in the name of the great capital that owns our nation.

For those of you who do not know this man, he is Sami al Hajj. Sami, as noted previously on this blog, was held prisoner at the Guantamo Bay Concentration Camp for six years. His crime: he didn't commit one.

You see, Sami was a cameraman for Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera has yet to sell out to the U.S. empires corporate media and tells other stories that aren't allowed air or print over here. Have you seen Sami's story on the front page or even "A" section of any newspaper? I don't read a lot of mainstream stuff, so maybe there has been. This should be big.

The U.S. imperial government wanted Sami to be a spy on his employer. That is why he was held and tortured for 6 years. Not because he was a criminal, but because he refused to be a spy for the Evil Empire.

You see, though, I never really looked into Guantanamo's history. I knew a little of it, but nothing like I found in "They Take Our Jobs..." I never knew the U.S. empire has been excessively criminal at this base until I read Aviva's book. I just figured it was a long time military base maintained by the U.S. to keep their greedy fucking hands on a chunk of Cuba with a possible future invasion in mind. I had no idea it was a concentration camp. I didn't!

But then again, I didn't know about the Vatican ran death camp in Croatia, Jasenovac, until about 8 years ago, either.

Huh, interesting bits of information one picks up when one reads a book.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Billions for Billionaires

Congress has passed and co-King Bush has signed into law the "Billions to Billionaires" act. Said to bail out failing financial institutions, what it really means is that the wealth of the already wealthy will be protected while those who have lost their houses to foreclosure can bite the big one.

Good show, though, don't you think? A nice play... A nice move... In making it look like the corporate owned U.S. government was actually having a hard time deciding on this bill. It was already decided, but they can't make the public know that. If they did, it would further feed the flames of rebellion which, in this country, seems to be getting a little stronger.

Much of the money in banks comes from us here at the bottom. The common man as it were. Now that billionaires have screwed up in their greedy decision making process, which has hurt thousands of homeowners worldwide, it was the best idea that the corporate owned U.S. government could come up with to give our tax dollars to the already wealthy and their piss poor financial planning and greed while those at the bottom (as it were) are left dangling with little or nothing.

The wealthy back in the '30's were having a hard time in keeping their illegally stolen "Bonus Army" money. You see, during WWI, the military was paid in script. When it came do to pay up to the folks that fought the battles that the wealthy created in order to feed their greed, they gave the military the finger. They even paid other "beasts" to terrorize and kill some of these folks. Finally, congress decided they should do what they promised and gave the money to the members of the "Bonus Army." The wealthy were thinking, "Man, their goes our ill gotten gain and those at the bottom are gonna just spend it on..." However, giving money to those that fought the battles actually stimulated the economy because folks were buying houses, cars, food, etc., thus stimulating the economy and raising the quality of life that was controlled by the wealthy.

The Billions for Billionaires Act will do no such thing. The money will be in the hands of the wealthy instead of those who have suffered from their terrible business decisions. The money will not be used to "stimulate" the economy, because the wealthy will just maintain their lifestyles and let the common folk continue to suffer from their bad decisions.

But wait, there's more. Where is that money gonna come from? Mind you, the U.S. feels at liberty to basically print money without anything to back it. Economically, this is unsound and will be part of what feeds the impending collapse. So the money which we pay in taxes and the government just handed to the wealthy to save them from their poor business decisions is gonna COME from the public sector. That means their will be budget cuts. Their are tax cuts for the wealthy in this bill, to my understanding, which also means less income in the form of taxes, and thus less services for the "beasts."

The wealthy need us common folk to buy their products and services in massive amounts in order for them to maintain their wealth. With our money being robbed from us by the U.S. government and GIVEN to the wealthy who have to pay less in taxes now means less jobs, less food for the poor, less services, an even tighter economy as the spending power of those at the bottom continues to weaken. More people will suffer. More people will die.

The good news, though, is that the already wealthy will be fat, happy, and safe. They'll have enough money to pay cops, public and private, to protect them from the "beasts" the more we realize that this "Billions to Billionaires" just fucked us.

Now, aren't you all much happier knowing that our tax dollars are going to help the wealthy instead of "welfare queens." What greater use than to reward bad decision makers rather than mothers who need help raising their children.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Shusli and I went to Portland so she could take an interview for a job up there.

In a beautiful form of magic, Shusli found us an inexpensive room at the Marriott just down the street from Felicia.

We took the kid to "Starry Rose," on Alberta. We had wonderful homemade desserts and a fantastic band got to playing. All of this on a Monday night. Shulsi and I both commented on how much we missed the city, and all three of us look forward to hanging out more.

Shusli had a successful interview the following day and now has a job once she wants to start.
After her interview, we went to visit Eli, who already has his own place in Portland.
Here the three of us are at "Russell Street BBQ." Damn, we ate so much in celebration of the move that will be taking place soon.

Man, we Love and miss that city. We look forward to coming home.

And here are a couple of photos I just took of the beautiful rose in our current front yard. Life is good!

See you all at the Revolution!

Give Your Money to the Rich

Recently I was sent a racist anti-immigration e-mail stating that the interview it was written about was true. What we had to go on that it was true was that they mysterious author stated it was true. The author also wanted it spread all over the internet via the e-mail of various folks.

The interview is of some mysterious man named Jim talking with another mysterious allegedly "illegal immigrant" named Juan. There is no substantiation of this interview as being fact, but what really hits you is when Juan, a father whose children depend on his income, starts talking of how he has a false social security number and is very LOUD and proud of the fact that he is an "illegal immigrant" in this nation. When one uses such things as "logic" and maybe devotes a minimal amount of actual thought into this interview, one would have to ask oneself WHY would a man whose children depend upon his income ADMIT TO A STRANGER that he is here illegally and uses an illegal social security number. This would put him in DIRECT danger of being deported and his family beaten down. Far be it from such folks who pass along such e-mails to question such interviews with any form of thought. Why should they? Others are thinking for them and thus, they don't have to.

An example would be when I was in a discussion recently about the Russia/Georgia war. I was shut down with the massively unintelligent argument that "Putin is trying to be another Hitler." Oddly, Putin isn't even the president of Russia, but there again, such forms of thought are unnecessary when one depends on others to do ones thinking for them.

With the racist e-mail, I took a rather large bite out of the misinformation being put forth. It was actually nothing more than a promotion of race hate. And why should one promote race hate? Who benefits from race hate?

So, I did something rather "intelligent" and bought myself a book: "They Take Our Jobs: and 20 Other Myths About Immigration," by Aviva Chomsky. This book, using such unthinkable things in American society like...facts, documentation, economics, etc., in just the first few pages puts something forth that I have been discussing with you folks for quite a while. Job loss is not due to immigration, but due to the rich looking for massive profits for...the cutting labor costs by moving OUR JOBS out of the United States and to locations that are willing to exploit their folks and violate human rights in order to keep wages deadly low so the wealthy can MAXIMIZE their profits.

What I'm telling you is that, yes indeed, it is the wealthy and the wealthy that benefit the greatest from such race hatred as that directed at those south of the border. (Mexican's were considered "white" until 1930). So, while we here at the bottom (the beasts as James Madison and other alleged founding fathers of this alleged nation call us) fight amongst others here at the bottom, the wealthy get away with their horrific crimes and our wealth. Currently, the genocide by the United States against the humans in Iraq benefits multi-national corporations the greatest. Massive profits are being made.

Now their is an impending economic collapse. But not to fear...the wealthy will have plenty to eat and plenty of money to pay our fellow beasts to kill us in case we do not continue to bow to the great wealthy assholes.

So, what should we do? Give $700,000,000,000 to wealthy assholes for fucking up their businesses and our economy? According to the corporate owned U.S. government and those who represent the wealthy in congress, yes indeed, that is what we should do. Give our tax dollars to the wealthy who were stupid enough to fuck over our fellow humans with shit loans.

I'd have to say that we should seek justice...JUSTICE...for the criminals that have stolen our wealth...the wealthy and the representives they own in the U.S. government. Don't depend on the cops (in any form). Cops are in on this, otherwise they would have arrested these horrific and genocidal criminals. So, we have to do something. What are we gonna do? A question we have to answer for ourselves and thus take action. See you there.