Showing newest 24 of 39 posts from December 2007. Show older posts
Showing newest 24 of 39 posts from December 2007. Show older posts

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year, With a Memory of my Father

On December 31, 1981, my father, after about 2 1/2 years of suffering from a severly damaged liver from alcohol and jaundice. We all wound up going to Tom's Pancake House in Beaverton for breakfast, after we recorvered well enough. It was my father's favorite restaurant.

Happy new year!

I miss my dad. If he were around, he would probably be carting Felicia around all over the place.

Many blessings to you all.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Questions About the Bhutto Assassination

Throughout the history of civilization, there has been much treachery enacted by those who have stolen the power from the people.

The U.S. negotiated the terms of Bhutto returning to Pakistan with the Musharref government. Knowing the patterns of the U.S. government and the patterns of civilizations treachery, some issues have come up for me surrounding her assassination.

The U.S., knowing the conditions within Pakistan, had to have known there would be assassination attempts on Bhutto and that they would eventually be successful. If this is true, and the balance leans to this being the truth, I would even suggest that this could have been designed by the U.S. and suggest that this may have been one of the reasons that Pakistan's Musharref government ended her exile and allowed her into the country. If this is true, and considering the patterns of the treachery of the U.S. and treachery enacted by civilization throughout history, there are some questions that have come to mind.

What was Benazir doing while in exile?

Were her actions a concern of the U.S. in their lies about the war on terror?

Were there concerns about the power she still weilded in Pakistan?

What were the PPP folks doing within Pakistan?

Did Bhutto have a real chance at getting power within Pakistan?

Would her actions have been against the U.S. alleged actions, against alleged terrorism?

What would have made the U.S. think she needed to be out of the way?

Where does the money flow?

I have heard that there are many international terrorist organizations working within the borders or Pakistan and the U.S. has definitely given the Musharref government what, a billion dollars, and I have heard allegations that the Pakistani government has financially supported some or many of these organizations. Knowing the U.S. has supported Al-Queda and Saddam Hussein in the past, I am wondering if there are possibly organizations within the Pakistani border in which the U.S. wants to enact a terrorist attack that may actually create dick and george as kings of the world and their fiancial supporters as the worlds nobles? I'm basing these on common patterns enacted throughout history to the present.

What does the U.S. have planned for the Pakistani govenrment? In other words, what can the U.S. be using Pakistan for? More bases? Further invasions of other nations? Terrorist support?

Why would it have been important for the U.S. to get Bhutto out of the way?

There are many other questions to be formed around this assassination besides who killed her, why, etc. I don't really have much time to put research into these questions, but if anyone out there has answers or can lead me to more information about these questions and others you may think fit into this puzzle, feel free to offer. These are some serious issues to ponder.

Pakistan borders four countries: India, China, Afghanistan, and IRAN! Could it be possible that the U.S. needs Pakistan in its continued efforts to invade Iran? Geography. It's a good thing to have knowledge of. Knowing the U.S. wants Iranian oil, could it have been important to get Bhutto out of the way because she had immense support through the PPP within Pakistan? What would Bhutto have done with the power she could have garnered having won an actual election within Pakistan? I am well aware of her corruption, still is it possible she and the PPP could have gotten in the way of the U.S. invasion of Iran through Pakistan? Since Pakistan borders Iran, maybe that is why the U.S. has sought out Pakistan as an ally even though they are alleged to be the supproters of more international terror organizations than any other nation (including giving one of the alleged WTC terrorists, Mohammed Attah, $100,000 through a government intelligence official months before the planes were flown into the two towers)? The U.S. doesn't announce plans to slaughter nations without having years of planning backing them. This includes WWII.

Since the U.S. doesn't have a lot of allies in the Middle East for their impending invasion of Iran, maybe it is important that they ally with Pakistan? Maybe that is why they did to begin with? Maybe Bhutto and the PPP were a threat to this impending invasion? Maybe that is why they brokered a deal to end her exile, knowing that there would be assassination attempts against her?

Questions questions everywhere...can anyone share some answers?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

How To Soften Up the Opposition and What to Do With Them After You Do

I read in Common Dreams that the U.S. will be slaughtering more Iraqi's as their food distribution system which 10,000,000 people DEPEND ON is going to be cut starting next month. Then what?

Today is the anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. After softening them up and disarming them, this is what happened.

This is not the only massacre that the U.S. has done. There are so many thousands of massacres and many have been forgotten. In the local area, there are two massacre sites in Silverton and last week Shusli showed me a couple as we were heading to Powers.

Time to take it all back.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I am looking for allies.

In looking for allies, we have to have at least one common goal, to help each other as much as possible with our sights on bringing down or at least surviving civilization.

Main issues I believe folks should face are: food, clothing, shelter, health care, retirement care, work, helping each other, move en masse when helpful possible and necessary, education, resistance, struggle.

What I can offer:

I have a job and work m-w and fri and sat. I am usually off before 1pm. When I work the next day, I like to be in bed by 7pm. Will willingly stay awake later on those days to create alliances. The money I make covers my expenses for sure with some left over. I currently have no savings and a car in need of repair.

I have a wonderful wife who is supportive and amazing and a great ally. Talk to her on her blog as well.

Here in Portland, Oregon, we rarely face any forms of dangers. There are occasional shootings by cops mostly, and thugs occasionally, but we are involved with neither. We can walk the streets at night alone or in groups in safety.

I produce a Native American radio program called "Mitakuye Oyasin" for KBOO, which airs every other Thursday from 1:30 to 3:00pm.

I co-host a Native American cable access TV program the third Thursday of every month called "Native Nations." It airs from 6-7pm on channel 11.

I give money to the poor.

I can't organize well, if at all, but make a good team member.

I have a blog and am good at informing folks with news or events or of others needing help.

I am not a good military strategist or a strategist in general, but am willing to offer help in any way shape or form to allies who need it.

I don't believe that working within the system will do anything, but will at least verbally support allies who think it will.

I will not stop eating meat, especially salmon.

I am not holy and neither are any of you. I am not pure. I make mistakes. I can be an asshole, as you have seen if you have read this blog for a while, but will do my best to maintain control over myself in the interest of bringing down or surviving civilization and offer constructive criticisms. I am not willing to end alliances should we differ seriously on other issues and come to blows, verbally or otherwise.

I have no desire to be a part of the alleged peace movement, but will support allies if they endeavor to do so.

There are some people I will not work with, but will do my best not to roach their buzz, as it were, unless it harms others.

My e-mail is

I live in Portland, Oregon, in the occupied territories of the USA.

I harbor no belief that these words will actually gain me any allies or for that matter create anything that will even start to help this world, but I have this here tool and might as well use it for something, eh. See if something happens, eh. Why not? I haven't lost anything but about the 20 minutes it took to write this thing. Even if nothing happens, it was worth the effort.

I pledge allegiance to my fellow human allies and to our common desire to bring down and or survive civilization and create a world that honors and helps each other and protects our land base from death and destruction. So, there you go.

Looking for Suggestions

This is a sweet comfortable life. There are no tanks driving down our streets, no bombs falling on our heads, no occupiers coming to shoot us and rape our women and children. Here in the states we are safe, comfortable, can sit and communicate to the world on our computers. I can go places and take pictures. There's an oil crisis and I can still drive my car (except my brakes are out at the moment). Global warming doesn't effect me all that much.

I am currently reading about William Wallace, the man Mel Gibson based his movie "Braveheart" on. To be honest, though Braveheart is a good film, it really doesn't do the REAL William Wallace justice. That aside, however, I see William Wallace going through quite a bit of the same shit we are going through today. The big difference between those times and these, however, is that the Scots could FEEL the oppression of king Edward I. It was constant and in there face that they are subjects to a foreign king. We don't have that here. We are comfortable, safe, and no one is marching down the streets with guns ready to kill us and rape our women and children.

Several weeks ago we had Jim Craven, Blackfoot Solicitor General to the Traditional Government and Economics Department Head at Clark College, on "Mitakuye Oyasin" to talk about the impending economic collapse. He mentioned how folks have to get over their identity politics and unite if they really want to create a useful change in this world. Example:

The Seriously Pissed Off Grannies got acquitted for crimes around a protest to stop military recruitment at the recruiting center on Broadway. Shusli started an anti-recruiting vigil there every Tuesday of which I participated in for about a year. Bob, a Korean War vet, was there almost always, and Shusli and I. There were occasional folks who would come regularly for a while. I believe the largest number we had was 10. But as U.S. military actions all over the world have been increasing and what we were doing had absolutely done nothing to slow down the death machine, we became disinterested. As a group, the Grannies never showed up. A few of their members did from time to time. And now they will be having an action in front of the recruiting center to try to "stop this obscenity." This will take place during regular work hours on a work day, and the war machine will drive on. Next week, the recruiting center will still be there and folks will still sign up to kill or be killed, to rape and murder, to participate in the stealing of others resources, to commit genocide, etc., for the KING. After tomorrow, nothing will have changed. I'm not saying they shouldn't do their actions. Folks can and will get together. But there has to be more in my opinion, but who the fuck am I?

I have tried to organize. I tried to organize a people of color organization at KBOO to help stop racism, to help bring an understanding of racism and its many forms, and to unite across racial lines to stand side by side and create a useful movement for change [plus eat a lot of good food]. But, when all the folks realized that I didn't start this organization to bash on white folks (which was the biggest fear not only amongst white folks but amongst all the people of color who showed up as well), all was considered fine and I was the ONLY person at the last two of the five monthly meetings I managed to organize, and I couldn't get anyone to work with me regularly in between the meetings either. It is easy to become disheartened.

Amongst the organizations to do happen to form, there seems to be the overwhelming issue of who gets to be the king. Who gets to rule them all..."and in the darkness bind them..." There are many peace organizations and rarely do they lock arms. Rarely do their actions effect real change. I'm not saying they should stop doing what they are doing because maybe they are raising a mass awareness and it is a lot better than sitting around and watching television, however, there is still a war happening in Iraq and they should not disillusion themselves that these actions ARE creating change. In my opinion, and it is just an opinion, change can be effected by a serious constant pounding on the fucking doors of the institution and taking actions to take care of each other, support each other, and keep moving forward with constant pressure and NEVER TAKING ANY POSSIBILITIES off of the table. NONE!

But this not going to happen. There are too many kings looking out for their own interest even down here on the street level, which is where Wallce comes in.

Wallace garnered an actual movement go rid Scotland of the oppression of England via king Edward I. This movement was started amongst the people and many nobles joined in. The movement lost some momentum with the infighting. Folks lost sense of their direction which was to get the fucking kings boot off of their throats and sqabbled amongst each other as to who gets to be the leader. Many Scots nobles didn't like Wallace because he didn't own land, he wasn't of the correct class, and most horrifically of all, he wanted all people to have the ability to own land. That would mean the nobles couldn't control the commoners and the commoners would have some sort of say in their actual destiny. This would mean that their would have to be lifestyle changes amongst the nobility, which was something not desired by the nobles. OH MY GOD! THEIR MIGHT BE SOMETHING LIKE EQUALITY AMONGST ALL HUMAN BEINGS!

And...the same thing happens here, on many levels. Alleged leaders in the various peace groups may want change in the world, but they don't want to lose any of the privileges gained by their being seen as leaders whether or not anything changes. Should peace actually happen, these folks, mostly men, could and would lose their status as peace leaders and might just be seen like the rest of us, ordinary human beings. Can't have that. So, any actual actions that might create real change are not on the table (constant beatings on the doors of folks, constant pressure, constant organizing of the people, bringing all folks up to the status of human beings, etc.). The government does not feel pressure nor fear by any of the actions taken by the peace folks or other groups.

Tomorrow, I will go to work, drive my truck, come home, sit safely at my computer, read more e-mails and the news, and nothing is going to fucking change. There will be no movements. There will be no constant pressure. The U.S. government will never fear us. The U.S. government will never serve the masses needs and desires.

How about some suggestions. Real suggestions. I don't want to be anybody's fucking king. I want the empire to end. I am not suffering. I may never suffer for real from the actions of the U.S. government, but BILLIONS worldwide are...BILLIONS... are suffering for me, so I can sit here all nice and safe at my computer and write this shit to you. Billions are suffering so the alleged peace communities can do their useless occasional actions and take many possibilities off of the table and never lock arms with other groups and put serious constant pressure on the U.S. government until they FEAR US. Billions are suffering so I can have a job and be safe. Billions are suffering for me, and many of you. It's about time we change the whole thing, and I am not one to want to sit down and do nothing, although that seems to be what I do best.

What do we do, folks? Our world is being MURDERED. I am looking for suggestions.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cruelty Revisited

I am currently reading "William Wallace: The King's Enemy" by D.J. Gray. In this book is a brief description of the sacking of Berwick in then, Scotland. To the left, you see the remains of Berwick Castle. Through the use of deception, king Edward I won the day, as it were, and an estimated 17,000 to 60,000 civilians were slaughtered at the hands of the English. The carnage, around Easter Week, 1296, finally ended when Edward watched his men hack to pieces a woman giving birth.

I then think of the glorifcation of cruelty via Mel Gibson in movies like Braveheart. Mel Loves a good killing and lots of cruelty in his movies. It shows in a lot of his films as well especially those since Braveheart. I would be absolutely terrified of the cruelties that could be enacted by a man who glorifies such things in his movies. Could you imagine the horrors this man would cause if he were in control of the military in Iraq? Not that what we are doing there isn't bad enough, but I'm sure Mel could find ways to make it much worse.

Even so, cruelty is a tool used throughout the ages for a handful of fucked up assholes to control the populations of folks in nations they want to steal the resources from. Nothing has changed except the weaponry and the assholes in charge. Look at Fallujah. Look at all of Iraq and Afghanistan. Look all over the world and pretty much anywhere you will find cruelty that made life the way it is.

Here in the states, we have a nice comfortable relatively safe lifestyle. Shusli described to me a horrific act of cruelty against a black couple in the south, the woman was pregnant. She read it in "The Culture of Make Believe" by Derrick Jensen. Derrick is not afraid to tackle the issues of cruelty and how they formed life here so I can sit at this computer and safely write these words to you.

Tree sitters rape/d women. Alleged forest defenders were cruelly raping their female comrades left and right at tree sits, and probably still are. Alleged peace activist leaders are often racist, sexist, and control freaks. With a desire to control, one needs to use methods of control to keep their "followers" in line, as it were. Bicyclists will declare themselves kings of the road because they don't burn fossile fuels, but they will indeed behave disdainfully should you not accept their self-serving self-proclaimed kingships. Vegans are kings of everything by simple dietary choice. Kings...WE DON'T NEED NO FUCKING KINGS! Most alleged leaders in low level movements to co-King George, it would seem, want to be fucking kings over somebody. Cruelty is the name of the game to gain that kingship. Someone falls out of line, and the king needs to bring them back in. Cruetly doesn't have to come in the form of hacking a woman giving birth to death, it could come in the form of raping women at tree sits, abusing your "groupies" who may try to think for themselves, talking down to those you consider your inferiors like those who drive cars or eat meat, etc.

I am no leader, never have been, never will be. I have indeed done battle with many of the folks from the above mentioned groups. I, too, am not a nice guy. But more than anything in the world, I think it is time the cruelty fucking stops. I do not see those who are defending themselves as comparative to those enacting the violence. I would not think that a woman who hacks a fellow tree sitter to death with a meat cleaver that is a rapist as an act of cruelty. That to me would be justice. The fucking rapist is the cruel piece of shit.

And cruelty is all around us in many forms to keep us all in line. It doesn't take a whole lot of observation or staring out the window to find it. Fear... Fear is a powerful tool that can easily be used against us by those ready and willing to glorify their worthless fucking asses at our expense. 15 years ago, I would have been afraid to speak as I do, especially openly like I am. I've changed.

We have to end cruelty in this world. Cruelty like that which would be enacted on us by various kings at various levels on the heirarchy. Fuck the kings!


Monday, December 24, 2007

For Shusli

We knock on the doors of our past
present them a now
that guides us into our future

In some places
we remember who we are
not caught up in the wheels
of the machine

Our spirits are carried on
wings wind and waves
and we are called home
to where we call home

How much do we remember
How much more do we forget

And the wind crashes waves of beauty
into the jetty to splash
new energy into our lives
into our day

We are alive here and now
the day is ours
the world is ours

A Few Native Nations Photos

The top photo is of Brutus and Ryan who were our Native Hip-Hop guests.

The other three are of David Liberty's Christmas tree.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Today is the Day

Today is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Tomorrow we will all be walking back into the light. See you there. PS I Love you Shusli. This post is for you!


David Liberty hooked up "Native Nations" television show with a couple of young guys making music on the rez: Craig Ryan from the Yakima and Brutus from Warm Springs. They have a website that seems to be still under construction called Native Network ( These guys hook up music using technology and are pretty damned amazing young folks, I must say. Check out the videos these guys have out, and buy some Rez Hogs Cd's off of cDbaby.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Almost forgot: Native Nations will be airing on cable access here in Multnomah county, mostly on Channel 11, and I believe in Vancouver, WA as well. It starts live at 6pm. We are having a Native rapper come down and share his music.

Chaotic Somalia's gruesome reality - 17 Dec 07

I was surfing the English Al Jazeera website and found this. It ain't pretty, but it is information that I believe folks need to know.

Armed Struggle

Derrick Jensen was in town, yesterday. (No, he didn't discuss armed struggle). Derrick is known for his writings on the unsustainability of alleged "civilization" as well as discussions on bringing it down quicker in the desire to strengthen the survivability of all species that "civilization" hasn't slaughtered off yet. It was an excellent event and I enjoyed the company of my friends and the company of all the folks who were there.

Those of you who know my writing, know that I occasionally say things like: "Kill Whitey" or "I want it all back." These are things to shock those who benefit from the slaughter of indigenous peoples with rare acknowledgements that we exist.

When I say "Kill Whitey" most people who are beneficiaries state something like; "but you wouldn't want us killing black people or Indians would you, Eugene? If it is OK for you to kill white people, then it would be OK for me to kill blacks, Indians, etc., Right?" Then I point out that they already are killing blacks, Indians, etc., either directly or through complicity. And since that IS the case, using that same logic, shouldn't we survivors of those who benefit be ALLOWED to enact the same types of crimes that brought the beneficiaries to their privilege. I say things like that because I want folks to change their way of thinking. There is an acknowlegement somewhere in their minds that how we got to this current situation was done so illegally and horrifically for many folks. There is a fundamental fear of having to face justice for the way in which this alleged civilization came into existence.

When I say "I want it all back," most beneficiaries reply, amongst themselves, about where they will get deported to. REALITY CHECK, FOLKS! Ain't no way I'd ever gain such authority with such immediacy to enact a deportation policy. That said, this ain't about you, folks. This is about us and the illegal and horrific actions enacted upon us to this day that keep this alleged civilization in existence. You ALWAYS think of yourselves first. You always worry about what "we'll do" because there is an underlying knowledge, and undealt with knowledge, that this "civilization" that you benefit from got put into place by some pretty horrific actions. But what bothers me most about these statements is that somehow, this civilization is the end all and be all that we, as Indians seeking justice, would want exactly the same type of things to happen to you that were done to us and that you benefit from.

So, at the Derrick Jensen event last night, I asked a couple of questions, since it was a Q and A format instead of a lecture format.

At his last lecture here in Portland, Derrick tells a story of how he asks his audiences ..."am I the only one that owns an AK-47?" Usually there is silence, but once, while lecturing with Ward Churchill, there was a single statement made by Ward..."Nope!"

So, in an attempt to gain an understanding of the audience, I asked this question of Derrick: "Where can I get an AK-47 and about how much do they cost?" Many members in the audience had quite the understanding. Turns out they are around $250, and can be picked up at gun shows and on the internet. Interesting. And I Loved the level of discourse instead of the offended alleged peace neck types.

A buddy of mine said he preferred the m-14. I asked him where I could get one and how much they cost. He shook his head and laughed.

So here, I will again bring up the issue of armed struggle with a basic understanding of what it means:

If it were not for the armed struggle and resistance of Indigenous folks and our ancestors, I GUARANTEE that the U.S. and it's predecessors would have finished us all off. Peace neck/Gandhian philosophy would find this OK because any form of violence is to be loathed and despised including and especially self-defensive violence. So in a way, they are saying that our peoples should have been wiped out. I don't participate in the alleged peace movement.

That said, and having a strong understanding of armed struggle from an indigenous historical knowledge, and an understanding of various armed struggles world wide historical and current, I have a medioric understanding at best of what "armed struggle" means and the realities there of.

I know that the U.S. uses overwhelming massive force to crush armed resistance against their illegal actions worldwide. Iraq is a good example. So I know the realities of an armed struggle would be faced with a few issues.

The U.S. loves starving people because they loathe a strong adversary. They loathe a level playing field.

We know the U.S. Loves soft targets. I believe it was Sheridan that stated "Kill the women and children first, they are easier to kill and it strikes terror into the hearts of the men." Not surprisingly, it is alleged that these exact words have been repeated by the U.S. in Iraq.

So to take up armed struggle, and, in fact to even discuss it, can lead to many horrific things happening to our families and friends as well as ourselves. As a matter of course, their are many horrible things that will happen to our families and friends and the families and friends of others armed struggle or not.

So here, I will again open the discussion of armed struggle and resistance. Were it not for indigenous armed struggle, the U.S. would not have ALLOWED us Indians to exist. Taking up armed struggle could mean many civilian casualties considering the U.S. Loves killing easy targets much more than those carrying the weapons and fighting back. The U.S. also Loves using starvation and strangulation to crush any armed resistance, again, not wanting to attack any targets with a real ability to fight back. The U.S. doesn't like a level playing field.

However, I open up the discussion anyway. There may be a time and place for it. It may never even come to armed struggle and resistance. But personally, I think it is something that should be discussed and discussed openly as I am doing here.

There are many other options as well, and those get discussed all over, and that is seriously good. It is a matter of how willing we are to defend ourselves, our families, our land base, when and if it comes down to it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Soldier's Tale

Penny Allen's film, "The Soldiers Tale," will be showing at the Northwest Film Studies Center in Portland on December 29 at 7pm. Penny also created a photo essay called "War is Hell." Before you link to it, there are some pretty harsh photos on it.

Penny was interviewed on the "Joe and Abe" show on KBOO on Tuesday, December 18. In this interview many questions were asked in which I will try to give my opinion on in this little post.

I have a lot of respect for those who have been soldiers. I have known many of these folks, combat and non-combat. I have a lot more respect for these folks than I do the peace folks for the most part because these are the guys who live it. They are the tool of the state. The state is the enemy and the state has to change. Peace will never come until we DISMANTLE the empire.

So, to the pro war folks, if you are in support of the slaughter of Iraqi's, etc., by gum, go sign up. Don't give me that old football injury bullshit! If you can squeeze a trigger you can do your own killing because you are asking these folks to do your killing for you, to die if necessary for you, or to come back damaged and broken for you to ignore.

To the folks who hold the "Fuck the Troops" signs, I will tell you the same thing. You are asking the resistance in Iraq to do your killing for you. Sign up with those folks and go try to kill the soldiers yourselves because you, too, are asking others to do your killing for you, your dying for you, your getting broken and damaged for you.

Why I no longer participate in the alleged peace movement is that with the exception of the "Seriously Pissed Off Grannies," they are racist and sexist. When I called one of the alleged peace movements leaders, Peter Bergel, on his racism and sexism, he stated that "we are all a little sexist and racist, Eugene, even you." Talk about not dealing with your own shit and excusing it. Talk about not really wanting any unity unless he is king. But he is not the only one who behaves like a king in these movements and that we should follow these folks without question. Tom Hastings has published in one of his books that Indians should give up their notions of a Che style revolution and allow the rich to come in and help us. How he declared himself king of Indian autonomy and sovereignty, I don't know, but he seems to think he knows better what we Indians should do than say...we Indians.

I also get sick and tired of actions that don't do shit. The "Grannies" got some serious good publicity and that may or may not get folks to thinking and maybe doing. Who knows for sure. But they took a day to decide what their first action would be and a week to enact it. One of the most useless actions in my opinion is doing sit-ins in senators offices that aren't even there and getting arrested for such offenses. What use is that? Do you really believe the senator is gonna give a shit that some alleged peace folks got arrested in his office when he wasn't even there? Has said senator done anything to attempt to stop the war? The effectiveness of this maneuver, like having a discussion with his cardboard cutout, are in my opinion completely useless. If I truly believed that going after a senator would change anything, I would do something more effective, like find out when he is in his local office, and dog him every moment he shows up with protesters. Some of these actions have taken many many months to plan, unlike the Grannies actions which seem to happen almost on the spur of the moment.

Then there is the infighting between the various alleged peace groups. Some groups have some capital for marches and refuse to unite and share with others to create a presence to shake this city. The infighting is stupid. The alleged peace movement factions can't unite behind the one issue of ending the war in Iraq. It's fucking annoying. Then what do these actions do? I think that marches bring attention to the issue, but I believe folks are getting tired. And the U.S. government is getting much scarier.

Then there are folks who don't care for me because I won't declare myself to be non-violent. I won't lie. Most folks are indeed violent. This system is maintained by violence. Racism and Sexism are forms of violence. They happen within and around various movements with their complicity. That is violence. So I won't lie and say I'm non-violent. I am not into Gandhi who said he would kill himself before acting violently in self-defense. He would watch others die, and has, instead of fight in self-defense or the defense of others. To be complicit in violence, as that IS, is violence.

The system is also collapsing. It is hard to say what that means. Unsustainability, global warming, systematic violence, oppression, rape, genocide, etc., are all things that are happening all around us. Sitting in a senators office who isn't there isn't gonna do a damned thing to stop it. Marching in the streets without follow up actions will do nothing to stop it. Folks refuse to unite behind a single issue because of their single issues. Racism and sexism in these movements won't be addressed in order to create unity and most people of color see that if these folks get into power, they are still screwed.

When folks bring up racism and sexism in the alleged peace movements, they have to talk with the hand because they are allegedly doing the work to stop the war...uh, huh...and they don't need folks from ethnic and racial groups bringing up issues of racism or sexism to get in the way of their all important work, like sitting in senators offices who aren't there.

More than anything, I know that the collapse could take on many forms. What if the dollar was worthless tomorrow? What if we run out of oil soon? How will we eat? What kind of shelter will we have? How do we form communities? How do we survive and what kinds of situations will we have to endure in order to survive? How will we maintain our joy and happiness? How will we cloth ourselves? Will I get arrested? Will we get arrested? Will others get arrested? What then?

These are now the questions on my mind, questions relating to survival upon the collapse. What the collapse will look like we will have no idea until it happens. As Jim Craven said, some pockets will fair well because the U.S. economy is so huge, others won't. Invest in gold? You can't eat gold? You can't eat the paper you invested in? You can't find food with the stuff? You can't find shelter? So more than anything, I feel like I'm doing mental jumping jacks to get ready for pretty much ANY FUCKING THING to happen!

We will do nothing to unite to stop the U.S. empire, and working within the system will do nothing to stop it either. So now I just find myself surviving within the world that exists for me today, and full well knowing that it could all change tomorrow. As well, I do what I can. I speak out. I try to keep peoples heads up. I try to cheer folks on. We may never unite to stop the empire, but we will all have to survive the impending collapse and we can't do THAT without each other.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Gloom and Doom is Legendary

Shusli and I broke our boycott to see the "gloom and doom" movie, "I Am Legend." That's right, we were treated to the good ole American propoganda of join the National Guard and kill for excessively wealthy folks and steal the resources of other nations come back damaged (if it all) and live a life full of fucked upness not to mention the lives you fucked up for the man who doesn't ever get his hands dirty. What's the band called that made that video? Something like, "We Never Signed Up and We Never Will Because We're Home Here Making a Lotta Money Getting Others to Sign Up While We Get Drunk and Have Sex With a Lot of Women." Something like that, anyway.

One of the ways I measure a horror flick is if they give me nightmares, and this one gave me nightmares.

Will Smith is a doctor in the military working on a cure for cancer (a military doctor creating a cure for cancer...HAHAHAHAHA), anyway, his work and the work of some woman scientist create a cure, but the cure is in the form of a virus. The virus mutates and kills 90 percent of humanity. Anout 90 percent of the survivors turn into zombie like monsters and pretty much eat all of those who didn't. It's an intense on the edge of your seat kind of movie. But mostly, it brings up the continuing subject on this blog...


[A little side note from reality you all might be interested in, I read in a science magazine and looked up on the internet, here, the work being done by scientists around smallpox and mousepox. Seems that via mousepox, they are trying to create a smallpox that has a higher kill ratio, preferrably $100%. You see, if the target population gets wiped out, you are free and clear to steal all their resources for the already wealthy. They just haven't been able to create anything thus far in mousepox that doesn't kill the host so quickly that it doesn't have time to infect others. Keep working on it, folks, we all know you're gonna be.]

OK, folks, we are really getting down to the wire here and we have to be aware of many things happening around us, as well as trying to live our lives in this crazy insanity called life these days. Depending on your life and your life situation, these can be as varied as each group we gather in and each individual within it. None of us have the answer for everyone, and all of us have the answer for ourselves on how we can survive.

I truly do not believe there will be any form of unity to end the roller coaster ride we are on now, and the crash keeps getting delayed by extending the tracks.

Since December is the time of many anniversaries, a few, if not much more than the two I am about to mention. As we all know that the Turks have no desire to call their holocaust against the Armenians and work hard on denying such things even happened, the U.S. takes their genocide of the Indians and have seemed to turn it into their natural right. Like it was an act of nature to slaughter folks by the millions, or, if you use the U.S. numbers, hundreds.

So, December 10, 1890, some 50 Indians are slaughtered by white settlers in Buffalo Gap, South Dakota. There is a propogated fear going around that the Indians are practicing the Ghost Dance to kill white folks. All of this turns out to be wrong, but who cares, this is America and AMERICA, RIGHT OR WRONG!

December 13, 1937, the Japanese military ride into Nanking [Nanjing] and slaughter many Chinese brutally and ruthlessly. Japanese numbers state it was a couple of hundred, Chinese numbers state it was as high as 300,000, U.S. numbers state as many as 500,000 in the course of a six week rampage.

December 15, 1890, Sitting Bull is assassinated by Red Shirt for the U.S. government.

December 17, 1890, Big Foot, after having gathered information around the assassination of Sitting Bull, gathers up his folks and heads to Pine Ridge where they are hoping that Red Cloud can protect them.

December 28, 1890, Big Foot and hundreds of other Indians that have gathered with them are stopped at Wounded Knee, South Dakota by Custer's old unit, the 7th Cavalry.

December 29, 1890, a deaf Indian refuses to give up his rabbit rifle, it goes off, and using excessive military might against a people who are virtually unarmed, the U.S. government slaughters some 500 to 800 Indians.

December 30, 1890, A woman, the last survivor of the Buffalo Gap Massacre, arrives at Wounded Knee, having walked all the way from Buffalo Gap following the tracks of her fellow Lakota.

December 31, 1981, at around 5am, Louis Wilbur Johnson finally succumbs to his liver damage and dies.



Check out this really cool video Woody did.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I See the Light

Sometimes it's all about lighting
and the light turns on
as I tell many people about my search
the light stolen and lied to
bad grades
teenage years

"It's on the house,"
a barista tells me
of a muffin and a latte
for the story I tell her
and it is all about lighting
and the light comes on

How I let a 12-year-old girl
have my power
her mother I'm no longer with
sharing in my agony
and neither really know or care
and I hand it over so easily
and I laugh as the light comes on
my power is lying on the floor
I pick it up
put it back in my pocket
laugh at how I gave it up that easily
laugh at how little I appreciated it.

Sometimes it's a matter of perspective...
what if I look to the right
what if I look to the left
up down all around
take it all in.

Have a good laugh at my own expense...

The 21st is coming
10:08 pm is Solstice

Life will change a bit for a little girl that day
the next day I get to see her

and Sunday
I let her mother in on the plan
and even though we may not end up on the same page
we'll be working from the same book
and a little girl
just might regain quite a bit of her perspective
as we all walk together
into the coming light.


According to my Maori sister, Kelly, there is a lot of in fighting amongst the Maroi especially between various tribal factions. However, when it comes down to a big issue, they will unite and fight as a whole.

Here in the states, a majority of us that should be uniting have this great desire to be kings and queens or some sort of "I'm SPECIAL and therefore better than the rest. The rest of you are just human beings. I am a god/goddess and you should do what IIIIII say because I carry all knowledge and you don't."

Down here at the bottom, it seems most folks want to be a savior, and not a human being. Seems to me that just simply being a human being makes someone more of a hero to me than assholes who claim to have some sort of dictatorship over others.

I don't think we'll unite as a whole, I think we will have pockets of unity as the U.S. and civilization collapses. Maybe that's the way it is supposed to be?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Deep Dark Depression Excessive Misery

Saturday, December 8, Felicia steals stuff from Walgreens.

Sunday, December 9, after Felicia gets back to her moms, Lisa finds Felicia pulling rings and fake eye lashes out of her bag. Felicia lies and tells Lisa that I bought her the rings and Shusli bought her the eye lashes. Felicia, being only 12, is not allowed to wear make-up when she is visiting here on weekends(Lisa allows her to), so Lisa was suspicious and called me. She found out that Felicia had actually stolen the items from Walgreens then lied to try to save her ass. Having to go to bed early, I didn't get a chance to talk with Felicia. Lisa decides that when Felicia visits here again (December 21), I can take her back to Walgreens and have her give the items back. I get to be the bad guy here.

[Background: Felicia has been stealing off and on for about 6 years from family and friends. This is the first time she got caught stealing from a store that I know of.]

Monday, Decmeber 10, I call Felicia via her moms cell phone and leave a message. No one calls back.

Tuesday, December 11, I write up rules Felicia will have to abide by when she is visiting here because of her rampant thievery and lying. I call in the evening to talk with Felicia. Lisa tells me that she is at some event at her school with a friend. (No discipline has been enacted by Lisa for Felicia's lying and thievery. That is left up to me.) I did not talk to Lisa about this, but this is not something I would have let a 12-year-old do just days after stealing from a store and lying about it especially when stealing and lying are clear and consistent patterns of behavior for Felicia, as well as bad grades. Lisa then informs me that on Thursday at 7pm there is a school pageant that Felicia is participating in. I tell her I will take a nap and be there. She tells me she'll have Felicia call me later. No such call happens.

Also on this day, Shusli informs me that alleged anarchists and other folks are attacking Urban Scout for charging $15 to $18 for admission to see Derrick Jensen. This is a benefit for Rewilding, but instead of asking, folks go on the attack and have done so ruthlessly and relentlessly.

Wednesday, December 12. On Wednesdays, I pick up Felicia from school and we hang out for a few hours before I take her home. I find out that not only did Lisa tell her Tuesday evening, but reminded her Wednesday morning that I would be picking her up after school. I show up at the school about 15 minutes before it lets out. Felicia never shows up. I call and leave a message for Lisa and then Shusli that Felicia bagged out on visiting with me, as I was going to go over the new rules for when she visits. Lisa calls later to tell me she has Felicia in the car and asks if I want to talk with her. I am SO INFURIATED that I decided it was a good idea not to. Lisa again does NOTHING to discipline Felicia for this. Shusli calls later and asks what happened. Felicia alleges that she "forgot" and took the bus to her friends house. It is alleged that Felicia called her mother crying saying she forgot. Here is my problem with that.

I have picked up Felicia EVERY WEDNESDAY since school started. She was allegedly given 2 reminders from her mother, one occuring in the morning before she went to school.

This is what I believe happened given Felicia's clear and consistent behavioral patterns. Felicia knows I get to be the bad guy on her thievery issues. Felicia knows that she can pretty much get away with whatever she wants to when it comes to her mother (who has sole custody, by the way). Felicia knows I am not happy, and therefore probably made plans to conveniently forget a clear and consistent pattern of me picking her up on Wednesdays. She probably worked swiftly to get on the bus before I could spot her as I waited in my car. Safely away from the school, she can then give her mother a call, crying, and tell her that she forgot.

Thursday, December 13, Shusli, David Liberty, and I do the interview with Derrick Jensen on "Mitakuye Oyasin." I also make a post about the fact that I now hate alleged anarchists and the reasons why, which mostly stem from their self-serving attacks on Urban Scout, a young man I consider an ally though I don't know him that well. The work I see him doing is rather admirable and the attacks from folks whom you think would be allied with folks like Scout, turn out to be a bunch of self-serving arrogant assholes. No one asks why he is charging so much, they just go on the attack. What a bunch of mother-fuckers. They can all kiss my flat ass.

Thursday, you may recall, was also the evening in which Felicia was supposed to have her pageant at 7pm. Shusli and I had a lot of work to do in order to prepare for Eli coming home and living with us for a while. I decide not to go. I'm tired and angry. I call Lisa about 5pm and leave a message telling her to have Felicia call me. 7pm rolls around, my bed time, and no one has called back. I don't call again because I have assumed that Felicia was at the pageant. At 7:30pm, Shusli tells me Felicia is on the phone and asks if I want to talk. I say no, I'm tired and angry, and would rather not.

Friday, December 14. I wake up at 1:30am to get ready for work and read and write a little on the internet. I check my e-mails and Shusli informs me that the pageant had actually taken place on Tuesday, not Thursday. What this means is that Shusli and I would have gone all the way to Milwaukie from North Portland to see a pageant at Felicia's school that happened 2 days before. It is now my belief that Felicia waited until after 7pm to call because she knows I regularly go to bed at that time when I have to work the next day. This infuriates me even more, all this passive agressive behavior toward me from both Felicia and her mother. It infuriates me that her mother is doing NOTHING to curb Felicia's lying, stealing, and bad grades, and that all the weight of taking action against these behaviors weighs on me and I only have her from Friday to Sunday evenings twice a month.

But wait, there's more. You're probably wondering why the Urban Scout stuff is being written about on this post about Felicia. Well, I also have another e-mail sent to me by a man I formerly thought as an ally, though we don't know each other all that well. I won't share his e-mail here, but if he is reading my blog, I will call the short fucker out here on this forum for all to read. The man read a whole lotta shit into what I said about the anarchists and did not ask for clarification, he just told me that he knew exactly what I was thinking and compared me to one of the people I pretty much hate most in the local area, adding him to that list as well. So, mother-fucker, if you are reading this, then come on here in public and we can get it on here.

Seems to me, in the words used by this man, that he totally supports the verbal attacks being launched by alleged anarchists and others and that they shouldn't have to ask for clarification from someone who is on the same side as to why he is charging money to see Derrick Jensen even though it is a benefit for Rewilding. I am not above violence, even verbal violence. The verbal violence I have used against these alleged anarchists is in defense of a young man, Urban Scout, whom I see as an ally and who is trying to create a change in this world. From everything I am hearing about these alleged anarchist groups around, they are turning out to be quite a bunch of self-serving self-interested assholes.

So, the little fucker sends me another e-mail this afternoon telling me to take back a bunch of what I said. Being extremely pissed off about the Felicia shit and being more pissed off about this assholes defense of an OFFENSIVE attack on Scout and attacking me personally in my e-mail about my defense of Scout, I sent an e-mail back to the little fuck and told him to fuck off. Since we know each other, I also told him not to talk with me in public any more either. I also sent his e-mail to Shusli, and she is not clear as to what he is talking about, either, and is confused as to how much that short shit has read into my wording. He just sent me an e-mail titled "Fear and Loathing" but I deleted it before I could read it. I'd rather to battle here in public and not allow him to hide behind the anonymity of e-mails.

So, shit face, I'm sure you are reading this, come out on this forum and let's have a fucking battle here. I'm in for some fuckin' verbal fist-a-cuffs, mother fucker.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Power Point Peace Prize

Al Gore, along with some scientists, have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Al wins the prize for his power point presentation, and some scientists for doing the actual work. But since Al is the "point" man, I don't even know any of the names of the scientists who did the actual work as OFFENDED as I am that Al was even considered for the prize to begin with.

Al, whose decisions as Vice helped create the conditions he is now bitching about makes me wonder what he is really up to. Self promotion? 2012 Prez run for his own glorious self?

Yet, I seem to remember a few things that folks don't seem to be talking about. Besides his anti-enviornmental decisions as Vice, he also helped make decisions that lead to the slaughter of many East Timorese in '93. As well as the horrific war in Kosovo. Let's not forget the '98 bombing of Iraq to cover the indiscretions of Bill's wandering dick. My favorite action by far by this man who DOES NOT DESERVE the prize, was a couple of things he did when on the campaign trail for the 2000 alleged election. One, he told the local Future Farmers of America that all food would be grown overseas soon and their jobs would be obsolete. Also, when asked by an activist about the 5000 children dying each month in Iraq due to the sanctions this genocidal fuck was complicit in, he laughed.

But wait, come to think of it, horrific genocidal fuck Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize, why not Al?

In the "Trials of Henry Kissinger" is a video clip from Saturday Night Live with John Belushi playing Henry in an interview. Lorrain Newman, the interviewer, asks "what was your best year?"

"'73, when I eneded the Vietnam War."

"What was your worst year?" she asks.

"'75," says Henry, "when the Vietnam War actually ended."

So, at least two anti-environmental genocidal fucks have won the Nobel (alleged) Peace Prize. One for a genocidal bombing campaign that brought Vietnam to the negotiating table, and the other for a power point presentation.

How the fuck do these people choose the assholes that receive this thing?

PS, If Al Gore had taken his rightful position as Prez when he won in 2000, we would have Genocidal Joe Lieberman as Vice. The impending American led Holocaust of the Iranians probably would have already been under way. But of course folks would toss out the usual excuses: "At least he's a democrat."


I hate Vegans. Urban Scout has said he hates "Veganism." I just hate vegans, period. I have YET to meet a vegan that doesn't think of themselves as ABOVE humanity and ultra super morally superior to one and all. How did they become this way? Simple dietary choice.

Vegans are the worst at this type of behavior. I've seen it in some bicyclists, but only a small percentage. I've seen it in many other groups, but in vegans, I have YET to meet even one person that doesn't think they are morally superior to one and all by simple dietary choice.

I used to fluctuate between not caring and respect for anarchists. During the standoff in front of the police station this spring, I spoke out in their favor to crowds of folks who thought they were full of shit. Sometimes things change drastically and quickly.

Urban Scout is brining Derrick Jensen to town, which is how Shusli and Scout got the interview for "Mitakuye Oyasin." As stated in my previous post, this is a benefit for Rewilding. The price of admission is $15 to $18. The ALLEGED anarchists have torn down the posters. Scout posted his dismay on Portland Indy Media, and the holier than thou anarchists have been ON THE ATTACK! Turns out the anarchists display quite the elitist, exlusivist, imperialist behavior common amonst vegans, U.S. governmental officials, conquistadors, etc. It is a common pattern of colonization and imperialism. "We have the truth and if we see that you don't have the truth as according to us that have the truth, we will make you fucking pay." The anarchists, because they perceive their own moral superiority have been verbally VIOLENTLY attacking Urban Scout for charging money to see Derrick. The moderator at Indy Media has said they took down some of the posts because they were severe personal attacks on Scout. But wait, the story doesn't end there.

I sent out my GLOOM AND DOOM post on my e-mail address list and got a response from a friend of mine on the coast who told me that the alleged anarchists out there behave in much the same manner.

But wait, there is STILL more.

Derrick mentioned that he was invited to speak at an event put on by ALLEGED anarchists. He even spoke beyond his allotted time. These holier than thou folks didn't offer to take him to dinner. Now, I've been taught that you invite someone into your home (as it were), you share your hospitality with them. In Michael Franti's video, "I Know I'm Not Alone," he visits a Palestinian family who put on a feast for the rather tall man. He found out that the family had gone into debt in order to express their hospitality to this man they had never met. Not so of the alleged anarchists who didn't even offer food to the man they asked to speak for them and who spoke far beyond that which was required. The alleged anarchists also didn't pay admission, claiming they were too poor. Derrick, being hungry, then went to a bar, the only place open in town, to BUY HIMSELF something to eat. He found the alleged anarchists there buying many pitchers of beer and not offering to share. Plenty of money to buy booze, not so much money to buy someone they invited to town to speak to their WORTHLESS FUCKING GROUP!

And one other thing I noticed about anarchists...I have NEVER seen a person of color in their ranks. Not once. At least the racist alleged peace movement will throw in a token black or Indian from time to time.

So, like my blanket hatred of vegans, I now carry a blanket hatred of those who allege to be anarchists. Next time I see the cops beating on their skinny asses, I'll have to restrain myself from cheering the cops on to "HIT 'EM HARDER!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Game 2 of the "Mitakuye Oyasin"


will take place on Thursday, December 13 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm on kboo radio at 90.7fm, on the web at

Last time we interviewed economist James Craven about the impending economic collapse.

This time we are interviewing Derrick Jensen. Derrick Jensen is the author of "Endgame," two books about how horrific civilization is as well as how it is unsustainable. His recent book, a graphic novel with Stephanie McMillan is called "As the World Burns: 50 simple things you can do to stay in denial."

Derrick will be speaking at Disjecta, on the Burnside Bridge east side at 7pm on December 19 in a benefit for "Rewilding." This talk was organized by Urban Scout, and with the help of Shusli, we got an interview with him for Mitakuye Oyasin.

Many alleged anarchists have been on the attack of Urban Scout because the price is $15 to $18. They are calling him a green capitalist. They did not talk with him, they just went on the attack on Portland Indy Media. When one uses violence, it is usually to get something you want. Anarchists I used to believe were non-violent, but they have proven that such is not true. They, like a gang of thugs, are willing to attack somebody instead of negotiate. Hey...that sounds like co-King George and Iran, doesn't it. So, in my opinion, since using violence an not netogiation is an imperical pattern, and since empires are elitist, I think it is safe to say now that alleged Anarchists in Portland are truly elitist and imperilaist, just like the system they allege to be fighting against.

What they could have done was said: "Hey, Scout, why so much, pal?" And if Scouts answer was reasonable, they could have said "Hey, my monthly trust fund check hasn't come through from semi wealthy mom and dad, is there something we can work out?" But they didn't. Why? Imperical elitists maybe?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How to Frame an Argument

For the longest time, I almost NEVER heard discussion of the dams on the Columbia River's near salmon extinction. Dams rarely come up in the discussion. Though not as rare now, it is still rare that dams come up as the major problem in the destruction of fish runs on the Columbia river. This is called framing the argument. One of the most common ways to frame an argument is to leave out information.

Take for instance, the discussion about housefires caused by cigarette smokers who fall asleep with cigarettes in their mouths.

I ran out of cigarette papers a few days ago. I used some from a pack of Top. I prefer Americana hemp papers or Pure Hemp. This is one of the Top papers. Notice the lines on this paper. Those are called burn rings. Those burn rings are made from a chemical called titanium oxide. It makes the cigarette burn more when inhaling, and KEEPS IT BURNING when not being smoked. Look at a regular packaged cigarette, and you will see rings the length of the paper. Not only are you inhaling the wonderful chemicals they put into the tobacco itself, you are also inhaling chemicals in the paper.

Pure Hemp and Americana hemp papers do not have this chemical in them. When I set my cigarette down, it goes out in less that 1/8th of an inch on an average. It always goes out. When I smoked using the Top papers with the chemical, besides having a moderately unpleasant taste, my cigarettes also burned quicker and did not go out.

The tobacco I smoke is called "Girls Blend." It is blended by one of the only tobacco blenders in the Portland area who works for Rich's Tobacco. His name is Steve Books. He assures me he uses only natural tobaccos grown without chemicals and he himself does not add any chemicals to his blends. Girls Blend is a girly cut (I have no idea what that means) with vanilla added. I smoke 3 to 8 cigarettes a day, and more often than not, on my days off of work, I mostly don't even smoke. I never smoke in bed.

Now, there are chemicals and sugars that are added to cigarettes that do damage to your lungs so the nicotine will be better absorbed and make the smoker more easily ADDICTED to smoking. When severely addicted, folks do things like smoke in bed. And with those wonderful burn rings made of titanium oxide that keep those cigarettes burning, and blankets and houses being made of many highly flammable materials, you have a disaster waiting to happen.

Instead, you rarely to never hear about the burn rings in cigarettes when it comes to cigarette caused housefires. The last report I heard about the INDUSTRY doing something about this was they were creating a thinner cigarette. No discussion on not using titanium oxcide burn rings. You see, those burn rings use up more cigarettes. The more cigarettes you use, the more you smoke. The more you smoke, the more money for excessively wealthy folks. Excessively wealthy folks control the media, who then keeps the issue of titanium oxide burn rings off of the table because if you burned and smoked less cigarettes, you would be taking money out of the pockets of wealthy folks.

That is why the issue of titanium burn rings in cigarette papers never comes up in the issue of cigarette caused housefires. The cigarette companies don't have to pay for lost or damaged lives. They don't have to pay for lost or damaged properties. They just have to keep making money and they will make less if they take the burn rings out of the papers.


Around Town