Omsk - flight movie
Аэросъемка с высоты полета квадрокоптера. #омск.
#dji #phantom #gopro #flight #quadrocopter #copter #fly #geocom #drone #drones #dronelife #dronefly #flydrone #copterfly #flycopter #copters #aerialcinema #aeria #phantom2 #hero3 #djiphantom #flycamaero #aerialvideo #своздуха #zenmuse #h33d #zenmuseh33d #dronegear #omsk #omskaya #surfari #surfariomsk #smlb #smokelab #new_a #новаяатлетика
Omsk ( Омск ) - Siberian City
Omsk is the Capital of the Omsk Oblast and the 2nd Biggest City of Western Siberia and an important hub for Central Asian Trade like Kazakhstan , it runs the...
Аэросъёмка. Зимний Омск 2015. (Aerial video 4K. Winter Omsk (Russia, Siberia) 2015.)
ВАЖНО: По вопросам съёмок и использования видео писать на 1@visg.ru
Город в котором я вырос. Город интересный и со сложной судьбой.
Постарался показать самые ключевые места города.
Съёмки были в первой половине января, поэтому на улицах не так много людей и машин, но много холода и снега :)
Сложность была в том, что система, передающая картинку на экран затухала полностью на удалении 30-40 метро
Winter in Omsk 2014 2
Another short clip showing some local sights in Omsk, Siberia, Russian Federation in winter 2014.
Autostopem na Kołymę - Omsk (odc. 9)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autostopemnakoniecswiata
Fundacja: https://www.facebook.com/twojbrakujacyelement
Montaż: TRS Studio https://www.facebook.com/StudioTRS
Napisy są do dokończenia, a Juwenalia utrudniają dorwanie się do trzeźwego człowieka, który mógłby mi w tym pomóc. Życzliwych proszę o podesłanie choćby po jednym zdaniu tłumaczenia tam gdzie go brakuje.
Visita nuestra pagina web http://www.servimatblog.com/
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Omsk Explore Russia
Omsk, Explore Russia, Fotoquest project.
new Russian mafia Omsk / новая Российская мафия Омск
new Russian mafia Omsk / новая Российская мафия Омск.
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia. FC Mayak pleyed on annual beach soccer tournament. В 2009 ФК Маяк Омск играл на ежегодном турнире по пляжному футболу.
Omsk Strassen
Berliner Schüler zu Gast im sibirischen Omsk
"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben" Alexander von Humboldt hat die Welt gesehen und auch die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Berlin KreativitätsGymnasiums haben die Möglichkeit sich während ihrer Schulzeit die Welt anzuschauen. Omsk, die südsibirische Großstadt mit ihren 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern war das Ziel. Eine Stadt, die beeindruckt.
Mein Besuch in Omsk (West-Sibirien) Teil 4
DJ8RC als Funkamateur in Sibirien
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse Города России.
Ein Kurzfilm über die wunderschönster stadt der Welt Omsk - Sibirien - Russland...
Jugend und Freizeit in Omsk - Teil 1
What to do in Omsk? Hier findest du Antworten!
Ovni vortice de la luz en Omsk Rusia
http://www.reymisterios.com/videos/ovnis/Rusia/Ovni-vortice-de-la-luz-en-Omsk-l1184.html En Rusia miles de personas asustadas llamaron a emergencia observan un vortice de la luz misteriosa en los cielos han sugerido que se trataba de cohete , cometas y como No Ovni reales.
UFO vortex of light in Omsk Russia.
Ufo Russia vortice di luce nei cieli di Omsk
Stazione di Omsk, Siberia
Stazione ferroviaria di Omsk, Siberia. Commento di Lambrenedetto che ci fa vedere anche i vagoni di seconda e terza classe (plazkart) del treno Omsk - Novosibirsk. https://www.russiantour.com
#33 СтопХам Омск - "Омская борода" / "Omsk beard"
СтопХам Омск, 33 серия. Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878 для помощи омскому проекту. Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55 Страница Tw...
#32 СтопХам Омск - "Это Омск" / "This is Omsk"
СтопХам Омск, 32 серия.
Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878
для помощи омскому проекту.
Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55
Страница Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stopxam55
Russian winter swimming in -32 weather Siberia Omsk.mp4
Russian strongmen in the cold of Siberia. Swim and dive in the hole. Weather - 32 Celsius.
Посадка в Омске (Landing at Omsk)
Посадка в Омсе (Центральный) А320 02.05.14 SU1762 Аэрофлот
Landing at Omsk (Tsentralny) А321 02.05.14 SU1762 Aeroflot
Piráti Chomutov - Avangard Omsk 4:3 sestřih
Piráti začali sezónu proti velkoklubu z ruského Omsku. Góly viděla téměř vyprodaná SD ARÉNA až ve druhé třetině. V rozmezí třiadvaceti sekund se prosadili kapitán Michal Vondrka a obránce Radek Havel. Hosté sice ve třetí třetině vyrovnali, ale Piráti přidali další dva zásahy. Na vítězství domácího souboru už nic nezměnil ani gól Pavla Valentěnka tři minuty před koncem normální hrací doby. http://p
Omsk - flight movie
Аэросъемка с высоты полета квадрокоптера. #омск.
#dji #phantom #gopro #flight #quadrocopter #copter #fly #geocom #drone #drones #dronelife #dronefly #flydrone #...
Аэросъемка с высоты полета квадрокоптера. #омск.
#dji #phantom #gopro #flight #quadrocopter #copter #fly #geocom #drone #drones #dronelife #dronefly #flydrone #copterfly #flycopter #copters #aerialcinema #aeria #phantom2 #hero3 #djiphantom #flycamaero #aerialvideo #своздуха #zenmuse #h33d #zenmuseh33d #dronegear #omsk #omskaya #surfari #surfariomsk #smlb #smokelab #new_a #новаяатлетика
wn.com/Omsk Flight Movie
Аэросъемка с высоты полета квадрокоптера. #омск.
#dji #phantom #gopro #flight #quadrocopter #copter #fly #geocom #drone #drones #dronelife #dronefly #flydrone #copterfly #flycopter #copters #aerialcinema #aeria #phantom2 #hero3 #djiphantom #flycamaero #aerialvideo #своздуха #zenmuse #h33d #zenmuseh33d #dronegear #omsk #omskaya #surfari #surfariomsk #smlb #smokelab #new_a #новаяатлетика
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 41
Omsk ( Омск ) - Siberian City
Omsk is the Capital of the Omsk Oblast and the 2nd Biggest City of Western Siberia and an important hub for Central Asian Trade like Kazakhstan , it runs the......
Omsk is the Capital of the Omsk Oblast and the 2nd Biggest City of Western Siberia and an important hub for Central Asian Trade like Kazakhstan , it runs the...
wn.com/Omsk ( Омск ) Siberian City
Omsk is the Capital of the Omsk Oblast and the 2nd Biggest City of Western Siberia and an important hub for Central Asian Trade like Kazakhstan , it runs the...
Аэросъёмка. Зимний Омск 2015. (Aerial video 4K. Winter Omsk (Russia, Siberia) 2015.)
ВАЖНО: По вопросам съёмок и использования видео писать на 1@visg.ru
Город в котором я вырос. Город интересный и со сложной судьбой.
Постарался показать самые к...
ВАЖНО: По вопросам съёмок и использования видео писать на 1@visg.ru
Город в котором я вырос. Город интересный и со сложной судьбой.
Постарался показать самые ключевые места города.
Съёмки были в первой половине января, поэтому на улицах не так много людей и машин, но много холода и снега :)
Сложность была в том, что система, передающая картинку на экран затухала полностью на удалении 30-40 метров, поэтому в большинстве случаев я не видел, что снимает камера и действовал практически наугад. Ситуацию облегчило то, что город не слишком большой и эти места я знаю очень хорошо. Сейчас же, у нас стоит исправный передатчик с хорошими антеннами и картинка не пропадает даже при удалении на 1 км.
Ещё сложность была в том, что в январе световой день очень короткий. В полдень солнце ещё не поднялось, а в 17 часов уже практически зашло. В один день, вообще, пришлось подняться в воздух во время снега. Когда наступали солнечные, хорошие для съёмок дни - обязательно был 30-градусный мороз. Финальные кадры я снимал, когда до прибытия в аэропорт оставалось 10 часов.
В общем, условия были не самые благоприятные, но несмотря на это, как я считаю, получилось интересно.
Спасибо за просмотр!
Оборудование: DJI Phantom 2, Zenmuse H3-3D, GoPro Hero 4, FPV Boscam 200mw со стандартными антеннами (плохая картинка с помехами, которая пропадает через 30-40 метров).
Программы: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Magic Bullet Looks
Работа учавствует в Фестивале Небесного Кино «ФНК» #ФНК2015 #skycinemafest2015
Видео создано: http://visg.ru/?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=video&utm;_campaign=channel
wn.com/Аэросъёмка. Зимний Омск 2015. (Aerial Video 4K. Winter Omsk (Russia, Siberia) 2015.)
ВАЖНО: По вопросам съёмок и использования видео писать на 1@visg.ru
Город в котором я вырос. Город интересный и со сложной судьбой.
Постарался показать самые ключевые места города.
Съёмки были в первой половине января, поэтому на улицах не так много людей и машин, но много холода и снега :)
Сложность была в том, что система, передающая картинку на экран затухала полностью на удалении 30-40 метров, поэтому в большинстве случаев я не видел, что снимает камера и действовал практически наугад. Ситуацию облегчило то, что город не слишком большой и эти места я знаю очень хорошо. Сейчас же, у нас стоит исправный передатчик с хорошими антеннами и картинка не пропадает даже при удалении на 1 км.
Ещё сложность была в том, что в январе световой день очень короткий. В полдень солнце ещё не поднялось, а в 17 часов уже практически зашло. В один день, вообще, пришлось подняться в воздух во время снега. Когда наступали солнечные, хорошие для съёмок дни - обязательно был 30-градусный мороз. Финальные кадры я снимал, когда до прибытия в аэропорт оставалось 10 часов.
В общем, условия были не самые благоприятные, но несмотря на это, как я считаю, получилось интересно.
Спасибо за просмотр!
Оборудование: DJI Phantom 2, Zenmuse H3-3D, GoPro Hero 4, FPV Boscam 200mw со стандартными антеннами (плохая картинка с помехами, которая пропадает через 30-40 метров).
Программы: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Magic Bullet Looks
Работа учавствует в Фестивале Небесного Кино «ФНК» #ФНК2015 #skycinemafest2015
Видео создано: http://visg.ru/?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=video&utm;_campaign=channel
- published: 03 May 2015
- views: 15
Winter in Omsk 2014 2
Another short clip showing some local sights in Omsk, Siberia, Russian Federation in winter 2014....
Another short clip showing some local sights in Omsk, Siberia, Russian Federation in winter 2014.
wn.com/Winter In Omsk 2014 2
Another short clip showing some local sights in Omsk, Siberia, Russian Federation in winter 2014.
Autostopem na Kołymę - Omsk (odc. 9)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autostopemnakoniecswiata
Fundacja: https://www.facebook.com/twojbrakujacyelement
Montaż: TRS Studio https://www.facebook.com...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autostopemnakoniecswiata
Fundacja: https://www.facebook.com/twojbrakujacyelement
Montaż: TRS Studio https://www.facebook.com/StudioTRS
Napisy są do dokończenia, a Juwenalia utrudniają dorwanie się do trzeźwego człowieka, który mógłby mi w tym pomóc. Życzliwych proszę o podesłanie choćby po jednym zdaniu tłumaczenia tam gdzie go brakuje.
wn.com/Autostopem Na Kołymę Omsk (Odc. 9)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autostopemnakoniecswiata
Fundacja: https://www.facebook.com/twojbrakujacyelement
Montaż: TRS Studio https://www.facebook.com/StudioTRS
Napisy są do dokończenia, a Juwenalia utrudniają dorwanie się do trzeźwego człowieka, który mógłby mi w tym pomóc. Życzliwych proszę o podesłanie choćby po jednym zdaniu tłumaczenia tam gdzie go brakuje.
- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 24120
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Visita el Blog http://goo.gl/HfdSjE
Visita nuestra pagina web http://www.servimatblog.com/
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wn.com/Ufo Sighting Omsk Rusia Ovni 17 Nov 2015
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- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 1694
Omsk Explore Russia
Omsk, Explore Russia, Fotoquest project....
Omsk, Explore Russia, Fotoquest project.
wn.com/Omsk Explore Russia
Omsk, Explore Russia, Fotoquest project.
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia. FC Mayak pleyed on annual beach soccer tournament. В 2009 ФК Маяк Омск играл на ежегодном турнире по пляжному футболу....
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia. FC Mayak pleyed on annual beach soccer tournament. В 2009 ФК Маяк Омск играл на ежегодном турнире по пляжному футболу.
wn.com/Beach Soccer In Omsk Russia
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia. FC Mayak pleyed on annual beach soccer tournament. В 2009 ФК Маяк Омск играл на ежегодном турнире по пляжному футболу.
Berliner Schüler zu Gast im sibirischen Omsk
"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben" Alexander von Humboldt hat die Welt gesehen und auch die Schü...
"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben" Alexander von Humboldt hat die Welt gesehen und auch die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Berlin KreativitätsGymnasiums haben die Möglichkeit sich während ihrer Schulzeit die Welt anzuschauen. Omsk, die südsibirische Großstadt mit ihren 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern war das Ziel. Eine Stadt, die beeindruckt. Der Jugendaustausch mit Schülerinnen und Schülern des Gymnasiums No. 19 fand zum dritten Mal statt. Im November kommen die Omsker nach Berlin.
wn.com/Berliner Schüler Zu Gast Im Sibirischen Omsk
"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben" Alexander von Humboldt hat die Welt gesehen und auch die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Berlin KreativitätsGymnasiums haben die Möglichkeit sich während ihrer Schulzeit die Welt anzuschauen. Omsk, die südsibirische Großstadt mit ihren 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern war das Ziel. Eine Stadt, die beeindruckt. Der Jugendaustausch mit Schülerinnen und Schülern des Gymnasiums No. 19 fand zum dritten Mal statt. Im November kommen die Omsker nach Berlin.
- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 33
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse Города России....
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse Города России.
wn.com/Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse Города России.
- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 752
author: Time Lapse
Ein Kurzfilm über die wunderschönster stadt der Welt Omsk - Sibirien - Russland......
Ein Kurzfilm über die wunderschönster stadt der Welt Omsk - Sibirien - Russland...
wn.com/Omsk Omck
Ein Kurzfilm über die wunderschönster stadt der Welt Omsk - Sibirien - Russland...
Jugend und Freizeit in Omsk - Teil 1
What to do in Omsk? Hier findest du Antworten!...
What to do in Omsk? Hier findest du Antworten!
wn.com/Jugend Und Freizeit In Omsk Teil 1
What to do in Omsk? Hier findest du Antworten!
Ovni vortice de la luz en Omsk Rusia
http://www.reymisterios.com/videos/ovnis/Rusia/Ovni-vortice-de-la-luz-en-Omsk-l1184.html En Rusia miles de personas asustadas llamaron a emergencia observan un...
http://www.reymisterios.com/videos/ovnis/Rusia/Ovni-vortice-de-la-luz-en-Omsk-l1184.html En Rusia miles de personas asustadas llamaron a emergencia observan un vortice de la luz misteriosa en los cielos han sugerido que se trataba de cohete , cometas y como No Ovni reales.
UFO vortex of light in Omsk Russia.
Ufo Russia vortice di luce nei cieli di Omsk
wn.com/Ovni Vortice De La Luz En Omsk Rusia
http://www.reymisterios.com/videos/ovnis/Rusia/Ovni-vortice-de-la-luz-en-Omsk-l1184.html En Rusia miles de personas asustadas llamaron a emergencia observan un vortice de la luz misteriosa en los cielos han sugerido que se trataba de cohete , cometas y como No Ovni reales.
UFO vortex of light in Omsk Russia.
Ufo Russia vortice di luce nei cieli di Omsk
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 5864
Stazione di Omsk, Siberia
Stazione ferroviaria di Omsk, Siberia. Commento di Lambrenedetto che ci fa vedere anche i vagoni di seconda e terza classe (plazkart) del treno Omsk - Novosibir...
Stazione ferroviaria di Omsk, Siberia. Commento di Lambrenedetto che ci fa vedere anche i vagoni di seconda e terza classe (plazkart) del treno Omsk - Novosibirsk. https://www.russiantour.com
wn.com/Stazione Di Omsk, Siberia
Stazione ferroviaria di Omsk, Siberia. Commento di Lambrenedetto che ci fa vedere anche i vagoni di seconda e terza classe (plazkart) del treno Omsk - Novosibirsk. https://www.russiantour.com
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 535
#33 СтопХам Омск - "Омская борода" / "Omsk beard"
СтопХам Омск, 33 серия. Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878 для помощи омскому проекту. Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55 Страница Tw......
СтопХам Омск, 33 серия. Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878 для помощи омскому проекту. Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55 Страница Tw...
wn.com/33 Стопхам Омск Омская Борода Omsk Beard
СтопХам Омск, 33 серия. Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878 для помощи омскому проекту. Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55 Страница Tw...
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 34351
author: StopHam55
#32 СтопХам Омск - "Это Омск" / "This is Omsk"
СтопХам Омск, 32 серия.
Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878
для помощи омскому проекту.
Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55
Страница Twi...
СтопХам Омск, 32 серия.
Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878
для помощи омскому проекту.
Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55
Страница Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stopxam55
wn.com/32 Стопхам Омск Это Омск This Is Omsk
СтопХам Омск, 32 серия.
Карта Сбербанка Visa Classic: 4276 4500 1461 7878
для помощи омскому проекту.
Группа "Вконтакте": http://vk.com/stopxam55
Страница Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stopxam55
- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 25250
Russian winter swimming in -32 weather Siberia Omsk.mp4
Russian strongmen in the cold of Siberia. Swim and dive in the hole. Weather - 32 Celsius....
Russian strongmen in the cold of Siberia. Swim and dive in the hole. Weather - 32 Celsius.
wn.com/Russian Winter Swimming In 32 Weather Siberia Omsk.Mp4
Russian strongmen in the cold of Siberia. Swim and dive in the hole. Weather - 32 Celsius.
Посадка в Омске (Landing at Omsk)
Посадка в Омсе (Центральный) А320 02.05.14 SU1762 Аэрофлот
Landing at Omsk (Tsentralny) А321 02.05.14 SU1762 Aeroflot...
Посадка в Омсе (Центральный) А320 02.05.14 SU1762 Аэрофлот
Landing at Omsk (Tsentralny) А321 02.05.14 SU1762 Aeroflot
wn.com/Посадка В Омске (Landing At Omsk)
Посадка в Омсе (Центральный) А320 02.05.14 SU1762 Аэрофлот
Landing at Omsk (Tsentralny) А321 02.05.14 SU1762 Aeroflot
- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 25
Piráti Chomutov - Avangard Omsk 4:3 sestřih
Piráti začali sezónu proti velkoklubu z ruského Omsku. Góly viděla téměř vyprodaná SD ARÉNA až ve druhé třetině. V rozmezí třiadvaceti sekund se prosadili kapit...
Piráti začali sezónu proti velkoklubu z ruského Omsku. Góly viděla téměř vyprodaná SD ARÉNA až ve druhé třetině. V rozmezí třiadvaceti sekund se prosadili kapitán Michal Vondrka a obránce Radek Havel. Hosté sice ve třetí třetině vyrovnali, ale Piráti přidali další dva zásahy. Na vítězství domácího souboru už nic nezměnil ani gól Pavla Valentěnka tři minuty před koncem normální hrací doby. http://piratichomutov.cz/zapas.asp?id=Piraty-vyrovnani-nezlomilo-Avangard-se-musel-pred-Chomutovskymi-sklonit-6007
wn.com/Piráti Chomutov Avangard Omsk 4 3 Sestřih
Piráti začali sezónu proti velkoklubu z ruského Omsku. Góly viděla téměř vyprodaná SD ARÉNA až ve druhé třetině. V rozmezí třiadvaceti sekund se prosadili kapitán Michal Vondrka a obránce Radek Havel. Hosté sice ve třetí třetině vyrovnali, ale Piráti přidali další dva zásahy. Na vítězství domácího souboru už nic nezměnil ani gól Pavla Valentěnka tři minuty před koncem normální hrací doby. http://piratichomutov.cz/zapas.asp?id=Piraty-vyrovnani-nezlomilo-Avangard-se-musel-pred-Chomutovskymi-sklonit-6007
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 477
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of
Omsk, Russia Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Tara gate. Krestovozdvizhensky cathedral. Lyubinsky avenue, "Moscow" merchant row. Nightlife arou...
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services
Santiago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Santiago de Chile, a city of extremes, is surrounded by the world’s longest mountain range, driest desert, largest ocean and southernmost grassy plains. The cosmopolitan South American capital has the perfect mix of both historic and ultra-modern attractions.
The lively Plaza de Armas houses the divine Metropolitan Cathedral and
Omsk city (SIBERIA)
Material provided by Omsk Region Travel Authorities.
Omsk travel
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 in Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 1
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 1 in Omsk Siberia Russia. 6 July 2009.
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 in Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 2
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 2 in Omsk Siberia Russia in HD. At 6:24 in Pt 1 on the bridge we do pass a tram going the other way! It was late in the eveni...
Brasilia Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Brazil’s innovative capital, Brasília, was designed from scratch on a plateau in the heart of the country. From above the city center looks like a bird in flight with the spacious Praça dos Três Poderes and the Modernist-style Planalto Palace at its heart, The Monumental Axis forms the body and it’s flanked by an impressive collectio
Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. One of the most spectacular...
Island of Lipari, Lipari (Italy) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Island of Lipari in Lipari, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Aeolian Islands are a chain...
Men's Abbey, Caen (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Men's Abbey in Caen, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The magnificent Men's Abbey, in Caen, France, could easily be mistaken for a castle or palace with its beautiful towers.
Caen stone, a yellow hued limestone from the Jurassic period, was used as the primary building material for this structure when it was constructed in th
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the
German Town of Landsberg am Lech, Landsberg (Germany) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of German Town of Landsberg am Lech in Landsberg am Lech, Germany - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Tho...
Gardens of Peterhof Palace, St. Petersburg (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Gardens of Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The incredibly beautiful grounds of the Peterhof Palace have led this complex in St. Petersburg to be called the Russian Versailles.
The greatest features here are the fountains that decorate the gardens and have brought the palace international fam
Sochi Krasnaya Polyana. Russian Travel Guide. Upadated information and useful tips.
You should know everything about Sochi. Your should know everything about Russian preparation for Winter Oliympic Games 2014. Specially for people who planni...
Промо Russian Travel Guide TV Россия
Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide! http://w...
Promo Russian Travel Guide TV and Russian Travel Guide TOUR.
Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide!
http://www.RTGTV.com/ http://www.RTGTV.ru/ + http://vk.com/club18099023 + http://twitter.com/rtgtv + http://www.facebook.com/RTGTV + http://gplus.to/RussianTravelGuideTV
Italy Travel Guide - Brixen Cathedral in The City of Brixen
Take a tour of Brixen Cathedral in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Italy's Piazza del Duomo in the city of...
Moscow Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Saint
Basil's Cathedral and Spasskaya Tower of Moscow Kremlin at Red Square.
The layout of Moscow, from a 1784 map. Ostankino Tower - the tallest
free-standing structure in Eurasia. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
Tretyakov Gallery. Bolshoi theater. Bolshoi Theatre during an April
2005 performance. Patriarchie Ponds in Moscow. Grand Sport Ar
22 - Omsk Russia, Novembro 2011
No time lapse, a música favorece a criação do ambiente apropriado. Pela montagem de vários segmentos - diferentes ângulos de observação, diferentes locais . ...
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of t...
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
wn.com/Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 3162
Omsk, Russia Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Tara gate. Krestovozdvizhensky cathedral. Lyubinsky avenue, "Moscow" merchant row. Nightlife arou......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Tara gate. Krestovozdvizhensky cathedral. Lyubinsky avenue, "Moscow" merchant row. Nightlife arou...
wn.com/Omsk, Russia Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Http Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Tara gate. Krestovozdvizhensky cathedral. Lyubinsky avenue, "Moscow" merchant row. Nightlife arou...
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacatio...
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
wn.com/Omsk Travel, Vacation And Holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
Omsk travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
- published: 21 Oct 2014
- views: 301
Santiago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Santiago de Chile, a city of extremes, is surrounded by the world’s longest mountain range, ...
Santiago de Chile, a city of extremes, is surrounded by the world’s longest mountain range, driest desert, largest ocean and southernmost grassy plains. The cosmopolitan South American capital has the perfect mix of both historic and ultra-modern attractions.
The lively Plaza de Armas houses the divine Metropolitan Cathedral and the National History Museum. Santa Lucía Hill is the place where the city was founded by the Spanish in the 16th-century and the Chilean Museum of pre-Colombian Art shows what life was like here before colonial rule.
La Moneda Palace is the seat of government and the place of Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 military coup. The Museum of Memory and Human Rights documents the dictator’s repressive regime.
Santiago has many city parks. Parque Bicentenario is in Vitacura, while the sculptures of Parque de las Esculturas are in Providencia. Centrally located Parque Forestal, houses the Museum of Contemporary Art. Nearby is Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho, in a former train station.
Find colorful street art, craft shops and sidewalk cafés in Bellavista. From this neighborhood, you can access Cerro San Cristóbal to look back at Santiago one more time before exploring Chile’s many natural treasures.
wn.com/Santiago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Santiago de Chile, a city of extremes, is surrounded by the world’s longest mountain range, driest desert, largest ocean and southernmost grassy plains. The cosmopolitan South American capital has the perfect mix of both historic and ultra-modern attractions.
The lively Plaza de Armas houses the divine Metropolitan Cathedral and the National History Museum. Santa Lucía Hill is the place where the city was founded by the Spanish in the 16th-century and the Chilean Museum of pre-Colombian Art shows what life was like here before colonial rule.
La Moneda Palace is the seat of government and the place of Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 military coup. The Museum of Memory and Human Rights documents the dictator’s repressive regime.
Santiago has many city parks. Parque Bicentenario is in Vitacura, while the sculptures of Parque de las Esculturas are in Providencia. Centrally located Parque Forestal, houses the Museum of Contemporary Art. Nearby is Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho, in a former train station.
Find colorful street art, craft shops and sidewalk cafés in Bellavista. From this neighborhood, you can access Cerro San Cristóbal to look back at Santiago one more time before exploring Chile’s many natural treasures.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 27021
Omsk city (SIBERIA)
Material provided by Omsk Region Travel Authorities....
Material provided by Omsk Region Travel Authorities.
wn.com/Omsk City (Siberia)
Material provided by Omsk Region Travel Authorities.
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 in Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 1
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 1 in Omsk Siberia Russia. 6 July 2009....
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 1 in Omsk Siberia Russia. 6 July 2009.
wn.com/Travelling On Tram 6 Route 4 In Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 1
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 1 in Omsk Siberia Russia. 6 July 2009.
- published: 07 Sep 2009
- views: 2832
author: Tim Brown
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 in Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 2
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 2 in Omsk Siberia Russia in HD. At 6:24 in Pt 1 on the bridge we do pass a tram going the other way! It was late in the eveni......
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 2 in Omsk Siberia Russia in HD. At 6:24 in Pt 1 on the bridge we do pass a tram going the other way! It was late in the eveni...
wn.com/Travelling On Tram 6 Route 4 In Omsk Siberia Russia Pt 2
Travelling on tram 6 route 4 Pt 2 in Omsk Siberia Russia in HD. At 6:24 in Pt 1 on the bridge we do pass a tram going the other way! It was late in the eveni...
- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 2510
author: Tim Brown
Brasilia Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Brazil’s innovative capital, Brasília, was designed from scratch on a plateau in the heart of t...
Brazil’s innovative capital, Brasília, was designed from scratch on a plateau in the heart of the country. From above the city center looks like a bird in flight with the spacious Praça dos Três Poderes and the Modernist-style Planalto Palace at its heart, The Monumental Axis forms the body and it’s flanked by an impressive collection of cutting-edge architecture. Good observers will notice the striking contrast between the TV Tower and the National Congress, the National Museum and the Metropolitan Cathedral.
Former president Kubitschek completed the capital in just 5 years, starting in 1956. Its rapid, well-orchestrated development gave Brasília its status as a protected World Heritage site. The prolific Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer was commissioned by Kubitschek to fulfill this dream and the result is truly magnificent.
His inspiration seems to flow out of the Ministry of Justice, past the National Museum, and right through the Itamaraty Palace. It fills the atrium of the National Theater and ignites the flame in the Pantheon of the Fatherland and Freedom.
While in Brazil, don’t miss the chance to see this unique city for yourself. Visit Brasília and pay homage to Niemeyer’s legacy to the world!
wn.com/Brasilia Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Brazil’s innovative capital, Brasília, was designed from scratch on a plateau in the heart of the country. From above the city center looks like a bird in flight with the spacious Praça dos Três Poderes and the Modernist-style Planalto Palace at its heart, The Monumental Axis forms the body and it’s flanked by an impressive collection of cutting-edge architecture. Good observers will notice the striking contrast between the TV Tower and the National Congress, the National Museum and the Metropolitan Cathedral.
Former president Kubitschek completed the capital in just 5 years, starting in 1956. Its rapid, well-orchestrated development gave Brasília its status as a protected World Heritage site. The prolific Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer was commissioned by Kubitschek to fulfill this dream and the result is truly magnificent.
His inspiration seems to flow out of the Ministry of Justice, past the National Museum, and right through the Itamaraty Palace. It fills the atrium of the National Theater and ignites the flame in the Pantheon of the Fatherland and Freedom.
While in Brazil, don’t miss the chance to see this unique city for yourself. Visit Brasília and pay homage to Niemeyer’s legacy to the world!
- published: 15 May 2015
- views: 77
Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. One of the most spectacular......
Take a tour of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. One of the most spectacular...
wn.com/Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima (Japan) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. One of the most spectacular...
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 1899
author: geobeats
Island of Lipari, Lipari (Italy) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Island of Lipari in Lipari, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Aeolian Islands are a chain......
Take a tour of Island of Lipari in Lipari, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Aeolian Islands are a chain...
wn.com/Island Of Lipari, Lipari (Italy) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Island of Lipari in Lipari, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Aeolian Islands are a chain...
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 3010
author: geobeats
Men's Abbey, Caen (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Men's Abbey in Caen, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The magnificent Men's Abbey, in Caen...
Take a tour of Men's Abbey in Caen, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The magnificent Men's Abbey, in Caen, France, could easily be mistaken for a castle or palace with its beautiful towers.
Caen stone, a yellow hued limestone from the Jurassic period, was used as the primary building material for this structure when it was constructed in the 11th century.
The tomb of William the Conqueror is located here, though the original tombstone was destroyed and the bones stolen.
Magnificent architectural details such as flying buttresses, rosette windows, and nine towers and spires adorn this resplendent monument.
The ornate styling of the Men's Abbey overshadows nearly all other Romanesque buildings in the region.
Though it was once a Benedictine abbey, it has more recently been used a parish church, a high school, and a hospital.
wn.com/Men's Abbey, Caen (France) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Men's Abbey in Caen, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The magnificent Men's Abbey, in Caen, France, could easily be mistaken for a castle or palace with its beautiful towers.
Caen stone, a yellow hued limestone from the Jurassic period, was used as the primary building material for this structure when it was constructed in the 11th century.
The tomb of William the Conqueror is located here, though the original tombstone was destroyed and the bones stolen.
Magnificent architectural details such as flying buttresses, rosette windows, and nine towers and spires adorn this resplendent monument.
The ornate styling of the Men's Abbey overshadows nearly all other Romanesque buildings in the region.
Though it was once a Benedictine abbey, it has more recently been used a parish church, a high school, and a hospital.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 1484
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsk...
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
wn.com/Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 2363
German Town of Landsberg am Lech, Landsberg (Germany) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of German Town of Landsberg am Lech in Landsberg am Lech, Germany - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Tho......
Take a tour of German Town of Landsberg am Lech in Landsberg am Lech, Germany - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Tho...
wn.com/German Town Of Landsberg Am Lech, Landsberg (Germany) Travel Guide
Take a tour of German Town of Landsberg am Lech in Landsberg am Lech, Germany - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Tho...
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 4855
author: geobeats
Gardens of Peterhof Palace, St. Petersburg (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Gardens of Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The incredib...
Take a tour of Gardens of Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The incredibly beautiful grounds of the Peterhof Palace have led this complex in St. Petersburg to be called the Russian Versailles.
The greatest features here are the fountains that decorate the gardens and have brought the palace international fame.
There are dozens of fountains and jets at Peterhof, in a dazzling variety of shapes and styles, all of which operate without pumps.
The central fountain is the Samson Fountain, which symbolizes the victory of Russia over Sweden in the Great Northern War.
Stepping down from the Upper Gardens to the Lower Gardens is the magnificent Grand Cascade, an enormous tiered fountain.
Stretching away from the Peterhof Palace is the long Sea Channel.
wn.com/Gardens Of Peterhof Palace, St. Petersburg (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Gardens of Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The incredibly beautiful grounds of the Peterhof Palace have led this complex in St. Petersburg to be called the Russian Versailles.
The greatest features here are the fountains that decorate the gardens and have brought the palace international fame.
There are dozens of fountains and jets at Peterhof, in a dazzling variety of shapes and styles, all of which operate without pumps.
The central fountain is the Samson Fountain, which symbolizes the victory of Russia over Sweden in the Great Northern War.
Stepping down from the Upper Gardens to the Lower Gardens is the magnificent Grand Cascade, an enormous tiered fountain.
Stretching away from the Peterhof Palace is the long Sea Channel.
- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 2058
Sochi Krasnaya Polyana. Russian Travel Guide. Upadated information and useful tips.
You should know everything about Sochi. Your should know everything about Russian preparation for Winter Oliympic Games 2014. Specially for people who planni......
You should know everything about Sochi. Your should know everything about Russian preparation for Winter Oliympic Games 2014. Specially for people who planni...
wn.com/Sochi Krasnaya Polyana. Russian Travel Guide. Upadated Information And Useful Tips.
You should know everything about Sochi. Your should know everything about Russian preparation for Winter Oliympic Games 2014. Specially for people who planni...
Промо Russian Travel Guide TV Россия
Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide! http://w......
Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide! http://w...
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Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide! http://w...
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Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide!
Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide!
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Travel to Russia Without Leaving Your Home with Russian Travel Guide TV Channel! /Путешествуйте по России вместе с телеканалом Russian Travel Guide!
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- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Italy Travel Guide - Brixen Cathedral in The City of Brixen
Take a tour of Brixen Cathedral in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Italy's Piazza del Duomo in the city of......
Take a tour of Brixen Cathedral in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Italy's Piazza del Duomo in the city of...
wn.com/Italy Travel Guide Brixen Cathedral In The City Of Brixen
Take a tour of Brixen Cathedral in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Italy's Piazza del Duomo in the city of...
- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 539
author: geobeats
Moscow Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Saint
Basil's Cathedral and Spasskaya Tower of Moscow Kremlin at Red Square.
The layout of Moscow, f...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Saint
Basil's Cathedral and Spasskaya Tower of Moscow Kremlin at Red Square.
The layout of Moscow, from a 1784 map. Ostankino Tower - the tallest
free-standing structure in Eurasia. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
Tretyakov Gallery. Bolshoi theater. Bolshoi Theatre during an April
2005 performance. Patriarchie Ponds in Moscow. Grand Sport Arena of
Luzhniki Stadium as seen from Sparrow Hills. Moscow State University at
Sparrow Hills. The headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Moscow Monorail. Triumph-Palace building, built in 2005, the tallest
building in Europe (second place holds Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt)
is just one of many prestigious residential complexes. Residential
apartments in Strogino.
wn.com/Moscow Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Saint
Basil's Cathedral and Spasskaya Tower of Moscow Kremlin at Red Square.
The layout of Moscow, from a 1784 map. Ostankino Tower - the tallest
free-standing structure in Eurasia. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
Tretyakov Gallery. Bolshoi theater. Bolshoi Theatre during an April
2005 performance. Patriarchie Ponds in Moscow. Grand Sport Arena of
Luzhniki Stadium as seen from Sparrow Hills. Moscow State University at
Sparrow Hills. The headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Moscow Monorail. Triumph-Palace building, built in 2005, the tallest
building in Europe (second place holds Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt)
is just one of many prestigious residential complexes. Residential
apartments in Strogino.
- published: 19 Mar 2010
- views: 2595
22 - Omsk Russia, Novembro 2011
No time lapse, a música favorece a criação do ambiente apropriado. Pela montagem de vários segmentos - diferentes ângulos de observação, diferentes locais . ......
No time lapse, a música favorece a criação do ambiente apropriado. Pela montagem de vários segmentos - diferentes ângulos de observação, diferentes locais . ...
wn.com/22 Omsk Russia, Novembro 2011
No time lapse, a música favorece a criação do ambiente apropriado. Pela montagem de vários segmentos - diferentes ângulos de observação, diferentes locais . ...