Humanity has reached an all-time low as the video of Syrian rebels ‘mistakenly’ beheading a 12-year-old boy identified as ‘AbdullahIssa’ has surfaced on the internet. . The shocking video, which is currently viral on social media, shows a harassed and frightened boy taunted and later beheaded in a truck by five grown men ... The rebels are identified to be a troop from the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement ..., Kalyani. ....
When a 23-year-old autistic man carrying a toy truck wandered from a mental health center out into the street Monday, a worker there named Charles Kinsey went to retrieve him. A few minutes later the autistic man was still sitting cross-legged blocking the roadway while playing with the small, rectangular white toy ... “He’s on his back with his hands in the air trying to convince the other guy to lie down ... “It was so surprising ... ....
Cuban has harshly slammed the GOP’s nominee in the past, claiming he’s not as wealthy as he claims and he’s not all that good a businessman, the report said ... “Not just the air.””Your companies fail so often, you must’ve gone to business school at Trump University,” Cuban burned.“Oh, Donald ― he just dropped you like one of your first two wives,” Colbert chimed in ... ....
A decision to ban Russian track and field athletes from Rio 2016 over the country's alleged state-sponsored doping regime has been upheld by the Court of Arbitration for Sport... The IAAF said it was "pleased Cas has supported its position", saying the judgement had "created a level playing field for athletes" ... ....
The filing states AshtonWhitaker, a 16-year-old student at Tremper High School, was designated a girl on his birth certificate but began identifying as a boy in middle school ... As a result, Whitaker drastically reduced his liquid intake, aggravating a medical condition that causes him to faint, and suffered stress migraines ... Whitaker said in ......
TULSA. Free fair is scheduled to begin ... For more information, call (918) 746-3709. . PRYOR. TradersDays events are planned ... at Pryor's 24-acre WhitakerPark, 200 S Coo-Y-Yah St....
A StarWarsStory, alongside a host of more familiar faces. As posted on the official Star WarsFacebook page, Edrio Two Tubes is a Tognath bounty hunter and pilot and a keen ally of the Rebel Alliance, working directly with ForestWhitaker's Saw Gerrera, who leads the most radical cell of the rebellion ...Rogue One ... ....
Three-time All Inter-Academic League and All-MASA selection at Chestnut Hill Academy under head coach Rich Sheppard … also competed at PhiladelphiaSquash Club coaches DougWhitaker and AdamHamill … served as captain as a senior, helping SCHAcademy to a ninth place finish at high school nationals in both her junior and senior seasons … named Most ......
How quickly can Sixers rookie Ben Simmons become a legitimate NBA star?. When it comes to evaluating young players--even special ones with immense talent--success often isn't linear. Just because a player has elite skills at a young age doesn't mean stardom will arrive quickly. In Philadelphia, the Sixers are hoping Ben Simmons bucks that trend and becomes a star fast ...Steve Aschburner ... 1 overall. Fran Blinebury ... Lang Whitaker ... ....
(Source. The University of Auckland) ... At WhitakerHall, student Khashayar Ghafouri says students have responded to the challenge by turning off lights when they leave a room, turning heaters off or down a notch, closing blinds to keep the heat in, and opening them to maximise natural warmth on sunny days ... 'It's competitive,' Jacob says. 'There's a fair amount of inter-hall rivalry ... 'We've changed things a little this year ... (noodl....
Abellio and CubicWin at the ITS United KingdomAwards for Excellence. Cubic Transportation Systems and Abellio receive “Scheme or Product of the Year” for NextAgent virtual ticket office ... ITS U.K ... “This innovative partnership project with Cubic has delivered excellent customer feedback for providing high-quality information and a simple ticketing process,” said JeremyWhitaker, head of commercial development at Abellio ... Note to Editors....
(Source. Cubic Corporation). Cubic Transportation Systems and Abellio receive 'Scheme or Product of the Year' for NextAgent virtual ticket office ... 'This innovative partnership project with Cubic has delivered excellent customer feedback for providing high-quality information and a simple ticketing process,' said JeremyWhitaker, head of commercial development at Abellio ... We are pleased to have delivered on that promise.' ... ### ... PH ... PH ... PH....
A federal Title IX lawsuit filed in Wisconsin on Tuesday alleges that the Kenosha Unified School District instructed guidance counselors to have Ash Whitaker, a 16-year old transgender boy, and “any other transgender students at the school” to wear “bright green wristbands” so that the school could “more easily monitor and enforce [their] restroom usage.” ... This tactic would not be unique to Ash Whitaker....