LIVE: UK cabinet minister to attend Brexit rally in Westminster
A UK cabinet minister is reportedly set to participate in a Grassroots Out rally in Westminster on Friday, February 19, to voice their support for withdrawing Britain from the European Union. The rally will take place on Friday evening when Prime Minister David Cameron is due to arrive back from Brussels after attempting to strike a deal with European lawmakers renegotiating Britain’s relationship
Open Europe - EU Wargames - Brexit Session (Part 1)
Lord Lamont leads the EU Wargames Brexit session.
The eurosceptic dream: a vision of Britain the day after Brexit - the network
What would the British and EU citizens wake up to if the UK voted to exit the EU? How would that impact trade, prices, politics, jobs and daily life on both sides of the channel?
Would London remain Europe's financial centre? It has done fine outside the euro, but will the EU remain Britain's biggest customer for trade? Who wins, who loses with a Brexit? Will the EU without the Union Jack be a
[536] European Disunion: EU negotiates UK on #Brexit
All eyes are on Brussels as European leaders converge for meetings that could ultimately re-define the region and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has lowered its global economic forecast; Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Marshall Auerback – research associate at the Levy Economics Institute – to continue the discussion on Europe.
After the break, Bian
Brexit: EU deal for Britain still elusive after late-night talks
Leaders talked through the night in Brussels, but no deal yet for Britain on its EU reform demands.
It seems British Prime Minister David Cameron is facing a tough fight.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," Cameron told reporters.
"So were are going to get back in there, we are going to do some more work, an
EU battle for Brexit deal stretches into second day
European leaders have a lot of work to do at a summit in Brussels to reach a deal to prevent Britain becoming the first country to crash out of the bloc, EU president Donald Tusk warned Friday.
Brexit: Cameron's EU reform talks hit 'critical' snags
British Prime Minister David Cameron remains locked in talks with leaders in Brussels, over his EU reform demands.
One official says they have hit "critical" snags.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and, as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," said Cameron, heading back into talks on Friday.
"So we are going to get back there. We are going to do s
Brexit: péntek éjjel megszülethet a döntés
Pár óra alvás után pénteken reggel az EU vezetői újra asztalhoz ültek, hogy tovább folytassák a tárgyalásokat Nagy-Britannia uniós reformigényeiről. Angol reggeliből, ebéd majd végül vacsora lett, de még mindig nincs megoldás a Brexit megelőzésére.
– Történt némi előrelépés, de még mindig nem született egyezség. Mint azt már mondtam, csak akkor lesz végleges döntés, ha megkapjuk, amit szeretnénk
George Galloway Wants A Brexit OUT Of The EU
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Brexit: D-day for Britain at Brussels summit
Deal or no deal? It is crunch time at a summit in Brussels, as Europe's leaders try to reach an agreement on Britain's EU reform demands.
Prime Minister David Cameron is a man on a mission.
"It's going to be hard. I will be battling for Britain," he said, as he arrived for the summit.
"If we can get a good deal, I'll take that deal, but I will not take a deal that does not meet what we need. I
Philip Hammond: EU has no interest in rewarding UK after Brexit
The Andrew Marr Show 14 February 2016
Brexit : la City a beaucoup à perdre - economy
Quel serait l'impact d'un "Brexit":http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-19/what-would-brexit-really-mean-for-firms-in-london-s-city-q-a sur le secteur bancaire ? Le monde des affaires s'interroge d'autant plus nerveusement, que la city de Londres est actuellement la première place financière d'Europe.
Le Royaume-Uni a beaucoup à perdre dans la mesure son économie est très dépendante de
Carl Bildt on Brexit, the future of Europe and the migrant crisis - BBC Newsnight
Former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minster Carl Bildt talks to Evan Davis about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU, and the migrant crisis.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for highlights and bonus videos http://bbc.in/1iouM30
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Reprise des négociations pour éviter un Brexit
Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l'Union européenne ont repris leurs négociations sur l'avenir du Royaume-Uni en Europe. Mais rien n'est encore acquis précise le Premier ministre britannique. « Nous avons fait des progrès mais il n'y a pas encore d'accord », résume David Cameron.
Les pourparlers à 28 ont duré une bonne partie de la nuit et se sont poursuivis en petits comités. A la reprise d
#Brexit Carwyn Jones - Nigel Farage: Brexit debate
Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and UKIP leader Nigel Farage debate the pros and cons of the UK leaving the EU in Cardiff.
UE : Brexit or not Brexit ? (partie 1)
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migran
UE : Brexit or not Brexit ? (partie 2)
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En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR
Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migra
Brexit or not Brexit ? Les Européens à la table des négociations
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube
En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR
Les négociations se poursuivent à Bruxelles entre David Cameron et ses partenaires européens. Deux points sont toujours en discussion : la suspension des allocations pour les étrangers durant les quatre premières années et un droit de regard sur les décisions prises par la zon
Brexit, crise migratoire : "il reste encore beaucoup à faire" aux 28
Deux grands dossiers sont sur la table des 28 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement réunis à Bruxelles : d'une part, la question du maintien du Royaume-Uni au sein de l'Union européenne, et d'autre part, la crise migratoire.
La première journée de ce sommet européen n'aura pas permis de tout régler, loin de là.
Concernant le *"Brexit"*, des discussions en petit comité devaient se poursuivre une partie
Brexit: Britain would be a 'dwarf' without EU, says liberal leader
As EU leaders try to iron out differences and strike a deal to keep Britain in the bloc, euronews spoke to Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament, and former Belgian prime minister.
*Efi Koutsokosta, euronews:* "What should we expect in today's and tomorrow's meeting regarding Brexit?"
*Guy Verhofstadt:* "I think we are going to have an agreement between the Eur
Brexit : ça passe ou ça casse
Deux jours à Bruxelles, pour garder le Royaume-Uni dans l'UE et sauver l'unité de l'Europe. C'est un sommet à l'enjeu crucial qui réunit les 28. L'objectif : éviter le "Brexit":http://www.touteleurope.eu/actualite/qu-est-ce-que-le-brexit.html. Les Européens devront faire des concessions, mais à force de "concessions":http://www.courrierinternational.com/article/brexit-le-royaume-uni-un-cas-de-nomb
EU-Gipfel: Ringen um 'Brexit' | DW Nachrichten
Mehr unter: http://www.dw.com/de/eu-gipfel-sucht-briten-deal/a-19056844
Die Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise ist nicht das einzige heikle Thema in Brüssel. Der mögliche 'Brexit' ist das zweite. Mit der Drohung, die EU zu verlassen, will der britische Premier David Cameron möglichst viele Sonderrechte herausholen.
Brexit vote about the safety and security of British women - UKIP Leader Nigel Farage
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://www.ukip.org/join
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 19 January 2016
• Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in the European Parliament - http://www.nigelfaragemep.co.uk @Nigel_Farage
• Debate: Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 December 2015
LIVE: UK cabinet minister to attend Brexit rally in Westminster
A UK cabinet minister is reportedly set to participate in a Grassroots Out rally in Westminster on Friday, February 19, to voice their support for withdrawing B...
A UK cabinet minister is reportedly set to participate in a Grassroots Out rally in Westminster on Friday, February 19, to voice their support for withdrawing Britain from the European Union. The rally will take place on Friday evening when Prime Minister David Cameron is due to arrive back from Brussels after attempting to strike a deal with European lawmakers renegotiating Britain’s relationship with the EU.
According to the event’s organisers, the unnamed cabinet minister is expected to make a declaration against Cameron’s EU deal during the rally. The move would defy Cameron’s decision to enforce collective responsibility on all cabinet ministers until it was formally lifted at a cabinet meeting after his return from Brussels.
An EU referendum is scheduled to take place in the UK before the end of 2017. Supporters of the ‘Brexit’ campaign include UKIP leader Nigel Farage, and former British Defence Secretary Liam Fox.
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wn.com/Live UK Cabinet Minister To Attend Brexit Rally In Westminster
A UK cabinet minister is reportedly set to participate in a Grassroots Out rally in Westminster on Friday, February 19, to voice their support for withdrawing Britain from the European Union. The rally will take place on Friday evening when Prime Minister David Cameron is due to arrive back from Brussels after attempting to strike a deal with European lawmakers renegotiating Britain’s relationship with the EU.
According to the event’s organisers, the unnamed cabinet minister is expected to make a declaration against Cameron’s EU deal during the rally. The move would defy Cameron’s decision to enforce collective responsibility on all cabinet ministers until it was formally lifted at a cabinet meeting after his return from Brussels.
An EU referendum is scheduled to take place in the UK before the end of 2017. Supporters of the ‘Brexit’ campaign include UKIP leader Nigel Farage, and former British Defence Secretary Liam Fox.
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Open Europe - EU Wargames - Brexit Session (Part 1)
Lord Lamont leads the EU Wargames Brexit session....
Lord Lamont leads the EU Wargames Brexit session.
wn.com/Open Europe Eu Wargames Brexit Session (Part 1)
Lord Lamont leads the EU Wargames Brexit session.
- published: 25 Jan 2016
- views: 2561
The eurosceptic dream: a vision of Britain the day after Brexit - the network
What would the British and EU citizens wake up to if the UK voted to exit the EU? How would that impact trade, prices, politics, jobs and daily life on both si...
What would the British and EU citizens wake up to if the UK voted to exit the EU? How would that impact trade, prices, politics, jobs and daily life on both sides of the channel?
Would London remain Europe's financial centre? It has done fine outside the euro, but will the EU remain Britain's biggest customer for trade? Who wins, who loses with a Brexit? Will the EU without the Union Jack be able to reform its single market and stir more competition? Will EU federalists say 'good riddance',…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/30/the-eurosceptic-dream-a-vision-of-britain-the-day-after-brexit
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wn.com/The Eurosceptic Dream A Vision Of Britain The Day After Brexit The Network
What would the British and EU citizens wake up to if the UK voted to exit the EU? How would that impact trade, prices, politics, jobs and daily life on both sides of the channel?
Would London remain Europe's financial centre? It has done fine outside the euro, but will the EU remain Britain's biggest customer for trade? Who wins, who loses with a Brexit? Will the EU without the Union Jack be able to reform its single market and stir more competition? Will EU federalists say 'good riddance',…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/30/the-eurosceptic-dream-a-vision-of-britain-the-day-after-brexit
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 30 Apr 2015
- views: 7548
[536] European Disunion: EU negotiates UK on #Brexit
All eyes are on Brussels as European leaders converge for meetings that could ultimately re-define the region and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and ...
All eyes are on Brussels as European leaders converge for meetings that could ultimately re-define the region and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has lowered its global economic forecast; Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Marshall Auerback – research associate at the Levy Economics Institute – to continue the discussion on Europe.
After the break, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at President Obama’s upcoming trip to Cuba. Afterwards, Ameera is joined by Lenore Hawkins – founding partner at Meritas Advsiors and blogger at “Elle’s Economy” – to talk about the markets. And in The Big Deal, Ameera and RT’s Manuel Rapalo discuss concerns in the US over a Chinese firm that’s looking to buy the Chicago Stock Exchange.
Take a look!
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wn.com/536 European Disunion Eu Negotiates UK On Brexit
All eyes are on Brussels as European leaders converge for meetings that could ultimately re-define the region and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has lowered its global economic forecast; Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Marshall Auerback – research associate at the Levy Economics Institute – to continue the discussion on Europe.
After the break, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at President Obama’s upcoming trip to Cuba. Afterwards, Ameera is joined by Lenore Hawkins – founding partner at Meritas Advsiors and blogger at “Elle’s Economy” – to talk about the markets. And in The Big Deal, Ameera and RT’s Manuel Rapalo discuss concerns in the US over a Chinese firm that’s looking to buy the Chicago Stock Exchange.
Take a look!
Check us out on Facebook -- and feel free to ask us questions:
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- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 239
Brexit: EU deal for Britain still elusive after late-night talks
Leaders talked through the night in Brussels, but no deal yet for Britain on its EU reform demands.
It seems British Prime Minister David Cameron is facing a t...
Leaders talked through the night in Brussels, but no deal yet for Britain on its EU reform demands.
It seems British Prime Minister David Cameron is facing a tough fight.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," Cameron told reporters.
"So were are going to get back in there, we are going to do some more work, and I will do everything I can."
A deal would pave the way for Cameron to return to London and campai…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-eu-deal-for-britain-still-elusive-after-late-night-talks
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wn.com/Brexit Eu Deal For Britain Still Elusive After Late Night Talks
Leaders talked through the night in Brussels, but no deal yet for Britain on its EU reform demands.
It seems British Prime Minister David Cameron is facing a tough fight.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," Cameron told reporters.
"So were are going to get back in there, we are going to do some more work, and I will do everything I can."
A deal would pave the way for Cameron to return to London and campai…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-eu-deal-for-britain-still-elusive-after-late-night-talks
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 6
EU battle for Brexit deal stretches into second day
European leaders have a lot of work to do at a summit in Brussels to reach a deal to prevent Britain becoming the first country to crash out of the bloc, EU pre...
European leaders have a lot of work to do at a summit in Brussels to reach a deal to prevent Britain becoming the first country to crash out of the bloc, EU president Donald Tusk warned Friday.
wn.com/Eu Battle For Brexit Deal Stretches Into Second Day
European leaders have a lot of work to do at a summit in Brussels to reach a deal to prevent Britain becoming the first country to crash out of the bloc, EU president Donald Tusk warned Friday.
- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 59
Brexit: Cameron's EU reform talks hit 'critical' snags
British Prime Minister David Cameron remains locked in talks with leaders in Brussels, over his EU reform demands.
One official says they have hit "critical" ...
British Prime Minister David Cameron remains locked in talks with leaders in Brussels, over his EU reform demands.
One official says they have hit "critical" snags.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and, as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," said Cameron, heading back into talks on Friday.
"So we are going to get back there. We are going to do some more work, and I will do everything I can."
There have been all night talks and a series of pri…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-cameron-s-eu-reform-talks-hit-critical-snags
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wn.com/Brexit Cameron's Eu Reform Talks Hit 'critical' Snags
British Prime Minister David Cameron remains locked in talks with leaders in Brussels, over his EU reform demands.
One official says they have hit "critical" snags.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and, as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," said Cameron, heading back into talks on Friday.
"So we are going to get back there. We are going to do some more work, and I will do everything I can."
There have been all night talks and a series of pri…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-cameron-s-eu-reform-talks-hit-critical-snags
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 68
Brexit: péntek éjjel megszülethet a döntés
Pár óra alvás után pénteken reggel az EU vezetői újra asztalhoz ültek, hogy tovább folytassák a tárgyalásokat Nagy-Britannia uniós reformigényeiről. Angol regge...
Pár óra alvás után pénteken reggel az EU vezetői újra asztalhoz ültek, hogy tovább folytassák a tárgyalásokat Nagy-Britannia uniós reformigényeiről. Angol reggeliből, ebéd majd végül vacsora lett, de még mindig nincs megoldás a Brexit megelőzésére.
– Történt némi előrelépés, de még mindig nem született egyezség. Mint azt már mondtam, csak akkor lesz végleges döntés, ha megkapjuk, amit szeretnénk. Visszamegyek és dolgozom az ügyön – mondta David Cameron.
A brit miniszterelnök számíthat Franço…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-pentek-ejjel-megszulethet-a-dontes
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
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wn.com/Brexit Péntek Éjjel Megszülethet A Döntés
Pár óra alvás után pénteken reggel az EU vezetői újra asztalhoz ültek, hogy tovább folytassák a tárgyalásokat Nagy-Britannia uniós reformigényeiről. Angol reggeliből, ebéd majd végül vacsora lett, de még mindig nincs megoldás a Brexit megelőzésére.
– Történt némi előrelépés, de még mindig nem született egyezség. Mint azt már mondtam, csak akkor lesz végleges döntés, ha megkapjuk, amit szeretnénk. Visszamegyek és dolgozom az ügyön – mondta David Cameron.
A brit miniszterelnök számíthat Franço…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-pentek-ejjel-megszulethet-a-dontes
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 59
George Galloway Wants A Brexit OUT Of The EU
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- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 34
Brexit: D-day for Britain at Brussels summit
Deal or no deal? It is crunch time at a summit in Brussels, as Europe's leaders try to reach an agreement on Britain's EU reform demands.
Prime Minister David ...
Deal or no deal? It is crunch time at a summit in Brussels, as Europe's leaders try to reach an agreement on Britain's EU reform demands.
Prime Minister David Cameron is a man on a mission.
"It's going to be hard. I will be battling for Britain," he said, as he arrived for the summit.
"If we can get a good deal, I'll take that deal, but I will not take a deal that does not meet what we need. I think it's much more important to get this right than to do anything in a rush."
A senior EU diplo…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-d-day-for-britain-at-brussels-summit
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wn.com/Brexit D Day For Britain At Brussels Summit
Deal or no deal? It is crunch time at a summit in Brussels, as Europe's leaders try to reach an agreement on Britain's EU reform demands.
Prime Minister David Cameron is a man on a mission.
"It's going to be hard. I will be battling for Britain," he said, as he arrived for the summit.
"If we can get a good deal, I'll take that deal, but I will not take a deal that does not meet what we need. I think it's much more important to get this right than to do anything in a rush."
A senior EU diplo…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-d-day-for-britain-at-brussels-summit
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- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 108
Brexit : la City a beaucoup à perdre - economy
Quel serait l'impact d'un "Brexit":http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-19/what-would-brexit-really-mean-for-firms-in-london-s-city-q-a sur le secteur...
Quel serait l'impact d'un "Brexit":http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-19/what-would-brexit-really-mean-for-firms-in-london-s-city-q-a sur le secteur bancaire ? Le monde des affaires s'interroge d'autant plus nerveusement, que la city de Londres est actuellement la première place financière d'Europe.
Le Royaume-Uni a beaucoup à perdre dans la mesure son économie est très dépendante de la planète finance. Le secteur emploie plus de 2 millions de personnes dans le pays. Il a généré prè…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-la-city-a-beaucoup-a-perdre
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wn.com/Brexit La City A Beaucoup À Perdre Economy
Quel serait l'impact d'un "Brexit":http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-19/what-would-brexit-really-mean-for-firms-in-london-s-city-q-a sur le secteur bancaire ? Le monde des affaires s'interroge d'autant plus nerveusement, que la city de Londres est actuellement la première place financière d'Europe.
Le Royaume-Uni a beaucoup à perdre dans la mesure son économie est très dépendante de la planète finance. Le secteur emploie plus de 2 millions de personnes dans le pays. Il a généré prè…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-la-city-a-beaucoup-a-perdre
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 108
Carl Bildt on Brexit, the future of Europe and the migrant crisis - BBC Newsnight
Former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minster Carl Bildt talks to Evan Davis about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU, and the migrant crisis.
Former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minster Carl Bildt talks to Evan Davis about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU, and the migrant crisis.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
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wn.com/Carl Bildt On Brexit, The Future Of Europe And The Migrant Crisis BBC Newsnight
Former Swedish Prime Minister and Foreign Minster Carl Bildt talks to Evan Davis about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU, and the migrant crisis.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
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- published: 28 Jan 2016
- views: 1499
Reprise des négociations pour éviter un Brexit
Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l'Union européenne ont repris leurs négociations sur l'avenir du Royaume-Uni en Europe. Mais rien n'est encore acquis pré...
Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l'Union européenne ont repris leurs négociations sur l'avenir du Royaume-Uni en Europe. Mais rien n'est encore acquis précise le Premier ministre britannique. « Nous avons fait des progrès mais il n'y a pas encore d'accord », résume David Cameron.
Les pourparlers à 28 ont duré une bonne partie de la nuit et se sont poursuivis en petits comités. A la reprise du sommet le président français a tenu à rappeler les lignes rouges fixées par Paris en particulier e…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/reprise-des-negociations-pour-eviter-un-brexit
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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wn.com/Reprise Des Négociations Pour Éviter Un Brexit
Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l'Union européenne ont repris leurs négociations sur l'avenir du Royaume-Uni en Europe. Mais rien n'est encore acquis précise le Premier ministre britannique. « Nous avons fait des progrès mais il n'y a pas encore d'accord », résume David Cameron.
Les pourparlers à 28 ont duré une bonne partie de la nuit et se sont poursuivis en petits comités. A la reprise du sommet le président français a tenu à rappeler les lignes rouges fixées par Paris en particulier e…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/reprise-des-negociations-pour-eviter-un-brexit
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 148
#Brexit Carwyn Jones - Nigel Farage: Brexit debate
Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and UKIP leader Nigel Farage debate the pros and cons of the UK leaving the EU in Cardiff....
Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and UKIP leader Nigel Farage debate the pros and cons of the UK leaving the EU in Cardiff.
wn.com/Brexit Carwyn Jones Nigel Farage Brexit Debate
Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and UKIP leader Nigel Farage debate the pros and cons of the UK leaving the EU in Cardiff.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 1410
UE : Brexit or not Brexit ? (partie 1)
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles j...
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migrants intra-européens, afin de réduire le rythme des arrivées sur le sol britannique. Cette mesure, jugée "discriminatoire" au regard du principe "fondateur" de libre circulation, inquiète les pays d'Europe centrale et de l'est dont elle vise les travailleurs. Le Premier ministre britannique réclame en outre des garanties afin de préserver les intérêts économiques et financiers de son pays. Les 27 peuvent-ils accepter les exigences britanniques ?
Une émission réalisée par Elise Duffau, Pauline Heilmann, Anthony Saint-Léger, Natacha Milleret et Gaëlle Essoo.
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wn.com/Ue Brexit Or Not Brexit (Partie 1)
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migrants intra-européens, afin de réduire le rythme des arrivées sur le sol britannique. Cette mesure, jugée "discriminatoire" au regard du principe "fondateur" de libre circulation, inquiète les pays d'Europe centrale et de l'est dont elle vise les travailleurs. Le Premier ministre britannique réclame en outre des garanties afin de préserver les intérêts économiques et financiers de son pays. Les 27 peuvent-ils accepter les exigences britanniques ?
Une émission réalisée par Elise Duffau, Pauline Heilmann, Anthony Saint-Léger, Natacha Milleret et Gaëlle Essoo.
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 48
UE : Brexit or not Brexit ? (partie 2)
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles j...
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migrants intra-européens, afin de réduire le rythme des arrivées sur le sol britannique. Cette mesure, jugée "discriminatoire" au regard du principe "fondateur" de libre circulation, inquiète les pays d'Europe centrale et de l'est dont elle vise les travailleurs. Le Premier ministre britannique réclame en outre des garanties afin de préserver les intérêts économiques et financiers de son pays. Les 27 peuvent-ils accepter les exigences britanniques ?
Une émission réalisée par Elise Duffau, Pauline Heilmann, Anthony Saint-Léger, Natacha Milleret et Gaëlle Essoo.
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wn.com/Ue Brexit Or Not Brexit (Partie 2)
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Lors du sommet européen à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi, les 27 vont tout faire pour éviter un "Brexit". De son côté, David Cameron compte bien arracher des concessions.
David Cameron veut notamment restreindre certaines prestations sociales bénéficiant à des travailleurs migrants intra-européens, afin de réduire le rythme des arrivées sur le sol britannique. Cette mesure, jugée "discriminatoire" au regard du principe "fondateur" de libre circulation, inquiète les pays d'Europe centrale et de l'est dont elle vise les travailleurs. Le Premier ministre britannique réclame en outre des garanties afin de préserver les intérêts économiques et financiers de son pays. Les 27 peuvent-ils accepter les exigences britanniques ?
Une émission réalisée par Elise Duffau, Pauline Heilmann, Anthony Saint-Léger, Natacha Milleret et Gaëlle Essoo.
Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 53
Brexit or not Brexit ? Les Européens à la table des négociations
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Les négociations se poursuivent à Bru...
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Les négociations se poursuivent à Bruxelles entre David Cameron et ses partenaires européens. Deux points sont toujours en discussion : la suspension des allocations pour les étrangers durant les quatre premières années et un droit de regard sur les décisions prises par la zone euro. Et en Turquie c'est une organisation kurde dissidente du PKK qui a revendiqué l'attentat d'Ankara sur un site internet. Nous y reviendrons.
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wn.com/Brexit Or Not Brexit Les Européens À La Table Des Négociations
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En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR
Les négociations se poursuivent à Bruxelles entre David Cameron et ses partenaires européens. Deux points sont toujours en discussion : la suspension des allocations pour les étrangers durant les quatre premières années et un droit de regard sur les décisions prises par la zone euro. Et en Turquie c'est une organisation kurde dissidente du PKK qui a revendiqué l'attentat d'Ankara sur un site internet. Nous y reviendrons.
Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 210
Brexit, crise migratoire : "il reste encore beaucoup à faire" aux 28
Deux grands dossiers sont sur la table des 28 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement réunis à Bruxelles : d'une part, la question du maintien du Royaume-Uni au sein de...
Deux grands dossiers sont sur la table des 28 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement réunis à Bruxelles : d'une part, la question du maintien du Royaume-Uni au sein de l'Union européenne, et d'autre part, la crise migratoire.
La première journée de ce sommet européen n'aura pas permis de tout régler, loin de là.
Concernant le *"Brexit"*, des discussions en petit comité devaient se poursuivre une partie de la nuit. Vers 3 heures du matin, le président du Conseil européen a fait un point sur la situati…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-crise-migratoire-il-reste-encore-beaucoup-a-faire-aux-28
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wn.com/Brexit, Crise Migratoire Il Reste Encore Beaucoup À Faire Aux 28
Deux grands dossiers sont sur la table des 28 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement réunis à Bruxelles : d'une part, la question du maintien du Royaume-Uni au sein de l'Union européenne, et d'autre part, la crise migratoire.
La première journée de ce sommet européen n'aura pas permis de tout régler, loin de là.
Concernant le *"Brexit"*, des discussions en petit comité devaient se poursuivre une partie de la nuit. Vers 3 heures du matin, le président du Conseil européen a fait un point sur la situati…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/19/brexit-crise-migratoire-il-reste-encore-beaucoup-a-faire-aux-28
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 83
Brexit: Britain would be a 'dwarf' without EU, says liberal leader
As EU leaders try to iron out differences and strike a deal to keep Britain in the bloc, euronews spoke to Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Liberal group in the E...
As EU leaders try to iron out differences and strike a deal to keep Britain in the bloc, euronews spoke to Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament, and former Belgian prime minister.
*Efi Koutsokosta, euronews:* "What should we expect in today's and tomorrow's meeting regarding Brexit?"
*Guy Verhofstadt:* "I think we are going to have an agreement between the European leaders, and it is good that we are going to have an agreement because that can avoid that Bri…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-britain-would-be-a-dwarf-without-eu-says-liberal-leader
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wn.com/Brexit Britain Would Be A 'dwarf' Without Eu, Says Liberal Leader
As EU leaders try to iron out differences and strike a deal to keep Britain in the bloc, euronews spoke to Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament, and former Belgian prime minister.
*Efi Koutsokosta, euronews:* "What should we expect in today's and tomorrow's meeting regarding Brexit?"
*Guy Verhofstadt:* "I think we are going to have an agreement between the European leaders, and it is good that we are going to have an agreement because that can avoid that Bri…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-britain-would-be-a-dwarf-without-eu-says-liberal-leader
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 53
Brexit : ça passe ou ça casse
Deux jours à Bruxelles, pour garder le Royaume-Uni dans l'UE et sauver l'unité de l'Europe. C'est un sommet à l'enjeu crucial qui réunit les 28. L'objectif : év...
Deux jours à Bruxelles, pour garder le Royaume-Uni dans l'UE et sauver l'unité de l'Europe. C'est un sommet à l'enjeu crucial qui réunit les 28. L'objectif : éviter le "Brexit":http://www.touteleurope.eu/actualite/qu-est-ce-que-le-brexit.html. Les Européens devront faire des concessions, mais à force de "concessions":http://www.courrierinternational.com/article/brexit-le-royaume-uni-un-cas-de-nombrilisme-aggrave à Londres, ils craignent de faire des jaloux parmi les autres pays membres.
"Si no…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-ca-passe-ou-ca-casse
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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wn.com/Brexit Ça Passe Ou Ça Casse
Deux jours à Bruxelles, pour garder le Royaume-Uni dans l'UE et sauver l'unité de l'Europe. C'est un sommet à l'enjeu crucial qui réunit les 28. L'objectif : éviter le "Brexit":http://www.touteleurope.eu/actualite/qu-est-ce-que-le-brexit.html. Les Européens devront faire des concessions, mais à force de "concessions":http://www.courrierinternational.com/article/brexit-le-royaume-uni-un-cas-de-nombrilisme-aggrave à Londres, ils craignent de faire des jaloux parmi les autres pays membres.
"Si no…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2016/02/18/brexit-ca-passe-ou-ca-casse
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 255
EU-Gipfel: Ringen um 'Brexit' | DW Nachrichten
Mehr unter: http://www.dw.com/de/eu-gipfel-sucht-briten-deal/a-19056844
Die Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise ist nicht das einzige heikle Thema in Brüssel. Der...
Mehr unter: http://www.dw.com/de/eu-gipfel-sucht-briten-deal/a-19056844
Die Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise ist nicht das einzige heikle Thema in Brüssel. Der mögliche 'Brexit' ist das zweite. Mit der Drohung, die EU zu verlassen, will der britische Premier David Cameron möglichst viele Sonderrechte herausholen.
wn.com/Eu Gipfel Ringen Um 'Brexit' | Dw Nachrichten
Mehr unter: http://www.dw.com/de/eu-gipfel-sucht-briten-deal/a-19056844
Die Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise ist nicht das einzige heikle Thema in Brüssel. Der mögliche 'Brexit' ist das zweite. Mit der Drohung, die EU zu verlassen, will der britische Premier David Cameron möglichst viele Sonderrechte herausholen.
- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 79
Brexit vote about the safety and security of British women - UKIP Leader Nigel Farage
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://www.ukip.org/join
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 19 January 2016
• Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (...
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://www.ukip.org/join
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 19 January 2016
• Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in the European Parliament - http://www.nigelfaragemep.co.uk @Nigel_Farage
• Debate: Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 December 2015
European Council and Commission statements
I'm looking forward to Guy Verhofstadt, the Liberal group leader, coming to the United Kingdom to take part in the Brexit debate. Your passionate defence of a United States of Europe and a European army is I know sincerely held and I'm sure the Liberal Democrats will be delighted.
It's now been a month since the last European Summit and I don't know about a week being a long time in politics, there has been a sea change in that month and I think that one event has woken people up to the folly of EU leaders; the Juncker Common Asylum Plan, the Merkel call, which led to a stampede.
Those of us that have warned that unlimited numbers of people from different cultures without security checks would pose a threat to the cohesion of our societies were roundly abused for doing so.
And then we came to New Year's Eve; Munich, the train station. The main station closed down because of a terrorist threat, the intelligence coming from Syria and Iraq. The very same train station that in September people had stood at holding up their placards, refugees welcome, that irony was not lost on me.
But it's what happened in Cologne, where we saw the mob, up to a thousand young males in the street sexually assaulting and harassing women. It is in I think many ways one of the most disgraceful public order events that we've seen in modern day Europe and yet there was an attempt by the police and the press to cover it all up and even the suggestion from some German politicians that German young women should change their dress and their mode of behaviour in the street which I thought was a total insult.
There is even a name for these assaults, a name for these assaults in Egypt because they have become common place and part of everyday life and we ought to have the courage to send out a message to say these assaults must never be acceptable in any European town or city and we'll do our damndest to make sure that it never happens again.
Now we go to the next European Summit and Mr Cameron is going to conclude his renegotiation. I've no doubt there will be a compromise on the fairly minor issue of migrant benefits, I've no doubt that he will come back from that summit with a few promissory notes for the future about Britain's relationship. But what he's not going to be talking about is our ability to get back control of our borders and the British people know that those young men in Cologne, in a few years' time will have EU passports and be free to come to Britain.
Just to give you an idea of how big the sea change has been, the Daily Telegraph commentator, Allison Pearson, who had said she was undecided on Brexit, she didn't have enough information, wrote this the other day, she said:
"After Cologne, the EU referendum is about nothing less than the safety and security of British women. We, the euro clueless, need to woman up and vote for the right of our daughters and granddaughters to live as they choose and to smile in the street. No more Mrs don't know, let's get the hell out."
I hope 2016 is our year of deliverance.
• Video: EbS (European Parliament)
• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom
wn.com/Brexit Vote About The Safety And Security Of British Women Ukip Leader Nigel Farage
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://www.ukip.org/join
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 19 January 2016
• Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in the European Parliament - http://www.nigelfaragemep.co.uk @Nigel_Farage
• Debate: Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17 and 18 December 2015
European Council and Commission statements
I'm looking forward to Guy Verhofstadt, the Liberal group leader, coming to the United Kingdom to take part in the Brexit debate. Your passionate defence of a United States of Europe and a European army is I know sincerely held and I'm sure the Liberal Democrats will be delighted.
It's now been a month since the last European Summit and I don't know about a week being a long time in politics, there has been a sea change in that month and I think that one event has woken people up to the folly of EU leaders; the Juncker Common Asylum Plan, the Merkel call, which led to a stampede.
Those of us that have warned that unlimited numbers of people from different cultures without security checks would pose a threat to the cohesion of our societies were roundly abused for doing so.
And then we came to New Year's Eve; Munich, the train station. The main station closed down because of a terrorist threat, the intelligence coming from Syria and Iraq. The very same train station that in September people had stood at holding up their placards, refugees welcome, that irony was not lost on me.
But it's what happened in Cologne, where we saw the mob, up to a thousand young males in the street sexually assaulting and harassing women. It is in I think many ways one of the most disgraceful public order events that we've seen in modern day Europe and yet there was an attempt by the police and the press to cover it all up and even the suggestion from some German politicians that German young women should change their dress and their mode of behaviour in the street which I thought was a total insult.
There is even a name for these assaults, a name for these assaults in Egypt because they have become common place and part of everyday life and we ought to have the courage to send out a message to say these assaults must never be acceptable in any European town or city and we'll do our damndest to make sure that it never happens again.
Now we go to the next European Summit and Mr Cameron is going to conclude his renegotiation. I've no doubt there will be a compromise on the fairly minor issue of migrant benefits, I've no doubt that he will come back from that summit with a few promissory notes for the future about Britain's relationship. But what he's not going to be talking about is our ability to get back control of our borders and the British people know that those young men in Cologne, in a few years' time will have EU passports and be free to come to Britain.
Just to give you an idea of how big the sea change has been, the Daily Telegraph commentator, Allison Pearson, who had said she was undecided on Brexit, she didn't have enough information, wrote this the other day, she said:
"After Cologne, the EU referendum is about nothing less than the safety and security of British women. We, the euro clueless, need to woman up and vote for the right of our daughters and granddaughters to live as they choose and to smile in the street. No more Mrs don't know, let's get the hell out."
I hope 2016 is our year of deliverance.
• Video: EbS (European Parliament)
• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 111836
Rainews: Brexit, un ricatto per l'Europa
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
Qué pasaría después del BREXIT
►Subscríbete a LasNews y Dale a Like si te gustó!
El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, ha anunciado que el referendum se realizará el 23 de Junio.
Brexit deal: What's been agreed?
After all of the marathon debate and discussion here at the European Council in Brussels, finally Britain has sealed a deal on its EU reform demands.
It is a deal Prime Minister David Cameron is hailing and eurosceptics are dismissing.
But what exactly is in the agreement? And what does it mean for the future of Britain's relationship with the European Union?
The deal delivers victory to Camer
Brexit : Royaume Uni & Europe
David Cameron a fait au mieux pour négocier avec 28 pays de l'Union. Un grand bravo ! Mais le deal UK / Europe n'est pas assez convaincant à mes yeux - Pourquoi ?
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.There can be few British institutions that have demonstrated the robust survival skills of the City of London.
Over the centuries it has faced the greatest of challenges: from the Great Fire of London in 1666 to the South Sea Bubble of the early 18th
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided, over possible, 'Brexit' despite, Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
My Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIsSVv9p2RVUmSVSuBuxVw
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global news,
CCTV shocking,
bbc news,
Best News Bloopers January 2016,
Best News Bloopers,
Counting the Cost - The UK, EU and Brexit: Who wins and who loses?
The UK has been threatening to leave the European Union for some time, but with Britain preparing for a referendum on EU membership next year, a British exit from the EU, or Brexit, is becoming a real possibility.
Prime Minister David Cameron has warned his European counterparts that the UK could leave if it fails to meet his country's needs. He says he wants to stay in the Union, but not under c
[BREAKING : Brits divided over possible 'BREXIT' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.
Trovato l accordo fra i leader europei per evitare Brexit
ilfogliettone.it quotidiano on line
A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit | Short News
Summary of news on 'A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit'
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35620434
Tradition dictates that the first post-summit press conference is held by Mr Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission
I love Britain," avowed David Cameron
"When it comes to Europe, mine is a hard-headed assessment of what is in our
Scotland's Brexit Reactions, Syrian War Propaganda & the EU Referendum Debate
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the potential of a Scottish referendum, if Brexit happens; on leaked attempts of Syrian propaganda and on the War in Syria itself. Alex Salmond, Scotland's former First Minister discusses his country's expected reaction if Britain leaves EU. And, President Assad's political advisor, Bouthaina Shaaban tells us how the war in Syria could be over in a month. Plus,
EU Referendum – Full English Brexit or Stick with the Continental?
Pete Bennett & Sebastian Pacher go underground on EU Membership. Join us as they take a look at both sides of the debate – Do we leave or do we stay? From the financial implications to TTIP, we cross the channel on all things Europe.
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Elhárult a Brexit - Echo Tv
A maratoni tárgyalásokat követően végül kompromisszumos megállapodás született Nagy-Britannia uniós reformköveteléseiről az uniós csúcstalálkozón. A lépés egyértelműen a britek diadalát jelzi. A döntés értelmében a szigetország kivonja magát az integrációs folyamatból, a bevándorlók szociális juttatásait pedig jónéhány évre korlátozzák majd.
George Galloway Call for Brexit Alongside Nigel Farage Sparks Walkouts, Reports Say
The surprise introduction of George Galloway by UKIP leader Nigel Farage at a February 19 pro-EU exit event sparked walkouts by angry members of the audience, The Telegraph and The Times reported.
Galloway, the former Respect Party MP who was expelled from the Labour Party in 2003, and met Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on two occasions, was introduced by Farage as “without doubt one of the greate
ZDF heute-show: Wischmeyers Brexit
Dietmar Wischmeyer über ein Insel-Völkchen, das gerne seine ganz eigenen Regeln in Europa aufstellt.
Brexit : la presse britannique ne crie pas victoire après l'accord entre Cameron et l'UE
Après l'accord intervenu vendredi soir entre David Cameron et les vingt-huit dirigeants de l'Union européenne, la presse britannique préfère insister sur le ralliement du ministre de la Justice, Michael Gove, au camp du Brexit. "Un coup très dur pour David Cameron", explique Sophie Maisel, correspondante d'iTELE à Londres. Selon plusieurs médias britanniques, ce sont pas moins de cinq ministres qu
Question Time part 1 - EU trade is declining and other Brexit lies (18 Feb 16)
Question Time 18 February 2016 with
Justine Greening
Lisa Nandy
John Nicolson
June Sarpong
Theo Paphitis
Brexit: les détails de l'accord signé à Bruxelles
Toute l'actualité sur http://www.bfmtv.com/ David Cameron a obtenu vendredi soir un accord avec ses 27 homologues européens sur les réformes qu'il réclamait pour pouvoir convaincre les Britanniques de rester dans l'Union, lors d'un prochain référendum historique. Il prévoit notamment la limitation des aides sociales pour les nouveaux migrants et des protections pour la City. Mais les dirigeants eu
George Galloway Brexit Walk Out
Jewish members of the audience removed from the building after Grassroots Out campaign unveils George Galloway as the guest speaker
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration...
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
wn.com/This Chart Shows A Brexit Will Make A Big Difference To UK Immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 1
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration...
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
wn.com/This Chart Shows A Brexit Will Make A Big Difference To UK Immigration
This chart shows a Brexit will make a big difference to UK immigration
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 2
Qué pasaría después del BREXIT
►Subscríbete a LasNews y Dale a Like si te gustó!
El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, ha anu...
►Subscríbete a LasNews y Dale a Like si te gustó!
El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, ha anunciado que el referendum se realizará el 23 de Junio.
wn.com/Qué Pasaría Después Del Brexit
►Subscríbete a LasNews y Dale a Like si te gustó!
El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, ha anunciado que el referendum se realizará el 23 de Junio.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 62
Brexit deal: What's been agreed?
After all of the marathon debate and discussion here at the European Council in Brussels, finally Britain has sealed a deal on its EU reform demands.
It is a ...
After all of the marathon debate and discussion here at the European Council in Brussels, finally Britain has sealed a deal on its EU reform demands.
It is a deal Prime Minister David Cameron is hailing and eurosceptics are dismissing.
But what exactly is in the agreement? And what does it mean for the future of Britain's relationship with the European Union?
The deal delivers victory to Cameron on several key demands - changes he says make up a "new settlement" with Europe.
The deal inclu…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/20/brexit-deal-what-s-been-agreed
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wn.com/Brexit Deal What's Been Agreed
After all of the marathon debate and discussion here at the European Council in Brussels, finally Britain has sealed a deal on its EU reform demands.
It is a deal Prime Minister David Cameron is hailing and eurosceptics are dismissing.
But what exactly is in the agreement? And what does it mean for the future of Britain's relationship with the European Union?
The deal delivers victory to Cameron on several key demands - changes he says make up a "new settlement" with Europe.
The deal inclu…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/20/brexit-deal-what-s-been-agreed
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 19
Brexit : Royaume Uni & Europe
David Cameron a fait au mieux pour négocier avec 28 pays de l'Union. Un grand bravo ! Mais le deal UK / Europe n'est pas assez convaincant à mes yeux - Pourquoi...
David Cameron a fait au mieux pour négocier avec 28 pays de l'Union. Un grand bravo ! Mais le deal UK / Europe n'est pas assez convaincant à mes yeux - Pourquoi ?
wn.com/Brexit Royaume Uni Europe
David Cameron a fait au mieux pour négocier avec 28 pays de l'Union. Un grand bravo ! Mais le deal UK / Europe n'est pas assez convaincant à mes yeux - Pourquoi ?
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 5
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.There can ...
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.There can be few British institutions that have demonstrated the robust survival skills of the City of London.
Over the centuries it has faced the greatest of challenges: from the Great Fire of London in 1666 to the South Sea Bubble of the early 18th century which caused the mother of all market crashes; from the moment in 1931 when the gold standard pegging the pound to gold was abandoned and our currency collapsed, to the World War II campaign of destruction by the Luftwaffe.
In more modern times it has shrugged off the IRA bombings of the 1970s, Ted Heath’s three-day week and the sterling crises of the late 20th century — and, of course, the great financial crash and recession of 2007-2009.
The City’s story is an extraordinary one of survival and, yes, prosperous growth in the face of continual threats to its physical and commercial existence. Whatever has been thrown at it, the City has simply become more and more important to our national wealth. Yet this week, a growing number of City bigwigs — in a campaign orchestrated by No 10 — have issued apocalyptic warnings about the dire consequences of Britain leaving the EU.
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron leaves a European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium
wn.com/Brits Divided Over Possible 'Brexit' Despite Cameron's Deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.There can be few British institutions that have demonstrated the robust survival skills of the City of London.
Over the centuries it has faced the greatest of challenges: from the Great Fire of London in 1666 to the South Sea Bubble of the early 18th century which caused the mother of all market crashes; from the moment in 1931 when the gold standard pegging the pound to gold was abandoned and our currency collapsed, to the World War II campaign of destruction by the Luftwaffe.
In more modern times it has shrugged off the IRA bombings of the 1970s, Ted Heath’s three-day week and the sterling crises of the late 20th century — and, of course, the great financial crash and recession of 2007-2009.
The City’s story is an extraordinary one of survival and, yes, prosperous growth in the face of continual threats to its physical and commercial existence. Whatever has been thrown at it, the City has simply become more and more important to our national wealth. Yet this week, a growing number of City bigwigs — in a campaign orchestrated by No 10 — have issued apocalyptic warnings about the dire consequences of Britain leaving the EU.
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron leaves a European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 5
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided, over possible, 'Brexit' despite, Cameron's deal...
Brits divided, over possible, 'Brexit' despite, Cameron's deal
wn.com/Brits Divided Over Possible 'Brexit' Despite Cameron's Deal
Brits divided, over possible, 'Brexit' despite, Cameron's deal
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 3
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal...
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
wn.com/Brits Divided Over Possible 'Brexit' Despite Cameron's Deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 2
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
My Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIsSVv9p2RVUmSVSuBuxVw
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
My Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIsSVv9p2RVUmSVSuBuxVw
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wn.com/Brits Divided Over Possible 'Brexit' Despite Cameron's Deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
My Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIsSVv9p2RVUmSVSuBuxVw
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- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Counting the Cost - The UK, EU and Brexit: Who wins and who loses?
The UK has been threatening to leave the European Union for some time, but with Britain preparing for a referendum on EU membership next year, a British exit fr...
The UK has been threatening to leave the European Union for some time, but with Britain preparing for a referendum on EU membership next year, a British exit from the EU, or Brexit, is becoming a real possibility.
Prime Minister David Cameron has warned his European counterparts that the UK could leave if it fails to meet his country's needs. He says he wants to stay in the Union, but not under current rules.
Cameron recently travelled to Brussels armed with a package of reforms, demanding controversial concessions, the kind which require an actual change in EU Treaty terms.
Cameron's proposed reforms included restricting benefits for up to four years for EU migrants arriving in Britain, to be able to opt out of the EU's drive to pursue an 'ever closer union across Europe'. Plus, a stop to the financial regulation which some believe is strangling business in Britain.
But the reforms are just one part of the situation, because with or without them, there will be a referendum in the UK which will settle its membership once and for all.
So what is next for Europe? Is the Brexit a real possibility? And if so how does the future look like for the different countries?
Karel Lannoo, the CEO of the Brussels-based Centre for European Policy Studies, joins Counting the Cost to discuss Brexit and what this could mean for the UK and the EU.
The Saudi-Russia oil deal
Oil powerhouses Saudi Arabia and Russia have agreed to freeze oil production if other producers do the same, in a move aimed at halting a drop that has seen oil prices reach their lowest levels in more than a decade.
The agreement, which also included Qatar and Venezuela, was the first deal struck between an OPEC and a non-OPEC player in 15 years.
"It is a beginning of a process which we will assess, in the next few months, and decide whether we need other steps to stabilise and improve the market," Saudi oil minister Ali Al Naimi said.
"We don't want significant gyrations in prices. We do not want reduction in supply. We want to meet demand. We want a stable oil price."
Iran, who only recently started shipments of crude to Europe after years of sanctions, didn't commit to the plan but said it did 'support' it.
Vitaly Kazakov, director of Master of Economics in Energy and Natural Resources (MERE) at the Moscow-based New Economics School, joins the programme to discuss whether the crisis be stopped and what the future holds for oil dependant countries like Venezuela.
wn.com/Counting The Cost The Uk, Eu And Brexit Who Wins And Who Loses
The UK has been threatening to leave the European Union for some time, but with Britain preparing for a referendum on EU membership next year, a British exit from the EU, or Brexit, is becoming a real possibility.
Prime Minister David Cameron has warned his European counterparts that the UK could leave if it fails to meet his country's needs. He says he wants to stay in the Union, but not under current rules.
Cameron recently travelled to Brussels armed with a package of reforms, demanding controversial concessions, the kind which require an actual change in EU Treaty terms.
Cameron's proposed reforms included restricting benefits for up to four years for EU migrants arriving in Britain, to be able to opt out of the EU's drive to pursue an 'ever closer union across Europe'. Plus, a stop to the financial regulation which some believe is strangling business in Britain.
But the reforms are just one part of the situation, because with or without them, there will be a referendum in the UK which will settle its membership once and for all.
So what is next for Europe? Is the Brexit a real possibility? And if so how does the future look like for the different countries?
Karel Lannoo, the CEO of the Brussels-based Centre for European Policy Studies, joins Counting the Cost to discuss Brexit and what this could mean for the UK and the EU.
The Saudi-Russia oil deal
Oil powerhouses Saudi Arabia and Russia have agreed to freeze oil production if other producers do the same, in a move aimed at halting a drop that has seen oil prices reach their lowest levels in more than a decade.
The agreement, which also included Qatar and Venezuela, was the first deal struck between an OPEC and a non-OPEC player in 15 years.
"It is a beginning of a process which we will assess, in the next few months, and decide whether we need other steps to stabilise and improve the market," Saudi oil minister Ali Al Naimi said.
"We don't want significant gyrations in prices. We do not want reduction in supply. We want to meet demand. We want a stable oil price."
Iran, who only recently started shipments of crude to Europe after years of sanctions, didn't commit to the plan but said it did 'support' it.
Vitaly Kazakov, director of Master of Economics in Energy and Natural Resources (MERE) at the Moscow-based New Economics School, joins the programme to discuss whether the crisis be stopped and what the future holds for oil dependant countries like Venezuela.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 10
[BREAKING : Brits divided over possible 'BREXIT' despite Cameron's deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.
wn.com/Breaking Brits Divided Over Possible 'BREXIT' Despite Cameron's Deal
Brits divided over possible 'Brexit' despite Cameron's deal
The British public remain divided over the possible 'Brexit' despite David Cameron's deal.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 1
Trovato l accordo fra i leader europei per evitare Brexit
ilfogliettone.it quotidiano on line
ilfogliettone.it quotidiano on line
wn.com/Trovato L Accordo Fra I Leader Europei Per Evitare Brexit
ilfogliettone.it quotidiano on line
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 0
A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit | Short News
Summary of news on 'A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit'
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35620434
Tradition dictates that ...
Summary of news on 'A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit'
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35620434
Tradition dictates that the first post-summit press conference is held by Mr Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission
I love Britain," avowed David Cameron
"When it comes to Europe, mine is a hard-headed assessment of what is in our national interest
In the meantime, he and the others put on semi-theatrics for their voters around protecting their rights against David Cameron's reforms
But in the end, they pretty much gave David Cameron what he wanted
Image used for reporting (fair use) and may be subject to copyright. Please see source article for details.
wn.com/A Hard Headed Calculation To Avoid Brexit | Short News
Summary of news on 'A hard-headed calculation to avoid Brexit'
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35620434
Tradition dictates that the first post-summit press conference is held by Mr Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission
I love Britain," avowed David Cameron
"When it comes to Europe, mine is a hard-headed assessment of what is in our national interest
In the meantime, he and the others put on semi-theatrics for their voters around protecting their rights against David Cameron's reforms
But in the end, they pretty much gave David Cameron what he wanted
Image used for reporting (fair use) and may be subject to copyright. Please see source article for details.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Scotland's Brexit Reactions, Syrian War Propaganda & the EU Referendum Debate
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the potential of a Scottish referendum, if Brexit happens; on leaked attempts of Syrian propaganda and on the War in Syria i...
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the potential of a Scottish referendum, if Brexit happens; on leaked attempts of Syrian propaganda and on the War in Syria itself. Alex Salmond, Scotland's former First Minister discusses his country's expected reaction if Britain leaves EU. And, President Assad's political advisor, Bouthaina Shaaban tells us how the war in Syria could be over in a month. Plus, Going Underground producers Sebastian Pacher & Pete Bennett debate the finer points of the EU referendum.
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wn.com/Scotland's Brexit Reactions, Syrian War Propaganda The Eu Referendum Debate
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the potential of a Scottish referendum, if Brexit happens; on leaked attempts of Syrian propaganda and on the War in Syria itself. Alex Salmond, Scotland's former First Minister discusses his country's expected reaction if Britain leaves EU. And, President Assad's political advisor, Bouthaina Shaaban tells us how the war in Syria could be over in a month. Plus, Going Underground producers Sebastian Pacher & Pete Bennett debate the finer points of the EU referendum.
LIKE Going Underground http://fb.me/GoingUndergroundRT
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FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi http://twitter.com/AfshinRattansi
FOLLOW on Instagram http://instagram.com/officialgoingundergroundrt
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 106
EU Referendum – Full English Brexit or Stick with the Continental?
Pete Bennett & Sebastian Pacher go underground on EU Membership. Join us as they take a look at both sides of the debate – Do we leave or do we stay? From the f...
Pete Bennett & Sebastian Pacher go underground on EU Membership. Join us as they take a look at both sides of the debate – Do we leave or do we stay? From the financial implications to TTIP, we cross the channel on all things Europe.
LIKE Going Underground http://fb.me/GoingUndergroundRT
FOLLOW Going Underground http://twitter.com/Underground_RT
FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi http://twitter.com/AfshinRattansi
FOLLOW on Instagram http://instagram.com/officialgoingundergroundrt
wn.com/Eu Referendum – Full English Brexit Or Stick With The Continental
Pete Bennett & Sebastian Pacher go underground on EU Membership. Join us as they take a look at both sides of the debate – Do we leave or do we stay? From the financial implications to TTIP, we cross the channel on all things Europe.
LIKE Going Underground http://fb.me/GoingUndergroundRT
FOLLOW Going Underground http://twitter.com/Underground_RT
FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi http://twitter.com/AfshinRattansi
FOLLOW on Instagram http://instagram.com/officialgoingundergroundrt
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 88
Elhárult a Brexit - Echo Tv
A maratoni tárgyalásokat követően végül kompromisszumos megállapodás született Nagy-Britannia uniós reformköveteléseiről az uniós csúcstalálkozón. A lépés egyér...
A maratoni tárgyalásokat követően végül kompromisszumos megállapodás született Nagy-Britannia uniós reformköveteléseiről az uniós csúcstalálkozón. A lépés egyértelműen a britek diadalát jelzi. A döntés értelmében a szigetország kivonja magát az integrációs folyamatból, a bevándorlók szociális juttatásait pedig jónéhány évre korlátozzák majd.
wn.com/Elhárult A Brexit Echo Tv
A maratoni tárgyalásokat követően végül kompromisszumos megállapodás született Nagy-Britannia uniós reformköveteléseiről az uniós csúcstalálkozón. A lépés egyértelműen a britek diadalát jelzi. A döntés értelmében a szigetország kivonja magát az integrációs folyamatból, a bevándorlók szociális juttatásait pedig jónéhány évre korlátozzák majd.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 158
George Galloway Call for Brexit Alongside Nigel Farage Sparks Walkouts, Reports Say
The surprise introduction of George Galloway by UKIP leader Nigel Farage at a February 19 pro-EU exit event sparked walkouts by angry members of the audience, T...
The surprise introduction of George Galloway by UKIP leader Nigel Farage at a February 19 pro-EU exit event sparked walkouts by angry members of the audience, The Telegraph and The Times reported.
Galloway, the former Respect Party MP who was expelled from the Labour Party in 2003, and met Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on two occasions, was introduced by Farage as “without doubt one of the greatest orators in this country.”
The Telegraph’s Kate McCann photographed UKIP MEP Tim Aker leaving the venue as Galloway took the stage. However, Aker later tweeted that he had a train to catch.
Credit: Grassroots Out
This video has been uploaded with the permission of the content owner for Storyful's subscription clients. To obtain a Storyful subscription, contact sales@storyful.com.
wn.com/George Galloway Call For Brexit Alongside Nigel Farage Sparks Walkouts, Reports Say
The surprise introduction of George Galloway by UKIP leader Nigel Farage at a February 19 pro-EU exit event sparked walkouts by angry members of the audience, The Telegraph and The Times reported.
Galloway, the former Respect Party MP who was expelled from the Labour Party in 2003, and met Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on two occasions, was introduced by Farage as “without doubt one of the greatest orators in this country.”
The Telegraph’s Kate McCann photographed UKIP MEP Tim Aker leaving the venue as Galloway took the stage. However, Aker later tweeted that he had a train to catch.
Credit: Grassroots Out
This video has been uploaded with the permission of the content owner for Storyful's subscription clients. To obtain a Storyful subscription, contact sales@storyful.com.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 194
ZDF heute-show: Wischmeyers Brexit
Dietmar Wischmeyer über ein Insel-Völkchen, das gerne seine ganz eigenen Regeln in Europa aufstellt....
Dietmar Wischmeyer über ein Insel-Völkchen, das gerne seine ganz eigenen Regeln in Europa aufstellt.
wn.com/Zdf Heute Show Wischmeyers Brexit
Dietmar Wischmeyer über ein Insel-Völkchen, das gerne seine ganz eigenen Regeln in Europa aufstellt.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 36
Brexit : la presse britannique ne crie pas victoire après l'accord entre Cameron et l'UE
Après l'accord intervenu vendredi soir entre David Cameron et les vingt-huit dirigeants de l'Union européenne, la presse britannique préfère insister sur le ral...
Après l'accord intervenu vendredi soir entre David Cameron et les vingt-huit dirigeants de l'Union européenne, la presse britannique préfère insister sur le ralliement du ministre de la Justice, Michael Gove, au camp du Brexit. "Un coup très dur pour David Cameron", explique Sophie Maisel, correspondante d'iTELE à Londres. Selon plusieurs médias britanniques, ce sont pas moins de cinq ministres qui pourraient rallier le camp du Brexit.
wn.com/Brexit La Presse Britannique Ne Crie Pas Victoire Après L'Accord Entre Cameron Et L'UE
Après l'accord intervenu vendredi soir entre David Cameron et les vingt-huit dirigeants de l'Union européenne, la presse britannique préfère insister sur le ralliement du ministre de la Justice, Michael Gove, au camp du Brexit. "Un coup très dur pour David Cameron", explique Sophie Maisel, correspondante d'iTELE à Londres. Selon plusieurs médias britanniques, ce sont pas moins de cinq ministres qui pourraient rallier le camp du Brexit.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 67
Question Time part 1 - EU trade is declining and other Brexit lies (18 Feb 16)
Question Time 18 February 2016 with
Justine Greening
Lisa Nandy
John Nicolson
June Sarpong
Theo Paphitis...
Question Time 18 February 2016 with
Justine Greening
Lisa Nandy
John Nicolson
June Sarpong
Theo Paphitis
wn.com/Question Time Part 1 Eu Trade Is Declining And Other Brexit Lies (18 Feb 16)
Question Time 18 February 2016 with
Justine Greening
Lisa Nandy
John Nicolson
June Sarpong
Theo Paphitis
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 105
Brexit: les détails de l'accord signé à Bruxelles
Toute l'actualité sur http://www.bfmtv.com/ David Cameron a obtenu vendredi soir un accord avec ses 27 homologues européens sur les réformes qu'il réclamait pou...
Toute l'actualité sur http://www.bfmtv.com/ David Cameron a obtenu vendredi soir un accord avec ses 27 homologues européens sur les réformes qu'il réclamait pour pouvoir convaincre les Britanniques de rester dans l'Union, lors d'un prochain référendum historique. Il prévoit notamment la limitation des aides sociales pour les nouveaux migrants et des protections pour la City. Mais les dirigeants européens assurent que la ligne rouge n’a pas été franchie.
wn.com/Brexit Les Détails De L'Accord Signé À Bruxelles
Toute l'actualité sur http://www.bfmtv.com/ David Cameron a obtenu vendredi soir un accord avec ses 27 homologues européens sur les réformes qu'il réclamait pour pouvoir convaincre les Britanniques de rester dans l'Union, lors d'un prochain référendum historique. Il prévoit notamment la limitation des aides sociales pour les nouveaux migrants et des protections pour la City. Mais les dirigeants européens assurent que la ligne rouge n’a pas été franchie.
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 144
George Galloway Brexit Walk Out
Jewish members of the audience removed from the building after Grassroots Out campaign unveils George Galloway as the guest speaker...
Jewish members of the audience removed from the building after Grassroots Out campaign unveils George Galloway as the guest speaker
wn.com/George Galloway Brexit Walk Out
Jewish members of the audience removed from the building after Grassroots Out campaign unveils George Galloway as the guest speaker
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 97
Grassroots Out Rally (19/02/2016) #Brexit
The Grassroots Out rally on 19 February 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre.
Artistic commissions:
Outro Music: Ken's Theme by FamilyJules7x
Open Europe - EU Wargames - Brexit Session (Part 2)
Counting the Cost - The Brexit scenario: Britain's place in the EU
Following the Conservatives' win in the UK elections, Britain is now preparing itself for a referendum on the UK's European Union membership in 2017; a British exit from the EU is now a real possibility.
What would happen in a referendum is hard to predict, but the next two years spell uncertainty. Businesses will be operating and trading with Europe, without knowing whether they will still be pa
Oxford Brexit Debate Nigel Farage MEP, William Cash MP, Jan Nedvídek
The Debate – Threat of BREXIT (Nov 10th)
British Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken about the reforms he wants before holding a referendum on EU membership. The EU has been quick to respond to some of his demands, calling it highly problematic. In this edition of the debate, we’ll talks about some of Cameron’s proposals, and discuss with our guests the chances of a Brexit, as if Europe needed another issue that would threaten its in
The Debate – The BREXIT Talks (Feb 16th)
The British Prime Minister David Cameron is having crunch talks with European Parliament head Martin Schulz, aiming to win his support for the reforms demanded to avoid Britain crashing out of the bloc. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said that a British exit from the EU was not an option, saying there was "no plan B". In this edition of the debate, we’ll discuss why the UK’s negotia
The Debate – BREXIT TALKS (Feb 19th)
Britain may have just started a domino effect. By sparking an open debate about a British exit from the EU, Cameron has opened the floodgates. The Belgian PM best summed pro-EU concerns about Brexit discussions: “Let's be clear. It is not possible to have such a show again in the coming months or years with a permanent doubt hovering over Europe.” But is there permanent doubt hovering over Europe?
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit" Documentary (full length)
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit - Investigating the Myths of a UK Withdrawal from the EU" A personal film documentary exploding the myths concerning British withdrawal from the EU in a range of in-depth interviews with Norwegian, Swiss, EFTA and British experts by leading Eurosceptic Conservative MEP David Campbell Bannerman. 69 minutes
In January 2013 the Prime
UKIP: Douglas Carswell MP - A Casual Speech On The BREXIT
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Brexit: John Major v Liam Fox
The Andrew Marr Show 20 December 2015
[527] Brexit support swells, U.S. jobs numbers disappoint
A new poll out of the U.K. shows that the number of people supporting an exit from the European Union is now larger than those that want Britain to stay in! And in the U.S., new employment numbers show a disappointing January, with only 151,000 jobs being added. Ameera David has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Simone Del Rosario joins with the latest on Volkswagen’s financial troubles caused b
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
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【2月19日配信】上念司の経済ニュース最前線 平成28年2月19日号 「Brexit!イギリスはEUを離脱するのか? 欧州発金融危機の続報」 桜林美佐 上念司 【チャンネルくらら】
Will Cameron get his way? Brexit deal up in the air at EU summit (part 2)
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This week has seen a constant back and forth between Brussels and London over a deal to grant the UK a lightened version of EU membership, all so that Mr. Cameron can convince voters back home to stay in Europe. We spell out the seemingly irreconcilable differences bet
Keiser Report: Grexodus, Brexit & Too-Big-To-Fail (E775)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Grexodus, Brexit, Too-Big-To-Fail and how to make activism succeed. In the second half, Max interviews Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men about climate change, activism and more.
WATCH all Keiser Report shows here:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL768A33676917AE90 (E1-E200)
Let's talk Brexit: Cameron defends EU proposal in front of UK parliament (part 2)
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FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7
Sovereignty seems to be at the heart of what makes Britons tick. Britain wants to play by its own rules but unfortunately for David Cameron, that's not really the idea enshrined in the founding European texts. The British prime minister is hoping to change Europe enoug
Grassroots Out Rally (19/02/2016) #Brexit
The Grassroots Out rally on 19 February 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre.
The Grassroots Out rally on 19 February 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre.
Artistic commissions:
Outro Music: Ken's Theme by FamilyJules7x
wn.com/Grassroots Out Rally (19 02 2016) Brexit
The Grassroots Out rally on 19 February 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre.
Artistic commissions:
Outro Music: Ken's Theme by FamilyJules7x
- published: 20 Feb 2016
- views: 673
Counting the Cost - The Brexit scenario: Britain's place in the EU
Following the Conservatives' win in the UK elections, Britain is now preparing itself for a referendum on the UK's European Union membership in 2017; a British ...
Following the Conservatives' win in the UK elections, Britain is now preparing itself for a referendum on the UK's European Union membership in 2017; a British exit from the EU is now a real possibility.
What would happen in a referendum is hard to predict, but the next two years spell uncertainty. Businesses will be operating and trading with Europe, without knowing whether they will still be part of that Union in the near future.
Prime Minister Cameron wants to start renegotiating some of the terms of the UK's membership on issues like migration within the EU, stopping the payment of benefits to new migrants, and the repatriation of some laws, from Brussels back to the UK parliament in Westminster.
The economic consequences could be significant. For now Britain's partners are willing to offer some concessions, and want the UK to remain part of the EU, but this relationship has always been a strained one.
We speak to Roger Bootle, economist, Daily Telegraph columnist and author of The Trouble with Europe about a Brexit and what this could mean for the UK and the EU.
Also on Counting the Cost: The return to a fight for the open skies - Counting the Cost talks to Qatar Airways CEO Akbar al-Baker, whose airline alone has been accused of receiving $16bn in state subsidies.
wn.com/Counting The Cost The Brexit Scenario Britain's Place In The Eu
Following the Conservatives' win in the UK elections, Britain is now preparing itself for a referendum on the UK's European Union membership in 2017; a British exit from the EU is now a real possibility.
What would happen in a referendum is hard to predict, but the next two years spell uncertainty. Businesses will be operating and trading with Europe, without knowing whether they will still be part of that Union in the near future.
Prime Minister Cameron wants to start renegotiating some of the terms of the UK's membership on issues like migration within the EU, stopping the payment of benefits to new migrants, and the repatriation of some laws, from Brussels back to the UK parliament in Westminster.
The economic consequences could be significant. For now Britain's partners are willing to offer some concessions, and want the UK to remain part of the EU, but this relationship has always been a strained one.
We speak to Roger Bootle, economist, Daily Telegraph columnist and author of The Trouble with Europe about a Brexit and what this could mean for the UK and the EU.
Also on Counting the Cost: The return to a fight for the open skies - Counting the Cost talks to Qatar Airways CEO Akbar al-Baker, whose airline alone has been accused of receiving $16bn in state subsidies.
- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 5352
The Debate – Threat of BREXIT (Nov 10th)
British Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken about the reforms he wants before holding a referendum on EU membership. The EU has been quick to respond to som...
British Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken about the reforms he wants before holding a referendum on EU membership. The EU has been quick to respond to some of his demands, calling it highly problematic. In this edition of the debate, we’ll talks about some of Cameron’s proposals, and discuss with our guests the chances of a Brexit, as if Europe needed another issue that would threaten its integration and unity.
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wn.com/The Debate – Threat Of Brexit (Nov 10Th)
British Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken about the reforms he wants before holding a referendum on EU membership. The EU has been quick to respond to some of his demands, calling it highly problematic. In this edition of the debate, we’ll talks about some of Cameron’s proposals, and discuss with our guests the chances of a Brexit, as if Europe needed another issue that would threaten its integration and unity.
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- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 1771
The Debate – The BREXIT Talks (Feb 16th)
The British Prime Minister David Cameron is having crunch talks with European Parliament head Martin Schulz, aiming to win his support for the reforms demanded ...
The British Prime Minister David Cameron is having crunch talks with European Parliament head Martin Schulz, aiming to win his support for the reforms demanded to avoid Britain crashing out of the bloc. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said that a British exit from the EU was not an option, saying there was "no plan B". In this edition of the debate, we’ll discuss why the UK’s negotiation for terms of its staying or leaving the EU is against EU charter, further dissecting what an EU without the UK would look like.
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wn.com/The Debate – The Brexit Talks (Feb 16Th)
The British Prime Minister David Cameron is having crunch talks with European Parliament head Martin Schulz, aiming to win his support for the reforms demanded to avoid Britain crashing out of the bloc. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said that a British exit from the EU was not an option, saying there was "no plan B". In this edition of the debate, we’ll discuss why the UK’s negotiation for terms of its staying or leaving the EU is against EU charter, further dissecting what an EU without the UK would look like.
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- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 151
The Debate – BREXIT TALKS (Feb 19th)
Britain may have just started a domino effect. By sparking an open debate about a British exit from the EU, Cameron has opened the floodgates. The Belgian PM be...
Britain may have just started a domino effect. By sparking an open debate about a British exit from the EU, Cameron has opened the floodgates. The Belgian PM best summed pro-EU concerns about Brexit discussions: “Let's be clear. It is not possible to have such a show again in the coming months or years with a permanent doubt hovering over Europe.” But is there permanent doubt hovering over Europe? With asylum seekers flooding its shores because of its own policies elsewhere & a faltering economy, the EU is in trouble. In this edition of the Debate we discuss the possible Brexit & what it may/may not mean.
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wn.com/The Debate – Brexit Talks (Feb 19Th)
Britain may have just started a domino effect. By sparking an open debate about a British exit from the EU, Cameron has opened the floodgates. The Belgian PM best summed pro-EU concerns about Brexit discussions: “Let's be clear. It is not possible to have such a show again in the coming months or years with a permanent doubt hovering over Europe.” But is there permanent doubt hovering over Europe? With asylum seekers flooding its shores because of its own policies elsewhere & a faltering economy, the EU is in trouble. In this edition of the Debate we discuss the possible Brexit & what it may/may not mean.
Watch Live: http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 107
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit" Documentary (full length)
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit - Investigating the Myths of a UK Withdrawal from the EU" A personal film documentary exploding the myths co...
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit - Investigating the Myths of a UK Withdrawal from the EU" A personal film documentary exploding the myths concerning British withdrawal from the EU in a range of in-depth interviews with Norwegian, Swiss, EFTA and British experts by leading Eurosceptic Conservative MEP David Campbell Bannerman. 69 minutes
In January 2013 the Prime Minister announced the intention to offer the British people an In/Out EU Referendum.
I welcome this policy of changing our relationship with the EU. We have a choice - renegotiated -IN or a negotiated-OUT. But what if we did have to leave the EU? - and it comes down to considering a Negotiated Out option, what would that mean for the UK?
Opponents of withdrawal from the EU have used many scare tactics, citing the dangers such as we'd lose 3 million jobs, it would damage investment, that the UK would lack influence, that we would be alone in the world.
I want to take a more rational look at the facts and look specifically at Norway and Switzerland who, for decades, have prospered and successfully managed a relationship outside the EU. What can we learn from their experience?
This film explores the options for a new relationship for the UK outside the EU.
David Campbell Bannerman, Conservative MEP
wn.com/Taking The Fear Out Of Brexit Documentary (Full Length)
"Taking the Fear out of Brexit - Investigating the Myths of a UK Withdrawal from the EU" A personal film documentary exploding the myths concerning British withdrawal from the EU in a range of in-depth interviews with Norwegian, Swiss, EFTA and British experts by leading Eurosceptic Conservative MEP David Campbell Bannerman. 69 minutes
In January 2013 the Prime Minister announced the intention to offer the British people an In/Out EU Referendum.
I welcome this policy of changing our relationship with the EU. We have a choice - renegotiated -IN or a negotiated-OUT. But what if we did have to leave the EU? - and it comes down to considering a Negotiated Out option, what would that mean for the UK?
Opponents of withdrawal from the EU have used many scare tactics, citing the dangers such as we'd lose 3 million jobs, it would damage investment, that the UK would lack influence, that we would be alone in the world.
I want to take a more rational look at the facts and look specifically at Norway and Switzerland who, for decades, have prospered and successfully managed a relationship outside the EU. What can we learn from their experience?
This film explores the options for a new relationship for the UK outside the EU.
David Campbell Bannerman, Conservative MEP
- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 7311
UKIP: Douglas Carswell MP - A Casual Speech On The BREXIT
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wn.com/Ukip Douglas Carswell Mp A Casual Speech On The Brexit
Back-Up Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNwQia2NnuNeCEKqLwQPqtw
Become A Patron -
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European Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/european/
- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 19
Brexit: John Major v Liam Fox
The Andrew Marr Show 20 December 2015...
The Andrew Marr Show 20 December 2015
wn.com/Brexit John Major V Liam Fox
The Andrew Marr Show 20 December 2015
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 1114
[527] Brexit support swells, U.S. jobs numbers disappoint
A new poll out of the U.K. shows that the number of people supporting an exit from the European Union is now larger than those that want Britain to stay in! And...
A new poll out of the U.K. shows that the number of people supporting an exit from the European Union is now larger than those that want Britain to stay in! And in the U.S., new employment numbers show a disappointing January, with only 151,000 jobs being added. Ameera David has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Simone Del Rosario joins with the latest on Volkswagen’s financial troubles caused by the still unfolding emissions scandal. Bianca Facchinei then reports on the skyrocketing levels of student debt facing young American college-goers.
After the break, Lynn Parramore, a columnist for Reuters, Al Jazeera America, and the Huffington Post, speaks with Ameera about the disagreement amongst economists on what is behind the record levels of income and wealth inequality. And finally, in The Big Deal, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo sits down to dissect Thursday night’s heated Democratic debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Take a look!
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wn.com/527 Brexit Support Swells, U.S. Jobs Numbers Disappoint
A new poll out of the U.K. shows that the number of people supporting an exit from the European Union is now larger than those that want Britain to stay in! And in the U.S., new employment numbers show a disappointing January, with only 151,000 jobs being added. Ameera David has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Simone Del Rosario joins with the latest on Volkswagen’s financial troubles caused by the still unfolding emissions scandal. Bianca Facchinei then reports on the skyrocketing levels of student debt facing young American college-goers.
After the break, Lynn Parramore, a columnist for Reuters, Al Jazeera America, and the Huffington Post, speaks with Ameera about the disagreement amongst economists on what is behind the record levels of income and wealth inequality. And finally, in The Big Deal, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo sits down to dissect Thursday night’s heated Democratic debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
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- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 163
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
I created this video with the YouTu...
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
Origin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFW_L85aN6w
Author: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxVKCX36rGPO4YXBWDrW6gg
Professor Whitman will address the implications for the UK and its foreign policy, of a UK exit from the European Union? He will argue that the impact of a Brexit would be profound and irreversible, and would lead to a significantly diminished international role for the
UK. He will contend that in the aftermath of a Brexit, the UK\xe2\x80\x99s foreign and security policy could be concerned with reorganising its existing foreign relations, for the best part of a decade, whereas new challenges in international relations might be a better focus of attention. Furthermore, he will highlight that in a post Brexit scenario, the UK will still need to be heavily occupied with influencing the EU\xe2\x80\x99s agenda from the outside. Whitman\xe2\x80\x99s overall thesis is that the UK can choose Brexit, but its security will still remain intertwined with the successes and failures of the EU.
About the Speaker:
Professor Richard G Whitman is an Associate Fellow of the Europe Programme at Chatham House. He is also Director of the Global Europe Centre and Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. He was Senior Fellow, Europe (April 2006-April 2007) and Head of the European Programme at Chatham House (April 2004 to April 2006). Professor Whitman was elected an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in October 2007, is Vice Chair of the British International Studies Association (BISA) and was Chair of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) 2009-2012.
His current research interests include the external relations and foreign and security and defence policies of the EU, and the governance and future priorities of the EU. His recent books include: The European Union as a Global Conflict Manager: Seeking security through engagement (Routledge), co-edited with Stefan Wolff, and The Handbook on European Security (Routledge), co-edited with Sven Biscop. Professor Whitman is a regular media commentator at home and overseas on Europe and European integration.
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
wn.com/History Documentary Britain Vs Eu The Implications Of A Brexit For The Uk’S Foreign Policy
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
Origin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFW_L85aN6w
Author: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxVKCX36rGPO4YXBWDrW6gg
Professor Whitman will address the implications for the UK and its foreign policy, of a UK exit from the European Union? He will argue that the impact of a Brexit would be profound and irreversible, and would lead to a significantly diminished international role for the
UK. He will contend that in the aftermath of a Brexit, the UK\xe2\x80\x99s foreign and security policy could be concerned with reorganising its existing foreign relations, for the best part of a decade, whereas new challenges in international relations might be a better focus of attention. Furthermore, he will highlight that in a post Brexit scenario, the UK will still need to be heavily occupied with influencing the EU\xe2\x80\x99s agenda from the outside. Whitman\xe2\x80\x99s overall thesis is that the UK can choose Brexit, but its security will still remain intertwined with the successes and failures of the EU.
About the Speaker:
Professor Richard G Whitman is an Associate Fellow of the Europe Programme at Chatham House. He is also Director of the Global Europe Centre and Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. He was Senior Fellow, Europe (April 2006-April 2007) and Head of the European Programme at Chatham House (April 2004 to April 2006). Professor Whitman was elected an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in October 2007, is Vice Chair of the British International Studies Association (BISA) and was Chair of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) 2009-2012.
His current research interests include the external relations and foreign and security and defence policies of the EU, and the governance and future priorities of the EU. His recent books include: The European Union as a Global Conflict Manager: Seeking security through engagement (Routledge), co-edited with Stefan Wolff, and The Handbook on European Security (Routledge), co-edited with Sven Biscop. Professor Whitman is a regular media commentator at home and overseas on Europe and European integration.
history documentary - Britain vs EU - The implications of a Brexit for the UK’s foreign policy
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 494
【2月19日配信】上念司の経済ニュース最前線 平成28年2月19日号 「Brexit!イギリスはEUを離脱するのか? 欧州発金融危機の続報」 桜林美佐 上念司 【チャンネルくらら】
wn.com/【2月19日配信】上念司の経済ニュース最前線 平成28年2月19日号 「Brexit!イギリスはEuを離脱するのか? 欧州発金融危機の続報」 桜林美佐 上念司 【チャンネルくらら】
- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 3757
Will Cameron get his way? Brexit deal up in the air at EU summit (part 2)
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This week has seen a constant...
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This week has seen a constant back and forth between Brussels and London over a deal to grant the UK a lightened version of EU membership, all so that Mr. Cameron can convince voters back home to stay in Europe. We spell out the seemingly irreconcilable differences between those who disagree on what it's all about and whether an-ever converging Union is the way to go. With the sovereignty question and the migrant crisis now feeding off each other, the divide seems greater each day.
Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX and Christopher DAVIS.
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wn.com/Will Cameron Get His Way Brexit Deal Up In The Air At Eu Summit (Part 2)
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This week has seen a constant back and forth between Brussels and London over a deal to grant the UK a lightened version of EU membership, all so that Mr. Cameron can convince voters back home to stay in Europe. We spell out the seemingly irreconcilable differences between those who disagree on what it's all about and whether an-ever converging Union is the way to go. With the sovereignty question and the migrant crisis now feeding off each other, the divide seems greater each day.
Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX and Christopher DAVIS.
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- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 125
Keiser Report: Grexodus, Brexit & Too-Big-To-Fail (E775)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Grexodus, Brexit, Too-Big-To-Fail and how to make activism succeed. In the second hal...
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Grexodus, Brexit, Too-Big-To-Fail and how to make activism succeed. In the second half, Max interviews Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men about climate change, activism and more.
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wn.com/Keiser Report Grexodus, Brexit Too Big To Fail (E775)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Grexodus, Brexit, Too-Big-To-Fail and how to make activism succeed. In the second half, Max interviews Mike Bonanno of the Yes Men about climate change, activism and more.
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- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 40741
Let's talk Brexit: Cameron defends EU proposal in front of UK parliament (part 2)
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Sovereignty seems to be at th...
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Sovereignty seems to be at the heart of what makes Britons tick. Britain wants to play by its own rules but unfortunately for David Cameron, that's not really the idea enshrined in the founding European texts. The British prime minister is hoping to change Europe enough that Britons will want to stay inside the union, but not so much that the deal is shot down by other European leaders. In the FRANCE 24 debate, we break down the European reform deal that Cameron hopes to push through.
Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX and Christopher DAVIS.
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wn.com/Let's Talk Brexit Cameron Defends Eu Proposal In Front Of UK Parliament (Part 2)
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Sovereignty seems to be at the heart of what makes Britons tick. Britain wants to play by its own rules but unfortunately for David Cameron, that's not really the idea enshrined in the founding European texts. The British prime minister is hoping to change Europe enough that Britons will want to stay inside the union, but not so much that the deal is shot down by other European leaders. In the FRANCE 24 debate, we break down the European reform deal that Cameron hopes to push through.
Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX and Christopher DAVIS.
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- published: 03 Feb 2016
- views: 195