Sagami Original 0.01 Unboxing
April fools!!!!
Unboxing 5 piece sagami condoms. Worlds thinnest 0.01mm condoms straight from japan
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(1/5245)マント必須の超鬼畜飛行コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:Perfect Run:Fourth Wall(Kyros)
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(2/21586)超高速テクニカル鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(10/185518) スペイン最上級難易度の疾走鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:The Final Trial
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(15/360000) 強制スクロール鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
スーパーマリオメーカー (Super Mario Maker) クリア率0.01% 40/354916
タイトル:ぽこにゃんからの挑戦状その4 作者:ぽこにゃん
Rengar Fastest Kill - NEW RECORD : 0.01sec !! LoL
Nouveau Record du One Shot le plus rapide League of Legends in Ranked D2 EUW
→ Me voir en live tous les jours http://www.twitch.tv/domingo
→ Achète tes jeux moins chers: https://www.g2a.com/r/domingo
→ Post Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/312a8u/new_world_record_rengar_fastest_kill_001sec/
→ Ma dernière vidéo EPIC RAGE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFx5F1f_VNw&list;=PL
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
인간의 한계를 넘는 빡침의 기운이 돕니다.
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% #2 - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
이건 인간의 한계를 넘었어....
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
음악활동 왕성한 나쁜녀석들 : https://goo.gl/YGwd1Y 구독
★ 고기TV 소속BJ 유튜브 구독해주세요!
황연우 유튜브 : http://www.youtub
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% #3(엔딩) - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
정말 난이도가 높았고...성공 한 영상인 만큼 사랑해주셨으면
좋겠습니다 ...ㅠㅠ
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
【Super Mario Maker】マリオメーカー クリア率0.01%を目標に制作した鬼畜コースのクリアチェック【Hardest Level】
コース名:Mario Must Die! (Hardest level) ID:3C30-0000-0091-8209
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
[스타2] 미친 모드 : 모든 유닛 공속 0.01 모드! (선빵필승! 치즈 러쉬 달려!)
[스타2] 미친 모드 : 모든 유닛 공속 0.01 모드! (선빵필승! 치즈 러쉬 달려!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
[티비플]이정도면 손이핵 리신장인 상위0.01% 매드무비 / Assistance Leesin Top0.01% Madmovie
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The Forest (альфа 0.01) #1 - Первая ночь
The Forest - смесь хоррора и выживания на острове, после авиакатастрофы. Мы будем рубить лес, строить убежища, собирать ресурсы, охотится на животных, ловить рыбу, собирать ягоды и грибы, выращивать растения и обороняться от людоедов устанавливая ловушки. В общем всячески пытаться выжить и найти нашего сына, которого забрали людоеды.
Я покупаю игры тут: http://steambuy.com/Galaktiki
(действует н
hi im hungry [RENGAR 0.01SEC]
第1部:改變,從0.01開始-南投縣爽文國中王政忠老師 (國文)
Phaeleh - Afterglo 0.01
1 | 0:00
2 | 2:45
3 | 4:14
4 | 6:25
5 | 8:55
6 | 10:45
7 | 12:35
8 | 14:38
9 | 16:55
10 | 18:18
11 | 20:49
12 | 22:45
13 | 24:42
14 | 26:59
15 | 29:16
16 | 31:06
17 | 33:50
19 | 38:52
20 | 41:09
高評価よろしくお願いします♪( ´▽`)
↓Twitter ☆フォローしてね☆
↓ツイキャス ♪遊びに来てね♪
iMovie、Cute CUT Pro ↓活動継続の為こちらのAmazonリンクからお買い物お願いします!
高評価よろしくお願いします♪( ´▽`)
↓Twitter ☆フォローしてね☆
↓ツイキャス ♪遊びに来てね♪
iMovie、Cute CUT Pro ↓活動継続の為こちらのAmazonリンクからお買い物お願いします!
- published: 28 Jun 2014
- views: 1493801
Sagami Original 0.01 Unboxing
April fools!!!!
Unboxing 5 piece sagami condoms. Worlds thinnest 0.01mm condoms straight from japan...
April fools!!!!
Unboxing 5 piece sagami condoms. Worlds thinnest 0.01mm condoms straight from japan
wn.com/Sagami Original 0.01 Unboxing
April fools!!!!
Unboxing 5 piece sagami condoms. Worlds thinnest 0.01mm condoms straight from japan
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 11476
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(1/5245)マント必須の超鬼畜飛行コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:Perfect Run:Fourth Wall(Kyros)
wn.com/【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01 (1 5245)マント必須の超鬼畜飛行コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:Perfect Run:Fourth Wall(Kyros)
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 650163
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(2/21586)超高速テクニカル鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
wn.com/【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01 (2 21586)超高速テクニカル鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 5550
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(10/185518) スペイン最上級難易度の疾走鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:The Final Trial
wn.com/【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01 (10 185518) スペイン最上級難易度の疾走鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
コース名:The Final Trial
- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 512228
【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01%(15/360000) 強制スクロール鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
wn.com/【Super Mario Maker】クリア率0.01 (15 360000) 強制スクロール鬼畜コースに挑戦【マリオメーカー】
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 516933
スーパーマリオメーカー (Super Mario Maker) クリア率0.01% 40/354916
タイトル:ぽこにゃんからの挑戦状その4 作者:ぽこにゃん
タイトル:ぽこにゃんからの挑戦状その4 作者:ぽこにゃん
wn.com/スーパーマリオメーカー (Super Mario Maker) クリア率0.01% 40 354916
タイトル:ぽこにゃんからの挑戦状その4 作者:ぽこにゃん
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 3880
Rengar Fastest Kill - NEW RECORD : 0.01sec !! LoL
Nouveau Record du One Shot le plus rapide League of Legends in Ranked D2 EUW
→ Me voir en live tous les jours http://www.twitch.tv/domingo
→ Achète tes jeux moi...
Nouveau Record du One Shot le plus rapide League of Legends in Ranked D2 EUW
→ Me voir en live tous les jours http://www.twitch.tv/domingo
→ Achète tes jeux moins chers: https://www.g2a.com/r/domingo
→ Post Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/312a8u/new_world_record_rengar_fastest_kill_001sec/
→ Ma dernière vidéo EPIC RAGE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFx5F1f_VNw&list;=PLOj9J3ZG3xClDskeAGRKgpg6nvPBhHVoe
→ Mon Facebook: http://www.goo.gl/amBXOO
→ Mon Twitter: http://www.goo.gl/XGofW5
→ S'abonner: http://www.goo.gl/2RBGE9
Playlist des Zizous : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOj9J3ZG3xClDskeAGRKgpg6nvPBhHVoe
Vidéo YouTube Rengar One Shot, Kill le plus rapide du monde sur League of Legends par DominGo
Rejoins la chaine YouTube de DominGo (oui oui la mienne) : http://www.youtube.com/user/eldom1ng0?sub_confirmation=1
Merci à https://twitter.com/NativeWoody pour la miniature
Quentin le king
wn.com/Rengar Fastest Kill New Record 0.01Sec Lol
Nouveau Record du One Shot le plus rapide League of Legends in Ranked D2 EUW
→ Me voir en live tous les jours http://www.twitch.tv/domingo
→ Achète tes jeux moins chers: https://www.g2a.com/r/domingo
→ Post Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/312a8u/new_world_record_rengar_fastest_kill_001sec/
→ Ma dernière vidéo EPIC RAGE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFx5F1f_VNw&list;=PLOj9J3ZG3xClDskeAGRKgpg6nvPBhHVoe
→ Mon Facebook: http://www.goo.gl/amBXOO
→ Mon Twitter: http://www.goo.gl/XGofW5
→ S'abonner: http://www.goo.gl/2RBGE9
Playlist des Zizous : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOj9J3ZG3xClDskeAGRKgpg6nvPBhHVoe
Vidéo YouTube Rengar One Shot, Kill le plus rapide du monde sur League of Legends par DominGo
Rejoins la chaine YouTube de DominGo (oui oui la mienne) : http://www.youtube.com/user/eldom1ng0?sub_confirmation=1
Merci à https://twitter.com/NativeWoody pour la miniature
Quentin le king
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 943021
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
인간의 한계를 넘는 빡침의 기운이 돕니다.
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://stor...
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
인간의 한계를 넘는 빡침의 기운이 돕니다.
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
wn.com/슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
인간의 한계를 넘는 빡침의 기운이 돕니다.
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 45669
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% #2 - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
이건 인간의 한계를 넘었어....
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 :...
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
이건 인간의 한계를 넘었어....
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
음악활동 왕성한 나쁜녀석들 : https://goo.gl/YGwd1Y 구독
★ 고기TV 소속BJ 유튜브 구독해주세요!
황연우 유튜브 : http://www.youtube.com/gold08181
더빙걸 유튜브 : http://www.youtube.com/dubbinggirl
도로시 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/rosijjing
에드머 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/EDMMER
차비버 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9L2cR7sQKATmzbiiwlAyA
wn.com/슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01 2 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U - 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
이건 인간의 한계를 넘었어....
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
음악활동 왕성한 나쁜녀석들 : https://goo.gl/YGwd1Y 구독
★ 고기TV 소속BJ 유튜브 구독해주세요!
황연우 유튜브 : http://www.youtube.com/gold08181
더빙걸 유튜브 : http://www.youtube.com/dubbinggirl
도로시 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/rosijjing
에드머 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/EDMMER
차비버 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9L2cR7sQKATmzbiiwlAyA
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 37784
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01% #3(엔딩) - 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
정말 난이도가 높았고...성공 한 영상인 만큼 사랑해주셨으면
좋겠습니다 ...ㅠㅠ
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스...
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
정말 난이도가 높았고...성공 한 영상인 만큼 사랑해주셨으면
좋겠습니다 ...ㅠㅠ
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
* 사운드 클라우드 : https://soundcloud.com/mario1022
메일문의는(녹음, 섭외, 스폰) 네이버 메일
mario1022@naver.com 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
wn.com/슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01 3(엔딩) 최고기의 마리오
슈퍼마리오 메이커 Wii U 성공확률 0.01%를 도전해봤습니다.
정말 난이도가 높았고...성공 한 영상인 만큼 사랑해주셨으면
좋겠습니다 ...ㅠㅠ
★ 언제까지 유튜브로만 볼거야?
* 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ggentertainment2013
* 인스타그램 : gogichoi
* 카카오스토리 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/choigogi
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- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 61325
【Super Mario Maker】マリオメーカー クリア率0.01%を目標に制作した鬼畜コースのクリアチェック【Hardest Level】
コース名:Mario ...
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コース名:Mario Must Die! (Hardest level) ID:3C30-0000-0091-8209
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 59807
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 1385
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehim...
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
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[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드 (무리군주와 타락귀 최고!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 584
[스타2] 미친 모드 : 모든 유닛 공속 0.01 모드! (선빵필승! 치즈 러쉬 달려!)
[스타2] 미친 모드 : 모든 유닛 공속 0.01 모드! (선빵필승! 치즈 러쉬 달려!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
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[스타2] 미친 모드 : 모든 유닛 공속 0.01 모드! (선빵필승! 치즈 러쉬 달려!)
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
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■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
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■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 292
wn.com/【マリオメーカー 76】クリア率0.01%制覇者の全自動マリオやってみた!【全自動マリオ編】
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 224230
[티비플]이정도면 손이핵 리신장인 상위0.01% 매드무비 / Assistance Leesin Top0.01% Madmovie
Lindsey Tip Channel
V 더보기 V MORE V
- 한국어 ( Korean ) -
유튜브 본 계정채널에서 업로드 하였던 영상을 재업로드 하였습니다.
- 영어 ( English ) -
Who uploaded this video on YouTube Account chann...
Lindsey Tip Channel
V 더보기 V MORE V
- 한국어 ( Korean ) -
유튜브 본 계정채널에서 업로드 하였던 영상을 재업로드 하였습니다.
- 영어 ( English ) -
Who uploaded this video on YouTube Account channel re-uploaded.
- 음악 이름 ( Song name ) -
- 원본 출처 - Gripex Montage - Best Lee Sin Plays ( The Carry )
허락여부를 받은하에 티비플 버젼으로 녹화후 업로드 하였습니다.
Tipe TV Team
wn.com/티비플 이정도면 손이핵 리신장인 상위0.01 매드무비 Assistance Leesin Top0.01 Madmovie
Lindsey Tip Channel
V 더보기 V MORE V
- 한국어 ( Korean ) -
유튜브 본 계정채널에서 업로드 하였던 영상을 재업로드 하였습니다.
- 영어 ( English ) -
Who uploaded this video on YouTube Account channel re-uploaded.
- 음악 이름 ( Song name ) -
- 원본 출처 - Gripex Montage - Best Lee Sin Plays ( The Carry )
허락여부를 받은하에 티비플 버젼으로 녹화후 업로드 하였습니다.
Tipe TV Team
- published: 09 Jan 2016
- views: 98744
フリー音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERYさん
wn.com/僕が投稿した最悪の0.01% マリオメーカー実況 Part5
フリー音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERYさん
- published: 11 Nov 2015
- views: 78236
The Forest (альфа 0.01) #1 - Первая ночь
The Forest - смесь хоррора и выживания на острове, после авиакатастрофы. Мы будем рубить лес, строить убежища, собирать ресурсы, охотится на животных, ловить ры...
The Forest - смесь хоррора и выживания на острове, после авиакатастрофы. Мы будем рубить лес, строить убежища, собирать ресурсы, охотится на животных, ловить рыбу, собирать ягоды и грибы, выращивать растения и обороняться от людоедов устанавливая ловушки. В общем всячески пытаться выжить и найти нашего сына, которого забрали людоеды.
Я покупаю игры тут: http://steambuy.com/Galaktiki
(действует накопительная скидка до 15% и другие бонусы)
Записываю видео программой Bandicam, монтирую в Sony Vegas Pro 12. Микрофон: Samson Go Mic
Характеристики моего компьютера:
Intel Core i7-2600 (3.4 ГГц)
HDD 1000 ГБ
MSI GeForce GTX 760 2048MB
Основной канал: https://www.youtube.com/user/AntonGalaktiki
Старый канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/Galaktiki
Группа в контакте: http://vk.com/club42688017
Я в Steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Galaktiki/
Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы: http://vk.com/topic-42688017_27793315
wn.com/The Forest (Альфа 0.01) 1 Первая Ночь
The Forest - смесь хоррора и выживания на острове, после авиакатастрофы. Мы будем рубить лес, строить убежища, собирать ресурсы, охотится на животных, ловить рыбу, собирать ягоды и грибы, выращивать растения и обороняться от людоедов устанавливая ловушки. В общем всячески пытаться выжить и найти нашего сына, которого забрали людоеды.
Я покупаю игры тут: http://steambuy.com/Galaktiki
(действует накопительная скидка до 15% и другие бонусы)
Записываю видео программой Bandicam, монтирую в Sony Vegas Pro 12. Микрофон: Samson Go Mic
Характеристики моего компьютера:
Intel Core i7-2600 (3.4 ГГц)
HDD 1000 ГБ
MSI GeForce GTX 760 2048MB
Основной канал: https://www.youtube.com/user/AntonGalaktiki
Старый канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/Galaktiki
Группа в контакте: http://vk.com/club42688017
Я в Steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Galaktiki/
Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы: http://vk.com/topic-42688017_27793315
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 133898
Phaeleh - Afterglo 0.01
1 | 0:00
2 | 2:45
3 | 4:14
4 | 6:25
5 | 8:55
6 | 10:45
7 | 12:35
8 | 14:38
9 | 16:55
10 | 18:18
11 | 20:49
12 | 22:45
13 ...
1 | 0:00
2 | 2:45
3 | 4:14
4 | 6:25
5 | 8:55
6 | 10:45
7 | 12:35
8 | 14:38
9 | 16:55
10 | 18:18
11 | 20:49
12 | 22:45
13 | 24:42
14 | 26:59
15 | 29:16
16 | 31:06
17 | 33:50
19 | 38:52
20 | 41:09
wn.com/Phaeleh Afterglo 0.01
1 | 0:00
2 | 2:45
3 | 4:14
4 | 6:25
5 | 8:55
6 | 10:45
7 | 12:35
8 | 14:38
9 | 16:55
10 | 18:18
11 | 20:49
12 | 22:45
13 | 24:42
14 | 26:59
15 | 29:16
16 | 31:06
17 | 33:50
19 | 38:52
20 | 41:09
- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 8216
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Primeiro video do quadro "Mão Preta News". Fizemos uma catada geral nas melhores que encontramos. De agora em diante, apenas noticias que estão em alta durante a semana.
Whats It To Ya Punk de Audionautix está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artista: http://audionautix.com/
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CC Attribution:
Los Herederos de la Risa/Cómicos Ambulantes 2016/JR Chino/(0.01)
Este vídeo es una recopilación de los herederos de la risa.
Ojala te aya sacado una sonrisa
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Feliz Dia del AMOR y la Amistad
Redes Sociales
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Instagram: Luis_Steven12
Gracias Por SUSCRIBIRSE a Este Canal
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
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CS:GO - 1v5 Ninja Defuse - 0.01 seconds left!
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Mirage A site. 1v5 ninja clutch
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- published: 15 Feb 2016
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Mão Preta News 0.01 - Esquilos masturbadores e o Culto de merda.
Primeiro video do quadro "Mão Preta News". Fizemos uma catada geral nas melhores que encontramos. De agora em diante, apenas noticias que estão em alta durante ...
Primeiro video do quadro "Mão Preta News". Fizemos uma catada geral nas melhores que encontramos. De agora em diante, apenas noticias que estão em alta durante a semana.
Whats It To Ya Punk de Audionautix está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artista: http://audionautix.com/
wn.com/Mão Preta News 0.01 Esquilos Masturbadores E O Culto De Merda.
Primeiro video do quadro "Mão Preta News". Fizemos uma catada geral nas melhores que encontramos. De agora em diante, apenas noticias que estão em alta durante a semana.
Whats It To Ya Punk de Audionautix está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artista: http://audionautix.com/
- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 30
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- published: 14 Feb 2016
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OMAX 0.01mm Microscope Camera Calibration
Product reviews information and price on Amazon-US:
The scale on the slide has changed no longer matches images shown for this The 0.05 m...
Product reviews information and price on Amazon-US:
The scale on the slide has changed no longer matches images shown for this The 0.05 mm increments are no slightly than the only the 0.1 mm are different length. This isn't a big deal, unless you have written your software based on the older
CC Attribution:
wn.com/Omax 0.01Mm Microscope Camera Calibration
Product reviews information and price on Amazon-US:
The scale on the slide has changed no longer matches images shown for this The 0.05 mm increments are no slightly than the only the 0.1 mm are different length. This isn't a big deal, unless you have written your software based on the older
CC Attribution:
- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Los Herederos de la Risa/Cómicos Ambulantes 2016/JR Chino/(0.01)
Este vídeo es una recopilación de los herederos de la risa.
Ojala te aya sacado una sonrisa
* Comicos Ambulantes HD.
*Comicos Ambulantes.
Este vídeo es una recopilación de los herederos de la risa.
Ojala te aya sacado una sonrisa
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*Comicos Ambulantes.
Feliz Dia del AMOR y la Amistad
Redes Sociales
Facebook: www.facebook.com/luis.moreno.3954546
Instagram: Luis_Steven12
Gracias Por SUSCRIBIRSE a Este Canal
wn.com/Los Herederos De La Risa Cómicos Ambulantes 2016 Jr Chino (0.01)
Este vídeo es una recopilación de los herederos de la risa.
Ojala te aya sacado una sonrisa
* Comicos Ambulantes HD.
*Comicos Ambulantes.
Feliz Dia del AMOR y la Amistad
Redes Sociales
Facebook: www.facebook.com/luis.moreno.3954546
Instagram: Luis_Steven12
Gracias Por SUSCRIBIRSE a Este Canal
- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 94
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime...
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
wn.com/스타2 막장 모드 공속 0.01 모드 (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
[스타2] 막장 모드 - 공속 0.01 모드! (불사조 탄막 슈팅 보소
■ 방송국 주소 : http://afreeca.com/monyox2
■ 방송문의 카카오톡 : nalehime
■ 트위터 : https://twitter.com/nalehime
■ 스팀 & 스카이프 : nalehime
- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 392
For Sale Longview Alberta $329900 5-Bdrms 3-Full Baths on 0.01 Acres
MLS# C4039897 P# 403-278-9208 http://C160400_C4039897.ClickForListingInfo.com
Welcome to another Longview, Alberta property for sale brought to you by Darren M...
MLS# C4039897 P# 403-278-9208 http://C160400_C4039897.ClickForListingInfo.com
Welcome to another Longview, Alberta property for sale brought to you by Darren Matechuk of Sutton Group Canwest - The Leader in Longview, Alberta Real Estate Services.
This video contains information on one of our Longview, Alberta Homes for sale.
Listing Address: 206 ROYALTIES Crescent Longview, Alberta T0L 1H0
Property Type: Detached
Price: 329900.00
Agent Name: Darren Matechuk
Agent Email: darrenmatechuk@gmail.com
Agent Phone: 403 850 6203
Agency: Sutton Group Canwest
Agency Phone: 403-278-9208
Agency Website: http://C160400_C4039897.ClickForListingInfo.com
Property Information:
Building Square Feet: 0
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms Full: 3
Bathrooms Half: 0
Year Built: 1960
Property Size: 0.01 Acres
Description: Character 5 bedroom home in the scenic village of Longview!Over 2300 Sq. ft. of fully developed home with an open and bright plan,3 full bath,2 master bedrooms and main floor laundry.The lower level has a second kitchen,large living room,2 bedrooms,full bathroom and laundry hookup as well! There is a wrap around deck and the lot is oversize.Perfectly suited to build a huge garage on!This home is located on a quiet street right across from the school and close to the park!Great Opportunity here!
If you are looking to purchase a home in Longview you can visit our website at http://www.CalgarySutton.com to view all listed homes, real estate, and property for sale in Longview, Alberta
Property details have not been verified, lot size, square footage and other details are approximate.
Buyer must investigate property details to their own satisfaction.
Real Estate Automated Listing Video Marketing Service provided by http://www.TechMediaMarketing.com
wn.com/For Sale Longview Alberta 329900 5 Bdrms 3 Full Baths On 0.01 Acres
MLS# C4039897 P# 403-278-9208 http://C160400_C4039897.ClickForListingInfo.com
Welcome to another Longview, Alberta property for sale brought to you by Darren Matechuk of Sutton Group Canwest - The Leader in Longview, Alberta Real Estate Services.
This video contains information on one of our Longview, Alberta Homes for sale.
Listing Address: 206 ROYALTIES Crescent Longview, Alberta T0L 1H0
Property Type: Detached
Price: 329900.00
Agent Name: Darren Matechuk
Agent Email: darrenmatechuk@gmail.com
Agent Phone: 403 850 6203
Agency: Sutton Group Canwest
Agency Phone: 403-278-9208
Agency Website: http://C160400_C4039897.ClickForListingInfo.com
Property Information:
Building Square Feet: 0
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms Full: 3
Bathrooms Half: 0
Year Built: 1960
Property Size: 0.01 Acres
Description: Character 5 bedroom home in the scenic village of Longview!Over 2300 Sq. ft. of fully developed home with an open and bright plan,3 full bath,2 master bedrooms and main floor laundry.The lower level has a second kitchen,large living room,2 bedrooms,full bathroom and laundry hookup as well! There is a wrap around deck and the lot is oversize.Perfectly suited to build a huge garage on!This home is located on a quiet street right across from the school and close to the park!Great Opportunity here!
If you are looking to purchase a home in Longview you can visit our website at http://www.CalgarySutton.com to view all listed homes, real estate, and property for sale in Longview, Alberta
Property details have not been verified, lot size, square footage and other details are approximate.
Buyer must investigate property details to their own satisfaction.
Real Estate Automated Listing Video Marketing Service provided by http://www.TechMediaMarketing.com
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Forest v. 0.01
UNITY 3D 4.6...
UNITY 3D 4.6
wn.com/Forest V. 0.01
UNITY 3D 4.6
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 1
Invocation by Elizabeth CLare Prophet for Solar RIng & 0.01
Solar Ring & 0.01 for Tube of Light led by Elizabeth CLare Prophet
during Winter Conference in 1983 at Camelot in SOuther CAlifornia at Chapel of the Holy Gra...
Solar Ring & 0.01 for Tube of Light led by Elizabeth CLare Prophet
during Winter Conference in 1983 at Camelot in SOuther CAlifornia at Chapel of the Holy Grail. To see the words to this decree please go to http://www.myascendedmasters.org. To learn about the teachings of the Ascended Masters and to Purchase DVDs, CDs and Books , please go to http://www.tsl.org
wn.com/Invocation By Elizabeth Clare Prophet For Solar Ring 0.01
Solar Ring & 0.01 for Tube of Light led by Elizabeth CLare Prophet
during Winter Conference in 1983 at Camelot in SOuther CAlifornia at Chapel of the Holy Grail. To see the words to this decree please go to http://www.myascendedmasters.org. To learn about the teachings of the Ascended Masters and to Purchase DVDs, CDs and Books , please go to http://www.tsl.org
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 2
My frist vlog (vlog 0.01
This video is about 2016-02-13 08:02:06...
This video is about 2016-02-13 08:02:06
wn.com/My Frist Vlog (Vlog 0.01
This video is about 2016-02-13 08:02:06
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 9
The Purple Flower Theatre 0.01 Preview.
Play ROBLOX today on www.ROBLOX.com! The link for this game: http://www.roblox.com/games/341910184/Purple-Flower-Entertainment-International-Theatre . Music com...
Play ROBLOX today on www.ROBLOX.com! The link for this game: http://www.roblox.com/games/341910184/Purple-Flower-Entertainment-International-Theatre . Music composed by: Borislav Gridnev
wn.com/The Purple Flower Theatre 0.01 Preview.
Play ROBLOX today on www.ROBLOX.com! The link for this game: http://www.roblox.com/games/341910184/Purple-Flower-Entertainment-International-Theatre . Music composed by: Borislav Gridnev
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 4
Floated Away | BGE | Update 0.01a
Es izveidoju šo videoklipu, izmantojot YouTube video redaktoru (https://www.youtube.com/editor)...
Es izveidoju šo videoklipu, izmantojot YouTube video redaktoru (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Floated Away | Bge | Update 0.01A
Es izveidoju šo videoklipu, izmantojot YouTube video redaktoru (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 40
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Use Coupon: HOST2016GATOR To Get Your First Month Of Web Hosting For Just $0.01 From http://www.HostGator.com
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- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 75
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Use Coupon: HOST2016GATOR To Get Your First Month Of Web Hosting For Just $0.01 From http://www.HostGator.com
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Without a doubt, Host Gator is among the most popular and reliable web hosting companies online.
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There are three main shared hosting services provided by HostGator-- Baby, Hatchling, and Business-- and if you decide you need a better plan in the future, you can always upgrade your services.
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- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 96
Идеальный остров в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ):
Мой дом в в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ):
Stranded Deep - Обзор - Alpha 0.01
Почувствуйте себя выжившим после авиакрушения. Сойдитесь в схватке с природой в игре на выживание. Каждый раз ваше прохождение не будет похоже на предыдущее. Находите, разведуйте и постарайтесь выжить!
Я покупаю игры тут:
Ссылка на игру:
Первые шаги в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
✪ Ролик Евы - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNjcOtq_Aw
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i
Мистическая коробка в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ):
脱出率0.01%!?ジグソウの仕掛ける恐怖の罠 SAW実況プレイpart3
2014.09.14 인천아시안게임특집 0.01초의 승부사 박태환 Park Tae-hwan 2014 Pre-Asian Games Documentary
The Forest (0.01b) PC Gameplay Part 1 - Mutants Meet Molly
Remember to like, comment and subscribe! Playlists are linked down below.
◆ Total War Playlists: http://bit.ly/1Lm5EFL
◆ Mount and Blade Playlists: http://bit.ly/1FtI41F
◆ RPG Game Playlists: http://bit.ly/1LaIiBW
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◆ Subscribe to my RTS channel! ► http://bit.ly/1Ah9bkM
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► The Forest - Raj na Zemi! | #1 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► Druhá časť http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
1. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť, no ten ostrov až tak opustený nie je! V tejto časti si ukážeme moje prvé dojmy z tejto z hry,
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči so
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-1) -Part 1- "The Forest Meets Salt"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Online Poker Strategy for Beginners - Blaze €0.01/0.02
PokerVIP Coach Jon playing a session of Blaze poker on StanJames and walking you through his basic cash game strategy.
Join http://www.pokervip.com for more free strategy content, and join a huge community of aspiring poker players!
Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/iPokerVIP) and follow us on Twitter @PokerVIP (https://twitter.com/pokervip) to keep track of all the new videos and off
► The Forest - Posadnutosť tenisom?! | #3 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄|► #4 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_4 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
3. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti pozývam celý Mastič Klub na prechádzku po romantických piesočnatých plážach nášho čarokrásneho ostrova.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj:
THE FOREST v.0.01b | Gameplay et découverte de ce jeu ALPHA
Alors dans ce petit Walkthrough je découvre le jeu avec vous! ce jeu a beaucoup de potentielles, mais est remplie de glitch! ça amène quelque moment cocasse! je vous laisse les découvrir.
Jeu ici ••► http://survivetheforest.com/
••► SiteWebOfficiel:http://www.steelorse.com/
••► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7steelorse
••► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/steelorse
••► Twitter: https://twitter.
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-2) -Part 2- "Boat Motor Parts"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
[다큐클래식] 0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재 / Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
[다큐 클래식]
0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재.
Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
Copyright by DramaHouse & JcontentHub Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
WarCraft - Добро против Зла 0.01
Группа карты: http://vk.com/confrontation_wc3
Твич: http://www.twitch.tv/limas94
Мой ник в Гарене: Limas94
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/limas_m
Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/novostibloga
Стим: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060109257/
[CABIN BUILDING] The Forest 0.01 #3
The game is EARLY alpha but if you'd like to give it a shot and play it yourself http://store.steampowered.com/app/242760/
Kevin ► https://www.youtube.com/user/GoldenBlackHawk
Tshirts ►http://www.Sp00nerism.spreadshirt.com
UK tshirts ► http://www.sp00nerism.spreadshirt.net
My Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/mamasp00n
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/sp00nerism
【スーパーマリオメーカー】クリア率0.01%の鬼畜コースにクリアした総集編 part1【Super Mario Maker】
動画生放送コミュニティ co2974754
スーパーマリオメーカー マリオメーカー Super Mario Maker 鬼畜コース 鬼畜ステージ 全自動マリオ
► The Forest - Krásy ostrova | #4 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_3 #3 ◄|► #5 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_5 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
4. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti sa prejdeme po druhej časti ostrova a spoznáme tak všetky jeho krásy.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa vid
(D&F;)에어비스 상위0.01% 레이븐 레이드솔딜
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-1) -Part 3- "Food Storage"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Идеальный остров в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com...
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
wn.com/Идеальный Остров В Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 62103
Мой дом в в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com...
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
wn.com/Мой Дом В В Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 594943
Stranded Deep - Обзор - Alpha 0.01
Почувствуйте себя выжившим после авиакрушения. Сойдитесь в схватке с природой в игре на выживание. Каждый раз ваше прохождение не будет похоже на предыдущее. На...
Почувствуйте себя выжившим после авиакрушения. Сойдитесь в схватке с природой в игре на выживание. Каждый раз ваше прохождение не будет похоже на предыдущее. Находите, разведуйте и постарайтесь выжить!
Я покупаю игры тут:
Ссылка на игру:
Crafting and Building Guide:
wn.com/Stranded Deep Обзор Alpha 0.01
Почувствуйте себя выжившим после авиакрушения. Сойдитесь в схватке с природой в игре на выживание. Каждый раз ваше прохождение не будет похоже на предыдущее. Находите, разведуйте и постарайтесь выжить!
Я покупаю игры тут:
Ссылка на игру:
Crafting and Building Guide:
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 37749
Первые шаги в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
✪ Ролик Евы - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNjcOtq_Aw
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!!...
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
✪ Ролик Евы - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNjcOtq_Aw
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
wn.com/Первые Шаги В Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
✪ Ролик Евы - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNjcOtq_Aw
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 70494
Мистическая коробка в Stranded Deep ! [ALPHA 0.01]
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com...
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
wn.com/Мистическая Коробка В Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01
✪ Поддержи канал, купи игру - http://plaaay.ru (Купон на 5% скидку - POMIDORKA-DSM)
▼ !!! РАЗВЕРНИ !!! ▼
Нас можно найти на:
✪ Портал PZR - http://pomzr.com
✪ Группа ВК - http://vk.com/pomodorka_zr
✪ Cервер Minecraft - http://minepzr.ru
✪ Магазин аксессуаров - http://shop.pomzr.com
My Game Setup:
➳ ПК:
✔ Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu @ 3.40 Ghz 3.90
✔ Установленная память (ОЗУ): 32,0 Gb
✔ Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 980
✔ Жесткий диск: 2 по 2 Tb
➳ Периферия:
✔ Микрофон: Blue Yeti - USB
✔ Поп-фильтр: NADY MPF-6
✔ Микшерный пульт: BEHRINGER XENYX 802
✔ Наушники: Sennheiser HMD 280 PRO
✔ Веб-камера: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
✔ Клавиатура: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
✔ Мышь: V-Track A4Tech F4
✔ Геймпад: Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller (черный)
✔ Руль: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
✔ Карта захвата: Live Gamer HD / ExtremeCap U3
✔ Мобильный телефон: Samsung Galaxy Duos
✔ Мониторы: 1(L) - Samsung SyncMaster S23B370 / 2 (R) - Samsung SyncMaster SA350
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 41464
脱出率0.01%!?ジグソウの仕掛ける恐怖の罠 SAW実況プレイpart3
wn.com/脱出率0.01 !?ジグソウの仕掛ける恐怖の罠 Saw実況プレイPart3
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 272203
The Forest (0.01b) PC Gameplay Part 1 - Mutants Meet Molly
Remember to like, comment and subscribe! Playlists are linked down below.
◆ Total War Playlists: http://bit.ly/1Lm5EFL
◆ Mount and Blade Playlists: http://bit.l...
Remember to like, comment and subscribe! Playlists are linked down below.
◆ Total War Playlists: http://bit.ly/1Lm5EFL
◆ Mount and Blade Playlists: http://bit.ly/1FtI41F
◆ RPG Game Playlists: http://bit.ly/1LaIiBW
◆ Grand Strategy and RTS Game Playlists: http://bit.ly/1d8rn5d
◆ Subscribe to my RTS channel! ► http://bit.ly/1Ah9bkM
◆ Subscribe to my RPG channel! ► http://bit.ly/1Ah9bkM
◆ Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/1sOQj5N
◆ Twitter ► http://bit.ly/1hsbia7
◆ Heph makes my amazing thumbnails, check out his channel:
► http://bit.ly/1J1QwuP
wn.com/The Forest (0.01B) Pc Gameplay Part 1 Mutants Meet Molly
Remember to like, comment and subscribe! Playlists are linked down below.
◆ Total War Playlists: http://bit.ly/1Lm5EFL
◆ Mount and Blade Playlists: http://bit.ly/1FtI41F
◆ RPG Game Playlists: http://bit.ly/1LaIiBW
◆ Grand Strategy and RTS Game Playlists: http://bit.ly/1d8rn5d
◆ Subscribe to my RTS channel! ► http://bit.ly/1Ah9bkM
◆ Subscribe to my RPG channel! ► http://bit.ly/1Ah9bkM
◆ Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/1sOQj5N
◆ Twitter ► http://bit.ly/1hsbia7
◆ Heph makes my amazing thumbnails, check out his channel:
► http://bit.ly/1J1QwuP
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 26910
► The Forest - Raj na Zemi! | #1 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► Druhá časť http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
1. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Ga...
► Druhá časť http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
1. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť, no ten ostrov až tak opustený nie je! V tejto časti si ukážeme moje prvé dojmy z tejto z hry,
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
The Forest Raj na Zemi!
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
wn.com/► The Forest Raj Na Zemi | 1 | 1080P | Alpha 0.01 | Pc Gameplay
► Druhá časť http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
1. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť, no ten ostrov až tak opustený nie je! V tejto časti si ukážeme moje prvé dojmy z tejto z hry,
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
The Forest Raj na Zemi!
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 202642
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-1) -Part 1- "The Forest Meets Salt"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. C...
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
wn.com/Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay Let's Play (S 1) Part 1 The Forest Meets Salt
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 40459
Online Poker Strategy for Beginners - Blaze €0.01/0.02
PokerVIP Coach Jon playing a session of Blaze poker on StanJames and walking you through his basic cash game strategy.
Join http://www.pokervip.com for more fre...
PokerVIP Coach Jon playing a session of Blaze poker on StanJames and walking you through his basic cash game strategy.
Join http://www.pokervip.com for more free strategy content, and join a huge community of aspiring poker players!
Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/iPokerVIP) and follow us on Twitter @PokerVIP (https://twitter.com/pokervip) to keep track of all the new videos and offers the moment they go live
wn.com/Online Poker Strategy For Beginners Blaze €0.01 0.02
PokerVIP Coach Jon playing a session of Blaze poker on StanJames and walking you through his basic cash game strategy.
Join http://www.pokervip.com for more free strategy content, and join a huge community of aspiring poker players!
Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/iPokerVIP) and follow us on Twitter @PokerVIP (https://twitter.com/pokervip) to keep track of all the new videos and offers the moment they go live
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 1133
► The Forest - Posadnutosť tenisom?! | #3 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄|► #4 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_4 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
3. časť gameplay na hru The F...
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄|► #4 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_4 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
3. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti pozývam celý Mastič Klub na prechádzku po romantických piesočnatých plážach nášho čarokrásneho ostrova.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
Intro vyrobené v spolupráci s Honzim, je to VFX pán!
Použitá hudba v intre:
Day of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The Forest Posadnutosť tenisom
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
wn.com/► The Forest Posadnutosť Tenisom | 3 | 1080P | Alpha 0.01 | Pc Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_2 #2 ◄|► #4 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_4 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
3. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti pozývam celý Mastič Klub na prechádzku po romantických piesočnatých plážach nášho čarokrásneho ostrova.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
Intro vyrobené v spolupráci s Honzim, je to VFX pán!
Použitá hudba v intre:
Day of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The Forest Posadnutosť tenisom
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 68164
THE FOREST v.0.01b | Gameplay et découverte de ce jeu ALPHA
Alors dans ce petit Walkthrough je découvre le jeu avec vous! ce jeu a beaucoup de potentielles, mais est remplie de glitch! ça amène quelque moment cocasse! je...
Alors dans ce petit Walkthrough je découvre le jeu avec vous! ce jeu a beaucoup de potentielles, mais est remplie de glitch! ça amène quelque moment cocasse! je vous laisse les découvrir.
Jeu ici ••► http://survivetheforest.com/
••► SiteWebOfficiel:http://www.steelorse.com/
••► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7steelorse
••► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/steelorse
••► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steelorse
••►Abonnez-vous! : goo.gl/uBzAJF
Configuration de mon PC
Processeur: I7 3770 3.40 GHZ
Ram : 8 GB
Carte vidéo : GTX 770 3 GB
The forest Walkthrough
The forest essais
The forest test
The forest playthrough
The forest vf
The forest francais
The forest Québec
Survive The forest
wn.com/The Forest V.0.01B | Gameplay Et Découverte De Ce Jeu Alpha
Alors dans ce petit Walkthrough je découvre le jeu avec vous! ce jeu a beaucoup de potentielles, mais est remplie de glitch! ça amène quelque moment cocasse! je vous laisse les découvrir.
Jeu ici ••► http://survivetheforest.com/
••► SiteWebOfficiel:http://www.steelorse.com/
••► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7steelorse
••► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/steelorse
••► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steelorse
••►Abonnez-vous! : goo.gl/uBzAJF
Configuration de mon PC
Processeur: I7 3770 3.40 GHZ
Ram : 8 GB
Carte vidéo : GTX 770 3 GB
The forest Walkthrough
The forest essais
The forest test
The forest playthrough
The forest vf
The forest francais
The forest Québec
Survive The forest
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 1076
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-2) -Part 2- "Boat Motor Parts"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. C...
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
wn.com/Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay Let's Play (S 2) Part 2 Boat Motor Parts
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 3488
[다큐클래식] 0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재 / Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
[다큐 클래식]
0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재.
Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
Copyright by DramaHouse & JcontentHub Co., Ltd. All Rights ...
[다큐 클래식]
0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재.
Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
Copyright by DramaHouse & JcontentHub Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
wn.com/다큐클래식 0.01 의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회 한국의 미래, 과학영재 Genius, Science 1 The Future Of Korea, Science Gifted
[다큐 클래식]
0.01%의 꿈, 과학영재의 조건 1회-한국의 미래, 과학영재.
Genius, Science#1-The future of Korea, Science Gifted
Copyright by DramaHouse & JcontentHub Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 28 May 2014
- views: 9493
WarCraft - Добро против Зла 0.01
Группа карты: http://vk.com/confrontation_wc3
Твич: http://www.twitch.tv/limas94
Мой ник в Гарене: Limas94
Группа карты: http://vk.com/confrontation_wc3
Твич: http://www.twitch.tv/limas94
Мой ник в Гарене: Limas94
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/limas_m
Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/novostibloga
Стим: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060109257/
wn.com/Warcraft Добро Против Зла 0.01
Группа карты: http://vk.com/confrontation_wc3
Твич: http://www.twitch.tv/limas94
Мой ник в Гарене: Limas94
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/limas_m
Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/novostibloga
Стим: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060109257/
- published: 01 Jul 2015
- views: 3290
[CABIN BUILDING] The Forest 0.01 #3
The game is EARLY alpha but if you'd like to give it a shot and play it yourself http://store.steampowered.com/app/242760/
The game is EARLY alpha but if you'd like to give it a shot and play it yourself http://store.steampowered.com/app/242760/
Kevin ► https://www.youtube.com/user/GoldenBlackHawk
Tshirts ►http://www.Sp00nerism.spreadshirt.com
UK tshirts ► http://www.sp00nerism.spreadshirt.net
My Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/mamasp00n
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/sp00nerism
wn.com/Cabin Building The Forest 0.01 3
The game is EARLY alpha but if you'd like to give it a shot and play it yourself http://store.steampowered.com/app/242760/
Kevin ► https://www.youtube.com/user/GoldenBlackHawk
Tshirts ►http://www.Sp00nerism.spreadshirt.com
UK tshirts ► http://www.sp00nerism.spreadshirt.net
My Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/mamasp00n
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/sp00nerism
- published: 01 Jun 2014
- views: 22254
【スーパーマリオメーカー】クリア率0.01%の鬼畜コースにクリアした総集編 part1【Super Mario Maker】
動画生放送コミュニティ co2974754
スーパーマリオメーカー マリオメーカー Super Mario Maker 鬼畜コース 鬼畜ステージ 全自動マリオ...
動画生放送コミュニティ co2974754
スーパーマリオメーカー マリオメーカー Super Mario Maker 鬼畜コース 鬼畜ステージ 全自動マリオ
wn.com/【スーパーマリオメーカー】クリア率0.01 の鬼畜コースにクリアした総集編 Part1【Super Mario Maker】
動画生放送コミュニティ co2974754
スーパーマリオメーカー マリオメーカー Super Mario Maker 鬼畜コース 鬼畜ステージ 全自動マリオ
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 3833
► The Forest - Krásy ostrova | #4 | 1080p | Alpha 0.01 | PC Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_3 #3 ◄|► #5 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_5 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
4. časť gameplay na hru The F...
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_3 #3 ◄|► #5 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_5 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
4. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti sa prejdeme po druhej časti ostrova a spoznáme tak všetky jeho krásy.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
Intro vyrobené v spolupráci s Honzim, je to VFX pán!
Použitá hudba v intre:
Day of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The Forest Krásy ostrova
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
wn.com/► The Forest Krásy Ostrova | 4 | 1080P | Alpha 0.01 | Pc Gameplay
► http://bit.ly/TF_Part_3 #3 ◄|► #5 http://bit.ly/TF_Part_5 ◄
► Mastič Klub: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk | http://bit.ly/ZdochliakkFB
4. časť gameplay na hru The Forest od Endnight Games, v ktorej sa ako jeden z preživších na opustenom ostrove snažíme prežiť. V tejto časti sa prejdeme po druhej časti ostrova a spoznáme tak všetky jeho krásy.
► Tričká Akcia/Výpredaj: http://vidadushop.net/
Ak sa video páči som vďačný za každý like, či koment.
Pre viac videí navštívte môj kanál: http://YouTube.com/Zdochliakk
The Forest Playlist: http://bit.ly/The_Forest
Web: http://Zdochliakk.sk
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Zdochliakk
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Zdochliakk
Google+: http://bit.ly/Zdochliakk_Google_Plus
Intro vyrobené v spolupráci s Honzim, je to VFX pán!
Použitá hudba v intre:
Day of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The Forest Krásy ostrova
The Forest Slovenský Komentár
The Forest Slovenský / Český Let's Play
The Forest Slovenský / Český Gameplay
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 61332
Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay / Let's Play (S-1) -Part 3- "Food Storage"
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. C...
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
wn.com/Stranded Deep Alpha 0.01 Gameplay Let's Play (S 1) Part 3 Food Storage
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Ⓚ Watch more Stranded Deep gameplay here in my playlist:
• Season 1 : http://goo.gl/alxHSL
Ⓚ Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:
• 7 Days to Die: http://goo.gl/g4K6P3
• Space Engineers: http://goo.gl/HuDJp1
• The Forest: http://goo.gl/dz3ZBN
• This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
Ⓚ Feel like Subscribing?: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kage848
Ⓚ Social Media
• Follow my Stream for live gameplay of games like Creativerse, 7 Days to Die, Space Engineers, Project Zomboid, and many others. Check the schedule while you’re there: http://www.twitch.tv/Kage_848
• Like my Kage848 Facebook page here:: http://www.facebook.com/Kage848?ref=hl
• Follow me on Twitter for up to date info about my current/upcoming gameplay / lets play video’s and my upcoming streams: https://twitter.com/#!/Kage848
Stranded Deep Key Game Features:
• Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes. No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
• Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
• Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
• Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
• Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
• Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Stranded Deep Development Roadmap
• Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
• Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
• Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
• Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
• Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
There are tons of great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:
The Stranded Deep subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2p27ne/stranded_deep_new_realistic_island_survival_game/
The Stranded Deep wiki: http://stranded-deep.wikia.com/wiki/Stranded_Deep_Wiki
You can download Stranded Deep from one of the following official websites.
Download Stranded Deep from the Steam store here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Is Stranded Deep a good game? Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/313120/
Stranded Deep Trailer can be found here: http://beamteamgames.com/stranded-deep/
♪ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 18853