Every picture tells a story

whatcom fallsWelcome to Noisy Waters Northwest! Many facts, figures, stories, and perspectives are, sadly, often unheralded in our local media in Whatcom County, Washington.  Click on the title of items on our picturesque story board for a refreshing splash of information that won’t be held back. If you prefer a list format click on the All Info Lists, here or the tab listed under Menu or next to our header. There is a search field on the list pages to search all information on this blog site. All posts note their categories of commentary or news related content. Continue reading

The Sheriff consistently shifts the blame / Facebook comment, Joy Gilfilen

my post of elfo northern light

Yesterday at 7:28pm  January 5, 2016  Joy Gilfilen

(Note: the following is a comment Joy posted on the post above in the Bellingham Racial Justice Coalition Facebook group.)

The problem is that most of this is political lobbying and half-truths. The Sheriff consistently shifts the blame of mismanagement to others, and the guilt of overcrowding to the state or to his powerlessness to change anything. Continue reading

County Council Agenda for Tuesday Has Important Items for Review / Facebook post, Whatcom Hawk, Wendy Harris

feb 9 council agenda

23 hrs  February 4, 2016  Wendy Harris

Look at the bottom of the agenda to review the introduction items, and you will see a “Resolution adopting a Statement of Incarceration Prevention, Criminal Justice, and Jail Planning Principles for Whatcom County’s criminal justice and behavioral health systems (AB2016-072).” Any comments on that will need to be made at open session in the evening. Continue reading