Curia Julia (Latin: Curia Iulia, Italian: Curia Iulia) is the third named Curia, or Senate House, in the ancient city of Rome. It was built in 44 BC when Julius Caesar replaced Faustus Cornelius Sulla’s reconstructed Curia Cornelia, which itself had replaced the Curia Hostilia. Caesar did this in order to redesign both spaces within the Comitium and Forum Romanum. The alterations within the Comitium reduced the prominence of the senate and cleared the original space. The work, however, was interrupted by Caesar's assassination at the Theatre of Pompey where the Senate had been meeting temporarily while the work was completed. The project was eventually finished by Caesar’s successor Augustus in 29 BC.
The Curia Julia is one of only a handful of Roman structures to survive to the modern day intact, due to its conversion into the basilica of Sant'Adriano al Foro in the seventh century and later restoration.
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and completed by Augustus in 29 BC, rises in the northwest
corner of the Roman Forum. This new building, the meeting place for
the Senate, replaced the old curia built by King Tullus Hostilius, on
the slopes of the Capitol overlooking the Comitium.
Presso l’angolo nord-occidentale del Foro Romano sorge la Curia Iulia,votata da Cesare negli ultimi anni della sua vita e terminata da
Augusto nel 29 a.C. Questo nuovo edificio, sede delle riunioni del
Senato, viene a sostituire la vecchia curia realizzata dal re Tullo
Ostilio, sulla pendice del Campidogli
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Recreación infográfica de la Curia Julia, Roma. 3d virtual reconstruction of the roman, Curia Julia.
Curia Julia Video
Curia Julia Video
Curia Julia Video
Voiced by: Hadley, Ema, and Kathryn.
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia and the Secretarium Senatus auf D E U T S C H Zu sehen ist die Curia Iulia auf der östlichen Seite, das Secretarium Senatus auf der westlichen Se...
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.;=hd1080 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM JUSSU EDITUM A BENEDICTO XIV ET LEONE XIII REC...
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
By Charlie Evans Elliot Foley.
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
This video has been picturised against the festival of Karva Chauth - Choreographed by Farah Khan, the entire cast of the film features in this video - Karee...
Curia Minecraft Project
Curia Minecraft Project
Curia Minecraft Project
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails, an awesome fountain, and Yog Sothothian creatures looming about. ...
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.
It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome,
Vittoria di Kassel
Vittoria di Kassel
Vittoria di Kassel
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica riproduzione esistente della statua della Vittoria presa da Ottaviano a ...
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "architectural wasteland" due to the rapid change of emperors, continu...
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i built a huge part of the ancient Rome : The Imperial Fora, The Roman...
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block = 1 Meter ) Breite: 79m Länge: 161m An drei Seiten ist das Forum mi...
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and completed by Augustus in 29 BC, rises in the northwest
corner of the Roman Forum. This new building, the meeting place for
the Senate, replaced the old curia built by King Tullus Hostilius, on
the slopes of the Capitol overlooking the Comitium.
Presso l’angolo nord-occidentale del Foro Romano sorge la Curia Iulia,votata da Cesare negli ultimi anni della sua vita e terminata da
Augusto nel 29 a.C. Questo nuovo edificio, sede delle riunioni del
Senato, viene a sostituire la vecchia curia realizzata dal re Tullo
Ostilio, sulla pendice del Campidogli
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Recreación infográfica de la Curia Julia, Roma. 3d virtual reconstruction of the roman, Curia Julia.
Curia Julia Video
Curia Julia Video
Curia Julia Video
Voiced by: Hadley, Ema, and Kathryn.
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia in Minecraft - 07012012
Curia Iulia and the Secretarium Senatus auf D E U T S C H Zu sehen ist die Curia Iulia auf der östlichen Seite, das Secretarium Senatus auf der westlichen Se...
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.;=hd1080 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM JUSSU EDITUM A BENEDICTO XIV ET LEONE XIII REC...
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
Curia Julia-Aedificia Romana Fori
By Charlie Evans Elliot Foley.
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
K3G - Bole Chudiyan Video | Amitabh, Shah Rukh, Kareena, Hrithik
This video has been picturised against the festival of Karva Chauth - Choreographed by Farah Khan, the entire cast of the film features in this video - Karee...
Curia Minecraft Project
Curia Minecraft Project
Curia Minecraft Project
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails, an awesome fountain, and Yog Sothothian creatures looming about. ...
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.
It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome,
Vittoria di Kassel
Vittoria di Kassel
Vittoria di Kassel
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica riproduzione esistente della statua della Vittoria presa da Ottaviano a ...
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "architectural wasteland" due to the rapid change of emperors, continu...
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i built a huge part of the ancient Rome : The Imperial Fora, The Roman...
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block = 1 Meter ) Breite: 79m Länge: 161m An drei Seiten ist das Forum mi...
Bole Chudiyan "Lédja Lédja" Du Film La Famille Indienne By SohTiteuf
Bole Chudiyan "Lédja Lédja" Du Film La Famille Indienne By SohTiteuf
Bole Chudiyan "Lédja Lédja" Du Film La Famille Indienne By SohTiteuf
Extrait Du Film La Famille Indienne "La Danse Lédja Lédja" Bole chudiyan.
3d Curia
3d Curia
3d Curia
Bole Chudiyan -- Hindi song -- Indian music by Bharati
Bole Chudiyan -- Hindi song -- Indian music by Bharati
Bole Chudiyan -- Hindi song -- Indian music by Bharati
Bole Chudiyan - le jaa le jaa (І в горі і в радості). Індійська пісня з індійського фільму "Деколи щастя, деколи смуток" (2001). Виконує "Бараті". Hindi song...
Roman Art - 3 Forums and Domus Aurea
Roman Art - 3 Forums and Domus Aurea
Roman Art - 3 Forums and Domus Aurea
Third video about the Roman Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog:
Land of the Art in facebook:
At the end of the VIII century before Christ, the Italian peninsula was inhabited by different peoples. The Sabines and Latins founded Rome in 753 before Christ. There were three stages. The Monarchy, ruled by etruscan kings over all; the Republic, in which the Romans made numerous colonizations and conquests, defeating in the called Punic Wars to important armies as the Carthaginians; and the Empire, starting with Augustus, that due the impossibi
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 1
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 1
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 1 presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de...
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 3
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 3
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 3 presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de...
Roman Forum, Ancient Rome Italy
Roman Forum, Ancient Rome Italy
Roman Forum, Ancient Rome Italy
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government b...
Roman Forum, the Centre of Ancient Roman Public Life
Roman Forum, the Centre of Ancient Roman Public Life
Roman Forum, the Centre of Ancient Roman Public Life
The Roman Forum is a rectangular forum surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens ...
El Forum Romanum era el auténtico centro urbano de Roma. En él se desarrollaban los aspectos más importantes, tanto sociales y comerciales, como políticos y religiosos. Su vía principal recibe el nombre de Vía Sacra y recorre el foro desde el Coliseo de este a oeste, atravesando dos grandes arcos, el de Tito y el de Septimio Severo.
A pesar del abandono y los saqueos, las excavaciones han podido ir dejando al descubierto importantes restos que hoy pueden admirarse como mudos testigos de una época milenaria y el esplendor inigualable que llegó a tener Roma. Algunos de los edificios más importantes que se hallaban en el foro eran los de tipo re
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and completed by Augustus in 29 BC, rises in the northwest
corner of the Roman Forum. This new building, the meeting place for
the Senate, replaced the old curia built by King Tullus Hostilius, on
the slopes of the Capitol overlooking the Comitium.
Presso l’angolo nord-occidentale del Foro Romano sorge la Curia Iulia,votata da Cesare negli ultimi anni della sua vita e terminata da
Augusto nel 29 a.C. Questo nuovo edificio, sede delle riunioni del
Senato, viene a sostituire la vecchia curia realizzata dal re Tullo
Ostilio, sulla pendice del Campidoglio sovrastante il Comizio.
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and completed by Augustus in 29 BC, rises in the northwest
corner of the Roman Forum. This new building, the meeting place for
the Senate, replaced the old curia built by King Tullus Hostilius, on
the slopes of the Capitol overlooking the Comitium.
Presso l’angolo nord-occidentale del Foro Romano sorge la Curia Iulia,votata da Cesare negli ultimi anni della sua vita e terminata da
Augusto nel 29 a.C. Questo nuovo edificio, sede delle riunioni del
Senato, viene a sostituire la vecchia curia realizzata dal re Tullo
Ostilio, sulla pendice del Campidoglio sovrastante il Comizio.
Curia Iulia and the Secretarium Senatus auf D E U T S C H Zu sehen ist die Curia Iulia auf der östlichen Seite, das Secretarium Senatus auf der westlichen Se...
Curia Iulia and the Secretarium Senatus auf D E U T S C H Zu sehen ist die Curia Iulia auf der östlichen Seite, das Secretarium Senatus auf der westlichen Se...;=hd1080 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM JUSSU EDITUM A BENEDICTO XIV ET LEONE XIII REC...;=hd1080 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM JUSSU EDITUM A BENEDICTO XIV ET LEONE XIII REC...
This video has been picturised against the festival of Karva Chauth - Choreographed by Farah Khan, the entire cast of the film features in this video - Karee...
This video has been picturised against the festival of Karva Chauth - Choreographed by Farah Khan, the entire cast of the film features in this video - Karee...
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails, an awesome fountain, and Yog Sothothian creatures looming about. ...
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails, an awesome fountain, and Yog Sothothian creatures looming about. ...
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.
It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome, it has been called the most celebrated meeting place in the world, and in all history. Located in the small valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum today is a sprawling ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations attracting 4.5 million sightseers yearly.Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman kingdom's earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia (8th century BC), and the Temple of Vesta (7th century BC), as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.
Other archaic shrines to the northwest, such as the Umbilicus Urbis and the Vulcanal (Shrine of Vulcan), developed into the Republic's formal Comitium (assembly area). This is where the Senate—as well as Republican government itself—began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.
Over time the archaic Comitium was replaced by the larger adjacent Forum and the focus of judicial activity moved to the new Basilica Aemilia (179 BC). Some 130 years later, Julius Caesar built the Basilica Julia, along with the new Curia Julia, refocusing both the judicial offices and the Senate itself. This new Forum, in what proved to be its final form, then served as a revitalized city square where the people of Rome could gather for commercial, political, judicial and religious pursuits in ever greater numbers.
Eventually much economic and judicial business would transfer away from the Forum Romanum to the larger and more extravagant structures (Trajan's Forum and the Basilica Ulpia) to the north. The reign of Constantine the Great, during which the Empire was divided into its Eastern and Western halves, saw the construction of the last major expansion of the Forum complex—the Basilica of Maxentius (312 AD). This returned the political center to the Forum until the fall of the Western Roman Empire almost two centuries later.Wikipedia
Structures:Tabularium, Gemonian stairs, Temple of Saturn, Temple of Vespasian and Titus, Arch of Septimius Severus, Curia Julia, Rostra, Basilica Aemilia, Forum Main Square, Basilica Iulia, Temple of Caesar, Regia, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Temple of Vesta
Imperial comitium: Curia Julia, Rostra Augusti, Umbilicus Urbi, Milliarium Aureum, Lapis Niger, Basilica of Maxentius
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.
It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome, it has been called the most celebrated meeting place in the world, and in all history. Located in the small valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum today is a sprawling ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations attracting 4.5 million sightseers yearly.Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman kingdom's earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia (8th century BC), and the Temple of Vesta (7th century BC), as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.
Other archaic shrines to the northwest, such as the Umbilicus Urbis and the Vulcanal (Shrine of Vulcan), developed into the Republic's formal Comitium (assembly area). This is where the Senate—as well as Republican government itself—began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.
Over time the archaic Comitium was replaced by the larger adjacent Forum and the focus of judicial activity moved to the new Basilica Aemilia (179 BC). Some 130 years later, Julius Caesar built the Basilica Julia, along with the new Curia Julia, refocusing both the judicial offices and the Senate itself. This new Forum, in what proved to be its final form, then served as a revitalized city square where the people of Rome could gather for commercial, political, judicial and religious pursuits in ever greater numbers.
Eventually much economic and judicial business would transfer away from the Forum Romanum to the larger and more extravagant structures (Trajan's Forum and the Basilica Ulpia) to the north. The reign of Constantine the Great, during which the Empire was divided into its Eastern and Western halves, saw the construction of the last major expansion of the Forum complex—the Basilica of Maxentius (312 AD). This returned the political center to the Forum until the fall of the Western Roman Empire almost two centuries later.Wikipedia
Structures:Tabularium, Gemonian stairs, Temple of Saturn, Temple of Vespasian and Titus, Arch of Septimius Severus, Curia Julia, Rostra, Basilica Aemilia, Forum Main Square, Basilica Iulia, Temple of Caesar, Regia, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Temple of Vesta
Imperial comitium: Curia Julia, Rostra Augusti, Umbilicus Urbi, Milliarium Aureum, Lapis Niger, Basilica of Maxentius
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica riproduzione esistente della statua della Vittoria presa da Ottaviano a ...
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica riproduzione esistente della statua della Vittoria presa da Ottaviano a ...
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "architectural wasteland" due to the rapid change of emperors, continu...
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "architectural wasteland" due to the rapid change of emperors, continu...
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i built a huge part of the ancient Rome : The Imperial Fora, The Roman...
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i built a huge part of the ancient Rome : The Imperial Fora, The Roman...
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block = 1 Meter ) Breite: 79m Länge: 161m An drei Seiten ist das Forum mi...
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block = 1 Meter ) Breite: 79m Länge: 161m An drei Seiten ist das Forum mi...
Bole Chudiyan - le jaa le jaa (І в горі і в радості). Індійська пісня з індійського фільму "Деколи щастя, деколи смуток" (2001). Виконує "Бараті". Hindi song...
Bole Chudiyan - le jaa le jaa (І в горі і в радості). Індійська пісня з індійського фільму "Деколи щастя, деколи смуток" (2001). Виконує "Бараті". Hindi song...
Third video about the Roman Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog:
Land of the Art in facebook:
At the end of the VIII century before Christ, the Italian peninsula was inhabited by different peoples. The Sabines and Latins founded Rome in 753 before Christ. There were three stages. The Monarchy, ruled by etruscan kings over all; the Republic, in which the Romans made numerous colonizations and conquests, defeating in the called Punic Wars to important armies as the Carthaginians; and the Empire, starting with Augustus, that due the impossibility of governing as magnum territory, it is chosen to establish a new political system, headed by an emperor, with the territory divided into provinces.
Republican Forum (Rome): the Roman Forum was the hub of political, economic, religious and social life of ancient Rome. It became not only the center of Rome, but all the Empire. Read the description here to know the buildings.
Cloaca Maxima: since it was a marshy place where it was built, they constructed the Cloaca Maxima to canalize the water. First three images.
Regia: oldest seat of political activity in the city, of which there are only traces by changes in time of Caesar and Augustus. Next two images.
Lapis Niger: old Vulcanus sanctuary symbolizing the place where Romulus died. Next two images.
Curia Iulia: or Curia Julia, named by Julius Caesar, the Senate seat. Next four images.
Basilica Fulvia-Aemilia: provided to those attending the Forum a covered place, which is perfect for the winter season to accomodate a large part of the functions usually carried out outdoors, especially those related to the administration of justice and business. There were shops or tabernae. Next two images.
Temple of Vesta (Rome): a circular temple (like the tholos), and it is dedicated to Hestia (Vesta). Next four images.
Imperial Forums: the emperors built personal forums to show their power, and too because the old Forum was small for the Empire. Read the descriptions of the next imperial forums to understand all the images.
Forum of Caesar: its ubication with the most important buildings is because a ideologic function. It has the temple of Venus Genetrix, supposed ancestor of the Julii. It was build as a oath for the victory that Julius Caesar had against Pompey in the civil war, before the Battle of Pharsalus.
Forum of Augustus: was erected to house both a temple to Mars as to provide space for legal proceedings, since the Roman Forum was already saturated. About the Temple of Mars Ultor, the militaries celebrated there ceremonies, and the ceremony of the toga virilis was done there too. The Senate was there when they had to argue about war. It had back a firewall, because the town back was always on fire. The forum was full of statues about Augustus and the ancestors, the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Forum of Trajan: the biggest forum of all. Has the arcaded square, the Basilica Ulpia, the Trajan's Column and the Temple of Trajan. North of the Basilica Ulpia on either side of the Forum were two libraries, one containing the documents in Latin and the other documents in Greek. Between the libraries is the Trajan's Column. The Basilica Ulpia is a five naves basilica, very big. It is a very special basilica since you don't enter by the sides, you enter in the long side. It had two apses. About the Column, the reliefs are about the victory of Trajan against the dacians. Very interesting since here you can see the military techniques of the roman army. The tomb of Trajan and his wife is in the basement.
Domus Aurea: was a large landscaped portico villa built by the Emperor Nero in the heart of ancient Rome, after the great fire in 64 AD. The Golden House was designed as a place of entertainment, as shown by the presence of 300 rooms without any sleeping quarter. The architects designed two of the principal dining rooms to flank an octagonal court, surmounted by a dome with a giant central oculus to let in light. There was a mobile dining room to simulate the movement of the Earth. There was a stuatue about a Colossus, that could be Nero of the sun god Helios. It have the name to the Colosseum, built here after the Damnatio Memoriae that this building suffered after Nero's death.
Hadrian's Villa: Hadrian's Villa was a complex of over 30 buildings. The villa was the greatest Roman example of an Alexandrian garden, recreating a sacred landscape. The complex included palaces, several thermae, theatre, temples, libraries, state rooms, and quarters for courtiers, praetorians, and slaves. The villa shows echoes of many different architectural orders, mostly Greek and Egyptian.
Music by Age of Mythology
-Chocolate Outline
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
Third video about the Roman Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog:
Land of the Art in facebook:
At the end of the VIII century before Christ, the Italian peninsula was inhabited by different peoples. The Sabines and Latins founded Rome in 753 before Christ. There were three stages. The Monarchy, ruled by etruscan kings over all; the Republic, in which the Romans made numerous colonizations and conquests, defeating in the called Punic Wars to important armies as the Carthaginians; and the Empire, starting with Augustus, that due the impossibility of governing as magnum territory, it is chosen to establish a new political system, headed by an emperor, with the territory divided into provinces.
Republican Forum (Rome): the Roman Forum was the hub of political, economic, religious and social life of ancient Rome. It became not only the center of Rome, but all the Empire. Read the description here to know the buildings.
Cloaca Maxima: since it was a marshy place where it was built, they constructed the Cloaca Maxima to canalize the water. First three images.
Regia: oldest seat of political activity in the city, of which there are only traces by changes in time of Caesar and Augustus. Next two images.
Lapis Niger: old Vulcanus sanctuary symbolizing the place where Romulus died. Next two images.
Curia Iulia: or Curia Julia, named by Julius Caesar, the Senate seat. Next four images.
Basilica Fulvia-Aemilia: provided to those attending the Forum a covered place, which is perfect for the winter season to accomodate a large part of the functions usually carried out outdoors, especially those related to the administration of justice and business. There were shops or tabernae. Next two images.
Temple of Vesta (Rome): a circular temple (like the tholos), and it is dedicated to Hestia (Vesta). Next four images.
Imperial Forums: the emperors built personal forums to show their power, and too because the old Forum was small for the Empire. Read the descriptions of the next imperial forums to understand all the images.
Forum of Caesar: its ubication with the most important buildings is because a ideologic function. It has the temple of Venus Genetrix, supposed ancestor of the Julii. It was build as a oath for the victory that Julius Caesar had against Pompey in the civil war, before the Battle of Pharsalus.
Forum of Augustus: was erected to house both a temple to Mars as to provide space for legal proceedings, since the Roman Forum was already saturated. About the Temple of Mars Ultor, the militaries celebrated there ceremonies, and the ceremony of the toga virilis was done there too. The Senate was there when they had to argue about war. It had back a firewall, because the town back was always on fire. The forum was full of statues about Augustus and the ancestors, the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Forum of Trajan: the biggest forum of all. Has the arcaded square, the Basilica Ulpia, the Trajan's Column and the Temple of Trajan. North of the Basilica Ulpia on either side of the Forum were two libraries, one containing the documents in Latin and the other documents in Greek. Between the libraries is the Trajan's Column. The Basilica Ulpia is a five naves basilica, very big. It is a very special basilica since you don't enter by the sides, you enter in the long side. It had two apses. About the Column, the reliefs are about the victory of Trajan against the dacians. Very interesting since here you can see the military techniques of the roman army. The tomb of Trajan and his wife is in the basement.
Domus Aurea: was a large landscaped portico villa built by the Emperor Nero in the heart of ancient Rome, after the great fire in 64 AD. The Golden House was designed as a place of entertainment, as shown by the presence of 300 rooms without any sleeping quarter. The architects designed two of the principal dining rooms to flank an octagonal court, surmounted by a dome with a giant central oculus to let in light. There was a mobile dining room to simulate the movement of the Earth. There was a stuatue about a Colossus, that could be Nero of the sun god Helios. It have the name to the Colosseum, built here after the Damnatio Memoriae that this building suffered after Nero's death.
Hadrian's Villa: Hadrian's Villa was a complex of over 30 buildings. The villa was the greatest Roman example of an Alexandrian garden, recreating a sacred landscape. The complex included palaces, several thermae, theatre, temples, libraries, state rooms, and quarters for courtiers, praetorians, and slaves. The villa shows echoes of many different architectural orders, mostly Greek and Egyptian.
Music by Age of Mythology
-Chocolate Outline
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
published:18 Dec 2014
videocorso archeologia e storia dell'arte romana - lez 6 - parte 1 presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de... presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de... presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de... presenta il videocorso di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Romana. Argomenti lezione 6: Il Foro Romano III parte (Lacus Curtius, Tempio de...
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government b...
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government b...
The Roman Forum is a rectangular forum surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens ...
The Roman Forum is a rectangular forum surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens ...
El Forum Romanum era el auténtico centro urbano de Roma. En él se desarrollaban los aspectos más importantes, tanto sociales y comerciales, como políticos y religiosos. Su vía principal recibe el nombre de Vía Sacra y recorre el foro desde el Coliseo de este a oeste, atravesando dos grandes arcos, el de Tito y el de Septimio Severo.
A pesar del abandono y los saqueos, las excavaciones han podido ir dejando al descubierto importantes restos que hoy pueden admirarse como mudos testigos de una época milenaria y el esplendor inigualable que llegó a tener Roma. Algunos de los edificios más importantes que se hallaban en el foro eran los de tipo religioso. Así, pueden verse restos de los templos de Cástor y Polux, Saturno, Vesta (junto a la Casa de las Vestales), Venus, Rómulo, Jano, y el templo de Tito y Vespasiano, elevados a la divinidad por su sucesor Domiciano. También quedan algunos restos del templo del Divino Julio, erigido por su sucesor Augusto y el templo de Antonino y Faustina, mandado crear por el primero a la muerte de su mujer, a la cual divinizó, siendo posteriormente él mismo también divinizado.
Otros edificios cuyos restos pueden verse: Las basílicas Emilia y Julia, donde se impartía justicia y tenían lugar actividades comerciales en invierno. La Rostra, o Tribuna de los magistrados. El Comicio fue derribado prácticamente en su totalidad por Julio Cesar, quien mandó construir la Curia Iulia, la cual a su vez fue transformada en iglesia hacia el siglo VII. El último de los monumentos añadidos al Foro fue la columna del emperador Focas, erigida en el año 608.
El Forum Romanum era el auténtico centro urbano de Roma. En él se desarrollaban los aspectos más importantes, tanto sociales y comerciales, como políticos y religiosos. Su vía principal recibe el nombre de Vía Sacra y recorre el foro desde el Coliseo de este a oeste, atravesando dos grandes arcos, el de Tito y el de Septimio Severo.
A pesar del abandono y los saqueos, las excavaciones han podido ir dejando al descubierto importantes restos que hoy pueden admirarse como mudos testigos de una época milenaria y el esplendor inigualable que llegó a tener Roma. Algunos de los edificios más importantes que se hallaban en el foro eran los de tipo religioso. Así, pueden verse restos de los templos de Cástor y Polux, Saturno, Vesta (junto a la Casa de las Vestales), Venus, Rómulo, Jano, y el templo de Tito y Vespasiano, elevados a la divinidad por su sucesor Domiciano. También quedan algunos restos del templo del Divino Julio, erigido por su sucesor Augusto y el templo de Antonino y Faustina, mandado crear por el primero a la muerte de su mujer, a la cual divinizó, siendo posteriormente él mismo también divinizado.
Otros edificios cuyos restos pueden verse: Las basílicas Emilia y Julia, donde se impartía justicia y tenían lugar actividades comerciales en invierno. La Rostra, o Tribuna de los magistrados. El Comicio fue derribado prácticamente en su totalidad por Julio Cesar, quien mandó construir la Curia Iulia, la cual a su vez fue transformada en iglesia hacia el siglo VII. El último de los monumentos añadidos al Foro fue la columna del emperador Focas, erigida en el año 608.
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD)
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD)
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD)
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD) Colección de Italia: Foro Romano ---- The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a re...
A brand new experience for visiting the Roman Forum! Walk through the most beautiful sites in Rome. The Roman Forum is a must-see, one of the most important ...
Rome (Italy) Travel - Roman Forum
Rome (Italy) Travel - Roman Forum
Rome (Italy) Travel - Roman Forum
Walk through what used to be a political, economic, and social center of Ancient Rome.
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
We have chosen a must list for your Rome trip. While travelling in itailan capital Roman Forum should be at top of your list. Here are 5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
About Rome :
Perennially majestic and irrefutably Italian, Rome is Italy’s crowning glory. Its attractions are too numerous to count. Its two-and-a-half millennia of epic history are inescapable, ubiquitous in the splendid skyline and the proud profiles of modern Romans who blithely mount their Vespas and go about the business of being Roman, which is to say effortlessly stylish, passionate, with a predisposition to pleasure and a seemingly inexhaustible talent for
"A EuroTraveler Guided Tour through the Roman Forum" Eurotraveler's photos around Rome, Italy
"A EuroTraveler Guided Tour through the Roman Forum" Eurotraveler's photos around Rome, Italy
"A EuroTraveler Guided Tour through the Roman Forum" Eurotraveler's photos around Rome, Italy
Preview of Eurotraveler's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Roman Basilica
Roman Basilica
Roman Basilica - Travel to Rome, Italy.
Rome Reborn 1.0 - Roman Forum
Rome Reborn 1.0 - Roman Forum
Rome Reborn 1.0 - Roman Forum
This is a real time video capture of the Rome Reborn 1.0 model, made using OpenSceneGraph, highlighting the area of the Roman Forum. The video is copyright 2...
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Walking Private Tours
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Walking Private Tours
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Walking Private Tours
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Private Tours, a walking Tour with a licensed Private Tour Guide is the best you can do in Rome, 80 euros per hour...
The Basilica Maxentius, Ancient Rome, Italy
The Basilica Maxentius, Ancient Rome, Italy
The Basilica Maxentius, Ancient Rome, Italy
Stop #4 at The Forum in Roma, Italy. A&A;, Passionate Guides For a Calm Visit, March 18,2009 For tour details, email English: Eugene: (0...
The Pantheon (interior)
The Pantheon (interior)
The Pantheon (interior)
Rome, 3 October 2010.
Rome's Colorful Colosseum: new frescoes discovered hint at previously unknown paint job
Rome's Colorful Colosseum: new frescoes discovered hint at previously unknown paint job
Rome's Colorful Colosseum: new frescoes discovered hint at previously unknown paint job
Italian restorers have revealed remains of frescoes covering the inner wall of Rome's iconic Colosseum which indicate that the monument may once have been co...
Walking around the Roman Forum
Walking around the Roman Forum
Walking around the Roman Forum
Walking around the Roman Forum.
Via Sacra in Minecraft 27022012
Via Sacra in Minecraft 27022012
Via Sacra in Minecraft 27022012
Via Sacra auf D E U T S C H ist eine Straße, die im antiken Rom vom Kolosseum zum Kapitol führte. Die Pflasterung besteht aus Tuffsteinplatten. in E N G L I ...
Tivoli, Italy - Hadrian's Villa
Tivoli, Italy - Hadrian's Villa
Tivoli, Italy - Hadrian's Villa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The villa was constructed at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli) as a retreat from Rome for Roman Emperor Hadrian in the early 2n...
Roma HD. Rome in 4 days. Rome en 4 jours. Řím za 4 dny. [cz,en,fr]
Roma HD. Rome in 4 days. Rome en 4 jours. Řím za 4 dny. [cz,en,fr]
Roma HD. Rome in 4 days. Rome en 4 jours. Řím za 4 dny. [cz,en,fr]
[en,fr,cz] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole.
*** Rome is a city and special comune (named "Roma Capitale") in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the homonymous province and of the region of Lazio. With 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. Between 3.2 and 3.8 million people live in the urban area, and
34. Severan Basilica, Leptis Magna
34. Severan Basilica, Leptis Magna
34. Severan Basilica, Leptis Magna
The Severan Basilica at Leptis Magna (North Africa), dedicated in A.D. 216, is one of the best-preserved basilicas in the ancient Roman world. Located adjace...
Taking Racial Abuse Seriously - Crime, Order and Social Control (2/6)
Taking Racial Abuse Seriously - Crime, Order and Social Control (2/6)
Taking Racial Abuse Seriously - Crime, Order and Social Control (2/6)
Free learning from The Open University --- How a new easier-to-prove offence allows the courts to deal more effective...
Minecraft - Rostra 27012012
Minecraft - Rostra 27012012
Minecraft - Rostra 27012012
Rostra auf D E U T S C H Die Rostra benennt ein erhötes Gebilde als Rednerplattform. Sie befindet sich im Westen auf dem Forum Romanum. In diesem Model mit 1...
Xav et Olivier en visite à Rome
Xav et Olivier en visite à Rome
Xav et Olivier en visite à Rome
Rome avec la BM!!
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD)
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD) Colección de Italia: Foro Romano ---- The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a re...
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD) Colección de Italia: Foro Romano ---- The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a re...
A brand new experience for visiting the Roman Forum! Walk through the most beautiful sites in Rome. The Roman Forum is a must-see, one of the most important ...
A brand new experience for visiting the Roman Forum! Walk through the most beautiful sites in Rome. The Roman Forum is a must-see, one of the most important ...
We have chosen a must list for your Rome trip. While travelling in itailan capital Roman Forum should be at top of your list. Here are 5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
About Rome :
Perennially majestic and irrefutably Italian, Rome is Italy’s crowning glory. Its attractions are too numerous to count. Its two-and-a-half millennia of epic history are inescapable, ubiquitous in the splendid skyline and the proud profiles of modern Romans who blithely mount their Vespas and go about the business of being Roman, which is to say effortlessly stylish, passionate, with a predisposition to pleasure and a seemingly inexhaustible talent for making wonderful things to eat, drink, see and do. Romans don’t confuse ‘timeless’ with ‘out of time’, though – many of the Renaissance and Baroque palazzi of eras past hold slick, contemporary shops and galleries that would fit right in on Westbourne Grove or Rivington Street in New York.
Nople Productions covers over 100 destinations around the globe.
For any requirements please contact us via
We have chosen a must list for your Rome trip. While travelling in itailan capital Roman Forum should be at top of your list. Here are 5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
About Rome :
Perennially majestic and irrefutably Italian, Rome is Italy’s crowning glory. Its attractions are too numerous to count. Its two-and-a-half millennia of epic history are inescapable, ubiquitous in the splendid skyline and the proud profiles of modern Romans who blithely mount their Vespas and go about the business of being Roman, which is to say effortlessly stylish, passionate, with a predisposition to pleasure and a seemingly inexhaustible talent for making wonderful things to eat, drink, see and do. Romans don’t confuse ‘timeless’ with ‘out of time’, though – many of the Renaissance and Baroque palazzi of eras past hold slick, contemporary shops and galleries that would fit right in on Westbourne Grove or Rivington Street in New York.
Nople Productions covers over 100 destinations around the globe.
For any requirements please contact us via
published:25 Feb 2015
"A EuroTraveler Guided Tour through the Roman Forum" Eurotraveler's photos around Rome, Italy
Preview of Eurotraveler's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Preview of Eurotraveler's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
This is a real time video capture of the Rome Reborn 1.0 model, made using OpenSceneGraph, highlighting the area of the Roman Forum. The video is copyright 2...
This is a real time video capture of the Rome Reborn 1.0 model, made using OpenSceneGraph, highlighting the area of the Roman Forum. The video is copyright 2...
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Private Tours, a walking Tour with a licensed Private Tour Guide is the best you can do in Rome, 80 euros per hour...
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Private Tours, a walking Tour with a licensed Private Tour Guide is the best you can do in Rome, 80 euros per hour...
Stop #4 at The Forum in Roma, Italy. A&A;, Passionate Guides For a Calm Visit, March 18,2009 For tour details, email English: Eugene: (0...
Stop #4 at The Forum in Roma, Italy. A&A;, Passionate Guides For a Calm Visit, March 18,2009 For tour details, email English: Eugene: (0...
Italian restorers have revealed remains of frescoes covering the inner wall of Rome's iconic Colosseum which indicate that the monument may once have been co...
Italian restorers have revealed remains of frescoes covering the inner wall of Rome's iconic Colosseum which indicate that the monument may once have been co...
Via Sacra auf D E U T S C H ist eine Straße, die im antiken Rom vom Kolosseum zum Kapitol führte. Die Pflasterung besteht aus Tuffsteinplatten. in E N G L I ...
Via Sacra auf D E U T S C H ist eine Straße, die im antiken Rom vom Kolosseum zum Kapitol führte. Die Pflasterung besteht aus Tuffsteinplatten. in E N G L I ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The villa was constructed at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli) as a retreat from Rome for Roman Emperor Hadrian in the early 2n...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The villa was constructed at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli) as a retreat from Rome for Roman Emperor Hadrian in the early 2n...
[en,fr,cz] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole.
*** Rome is a city and special comune (named "Roma Capitale") in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the homonymous province and of the region of Lazio. With 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. Between 3.2 and 3.8 million people live in the urban area, and 4,194,068 in Rome metropolitan area.The city is one of Europe's and the world's most successful city "brands", both in terms of reputation and assets. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
*** Rome est la capitale de l'Italie depuis 1871. Elle se trouve dans la région du Latium, dans le centre du pays. Avec 2 783 300 habitants établis sur 1 285 km² (4 103 250 habitants avec l'agglomération en 2009).Rome est la troisième destination touristique la plus visitée d'Europe derrière Londres et Paris et son centre historique est classé par l'Unesco comme site du patrimoine mondial.
*** Řím se rozkládá na ploše 1285 km2 a leží na sedmi pahorcích -- Aventin, Celio, Esquilin, Kapitol, Palatin, Quirinal a Viminal. Městem protéká řeka Tiber, která ústí do Tyrhenského moře. Počet obyvatel: 4 mil. Podle historických pramenů byl Řím založen v roce 753 př.n.l.. Tento letopočet byl také historiky přijat za tradiční datum založení Říma. První sídla však na pahorcích Kapitol a Palatin vznikla pravděpodobně již v 10. století př.n.l. Později se osady rozšířily i na ostatní pahorky a jejich postupným spojováním začalo vznikat město.
[en,fr,cz] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole.
*** Rome is a city and special comune (named "Roma Capitale") in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the homonymous province and of the region of Lazio. With 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. Between 3.2 and 3.8 million people live in the urban area, and 4,194,068 in Rome metropolitan area.The city is one of Europe's and the world's most successful city "brands", both in terms of reputation and assets. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
*** Rome est la capitale de l'Italie depuis 1871. Elle se trouve dans la région du Latium, dans le centre du pays. Avec 2 783 300 habitants établis sur 1 285 km² (4 103 250 habitants avec l'agglomération en 2009).Rome est la troisième destination touristique la plus visitée d'Europe derrière Londres et Paris et son centre historique est classé par l'Unesco comme site du patrimoine mondial.
*** Řím se rozkládá na ploše 1285 km2 a leží na sedmi pahorcích -- Aventin, Celio, Esquilin, Kapitol, Palatin, Quirinal a Viminal. Městem protéká řeka Tiber, která ústí do Tyrhenského moře. Počet obyvatel: 4 mil. Podle historických pramenů byl Řím založen v roce 753 př.n.l.. Tento letopočet byl také historiky přijat za tradiční datum založení Říma. První sídla však na pahorcích Kapitol a Palatin vznikla pravděpodobně již v 10. století př.n.l. Později se osady rozšířily i na ostatní pahorky a jejich postupným spojováním začalo vznikat město.
The Severan Basilica at Leptis Magna (North Africa), dedicated in A.D. 216, is one of the best-preserved basilicas in the ancient Roman world. Located adjace...
The Severan Basilica at Leptis Magna (North Africa), dedicated in A.D. 216, is one of the best-preserved basilicas in the ancient Roman world. Located adjace...
Free learning from The Open University --- How a new easier-to-prove offence allows the courts to deal more effective...
Free learning from The Open University --- How a new easier-to-prove offence allows the courts to deal more effective...
Rostra auf D E U T S C H Die Rostra benennt ein erhötes Gebilde als Rednerplattform. Sie befindet sich im Westen auf dem Forum Romanum. In diesem Model mit 1...
Rostra auf D E U T S C H Die Rostra benennt ein erhötes Gebilde als Rednerplattform. Sie befindet sich im Westen auf dem Forum Romanum. In diesem Model mit 1...
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and comp...
published:30 Jul 2014
published:30 Jul 2014
The Curia Julia, commissioned by Julius Caesar in the last years of his life and completed by Augustus in 29 BC, rises in the northwest
corner of the Roman Forum. This new building, the meeting place for
the Senate, replaced the old curia built by King Tullus Hostilius, on
the slopes of the Capitol overlooking the Comitium.
Presso l’angolo nord-occidentale del Foro Romano sorge la Curia Iulia,votata da Cesare negli ultimi anni della sua vita e terminata da
Augusto nel 29 a.C. Questo nuovo edificio, sede delle riunioni del
Senato, viene a sostituire la vecchia curia realizzata dal re Tullo
Ostilio, sulla pendice del Campidoglio sovrastante il Comizio.
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Recreación infográfica de la Curia Julia, Roma. 3d virtual reconstruction of the roman, Cu...
published:26 Dec 2008
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
Curia Julia 3D, Roman Forum
published:26 Dec 2008
Recreación infográfica de la Curia Julia, Roma. 3d virtual reconstruction of the roman, Curia Julia.
Curia Iulia and the Secretarium Senatus auf D E U T S C H Zu sehen ist die Curia Iulia auf der östlichen Seite, das Secretarium Senatus auf der westlichen Se...
Porta de Curia Julia translata est in Laterano sub Alexandro VII P.M. 1660 A.D.;=hd1080 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM JUSSU EDITUM A BENEDICTO XIV ET LEONE XIII REC...
This video has been picturised against the festival of Karva Chauth - Choreographed by Farah Khan, the entire cast of the film features in this video - Karee...
Curia Minecraft Project
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails...
The Curia Julia as seen on Minecraft built block by square block. Complete with Mine rails, an awesome fountain, and Yog Sothothian creatures looming about. ...
Bole Chudiyan - Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001) Full Video Song HD 720p
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham [English: Sometimes Happiness, Sometimes Sadness] (2001) Song: Bo...
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangul...
published:11 Oct 2014
Rome-Italy (Roman Forum) Part 8
Rome-Italy (Roman Forum) Part 8
published:11 Oct 2014
Forum Romanum:
The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum.
It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches, criminal trials, and gladiatorial matches; and the nucleus of commercial affairs. Here statues and monuments commemorated the city's great men. The teeming heart of ancient Rome, it has been called the most celebrated meeting place in the world, and in all history. Located in the small valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Forum today is a sprawling ruin of architectural fragments and intermittent archaeological excavations attracting 4.5 million sightseers yearly.Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman kingdom's earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia (8th century BC), and the Temple of Vesta (7th century BC), as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.
Other archaic shrines to the northwest, such as the Umbilicus Urbis and the Vulcanal (Shrine of Vulcan), developed into the Republic's formal Comitium (assembly area). This is where the Senate—as well as Republican government itself—began. The Senate House, government offices, tribunals, temples, memorials and statues gradually cluttered the area.
Over time the archaic Comitium was replaced by the larger adjacent Forum and the focus of judicial activity moved to the new Basilica Aemilia (179 BC). Some 130 years later, Julius Caesar built the Basilica Julia, along with the new Curia Julia, refocusing both the judicial offices and the Senate itself. This new Forum, in what proved to be its final form, then served as a revitalized city square where the people of Rome could gather for commercial, political, judicial and religious pursuits in ever greater numbers.
Eventually much economic and judicial business would transfer away from the Forum Romanum to the larger and more extravagant structures (Trajan's Forum and the Basilica Ulpia) to the north. The reign of Constantine the Great, during which the Empire was divided into its Eastern and Western halves, saw the construction of the last major expansion of the Forum complex—the Basilica of Maxentius (312 AD). This returned the political center to the Forum until the fall of the Western Roman Empire almost two centuries later.Wikipedia
Structures:Tabularium, Gemonian stairs, Temple of Saturn, Temple of Vespasian and Titus, Arch of Septimius Severus, Curia Julia, Rostra, Basilica Aemilia, Forum Main Square, Basilica Iulia, Temple of Caesar, Regia, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Temple of Vesta
Imperial comitium: Curia Julia, Rostra Augusti, Umbilicus Urbi, Milliarium Aureum, Lapis Niger, Basilica of Maxentius
Vittoria di Kassel
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica ripro...
Dopo Duemila anni torna a Fossombrone uno dei capolavori della Roma Antica: l' unica riproduzione esistente della statua della Vittoria presa da Ottaviano a ...
22. Rome Redux: The Tetrarchic Renaissance
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "ar...
Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner characterizes third-century Rome as an "architectural wasteland" due to the rapid change of emperors, continu...
Liquid's Roma minecraft official trailer
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i b...
Ancient Rome in minecraft by Liquid Hi guys, i hope you will enjoy my 2 months work's, i built a huge part of the ancient Rome : The Imperial Fora, The Roman...
Forum Iulium in Minecraft 25022012
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block ...
Forum of Caesar ( also: Forum Iulium ) auf D E U T S C H Abmessungen: ( ein in-game block = 1 Meter ) Breite: 79m Länge: 161m An drei Seiten ist das Forum mi...
Itally Collection: Roman Forum - Ancient Rome (HD) Colección de Italia: Foro Romano ---- The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a re...
1. CONCORDIA, AGRIGENTO 37°17'22.78"N 13°35'31.36"E 2. AQUA ALEXANDRINA, ROME 41°53'27.68"...
A brand new experience for visiting the Roman Forum! Walk through the most beautiful sites in Rome. The Roman Forum is a must-see, one of the most important ...
Rome (Italy) Travel - Roman Forum
Walk through what used to be a political, economic, and social center of Ancient Rome....
Walk through what used to be a political, economic, and social center of Ancient Rome.
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
We have chosen a must list for your Rome trip. While travelling in itailan capital Roman F...
published:25 Feb 2015
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
published:25 Feb 2015
We have chosen a must list for your Rome trip. While travelling in itailan capital Roman Forum should be at top of your list. Here are 5 interesting facts about Roman Forum, Rome
About Rome :
Perennially majestic and irrefutably Italian, Rome is Italy’s crowning glory. Its attractions are too numerous to count. Its two-and-a-half millennia of epic history are inescapable, ubiquitous in the splendid skyline and the proud profiles of modern Romans who blithely mount their Vespas and go about the business of being Roman, which is to say effortlessly stylish, passionate, with a predisposition to pleasure and a seemingly inexhaustible talent for making wonderful things to eat, drink, see and do. Romans don’t confuse ‘timeless’ with ‘out of time’, though – many of the Renaissance and Baroque palazzi of eras past hold slick, contemporary shops and galleries that would fit right in on Westbourne Grove or Rivington Street in New York.
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"A EuroTraveler Guided Tour through the Roman Forum" Eurotraveler's photos around Rome, Italy
Preview of Eurotraveler's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod...
Preview of Eurotraveler's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Roman Basilica - Travel to Rome, Italy....
This is a real time video capture of the Rome Reborn 1.0 model, made using OpenSceneGraph, highlighting the area of the Roman Forum. The video is copyright 2...
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Walking Private Tours
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Private Tours, a walking Tour with a licensed P...
Visit the Roman Forum with Rome Connection Private Tours, a walking Tour with a licensed Private Tour Guide is the best you can do in Rome, 80 euros per hour...
The Basilica Maxentius, Ancient Rome, Italy
Stop #4 at The Forum in Roma, Italy. A&A;, Passionate Guides For a Calm Visit, March 18,200...
Stop #4 at The Forum in Roma, Italy. A&A;, Passionate Guides For a Calm Visit, March 18,2009 For tour details, email English: Eugene: (0...
Italian restorers have revealed remains of frescoes covering the inner wall of Rome's iconic Colosseum which indicate that the monument may once have been co...
Via Sacra auf D E U T S C H ist eine Straße, die im antiken Rom vom Kolosseum zum Kapitol führte. Die Pflasterung besteht aus Tuffsteinplatten. in E N G L I ...
A section of a new glass-bottomed walkway at Yuntai Mountain Geological Park in Henan Province, China, cracked at around 5 p.m. Monday afternoon, causing the tourists on it to understandably freak out. Lee Dong Hai, a tourist who was on the walkway, posted on the social media site Weibo. “I was almost at the end and suddenly I heard a sound. My foot shook a little. I looked down and I saw that there was a crack in the floor." ... 10, 2015... ....
A babysitter who had sex with an 11-year-old boy she was looking after has been defended by the child's father ... The offence took place during one of those occasions. HannahSquire, prosecuting, told the court....
A simple childish spat over a puppy led an 11-year-old boy to shoot and kill his eight-year-old neighbour in the US state of Tennessee, the girl's grieving mother said. Latasha Dyer said her daughter was playing outside when the boy asked to see her puppy. Little McKayla said “no”, and shortly after was shot in the chest ... “He was making fun of her, calling her names, just being mean to her ... “I want her back in my arms, this is not fair ... ....
Observers say UK and US are seeking to water down agreement so that any weapons deployed before talks conclude will be beyond reach of ban. The United Nations has been warned that its protracted negotiations over the future of lethal autonomous weapons – or “killer robots” – are moving too slowly to stop robot wars becoming a reality ... “A lot of money is going into development and people will want a return on their investment,” he said....
A former president of the United Nations general assembly turned the world body into a “platform for profit” by accepting over $1m in bribes and a trip to New Orleans from a billionaire Chinese real estate mogul and other businesspeople to pave the way for lucrative investments, a prosecutor charged on Tuesday ...Related. 70 years and half a trillion dollars later. what has the UN achieved? ... “We will be asking ... He added ... Twitter ... ....
The CuriaJulia was commissioned by Julius Caesar but completed under the rule of the first EmperorOctavian (given the title of Augustus). Meant to replace the original Curia that was burned during riots, the CuriaJulia was the Senate House... Because of renovations throughout history and the frequent repurposing of the building, the CuriaJulia is one of the few buildings that survived with much of the structure still intact ... ....