- published: 21 Feb 2015
- views: 9933
A leaflet in botany is a leaf-like part of a compound leaf. Though it resembles an entire leaf, a leaflet is not borne on a main plant stem or branch, as a leaf is, but rather on a petiole or a branch of the leaf. Compound leaves are common in many plant families and they differ widely in morphology. The two main classes of compound leaf morphology are palmate and pinnate. For example, a hemp plant has palmate compound leaves, whereas some species of Acacia have pinnate leaves.
The ultimate free division (or leaflet) of a compound leaf, or a pinnate subdivision of a multipinnate leaf is called a pinnule or pinnula.
Pinnate leaf of an Acacia with 10 leaflets
Pinnate leaf of an Acacia with 10 leaflets
Mimosa pudica folding leaflets inward.
Mimosa pudica folding leaflets inward.
In this series of tutorials I show you how to set up a Leaflet map from scratch (Parts 1-3), how to create GeoJSON files (Part 4), and how to import and style GeoJSON data over your Leaflet tileset (Part 5) and also style the info windows/pop ups. I also show you how to make interactive buttons to control your GeoJSON layers (Part 6). Timer permitting, a Part 7 may be created where I show you how to style non-point GeoJSON data.
There is a possible issue with Google Chrome. For compatibility it is better to rename file extension from .geojson to .js. You can download tutorial files here: http://zoran-software.com/download/tutorials/create_interactive_web_maps_using_leaflet_js/data_02.zip Please subscribe.
In this short video, we'll cover how to build a Leaflet Control. You can view the source code here. https://github.com/odoe/leaflet-control-sample And look over the Leaflet documentation here http://leafletjs.com/reference.html The accompanying blog post can be found here http://odoe.net/blog/custom-leaflet-control
A screen/audio recording of my talk for this meetup event: http://www.meetup.com/wncwebtech/events/221993871/ More info/links here: http://julienmelissas.com/leaflet-js-mapbox-js-screencast/
Конференция JavaScript Frameworks Day прошла в Киеве 2 марта 2013 года. Презентация доклада: http://frameworksdays.com/event/js-frameworks-day-2013/review/Building-Maps-with-Leaflet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fwdays/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fwdays
I don't want to be a bureaucrat.
It was more fun being a securocrat
When I cleaned the planet for Big Oil.
But now these kids today,
They don't shoot unless they get paid
And swagger loaded with faces boiled.
Who let them in? Who was watching the door?
Who let them in? Can't stomach too much more!
The climate's dry. The work is wet!
They give you pills to help you forget!
Can feel like highway robbery.
It helps if one keeps count
And measures a certain amount of
Humility and decency
Who let them in? Who was watching the door?
Who let them in? Don't belong here anymore.
One thing's certain - white man's burden
Who let them in?
Who was watching the door?
Who let then in?
I don't love you anymore.
Who let them in?
Who was watching the door?
Who let them in?
Banana republic, septic isle,
Suffer in the screaming sea,
Sounds like dying, dying, dying
Everywhere I go, oh yeah,
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms,