Special Board Meeting
Opening Reception
This is a series dedicated to my hometown, Changping, usually called the garden of Beijing; a suburb of eighteen districts. During the summer 2013, I went along the Changping metro line tracks. As proof of the compelling ambition and overwhelming speed of the development of the country, Changping metro line took only one year to complete, and became the fourteenth line in Beijing.
China has recently exhibited a resurrection of the industrial revolution. A booming capitalist economy has shaken the old system of wealth, as rapid technological developments cannot wait to replace traditional living habits and the decline of ethical standards tolls the death of parting days. My series is not meant to be simply an elegy for a loss of naturalism in modern society. China’s changes are even more fundamental and drastic. Socialism and its countless variations leave this land with an undeniable legacy, and an unbearable spiritual debt. However, this series is not merely a judgment of a certain scheme that tries to benefit the people but ultimately results in the exact opposite. It’s an epitome and allegory for the dilemma of the country.
For the days October 8th -11th, (Th., Fri., Sat., & Sun.), the entire IMC facility is reserved for IMC15th Anniversary Celebration related events only. Exceptions will be minor events or activities of IMC working groups as Anniversary Committee approved & coordinated. Each of those groups should have a rep on the IMC Anniversary Committee to help its members coordinate any minor events or activities on these days, with the IMC's anniversary events & activities.
IMC working groups may conduct the regular meetings and activities of their own spaces within the building. If any of those groups have regular activities that would take place within any of the shared public event spaces on these days, then those groups' reps should make alternate arrangements; con- tacting either the IMC office at (217) 344-8820 or the contact in the text box far below, if necessary.
Monthly Board meeting of the IMC
Monthly meeting of the IMC Board with putluck/ welcome new Board members
Scheduled meeting for Artist in Residency Program
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