'The job prospects are pretty mediocre': The problem with STEM

Peter Hannam   Young Australians are being told to study STEM subjects. But what does their future really hold?

Canberrans have Australia's largest ecological footprint

High disposable income.

Clare Colley   Canberrans are the biggest consumers in the country needing an average of 8.9 hectares each to support their cashed-up lifestyles - three and a half times the world average - the latest ACT State of the Environment Report reveals.

CSIRO sea-ice expert

Major conferences to 'expose' CSIRO climate cutbacks, scientists say

What goes up: Deploying weather balloons from CSIRO's RV Investigator.

Peter Hannam   The CSIRO's plans to dismantle most of its climate monitoring and modelling capability will be in the international spotlight at a series of conferences in coming months that had been intended to showcase Australia's world-leading research, senior scientists say.

Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research

Global temperatures leap higher in January, smashing records

Global temperatures spiked higher in January, setting records, international agencies say.

Peter Hannam   El Nino assists January to have the biggest increase over the previous record for any month in a more than a century of records

CSIRO climate science cuts demand a co-ordinated response, Antarctic expert says

In the dark: former officials warn that Australia's national and global interests may be damaged by climate change cuts ...

Peter Hannam   Plans by the CSIRO to unleash deep cuts on climate science programs have created a "policy vacuum" that demands a co-ordinated effort by the Turnbull government to fill, two senior officials say.

CSIRO chief Larry Marshall points his ship into a scientific storm

Nothing to see here: CSIRO plans to slash climate monitoring and modelling research.

Peter Hannam   Scientists are calling for CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall to change his mind and not slash key climate researchers by half.

How 150,000 penguins were wiped out

Adélie penguins. Their numbers crashed at Cape Denison, Antarctica, after an iceberg grounded.

Kim Arlington   Freeze-dried chicks, abandoned eggs, in "heartbreaking" scene

Comments 22

CSIRO climate cuts 'devastating', almost 3000 scientists tell Turnbull

Larry Marshall, CSIRO's chief executive, has resisted calls to reconsider deep cuts to climate and other programs.

Peter Hannam   Almost 3000 scientists from nearly 60 nations have appealed to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and other Australian leaders to halt CSIRO's plans to halve the number of researchers working on climate monitoring and modelling.

'Vital' climate work not for chop: CSIRO chief

CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall, grilled over large-scale staff cuts.

Peter Hannam   The Senate has grilled CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall for two hours over the number and process of scientist job cuts.

'Maybe I'm naive': CSIRO's Larry Marshall tries again to explain deep staff cuts

Trying again: CSIRO chief Larry Marshall makes an internal video that the staff union dubs a "puff piece".

Peter Hannam   CSIRO chief Larry Marshall has stepped up efforts to convince staff that the plan to lop 350 jobs will be good for the organisation, according to a transcript of an internal video leaked by disgruntled employees.

Clean energy's share dims but drop is temporary, NSW government says

Blue sky view: NSW has a long way to go to hit 20 per cent renewable energy by 2020.

Peter Hannam   The Baird government's policy of sourcing a fifth of NSW's electricity from renewable sources by the end of the decade is a fading dream with clean energy's share shrinking.

CSIRO cuts about bowing to Abbott right: Labor

Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

Peter Hannam   Deep cuts to CSIRO's climate and manufacturing programs show the organisation is bowing to right-wing priorities Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull inherited from predecessor Tony Abbott, said Kim Carr, Labor's shadow minister for industry.

Australia needs 'highly effective' climate research: chief scientist

Dr Alan Finkel made his first appearance before Senate estimates as Australia's Chief Scientist on Wednesday.

Peter Hannam   Australia's new chief scientist Alan Finkel has had "significant conversations" with leading researchers to ensure planned deep cuts to climate science programs by the CSIRO would not undermine the country's ability to deal with global warming.

It's a 'crisis' in environmental science, scientists say

Environmental science at CSIRO is under attack, one scientist facing the axe says.

Peter Hannam   CSIRO scientists say deep staffing cuts facing key divisions constitute "a real crisis for all environmental science" in the organisation, amid mounting international criticism.

Australia 'cut off' from the world

Most of CSIRO's climate programs face the axe.

Peter Hannam   Budget cuts at the CSIRO have sent shockwaves into the international climate research community, with the World Meteorological Organisation labelling the move a ''backward'' step.

CSIRO head defends climate research cuts as angry scientists protest

Scientists rally in Melbourne against cuts to climate change research at the CSIRO.

CSIRO head Larry Marshall has sought to defend deep cuts to climate science programs after days of sustained criticism, saying global warming research was "one piece of a much larger puzzle" in solving Australia's biggest challenges.

CSIRO executives asked to justify deep cuts to climate science

An autonomous underwater vehicle preparing to take high-res images of a coral reef.

Peter Hannam   Senior CSIRO executives spent much of Sunday trying to justify and prioritise deep cuts planned to climate change science programs that are understood to have caught Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull by surprise.

Heat to stay on CSIRO climate cuts amid claims PM was 'blindsided'

There are claims Malcolm Turnbull was blindsided by the news.

Peter Hannam   Leading scientists will use a national conference to appeal to the Turnbull government to intervene to reverse plans by the CSIRO to eliminate most of its climate roles amid claims the Prime Minister was "blindsided" by the move.

CSIRO cuts under fire

Senior CSIRO scientist John Church: cuts will make it difficult for Australia to uphold its part of the Paris deal.

​Australia will break a commitment made at the Paris climate summit less than two months ago if CSIRO goes ahead with its plan to axe its research programs, one of the agency's leading scientists has warned.

CSIRO scientists to learn fate after more deep cuts to climate units

Antarctic research is among areas of climate science that is expected to be hit by the CSIRO cuts.

Peter Hannam   Some of Australia's leading climate scientists will learn on Friday whether they still have a job when CSIRO managers provide details of savage cuts to their units.

CSIRO cuts: from climate denial to climate outsourcing

Stormy times for the CSIRO: On board RV Investigator .

If the Abbott era was about climate-change denial it seems that with the Turnbull zeitgeist it is all about climate-change outsourcing.

Climate science to be gutted as CSIRO swings jobs axe

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a visit to CSIRO in December.

Peter Hannam   Fears that some of Australia's most important climate research institutions will be gutted under a Turnbull government have been realised with deep job cuts for scientists.

Rainfall drop, cable failure leave Tasmania scrambling for electricity

Hydro Tasmania's Gordon Dam - when Lake Gordon was full.

Peter Hannam   Tasmania's reservoirs have only enough water to supply four months' worth of the state's power supplies after an extended dry spell and the failure of the main power link to the mainland has made things worse.

'The early bird catches the worm' gets a new twist with climate change

Zebra finches are hardy birds but a warming climate will affect even them.

Peter Hannam   Most birds lay just one egg a day, a process that is likely to be affected by a warming world, new research has found.

Turnbull government plans to top up Direct Action funds before review

Power play: what happens when Direct Action runs out of money?

Peter Hannam   The Turnbull government's keystone climate policy could get additional funding before a formal review planned for the middle of 2017 even though there is no current budget beyond the $2.55 billion already allocated.

The force driving diseases like Zika virus

A doctor measures the head of a baby with microcephaly in Brazil. The baby's mother was diagnosed with the Zika virus ...

Lucy Cormack   Regions with "increasing average temperatures" at greater risk of mosquito-born diseases, say researchers.

How a drop in soil quality is going to hurt us

Species other than humans will also be affected by less productive lands.

Peter Hannam   The health of the world's soils hinges on the abundance and diversity of the microbes and fungi they contain, and environmental changes including from global warming will undermine their ability to support humans and other species, according to two new studies.

China raises $4.3 billion in first domestic sale of green bonds

Pollution, along with climate change concerns, has been driving efforts in China to move away from coal.

Bloomberg News   Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. raised 20 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) in China's first domestic green bond offer tied to support for clean energy and environmental protection.

Oil crash can't halt clean energy's rise, top asset manager says

Oil's slide won't stall renewable energy's rise, a conference at the UN hears.

Alex Nussbaum   Oil's slump shouldn't scare off renewable investors or give a false sense of security about the future of fossil fuels, according to one of the world's biggest money managers.

Australia sinks on 'most credible' environmental index in the world

Australia ranks 150th out of 180 nations surveyed by Yale University when it comes to carbon emission trends from the ...

Peter Hannam   Australia's global ranking has dived on an international survey that Environment Minister Greg Hunt had described as "the most credible, scientifically based" analysis in the world.