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Building a Brite Community

Welcome to Eventbrite. Eventbrite enables people all over the world to plan, promote, and sell tickets to any event. And we make it easy for everyone to discover events, and to share the events they are attending with the people they know.

We're creating a strong community of event organisers and event attendees together. We believe our community should operate with integrity, honesty and a focus on delivering a quality experience for both event organisers and event attendees.

The result is that event organisers trust the quality of attendees that find their event through Eventbrite. And, event attendees trust that they'll have a positive experience at events they find and attend via Eventbrite.

We believe that to be a strong community where both organisers and attendees feel safe to sell tickets and purchase tickets requires some basic ground rules, which we've outlined below. We also ask that everyone familiarise themselves with our Terms of Service outlined here.

Feel free to let us know if you have questions.

Tips and Tricks

As the platform that event organisers use to sell tickets or registrations online, Eventbrite is not the actual event organiser. Each individual event organiser on Eventbrite is responsible for managing the details of his or her event, including setting the ticket price, the amount of tickets that are available for sale online, the content of their event page, his or her refund and exchange policies and any additional details that are relevant to an event.

To help ensure a quality experience purchasing tickets on the Eventbrite site, we have outlined some basic best practices for our event attendees below.

  • Purchasing Tickets

    When purchasing tickets to an event, you are purchasing them directly from an event organiser using Eventbrite's platform. The event organiser will have all details for you about the event, including information about the day of the event, such as parking, event start time, food options, transportation options, content of the event, refund and exchange policies and anything else you might expect to know about an event.

    The best methods to contact an event organiser are: by replying to the order confirmation you've received, by clicking on the 'contact host' link on the event page where you registered for your event, or by logging in to your Eventbrite account and clicking on your order. There you can click on the relevant button (cancel your order, request a refund or contact event host) and you'll be automatically connected with the host of your event.

    If an event organiser is unresponsive, or you are unable to come to a mutually agreeable solution with a request for a refund, or would like to report a problem to Eventbrite, we're here to help support you. Please feel free to email us at or call us at 03 8658 0810.

  • Entering credit card and other sensitive information

    When you register for an event, you are providing information both to Eventbrite and to the event organiser of each event you are registering to attend.

    There is some data which is never shared with an event organiser, including all of your credit card information. Eventbrite is PCI Compliant and meets the requirements of PCI-DSS 2.0 Level 1 as both a Merchant and a Service Provider. This means that Eventbrite takes certain security precautions with respect to credit card data mandated by the credit card payment associations. The Eventbrite system recognises credit card data as the information added under "Credit Card" on the order checkout page. This data is not shared with the event organiser and is sent securely by Eventbrite only to Eventbrite's payment gateway and Eventbrite's merchant acquiring bank.

    However, other information you supply during the checkout process is available to the event organiser. We recommend you only enter credit card data only under "Credit Card" on the order checkout page and do not enter sensitive information (e.g., social security number, bank account information and health and medical records) anywhere on the Site where Eventbrite does not ask for it directly. If an event organiser is requesting this information, please alert us immediately so we may take corrective action by emailing us at

    All data provided to Eventbrite will be held in accordance with our privacy policy at

  • Changing your tickets

    If you would like to change the date, time, or quantity of tickets purchased, you will want to contact the event organiser directly. Organisers set the number of tickets for sale online, control the inventory and event capacity, and will be able to assist you with any questions.

    The best methods to contact an event organiser are: by replying to the order confirmation you've received, by clicking on the 'contact host' link on the event page where you registered for your event, or by logging in to your Eventbrite account and clicking on your order. There you can click on the relevant button (cancel your order, request a refund or contact event host) and you'll be automatically connected with the host of your event.

  • Requesting a refund

    To encourage a quality event experience across the board, we have set basic principles and ground rules for our event organisers.

    If you would like to request a refund for your ticket for any reason, we ask that you first connect with the specific organiser of your event to request a refund.

    The best methods to contact an event organiser are: by replying to the order confirmation you've received, by clicking on the 'contact host' link on the event page where you registered for your event, or by logging into your Eventbrite account and clicking on your order. There you can click on the request a refund button and you'll be automatically connected with the host of your event.

    If an event organiser is unresponsive or unwilling to provide a refund but you believe you are entitled to one, please let Eventbrite know by emailing and we'll be happy to help.

  • Changing ticket buyer's name

    Each event organiser can choose settings within their account to either allow attendees to update names and details on their ticket online or not. If your event organiser has enabled this feature, you can log in to your Eventbrite account at any time and update your attendee details, including ticket buyer's name and any answers you may have provided to questions the event organiser asked. For a step-by-step guide on how to update your information, please check out our tutorial here:

  • Cancelling a free order

    If you are no longer going to attend a free event you've registered for, we ask that you cancel your registration. That way, the organiser of your event will be alerted and they can fill the open spot.

    You can cancel a free ticket order at any time by logging in to the Eventbrite account we have set up for you and clicking on the 'cancel free order' button. This automatically cancels your registration and frees up your spot for another attendee. For a quick step-by-step guide, you can check out:

  • Reporting a problem to Eventbrite

    As the platform that event organisers use to sell tickets or registrations online, Eventbrite is not the actual event organiser. Organisers set the number of tickets and price for sale online, control the inventory and event capacity, manage the details of the event and event page, and define a refund and exchange policy.

    We've set clear guidelines for our event organisers to ensure that they provide a quality experience to their event attendees and will actively enforce them to ensure a positive attendee experience.

    However, if you find that an event organiser is not working within the framework we've established please let us know by contacting us at

We know that events are complicated and it takes effort and hard work to make them run well. We also know that you ultimately want to deliver a great event experience for your attendees and ensure they're there the next time you throw an event!

To ensure we're collectively building a strong community of event organisers and event attendees, we have outlined best practices below. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by calling us at 03 8658 0810 anytime or emailing us at

  • Owning an account

    As the main account owner or administrator of an Eventbrite account, you have some general responsibilities that we've outlined below.

    • You are responsible for including accurate and factual details about yourself. This means your real name or business/organisation name, a valid and functioning email address, a real telephone number (if you choose to include one) and any other details that you may include.

    • All financial transactions within the account are considered to be yours. This means you may have some tax responsibility if you reach the threshold set up by the IRS and are a US citizen. If in a given calendar year Eventbrite processes transactions for your account (i) for more than $20,000 in gross sales and (ii) in more than 200 order transactions, Eventbrite is required to report those transactions to the Internal Revenue Service, along with your name, address and Tax Identification Number. Eventbrite will contact you during the year for this information if you meet these thresholds.

    • You take responsibility for communicating with your event attendees. This means setting up a clear event page and handling all communication with your event attendees. For more on this please see Setting clear expectations for event attendees.

    • You are responsible for any content generated in your account. Please do not use any content which you do not have the legal right to use. For more details, please see our Terms of Service

  • Setting clear expectations for event attendees

    It's important to ensure attendees purchasing tickets for your event have a clear understanding of what they can expect from your event. To do this, we ask that our organisers:

    1. Clearly describe your event and what a guest can expect from it. How many speakers will you have? What are you serving for lunch? Will the performer be singing? Essentially, put yourself in the place of the ticket buyer and do your best to give a clear and accurate description of why your event will rock.

    2. Ensure you're able to hold your event at the venue you're advertising on your event page.

    3. Provide a clear refund policy on your event details page and on your order confirmation. This helps set expectations with guests before they make a purchase from you.

    4. Provide valid contact information so guests know how to reach you. The contact the organiser link will automatically go to the email address you've supplied when setting up your Eventbrite account, however you may also want to include a phone number so your guests know how to ask for help if they need to.

    5. Respond in a timely manner to your guests' requests. Within 24 hours is a great target to hit.

  • Being responsive to attendee questions

    As a self-service platform, we strive to quickly connect organisers and attendees to solve problems and address any concerns together. We ask that as an event organiser, you be responsive to any attendee questions and concerns you may receive. As a best practice, we encourage you to reply to attendee emails within 24 hours. Remember, the better experience an attendee has with you as the event organiser, the more likely they are to purchase additional tickets from you in the future.

    In the case that an event organiser is unresponsive to attendee requests for refunds, we will try to resolve the issue with the event organiser first. However, if we are not able to come to a mutually agreeable solution, or you (the organiser) are unresponsive, Eventbrite may issue refunds on your behalf or update information on your event page as needed. If, as an organiser, you are repeatedly unresponsive to attendee questions or requests, we may remove your event from Eventbrite and terminate your account. If you have questions about this please feel free to contact Eventbrite support.

  • Best Practices for Multiple Owners of an Account

    We know that at times you may be organising an event with multiple parties--promoters, vendors, sponsors, venues, business partners, etc.--and will want to give another party visibility into your Eventbrite account to track the performance of registrations or ticket sales.

    To protect the integrity of your account, we ask that you never share your log-in and password with another person. This prevents any confusion about account ownership.

    Instead, we strongly encourage you to use our multi-user feature which allows you, as the account administrator, to invite other users with their own unique log-in and password to view or edit your account.

    You can decide which level of access you give to each user. For more details on how to invite multi-users and assign different levels of access, check out our tutorial here.

    Note that the main account holder remains responsible for all activities under their account, even activities of sub-users.

  • Doing business with multiple parties

    As outlined above, when you would like to give multiple users insight into the performance of your event in your Eventbrite account, we strongly encourage you to use our multi-user feature to give each unique user a unique log in and password. If you share your log in and password with another party, they will be able to log in as you and will be able to make any changes to your Eventbrite account including updating payment and event details.

    We've also gathered some additional best practices which we've outlined below:

    • Again, don't share your account details with anyone else! Use our multi-user access feature to give each unique user a unique log-in and password.

    • If you are co-sponsoring an event or working closely with a business partner, we recommend that you clearly define your business relationship on paper before you create your event. This helps each of you to clearly understand your role and responsibility to each other in the unlikely event of a disagreement.

    • We also strongly encourage you to agree with all parties (in writing) on a contingency plan for scenarios such as cancelling or postponing an event, refunding tickets, event hitting capacity etc.

    • As the third party platform, we don't arbitrate disputes in business relationships and ask that you resolve any issues that may arise amongst yourselves.

    That said, if we receive notification that attendees' experience at an event may be in jeopardy because of a dispute between event organisers, Eventbrite may issue refunds to ticket buyers on behalf of the event organiser, if the organisers are unable to come to a mutually agreeable solution.

  • Posting materials to the site

    Because we allow a high amount of flexibility in the content that our event organisers post to their event pages, we also trust that as an event organiser, you are only including information on your event page that you have the legal right to use and which does not violate the rights of third parties.

    If we are notified that your content violates another person's copyrights, trademark rights, privacy rights or other rights we will have to remove the material from the site. This may result in all or a portion of your event page being removed.

    If you repeatedly post materials that you do not have the legal right to use or that violate another party's rights, we may terminate your Eventbrite account. For more information, feel free to see our Terms of Service and our intellectual property page.

  • Only sell tickets when you have the authority to do so

    When you create your event and sell tickets for that event on Eventbrite, you may only sell tickets which you are authorised to sell. This means that if you are not authorised to sell tickets to a specific venue or event, that you do not post this event to Eventbrite. In the case that we do find an event which is selling unauthorised tickets, we will remove the event, and may refund all ticket orders which have been placed or work with the third party payment processor the organiser used so we can issue bulk refunds.

  • Collecting credit card and other sensitive information

    Eventbrite has created an extremely flexible order checkout page that allows event organisers to collect useful information about event attendees. However, we ask that you do not collect sensitive data on the Eventbrite site, other than credit card data under "Credit Card" on the order checkout page. This includes social security number, bank account information and health and medical records. In an effort to protect attendees from compromising their sensitive data, Eventbrite uses periodic scans to find and remove such data. If you ask for attendees to enter such data, that data will be deleted permanently.

  • Your event doesn't go as planned

    Oh no! The keynote speaker cancelled, an unexpected rainstorm hit, or your lunch didn't turn up. Even the best planned events go sideways sometimes. It's the way you handle the experience for your guests that matters.

    In this case, we ask that you please:

    1. Communicate in a timely fashion to your guests. Outline the issue to them and include steps you're going to take to address it.

    2. If needed, determine the amount you will refund your guests. Most often, if an event is significantly different from what was expected, attendees may be entitled to some kind of refund. Remember, if you don't refund, attendees can charge back through their credit card companies which will cause you to incur additional expenses. Put yourself in the place of a ticket buyer and assess what amount of refund you would expect. If you used Eventbrite to process your online payments, you can issue refunds directly through your Eventbrite account. Here's how.

    3. If you have determined that no refund is necessary because you provided an alternative solution or other resolution for your attendees, then please communicate this resolution to your attendees.

    If the Eventbrite team is alerted about an event that has experienced unresolved issues, we may reach out to the event organiser to work to a mutually agreeable solution for event attendees. However, in the unlikely instance an event organiser is unresponsive to us, or is not able to reach a mutually agreeable solution, we may issue refunds to attendees on an organiser's behalf.

    If you have questions or need guidance please contact us at or call us anytime at 03 8658 0810.

  • Your event hits capacity and attendees can't get in

    We believe that as an event organiser, it is your responsibility to accurately determine the number of guests you can legally and safely allow in your venue, and ensure you do not sell more tickets or admit more guests than this number. Once you sell a ticket through Eventbrite, you are obligated to honour that ticket.

    However, in the unlikely case that you do reach your maximum safe and legal guest capacity allowed within a venue, and aren't able to let in additional guests who've purchased tickets, we expect that you will issue a refund in full to each attendee that was not allowed entrance into your event.

    To help keep better track of which attendees attended an event and which didn't, we recommend using our free Entry Manager tool for iPhone and Android. You can check out our tutorials here:

    iPhone Eventbrite app Android Eventbrite app

    However, you can also keep paper copies of tickets or use a paper guest list as well to track event attendance.

    If you used Eventbrite to process your online payments, you can issue refunds directly through your Eventbrite account. Here's how.

    If Eventbrite receives complaints from attendees that an event is oversold and they aren't able to gain admittance with a valid ticket purchased through Eventbrite we may withhold funds while we investigate or issue refunds on your behalf.

    If you have questions or need guidance please contact us at or call us anytime at 03 8658 0810.

  • Cancelling your event

    We know that sometimes you may need to cancel or postpone your event. In the unlikely event that you do need to cancel your event we ask that you:

    • Let all of your attendees know that the event has been cancelled by using the 'email attendees' feature within your Eventbrite account. For a tutorial, check out:

    • Issue refunds for all tickets directly through your Eventbrite account. Please note that if you do issue a refund out of pocket, we do not have visibility and we may need to reissue from your Eventbrite account since we cannot confirm that the attendee has received their refund.

    • Update your event page with details that your event has been cancelled and you will be issuing refunds.

    • If tickets were still on sale at the time of cancellation, please hide your tickets so they are no longer available.

    For a step-by-step tutorial on cancelling your event, check out:

    If the Eventbrite team is alerted about an event that has experienced unresolved issues, we may reach out to the event organiser to work to a mutually agreeable solution for event attendees. However, in the unlikely instance an event organiser is unresponsive to us, or is not able to reach a mutually agreeable solution, we may issue refunds to attendees on an organiser's behalf.

    If you have questions or need guidance please contact us at or call us anytime at 03 8658 0810.

  • Refund requests

    We believe that our event organisers are fair, reasonable and professional and understand the long term value of delivering an excellent quality event for their attendees. We have created an infrastructure that allows attendees to easily connect with individual event organisers to request a refund and know that most often event organisers and event attendees will come to a mutually agreeable solution.

    Eventbrite wants to see disputes that may arise from time to time between event organisers and event attendees amicably resolved. As a first step we ask that an event attendee always work with the event organiser to request a refund.

    In the unlikely event an event organiser and event attendees are unable to come to a mutually agreeable resolution, Eventbrite may step in to help move forward unresolved issues.

  • Tracking entry into your event

    We encourage our event organisers to use our suite of free entry management tools to help track which attendees have checked into their event. Then, in the unlikely case that your event hits a snag (such as hitting maximum capacity) you've got information to help work out any dispute that may arise.

    Many event organisers find our free entry management tools to be extremely helpful, not only when tracking the number of ticketed attendees that have arrived, but also for gaining insight into peak check-in and attendance times, the number of attendees that didn't show up and anything else that might help when planning your next event.

  • Chargebacks

    As an event organiser, from time to time, you may receive a dispute from an event attendee. In this case, we ask that you do everything possible to amicably resolve a dispute with an event attendee. However, in the rare case when an attendee may file a dispute with their credit card company, Eventbrite will help facilitate a peaceful resolution between an event organiser and event attendee. If we are notified of a chargeback, we will generally contact the event organiser to request additional information.

    The best way to protect yourself from receiving any chargebacks is to clearly outline your event on your event page, and to provide a clear refund policy on your event page and order confirmation email. After that, the next best step is to be responsive to event attendee questions or concerns as they arise.

    If Eventbrite is notified of a large amount of chargeback requests from event attendees, we may withhold funds while we investigate.