Higher Education Webinars

Library Babel Fish

A college librarian's take on technology

February 2, 2016 - 7:40pm
The Open Access Network has a big idea. It's pretty compelling.
January 26, 2016 - 7:45pm
Can education be the practice of freedom if algorithms shape the curriculum?
January 21, 2016 - 8:14pm
Help me dream up an assignment that asks students to uncover the working communication channels scholars and other professionals use.
January 14, 2016 - 8:22pm
As a new open access press with a liberal arts focus launches, I asked four veterans of the project to look back at the journey.
January 7, 2016 - 8:40pm
Project Information Literacy has just released a major new report. Check it out.
January 4, 2016 - 8:42pm
Reading turns up so many new year’s resolutions. Why is that?
December 17, 2015 - 8:23pm
Everybody knows that a large percentage of our books never leave the shelf. Or do we? 
December 15, 2015 - 7:54pm
I get a lot out of connecting with a group of librarians loosely joined together under the #critlib hashtag. Here's why.
December 3, 2015 - 7:12pm
Our political climate gone from truthiness to outright denial of facts - without penalty. What's going on?
November 23, 2015 - 9:21pm
We have less funding for the things that really matter while paying much more to compensate for austerity policies.


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