Losing our home, building a new one

Dear friends, family & supporters of the St. James Infirmary,

It is with a heavy but determined heart that I write to tell you we are losing our clinic space at 1372 Mission Street in the very near future. The building which has housed the SJI, and recently our comrades at the TGIJP, is being sold and our 13 year tenancy will be coming to an end, likely by the end of this year. We are moving out, and moving on, hopefully to somewhere bigger and better. For the past couple of months we have been searching for a new space, working with the Nonprofit Displacement Mitigation Fund and our our allies in city government to help us find a new home. We are now asking you, our community, to lend us your support.

We are, of course, upset. We feel loss. But we are also excited at the opportunity to find a space that suits us better; that can accommodate our continued growth. Any of you who have been to 1372 Mission Street in the past year have seen that we are packed in tighter than sardines and bursting at the seams. In the past year we have nearly doubled our programming, our hours of operation, and our staff. We have also battled cockroach infestations, leaky ceilings and shoddy plumbing. The SJI & TGIJP are ready to find something better together. We just need your help to land it.

The hostility of the real estate market in San Francisco today is resulting in widespread nonprofit displacement. We won’t be the first or the last organization to have to face this challenge. But we know that with your support, we will meet this challenge head on. The SJI has survived against all odds over the years, always landing on our feet thanks to the resiliency, resourcefulness and love of our community. To weather this move, we are going to need that love and resourcefulness from you. We are going to have to pay a lot more in rent than we’d ever planned to. And we will have to raise the funds required to relocate and renovate our new space. Fortunately, we have an anonymous donor who has agreed to jumpstart our move by matching every donation we can generate from the community up to $25,000 in the next month. Please take a moment to watch our video, make a donation, and share our campaign with your networks. 


If you can donate to our campaign, please do so now. Don’t worry if it’s not a lot- your $5 will become $10! If you can’t donate, please help us by sharing our campaign with your networks, sending us love through the ether, and imagining us moving swiftly and smoothly into our spacious, natural light-filled, fully functional dream clinic. With your support, not even the San Francisco real estate market can stop us. Like they say in the St. James Infirmary Blues, “we’ll raise hell as we roll along.”

With gratitude,

SJA Digital Signature copy

Stephany Ashley

Executive Director


1372 B&W copy

Staff & volunteers moving in to 1372 Mission Street

Job Announcement: Programs Director


Programs Director

St James Infirmary is a peer-based occupational health and safety clinic for current and former sex workers and their partners. We are hiring a Programs Director who has real life experience and familiarity with Sex Worker communities, supervision experience and program/project management experience. The Programs Director will work closely with the Executive Director and all team Coordinators.

The Programs Director oversees all direct service programming of the SJI through supervision and support of the following Program Coordinators & Staff: HIV Services Manager, Outreach Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Bad Date List Coordinator, Registration Coordinator, Group facilitators, holistic providers, medical providers, Therapist, and Case Manger. Working closely with the Executive Director, the Programs Director ensures that services are responsive to the community’s needs, in line with the organization’s core mission, and that staff has the training, resources, and support they need to build their programs. In order to ensure meaningful understanding of program operations, Programs Director is expected to work at least one shift per program per month, as qualified and appropriate.

This position is Full Time (32-40 hours per week) and includes sick, holiday and vacation pay. No other benefits are provided.

To apply, please follow the directions below.

Applicants must submit ALL required documents or you will NOT be considered.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Submit a cover letter that includes your experience working either within the Sex Industry or working with the sex worker community and details your experience with supervision. In addition you must submit a St James volunteer application and Resume. Download the Application from our website at www.stjamesinfirmary.org. Applicants must have experience supervising other staff. Please include this experience in your application. Please also included past experience in primary/reproductive healthcare, HIV prevention services and/or other social services.

You may submit your application by email, snail mail, or fax.

Mail CV/Resume and volunteer application to: Attention Executive Director, St. James Infirmary 1372 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103,


FAX: 415.554.8444.


Email: director@stjamesinfirmary.org



Full Time: 32-40 hours per week

Salary DOE: $50,000-$60,000 annually

Supervisor: Executive Director

Programs Director responds directly to the Executive Director

The PD provides the clinic team with the support and structure required to handle the day-to-day duties of providing direct services to our community. The PD, also called the “Clinic Manager”, is the anchor of the clinic and is available for all types of tasks, the foreseen and especially the unforeseen. The PD is emotionally available for staff, is a calming presence, can handle a crisis with grace and can deescalate participants and staff who are having a tough day. The Programs Director is not afraid to take leadership and make decisions, but is also not on a “power trip” with other staff and can give them the freedom to do their jobs without micro-management. A critical skillset of the PD is the ability to remain clear, calm and collaborative through difficult situations.

The PD must represent the clinic and our issues both professionally and with style and enthusiasm, have an excellent understanding of sex worker issues, harm reduction approaches & social justice, and a background in health settings or HIV social service settings is a big plus. Experience as a sex worker is a BIG plus!! Please DO include that in your CV or resume.

The PD also supports and works with the ED on various projects as needed, such as developing clinic policies, drafting position papers on policy issues, working with other community orgs and groups on advancing social justice and human rights for our communities, presents at conferences and to other groups (such as medical students), is available for site visits for program partners and funders, provides support in program evaluation duties and is a collaborative leader in program planning and development. The PD is also able to travel when needed or necessary.

Below is a general list of job duties:

Leadership & Supervision

  • Through regularly scheduled formal supervision, provide support, development, and feedback to Program Coordinators, therapy and case management staff.
  • Support the professional development of Program Coordinators & other staff through training, coaching, and facilitating connections to relevant resources.
  • Work with Program Coordinators to develop & evaluate their programs in ways that are both sustainable, responsive, and that meet the needs of the community as well as the reporting requirements of the overseeing agency (as applicable).
  • Complete and keep current all job descriptions for staff under your supervision
  • Collaborate with the Executive Director and other Coordinators as appropriate on trainings, in-services, and all-staff meetings
  • Provide formal written evaluations of coordinators & staff at completion of their employment probation period, and then annually thereafter.
  • Ensure that coordinators are receiving regularly scheduled personal and professional development, and attending trainings and conferences as funding allows.
  • Collaborate with Executive Director on recruitment, hiring, and training of new staff.
  • Attend Harm Reduction Team, Outreach, Medical, Registration, and Volunteer team meetings as needed.
  • Complete and secure all necessary paperwork, confidentiality forms and tax forms of all staff/volunteers under your direct supervision.
  • Maintain monthly schedules for all clinic activities and communicate with all teams in order to ensure calendars are created in a timely manner.
  • Document all disciplinary actions and performance issues for staff if and when they occur.
  • Work collaboratively with Executive Director on warnings, terminations, suspensions, and leave of absences.
  • Support Medical Director and Clinical Coordinator on medical staff recruitment, hiring, training, performance evaluations, team meetings, and ongoing relevant trainings for medical team.
  • Attend monthly supervision sessions with Executive Director.

Clinic Services

  • Work collaboratively with HIV Services Manager to act as ‘point person’ during Wednesday night clinic – running pre-clinic meeting, making announcements, assisting with distributing surveys, troubleshooting problems, resolving conflict, writing clinic log, and doing group or individual check in’s with staff.
  • Complete, if necessary, all incident reports for situations that occur during clinic.
  • Respond to conflicts by engaging in mediation with participants, collaborating with the input of staff and delivering warnings, suspensions and contracts for participants violating behavioral agreements.
  • Develop or compile appropriate flyers, brochures, and handouts for events and informational needs.
  • Provide Sex Worker and Transgender 101 information and education to staff, volunteers, participants, and outside organizations as needed.
  • Oversee communication and engage in continual relationship development in collaboration with Executive Director and other staff with funding agencies – including SFAF, CBHS, DPH, DOSW, and CDC.
  • Assist with maintenance of Godaddy email system and St James website.
  • Work with clinic staff to ensure that medical records requests are fulfilled in a timely manner
  • Work with Clinical Director to Modify and Implement Q/A protocols
  • Maintain monthly schedules for clinic-based activities, and notify active staff and Program Coordinators of schedules at least one week before the beginning of each month.
  • Maintain up to date information about the clinic, events and sex worker news on St James Facebook and Twitter.

 Advocacy, Policy & Communications Duties:

  • Attend and present at stakeholder meetings, policy discussions, panels, and conferences as relevant and available.
  • Work with Executive Director & staff to identify priority policy areas and develop strategic responses and interventions.
  • Coordinate community input sessions, forums, and surveys to guide the political direction of the organization and it’s resources.
  • Support the leadership development of SJI staff, volunteers and community members in all opportunities for engagement in advocacy, education and policy work.
  • Support existing community partnerships and collaborations, and engage in cross-movement relationship building on an on-going basis.
  • Respond to media requests and develop the media presence of the SJI as available.

 General Duties:

  • Produce written annual program reports.
  • Send out reminders to staff to submit time sheets and check requests two days before the 10th and the 25th of the month, collect and prepare timesheets, checking hours, allocating to cost centers, and submitting to accountant before 5pm of due date.
  • Work with Executive Director, DPH Technical staff and IT personnel to troubleshoot computer and phone issues as needed
  • Work with HIV Services Manager and Outreach Coordinator to develop relationships with community organizations serving overlapping populations and writing MOU’s to formalize agreements
  • Maintenance of All Staff google groups list. Work with volunteer coordinator to ensure that list is current and all active employees are invited.
  • Attend scheduled staff meetings, monthly team meetings, quarterly agency support meetings, and applicable staff trainings.
  • Assistance with quality assurance and evaluation activities including creating, delivering and analyzing staff and participant satisfaction and information gathering surveys, reviewing and distributing reports, providing programmatic support during monitoring periods, and developing work plans.
  • Attend monthly all staff meetings, bi weekly Coordinators meetings, quarterly agency support meetings, and applicable trainings throughout the year
  • Maintain communication with community partners, in order to increase services for Sex Workers
  • Coordinate and/or participate in public speaking engagements and conferences, as available
  • Check phone messages for Office B phone every day and Registration desk on days unstaffed and put all messages into appropriate staff in-boxes; Call back individuals who request general information, appointments and media requests.
  • Maintain professional and supportive relationships with co-workers and engages in conflict resolution and mediation with and on behalf of staff as needed.
  • Keep track of food closet and work collaboratively to schedule food bank runs. Maintain relationship and staff certification with SF Food Bank.
  • Maintain stock of IUDs and insertion kits and makes orders as needed.
  • Other duties as requested in writing and approved by Executive Director or Programs Director.

Required Skills and Qualifications:

  • Experience in leadership and/or supervision
  • Experience in program development, community organizing & facilitation
  • General office and administrative experience
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Organized and able to handle a multi task environment
  • Experience in or knowledge of the sex industry and occupational health and safety issues affecting Sex Workers
  • Experience working with people who use substances, including injection drugs
  • Experience working with people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS
  • Cultural humility with people of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities and abilities
  • Willingness and proven ability to work cooperatively with other colleagues and community members

 Desired Skills and Qualifications:

  • Experience in HIV Prevention and/or Harm Reduction (HIV test counseling certification a plus)
  • Experience in violence prevention/intervention, trauma & de-escalation
  • Bilingual/multilingual English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Thai desired
  • Counseling & Outreach experience




Announcing our new High-Impact HIV Prevention Program!

San Francisco AIDS Foundation to Expand PrEP Availability, Benefits Navigation; Glide and St. James Infirmary to Double HIV Testing Efforts


Introducing the SJI’s High Impact HIV Prevention Team: Juba Kalamka, Dee Michel, Aria Sa’id, Mayra Lopez & Natalia García

SAN FRANCISCO, August 11, 2015—The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has granted San Francisco community-based organizations $3.7 million to deliver effective HIV prevention strategies to those most  affected, including people of color, sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender individuals, and people who inject drugs. Using these funds, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, GLIDE, and St. James Infirmary will form a “prevention partnership” to contribute their own unique expertise to continue to reduce new HIV infections, link and retain individuals in care, and deploy HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) effectively.

“This new collaborative will enable the expansion of our existing and highly-effective initiatives with PrEP and navigator services to serve neighborhoods and communities in need.” said Neil Giuliano, CEO of San Francisco AIDS Foundation. “Our goals closely align with the Getting to Zero Consortium, the San Francisco Department of Health and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.”

San Francisco AIDS Foundation, GLIDE, and St. James Infirmary (SJI) will use the new funding to deliver high-impact HIV prevention strategies, including:

  • Implementing a new navigation services program for both HIV-positive and high-risk HIV-negative clients with the purpose of reducing or eliminating barriers to HIV prevention and care.
  • Increasing HIV testing among communities at highest need. A highly targeted program geared at finding and testing people who are living with HIV in San Francisco but who do not know their status can have substantial impact on incidence citywide.
  • Expanding the PrEP clinic in the Castro at Magnet, and launching a new PrEP clinic in the South of Market neighborhood at 1035 Market Street (close to GLIDE and SJI’s service locations).

“GLIDE is honored and thrilled to receive this funding from the CDC, which will help us significantly increase our HIV and Hep C prevention, testing and linkages to care services, which is much needed good news for the most vulnerable and high-risk communities in the Tenderloin,” said Paul Harkin, GLIDE’s HIV Services Manager. “These new resources will allow GLIDE to complement and expand our HIV and Hep C programs, resulting in more community outreach and higher numbers of people receiving testing and treatment. By providing direct support to marginalized and stigmatized individuals, we not only connect them to treatment and the system of care, but we remain in touch and are there to support them if they struggle.”

With new funding from the CDC, Glide and SJI will be able to increase the number of community-based venues in which they provide testing, and expand the hours of service access (including late night services) to better meet the needs of their high-risk target populations.

“The St. James Infirmary has been providing high-impact HIV services for years but has never had the capacity to grow them to meet the full need of our community,” said Stephany Ashley, executive director at St. James Infirmary. “Through this collaborative, we have finally been able to secure the resources to reach further into the communities in ways we’ve never been able to before.”

GLIDE and SJI have smaller programs than the foundation, and until now have had far less capacity to support retention in care. However, they have the ability and experience needed to engage with the highest-need populations in San Francisco. Because of the impacts of poverty, stigma and criminalization, the clients who test HIV-positive at these sites have some of the biggest barriers to linkage and retention in care of any in the city. By increasing their capacity for supporting retention, the new CDC funding will significantly enhance the collaborative’s ability to ensure that these clients do not fall out of care.

“San Francisco developed the system of community-based HIV/AIDS care that became a model for the nation, and we continue to innovate and strengthen our efforts to defeat this terrible disease,” said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. “This CDC grant recognizes San Francisco’s continuing leadership in the fight against HIV by providing vital resources for GLIDE, St. James Infirmary and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation’s innovative partnership to offer effective, community-based prevention efforts for high-risk populations, and link those living with HIV/AIDS with compassionate care.”