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I wrote another book and it’s free today!

March 9th, 2013 · 1 Comment

About a year ago, or maybe it was two years ago, a new book came out that I was so excited about. I thought it was going to be a manual for navigating healthy loving relationships in a totally fucked up culture where we’re mostly all a little fucked up ourselves. Navigating such relationships is really difficult for me and also one of my passions, so I was incredibly eager to read the book.

Unfortunately, the book only seemed to describe the problem(s), not the solution. Other people loved the book and it’s doing pretty well, so I’m sure it’s a great book. It just isn’t what I thought it would be, and you know what they say: expectations lead to disappointment.

I started thinking what a book like that would look like. If no one else would write it, I would. Not that I’m an expert, but I seem to have learned about as much as anyone else. Then I realized I had already written the book in my work journals, which model for the reader exactly how to navigate short yet loving relationships by the hour with very civilized wealthy men. Yes! I would publish all my journals in a book and call it Selling Love To The Patriarchy!

It took a long time. I took a writing class from a famous author. I workshopped my stories. I decided I hated them all and would never let anyone read them. Then I loved them. I figured there weren’t many people who would buy a book called Selling Love to The Patriarchy, so I went with Whore Diaries, which seems much more marketable.

That’s the story of how this book came to be.

My last book was about becoming an escort and working with a busy agency. This one is about being an independent escort seeing clients that I’ve chosen and screened myself.

It’s FREE today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday), and my goal is to give away at least three thousand books! I would be ever so grateful if you downloaded, read, and reviewed it. Tell all your friends!

Click here to get it!

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Whore Diaries, the Sequel to Hobo Stripper

October 26th, 2012 · 2 Comments

Guess what I did???????

Yep, I wrote a book. It’s short (30 computer pages, 80 kindle pages?) and it’s awesome.

I thought maybe you would like to hear about how I became an escort, traveled to another country, worked in a crazy collective slash agency, and indulged foot fetishists and tantric worshipers. It’s all in here, written in the thoughtful cinematic style that you already love.

For today and today only, it’s 99 cents. I wanted to make sure that all my long term subscribers could get a copy.

You can read it on your Kindle! If you don’t have a Kindle, you can still read it on your iPhone or with Kindle for PC. Possibly someday it will be available in some other way, but for now I’ve sworn my book selling monogamy to Amazon.

Speaking of Amazon, if you like my book you can help it rise through the ranks in it’s category. It turns out Amazon is a lot like clips4sale – the more you buy, review, and tag, the more people just browsing will see my book. Here’s a whole post about the care of authors on Amazon, if you’re interested.

If you all like this, maybe I’ll do it again! Wanna get an email about the next book so you can take advantage of the 99 cent first day special? Sign up below.

Subscribe to our newsletter

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Hi, new visitors

August 21st, 2012 · 3 Comments

I noticed that a bunch of people have come here lately from Reddit and other places on The Internet, and maybe it’s a little confusing to just stumble upon this old blog?

Here’s the deal: I lived in a minivan and travelled all over North America for a few years. It was an awesome way to see the world and to have plenty of wide open days. In retrospect maybe I was a little obsessed with things like self sufficiency and never sleeping in houses and such. I funded my adventures with lap dances in strip clubs from sea to shining sea, as well as the occasional brush with substitute teaching and prostitution. I’ve been in different aspects of the sex industry for about seventeen years now and I think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread – except that we had it before sliced bread, yanno?

Anyways, this blog is all about those years. I tried to write every day, every week, every month. A great American adventures story.

THEN I stopped living in a van! I went home to Alaska and moved into a little cabin on a little river far from any roads. I stopped blogging. I took a couple strip trips but my back hurt and I didn’t like staying up late in loud bars. I did some erotic hypnosis on the internet, but that is more like small consistent money than the bigger chunks of money I was used to making. I decided it was time to get out of the heels and onto my back – so I did and for the last few years I’ve been escorting and living in the wilderness. That’s not all on the internet yet, but maybe I’ll write a book soon. ;)

In the meantime, sometimes I blog over at ecowhore.com.

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Blogging the Whore Revolution

May 25th, 2011 · 1 Comment

More pictures and even video at my new ecowhore blog! Come see!

And did I tell you guys about Hypnotic River? It’s my site where I’ve been doing femdom erotic hypnosis. Ever wondered if you could have an orgasm with hypnosis? I just blogged about that.

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I have a new blog!

May 19th, 2011 · 5 Comments

I haven’t updated here in so long! What to say? I’m older, more jaded, more innocent, life is more complicated… I’m evolving! I’ve totally diversified my sex work, and I haven’t stripped in over a year. Suddenly I don’t feel like staying up late with loud music and high heels and hustling random customers anymore. Lucky for me, the sex industry has something for everyone! I wanted to start blogging again (and making pretty eco-porn), but I’m no longer a hobo stripper, tho I may still be nomadic. It’s complicated. So! The new blog is EcoWhore, check it out! Subscribe! It’s going to be awesome! I’m eager to contribute thoughtfully to the culture’s framing of sexuality.

What I wanted to do was take a bunch of awesome ladies out into the wilderness and maybe float down a river or hike a long trail and teach each other about self defense and minimizing bad experiences and being awesome happy sex workers and make a bunch of porn while we’re doing it. Then I’d put that all online over the next few months and half the money would go to the sexy ladies and half the money would go towards funding the next EcoWhore Camp. That’s a huge project though, so I’m starting with a blog.

Right now I’m in San Francisco, which I think is the only city I could ever love. I’ll be teaching about plant medicine at the Sex Worker Festival in a few days and helping out with technical stuff on an amazing one woman show by Mariko Passion for the whole week. Come see it all!

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Dirty Girl Zine!

January 21st, 2011 · 4 Comments

We did it! The zine is beautiful with lots of artwork and great stories from Lusty Day, Audacia Ray, Davka, Kitty Stryker, Furry Girl, and much much more! 36 pages of awesome!

We’re keeping this free for everybody, but it turns out color copies are expensive so we really appreciate donations. If you want a copy email dirty girl zine at gmail dot com and either include your address and we’ll mail you one or if you’d like an electronic copy you can download it from here: dirtygirlzine-s (if you distribute a bunch let us know please! Also, if you want to print them, you probably want this file instead hi-res dirtygirlzine  ). If you’d like to donate we would really appreciate it, and it will all go to printing, mailing, and good sex worker causes. To donate, paypal hobostripper at gmail dot com.

Update - so far we’ve gotten $14 in donations and spent over $200 on copies and postage. We really want to be able to send a bunch of copies to non profits who work with sex worker youth and street workers. Please donate if you can!

Also, we love feedback!

p.s. If you’re having a hard time downloading either of those files, try these instead. Regular size:dirtygirlzine-s zip
Printable size: hi-res dirtygirlzine zip.

p.s.s. Thanks to DeAnna for shrinking the files and Furry Girl for hosting them!

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Eight more days…

November 22nd, 2010 · 1 Comment

The whole call for submissions is right below this, so I’m not going to repost it… but there are eight days left to get your submissions in for the Dirty Girl Zine!

Brief recap: be any kind of sex worker of any gender, and write anything about slut stigma or being seen as dirty or being dirty and email it to dirtygirlzine@gmail.com

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Dirty Girl zine Call for Submissions

October 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments

Sequoia (of sequoiaredd.com) and I are working on a zine about dirt, earth, dirty girls, slut stigma and exploring the context of what it means to be seen as a dirty girl in a culture obsessed with cleanliness and scrubbing away the dirt. There are definite parallels between how our society regards dirt and the stigma of sex. Just as nutrient rich dirt is the basis of life on our planet, so is sex the basis of our humanity.

We want to hear what you think about that too.

Why a zine? With the recent closing of $pread magazine, which was one of our favorite sex industry publications, it’s more important than ever to keep creating our own media and getting our message out there. Zines are a fun and creative form of expression, they’re handmade and sometimes its nice to hold something physical in your hands rather than just read about it online, yanno?
We are accepting art, writing and photography submissions from former and current sex workers of all genders at dirtygirlzine [at] gmail dot com

We settled on the name Dirty Girl because at a time when our topsoil is being depleted and you can go to jail for carrying condoms, we want to explore and celebrate the dirt and sex that stains us.

The submission deadline is November 30 and we’re hoping to have the zine done by the Winter Solstice (December 21, 2010). Please include your name (can be stage name or pseudonym or whatever you feel comfortable with), website or some place on the web where we can find more of you (if you want us to), what kind of sex worker you were/are (if you feel comfortable sharing of course) and tell us a little about yourself! This info will accompany your piece.

Art: submit in .jpeg format in the highest quality possible, include a title too if you can.

Writing: submit in word documents or just copy and paste the text inside an email. Writing can be poetry, prose, essays, haiku, etc…you get the idea! We won’t edit your pieces without your permission.

Photography: .jpeg as well and if you photographed someone else, please provide a model release and I.D. of the subject, title would be great as well.

Contributors will get a copy when its done so if you could please provide a mailing address that would be great!

Sex workers are like dirt, we nourish life. We want to explore and celebrate our dirty sexy goodness, together.

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March Update… will you vote for me?

March 25th, 2010 · 9 Comments

So, hello again Internet. What to say?

It’s that time when the sap starts rising in the trees and the snow starts to compress and look like styrofoam. I’ve been hauling wood in my little black sled through the woods, stopping to eat fresh red willow buds (spring bitters, Alaska style), and chew on spruce pitch. Once a month or so I go to town and entertain gentlemen privately for money. A couple years ago it wouldn’t have been right for me, but right now it’s perfect. I’m loving it, and loving the guys, and of course the money.

I don’t wanna be all sales pitchy, but people have said I should be more clear: I’m blogging about ALL OF THIS over on ecowhore. Come subscribe! It’s cheap and better than reality teevee!

Okay, Internet, here’s the exciting thing of the moment. I’m in a photo contest over at this new website, Helpful Magic. It’s very new, but very promising pagan erotica AND one of two membership sites (that I know of) on the internet that offers ongoing passive income for content. If I win I get $1000 AND I will officially be THE Witch Next Door. Come vote for me! You can vote 24 times a day, once every hour! You have to register but it literally takes like thirty seconds (not even an email confirmation) and is totally free. Thanks for your help!

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Quick Update

February 6th, 2010 · 6 Comments

Hi Internet!

I’ve been busy but I wanted to let you all know really quickly that today I went live on ishotmyself.com, one of the most revolutionary porn sites in the world! It’s so awesome it has to be in Australia! On ishotmyself the model is the artist, and everyday there’s a new folio overflowing with pictures of real women, taken themselves.

Here’s a little bit of my artist statement from their site:

Whiskey Slough is one of the names for the beautiful wild river that is my home. Having been newly named by each generation of explorers, my river home has gone by as many names as I have stage names. She slows and dries, rushes and floods, changes direction, and offers life to me and many other animals and plants. Living free in one of the last wild places on earth…

Go read it!

If you’re not an ecowhore subscriber, you should be! I’ve travelled to a far away land in search of paying-off-the-land money, and I’m having awesome work adventures and living in a basement with a raver kid named Butterfly. You can read along for the ride if you subscribe over at ecowhore! :)

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