
Brennan noted, “Paris was a failure of intelligence.” The November 13 attacks killed 130 people in several sites throughout the city.

CIA Director Describes ISIS Threat to America

Sunday’s Sixty Minutes program presented an interview with CIA Director [...]

Merkel’s Open Door to Germany Encourages Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

Something that hasn’t been widely recognized is how Germany’s willingness [...]
The Great Wall Of Trump--it's as "broad" a foreign policy as Trump needs to win.

2Kevins With Grace & Steel: Trump Takes NH, KMG Comes A Cropper There in 1980, etc.

Episode 25 of my podcast with Kevin Steel is now [...]

Is Putin Pushing Muslim Refugees to Destroy Europe? Meme Spreads from Soros to McCain

Recently, George Soros asserted that Vladimir Putin was attempting to [...]
Democrat Senator Schumer wants to prevent another terror attack on New York City.

Obama Last Year Countdown: His Budget Cuts Funding of Anti-Terror Program by Half

Senator Charles Schumer was angered to learn that the President’s [...]

George Clooney Hobnobs With Chancellor Merkel and Encourages Invasion of Germany. His Own European Property, However, Is Another Matter.

American actor/activist George Clooney has a net worth, according to [...]
H/T Steven Hayward

POWERLINE’s Steve Hayward Chivalrously Defends Over United Airlines Repression!

Very much to our surprise, in CENSORSHIP, UNITED AIRLINES STYLE [...]

Obama’s Possible Supreme Court Nominees To Replace Scalia

1. Harvard Law School professor Larry Tribe, whom Obama helped [...]

NBA Diversity: #AllStarsSoBlack

The original rosters announced for both the East and West [...]
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Derb On Valentine’s Day:The Book Of Love

[Some topics you only need to write about once.  Here [...]
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