John Green is the man behind “Paper Towns” and “The Fault in Our Stars,” but his most beloved novel is one that has yet to be made into a tear-jerking, youth-targeted movie. It’s called “Looking For Alaska,” the bestselling author published it in 2005, and if a film was to be made about its decade-plus stint at Paramount Pictures, it might be named “Looking for Someone to Finally Make This Movie.”
The frustration seems to have reached a boiling point Thursday (Feb. 18), as Green was asked for the umpteenth time who is going to star in the big screen version of the book. In a series of tweets, Green railed against the studio, saying they aren’t returning his calls — then later deleted the comments.
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“f*** Paramount,” a fan tweeted at Green. “Wish the rights were at Fox.”
When Green tweeted back “You and me both,” another fan offered to start a boycott if Green just says the word. “I appreciate that,” he responded.
Later, he expanded his thoughts. “The movie studio that owns the rights to the book in question won’t return my phone calls. They haven’t for months,” he tweets. “I don’t think they like me. The feeling is profoundly mutual … I can’t even get someone to answer the phone.”
“Looking for Alaska” tells the story of Miles Halter, a teenage boy transferring to a new school in Alabama for his junior year. Obsessed with famous people’s last words and nicknamed “Pudge,” Miles runs afoul of the locals and falls in love with Alaska, a beautiful but unstable young girl.
Unfortunately for Green fans, however, the only way you’ll ever meet Pudge and Alaska may be on the written page. “How long do they have the rights?” one fan tweeted to Green mid-rant, before he deleted the tweets. His response: “For the rest of eternity, unfortunately.”