Group against expanding gambling in New Jersey launching ads

Edit The Washington Times 11 Aug 2016
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - A group opposed to allowing casinos in northern New Jersey is set to launch a television ad campaign. Trenton's Bad Bet said Wednesday that it will begin airing the ad for several weeks starting Monday. The group's executive director, Bill Cortese, says the group includes the ... ....

West Chester OKs restaurant with added conditions to protect neighbors

Edit Journal News 11 Aug 2016
West Chester OKs restaurant with added conditions to protect neighbors ... ....

Cortez Masto ad attacks Heck on anti-abortion stance

Edit Review Journal 11 Aug 2016
New ad paints Republican Senate candidate Joe Heck as anti-abortion congressman, an active opponent of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, and claims he is “against a woman’s right to choose.” ... ....

Group against north NJ casinos has ads

Edit Asbury Park Press 11 Aug 2016
The ad says that “North Jersey casinos are a risky bet we can’t afford.”.        .   ... ....

Google, Facebook see ad revenue surge in second quarter

Edit New York Post 11 Aug 2016
The country’s largest media companies saw ad revenue in the second quarter grow by 5.3 percent, or a total of $2.5 billion, from the year-ago period, according to a report out Wednesday. While impressive in a tough market, just two internet giants — Facebook and Google — saw their ad dollars grow by roughly $2.5 ......

More New York Times staffers to get ax as ad revenue plummets

Edit New York Post 11 Aug 2016
SEE ALSO ... .0 ... Along with cost cutting, the company said in April it planned to invest $50 million over the next three years in a bid to double digital ad revenue and chase younger readers. But the publisher suffered a setback last month when it reported declines in both print and digital ad revenue. While Chief Executive Mark Thompson said he expected digital ad sales to rebound in the current quarter, he held out no such hope for print....

NRA Comes To Trump's Defense With Anti-Hillary Ad (Video)

Edit Opposing Views 11 Aug 2016
Supreme Court justices (video below). The NRA tweeted on Aug ... Senate. On Aug. 10, the NRA released a new ad attacking Clinton (an actress played her) for being wealthy and having armed security, notes POLITICO ... Cox and the NRA ad did not mention that Clinton has used professionally-trained security because she is a political figure who has received threats, and by law (now) is required to have Secret Service protection ... ....

Icelandic ad campaign receives international acclaim

Edit Iceland Monitor 11 Aug 2016
Keep Focused (Höldum Fókus), a memorable campaign that contributed to increase road safety and raised awareness of the dangers involved with drivers being distracted by their mobile phones, just received its latest commendation when the campaign was nominated in two categories for the Digital Communication Awards in Berlin ... ....

Hawaii resort adding luxury, three-screen movie theater

Edit Business Journal 11 Aug 2016
An upscale three-screen movie theater featuring a full-service restaurant and bar, cushy leather recliners and state-of-the-art sound and projection equipment is coming to Queens’ MarketPlace at the Waikoloa Beach Resort on Hawaii's Big Island ... The resort theater complex will create about 45 new jobs. Guests… ... ....

Comment on Mayoral candidates deploy attack ads by lespark

Edit Star Advertiser 11 Aug 2016
1-State Department releases emails tying Clinton to Foundation while Secretary of State. Pay for Play. 2-Iran Scientist executed. Clinton implicated. 3-No comment on $400 million ransom payment. 4-Siddique Mateen endorses Crooked Hilliary Clinton. 5-Mayor of Fairfax, VA accused of meth for sex endorses Crooked Hilliary. 6-Parents of Benghazi killed file suit against Clinton for defamation, ... ....

Comment on Mayoral candidates deploy attack ads by Death_By_Snu_Snu

Edit Star Advertiser 11 Aug 2016
If everyone here could agree on one person that would be the best Mayor for Honolulu, I will pay everyone $1 million. Go ... ....

Comment on Mayoral candidates deploy attack ads by Rite80

Edit Star Advertiser 11 Aug 2016
The votes on the council were generally 8-1 in favor of the pay raises with Charles Djou the only no vote. Despite voting no Djou took every pay raise. At least the other council members were honest about taking the pay raise ... ....