Regia -
Andry Verga
Sceneggiatura -
Igor Ferro
Aiuto regia -
Fabio Cuccé
Direttore della fotografia -
Stefano Giovannini
Supervisione ai testi -
Giuseppe Sergi
Voce narrante -
Vittorio Bestoso
Trucco, effetti speciali -
Vanessa Ferrauto
Riprese aeree e steadicam -
Dory Costantino
Grafica e animazione -
Marco Mion
Operatori di ripresa - Mirko
Avella, Andry Verga, Stefano La Bruna
Operatore video crane -
Andrea Mascherino
Effetti video compositing -
Franco Oberto
Musiche originali - Igor Ferro, Mirko Barbesino
Musiche medievali -
Paolo Lova e Corale polifonica En
Clara Vox
Operatore video backstage - Dory Costantino
Fotografie di scena -
Sara D'Incalci,
Desy Gabella
Realizzazione grafiche
DVD, cover e illustrazioni – Luca Imerito
DCP Sandro Dominici
Grafiche e sito internet DSWEB.Lab -
Simone Liore,
Davide Aletti
Giuseppe Sergi
Luigi Bettazzi
Giovanni Bertotti
Marco Notario
Franco G.
Claudio Maddio
Elisabetta Signetto
Laura Ciocchetto e Beppe Simonetta
Pietro Bertoldo
Lorenzo Marchese –
Arduino d'Ivrea
Pietro Bertoldo – Enrico II
Valter Fascio – Warmondo d'
Fabrizio Bertoldo – Pietro di
Samuele Oggianu – Emerico da
Vittorio Muià – secundus miles
Lucille De Santis –
Berta degli Obertenghi
Speculum Historiae
Motta di
Confraternita del Dragone
Confraternita dell'Orso
Cavalieri del
Corvi di
Equites Duellatorum
He was a very well known and important man, opposing the
Church, until his excommunication, but at the same time he was the builder and founder of churches and Abbeys, and he died almost a saint in 1015, exactly
1000 years ago.
His story is tightly tied to that of the northwestern part of
Italy, in the surroundings of
His town of origin was Ivrea, and Ivrea is also the town where the open source project Arduino was born. Can we think that Ivrea has a special soil, giving birth to such great ideas, women and men?
Maybe, who knows…but history so far has shown a special kind of fertility in these grounds.
A recent project, called “Re Arduino -
Sans despartir”, has given birth to a mixed movie, the result pf mixing documentary parts and fiction bits representing real and historical facts; and to a short volume, about one hundred illustrated pages, called “I luoghi di Re Arduino tra storia e leggenda” (Arduino’s places between history and legend), written by Franco G. Ferrer and published by Atene del
Canavese, a local publishing company.
The movie introduces, through historical reenactments and images; interviews to historians, professors, writers and people passionate about history, to the legendary traditions about king Arduino and to enchanted places. At the same time it will help understand what was historical reality and what was later added and invented in the centuries following his death.
To make a long story short, Arduino was born in 955 ca. from Dadone, the
Count of
Pombia, and from one of the daughters of Arduino Glabrione.
In 990 he became marquis of Ivrea and, with the favors of the countryside gentry, he battled fiercely against
Peter, Vercelli’s
Bishop, until he personally killed him in 997, and this cost him the excommunication by Warmund (Varmundus), Ivrea’s bishop.
He didn’t submit, though, and, upon
Ottone the
Third’s death, he managed to be crowned
King of Italy in
Pavia, on
February 12, 1002, and to be recognized as king by northern and central Italy.
After a long siege in the Sparone fortress, he won back his prestige in the
Western part of Italy, therefore the imperial crowning (second descent) of
Henry II in
Rome (1014) was followed by a revolt of partisans on the side of Arduino. He apparently gained the favors of all of the nobleman in north Italy , but the opposition of Bonifatius,
Marquis of Tuscany, and of
Milan’s Bishop,
Arnulf, and a serious illness made him quit the royal insignia and become a monk in Fruttuaria
Abbey in 1014.
"Re Arduino - Sans despartir" è un abbinamento editoriale Libro + DVD non vendibile separatamente
contatti e info:
- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 1857